GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
A modern choice! Thermal power: 120, 150, 200, 250, 300 kW External dimensions: 3 x 5 m (EW model 3,5 x 5 m), height 3,8m Weight: approx. 6,5 - 10 t Silo: 14 m3, (EW model 17 m3 Stoker: Hydraulic stoker with direct feed spring dismantler Equipment: Electrical installations and plumbing ready, hydraulically operated silo roof, acid-proof pipe
As production spaces grow, the need for thermal power also tends to increase. A cattle farm uses plenty of hot water, and little piggies can not survive without heating, either. In such cases the AgriContPower boiler house is the right solution. AgriContPower is made for thermal powers between 120 and 300 kW which effectively solves the heating issues of most spaces. Summer usage on low partial power is a problem for most but even then, the AgriContPower works reliably thanks to the highly developed MegaKone Oy control system. Another significant factor in ensuring reliable operations is the hydraulic spring dismantler which is the fastest and most powerful in the market. A large fuel silo enables long filling intervals and the large range of fuel choices ensures effortless and affordable heat generation. Good resale value, taxation benefits and easy exchangeability make the AgriContPower an unbeatable investment. AgriContPower is quick to set up; it is a factory-ready and fully equipped heating station. Just connect the heating channels and electrics and the ja AgriContPower is ready to generate low-cost heat. Placed separate from other buildings, it is also always safe. You can forget about building on-site! Our vast range of accessories allows all our heating stations to be customised to suit your specific needs. Easy, isn’t it?
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
Thermal power: 120, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400 kW External dimensions: 3,0 x 6,6 m (W model 3,5 x 6,6 m) (EW model 4,0 x 6,6 m), height 3,8 m Weight: approx. 8,5–12 t Silo: 24 m³ (W model 27 m³), (EW model 30 m³) Stoker: Hydraulic spring dismantler with a rotary feeder Equipment: Electrical installations and plumbing ready, hydraulically operated silo roof
An efficient and low-cost heater for large spaces! MaxiCont is the right choice for the heat generation needs of agriculture, industry as well as property companies. Its large silo ensures long filling intervals whether you use woodchips, briquettes, sod peat or pellets. The W and EW models equipped with back doors and a ramp enable easy filling directly from a trailer. Even the standard MaxiCont is a highly equipped heating centre. Its hydraulic spring dismantler feeds fuel without interruption, a rotary feeder stops the burning gases from flowing backwards and the automatic ash screw keeps the combustion chamber clean. A movable grate burner is also standard in MaxiCont and naturally also the AgriCont. How else could you use sod peat or even grain as fuel? The vast selection of heating centre accessories ensures the right package for all users; a GSM alarm system alerts you to any possible disturbances such as running out of fuel with clearly-worded SMS messages, logic control with flue gas oxygen level measuring (lambda logic) burns fuel cleanly and completely thus ensuring significant savings in fuel. All of our heating station models can now be equipped with a remote access system thanks to which the controlling and adjusting of heating can be easily done through an online browser. And to install it, all you need is an internet connection; no extra software is required! With MaxiCont, it is easy to make the transition from oil to woodchips. When using the MegaKone heating stations you are never only relying on one type of fuel – you can always choose the most cost-effective option. The MaxiCont heating station is placed at a safe distance separate from other buildings.
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
For the independent builder! Thermal power: 120,150, 200, 250, 400, 500 External dimensions: MegaSilo 11 2,4 x 2,4 and MegaSilo 16 2,4 x 3,5 MegaSilo 40 4,0 x 4,0 Weight: min. 3 t Silo: 11 m3, 16 m3 or 40 m3 Stoker: Hydraulic stoker Equipment: Hydraulically operated roof, burner and screw size selectable, control according to power, hydraulics
MegaSilo is excellent for an independent builder who already has a usable boiler room. MegaSilo is typically installed outdoors. It has an effective hydraulic spring dismantler and a hydraulically operated roof. Depending on the size of the burner, the screw is 135-165193 mm with an openable feed pipe. MegaSilo is equipped with a logic control panel of our own production. With the MegaSilo, you will also get the integrated GSM, remote access over the internet, automatic pulse fire extinguisher system as well as the other equipment in the heating stations. If you want to install the devices completely indoors, the hydraulic spring dismantler base with a rotating feeder is the solution for you
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
MegaModule External dimensions: Made to order. Equipment and devices: Made to order.
Our prefabricated modules are excellently suited for various industrial purposes: geothermal heating stations pump stations control rooms break rooms Different sizes and colour options are available upon order. The modules can be delivered pre-electrified and they are equipped and furnished to suit each customer’s wishes. Pictured: a module made for Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka, a geothermal heating company.
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
A powerhouse for professionals! Thermal power: 300, 400, 500 kW External dimensions: 4,0 x 9,0 m, height 3,8 m Weight: 15–17 t Silo: 39 m3 Stoker: Hydraulic spring dismantler with a rotary feeder Equipment: Electrical installations and plumbing ready, hydraulically operated silo and boiler room roof, free-standing acid-proof pipe
MegaCont is a heat generation solution particularly designed for the needs of thermal engineering businesses and industry. MegaCont is at its best as a heating plant or as a heat generator for large green houses. MegaCont is made in thermal powers of 300 kW to 500 kW. Its quick and easy setup, versatile range of fuel options, short repayment period and high exchange value make MegaCont an excellent choice when making the transition to using domestic fuel. Cleaning the flue gases with cyclone and combustion chamber vacuum regulation allows the boiler to reach its maximum potential. The MegaCont heating station is always fully equipped, all you need is to add the fuel! All the MegaKone Oy heating stations are available in a number of colours and also in a wooden panel finish. Matching the heating station to the colour scheme of the other buildings has never been this easy.
II GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
II & II COMPACT Thermal power: 700, 990, 1400, 2000 kW External dimensions: (4,4 + 4,4) x 12,0 m, height 3,9 m or 4,5 Weight: 20 + 30 t Silo: 106 m3, 126 m3 Compact 60 m3 Stoker: Hydraulic Agrimaster速 dismantler rod with a rotary feeder Equipment: Electrics and plumbing completed, a hydraulically operated silo and boiler room ceiling. Free-standing acid-proof pipe. Cyclone-cleaning of flue gases.
A professional powerhouse with a large silo! MegaCont II is the heat generator for large properties. The silo is equipped with an Agrimaster速 dismantler rod which effectively brings the fuel to the screws in the centre of the silo. If you want a two-boiler solution, two screws can be installed side by side in the silo. Both boilers can be used either together or independently, fully utilising the silo in both cases. The two-boiler solution works excellently when the heat requirement varies or grows very minimal. The MegaCont silo is 106m3 or 126 m3. Fuel options include woodchips, sod peat, pellets, briquettes or whatever happens to be the most affordable option at a given time. The 2 MW MegaCont is as quick and easy to set up as the smaller AgriCont models. Naturally the entire package comes with a guarantee and the operational reliability of a standard delivery. MegaCont II Compact is made in thermal powers of 300 kW, 400 kW and 500 kW. Another, independent boiler can also be installed at a later date as a special delivery. Compact is the right choice when the MegaCont:n 39 m3 silo is not sufficient in capacity. As a feeder, the Compact uses the hydraulic Agrimaster速 dismantler rod of the large MegaCont.
GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
MegaTila building services centre External dimensions: 2200 x 2200 x 2500 Weight: 1500 kg Handling: 4 lifting lugs on the top edge Equipment: Switchboard for home, heating, heat recovery ventilation + options Control: All functions are connected to the logic control system Fire safety: Class EI 60 partitioning, IV air ducts isolated with fire dampers Piping: Pre-installed on the wall and equipped with shut-off valves. Filling set and expansion vessels. Electrics: The electric wires of the building are connected to the centre’s terminal blocks. Air conditioning unit: Installed on the wall. Ducts equipped with fire dampers and pre-installed all the way to the ceiling. Approval: CE marked Country of manufacture: Finland
MegaTila is a factory-ready building services centre with a steel-structure. Among other functions, it contains the household heating, the main distribution board and ventilation with heat retention. The building services traditionally come from a few different suppliers and and are either located in a dedicated space or scattered around the building. All MegaTila technology is located in the same fire-resistant space, integrated into the logic control. You will not need to worry about the challenges and surprises of building on-site. MegaTila is lifted onto the foundation in the construction stage. The electricity and heating connections are run through the top and bottom. The air conditioning ducts are connected to the fittings on the top of MegaTila. Once connections are made, all that is left to be done on site is to pour in the concrete for the floor, to waterproof the space and tile the floor. The space also has a drain. Simple and trouble-free! Construction phase heating, drying as well as electricity supply can be set up and utilised quickly. The MegaTila space is effectively utilised. No wasted space yet enough room for maintenance. The total cost of MegaTila is known at the point of purchase. This spares you from unwanted extra expenses that could be brought on by delays and unforeseen costs.
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W and EW models −− The W model is 0,5 m wider than the standard model (MaxiCont EW 1,0 m wider) −− larger silo capacity, especially useful if the boiler size is >120 kW −− easy to load even with a wide snow bucket
Hydraulic burner 80 - 120 - 150 kW with mobile fire grate −− enables the usage of ever-affordable sod peat and grain as fuel −− pushes the melted and petrified ash off the grate whilst stoking the fire
Automatic sweeping with > 300 kW compressed air −− keeps the boiler clean and improves efficiency −− mechanical sweeping is standard equipment in < 300 kW tube boilers −−
Automatic one-piece ash screw −− keeps the combustion chamber clean thus reducing maintenance work −− operating time is proportional to fuel feeding amounts
Water exchanger −− standard in all the MegaComp boilers < 150 kW −− in proportion to the size of the boiler −− also includes a primary pump
Mixing valve −− enables adjusting the heating circuit temperature from the heating station −− mixing valves can be installed to a number of heating circuits
UPS logic device −− ensures the functions of logic, measurements, alarms and the pulse extinguisher system also during power cuts and sends an alarm in case of a power
Rotational ash removal screws −− recommended with automatic sweeping −− reduces sweeping work
Flue gas cyclone 300–1500 kW −− effectively removes fly ash from flue gases −− the inbuilt blower is easy to clean
Additional pipe outputs −− enable separate heating outputs for different buildings −− heating circuit can be shut down separately
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GSM alarm centre −− sends a clearly-worded SMS if any of the following occur: motor protection fails, fire dies down, boiler overheating head goes off, draining boiler cover switches off the operation and if the screw pipe or silo temperature rises above the set limit
Dryer equipment −− in proportion to the boiler thermal power −− primary circuit pump installed −− glycol filling of secondary circuit −− secondary circuit does not need to be emptied for winter
Progressive boiler surface measurement −− sends an SMS if the tank drains under the permitted limit −− shows the degree of fill-up on mobile screen
Remote access system −− access and adjust operations online −− no separate software needed −− the logic and screen programs can be easily updated directly from the factory
Energy measurement
Ash bin approx. 800 l
−− measures outgoing energy −− useful when selling energy
−− The ash bin is easy to empty and can be equipped with front loader compatible reducers −− large capacity and long emptying intervals
CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY OF FACTORY PRODUCTION CONTROL No: 0038/CPR/HEQ/6021181/1/ SCHEDULE Manufacturer: Megakone Oy Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa Finland
MEGACONT 500 kW with extra silo
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järv i 45 GSM 0500 666 867 tel (06) 487 4700
Hellanmaantie 601 62130 Hellanmaa
inä jok
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