Year 1 | Issue 1 | Sept. 2020
My dream is to see India as the number one country on the poultry map of the world. An industry driven by technology, innovation and self-reliance, to provide the farmer total support for poultry development, to enable the industry to play a major role in global markets, to be one of the greatest contributors and to see a big future for the poultry industry.” A DREAM WITH A DIFFERENCE Few have the determination to cherish their dream, nurture it and translate it into reality. One such man was Dr. B.V. Rao. Through sheer hard work and conviction he transformed poultry from a simple cottage enterprise into a truly integrated industry - all in a period of 25 years, inspired and greatly supported by his wife Smt. Uttara Devi Rao who had started a small poultry business in Hyderabad in 1969. The dream took shape in 1971with the setting up of Venkateshwara Hatcheries Ltd – The Flagship Company of the VH Group. Since then there has been no looking back. Nurtured and developed under the genius of Dr. B.V. Rao, Venkateshwara Hatcheries Ltd. went on to become one of the largest and most integrated poultry group in the world. It is for this reason that Dr. B.V. Rao is often referred to as the Father of Modern Poultry in India. He was awarded India's highest civilian award - THE PADMASHREE in 1990. National Citizen's Award conferred by Shri Rajiv Gandhi for outstanding Contribution Towards the Development of Rural India Through Poultry and Innovative Techniques, in 1988.
THE INSPIRATION Behind every man's success there is a woman SMT. UTTARA DEVI RAO, a warmhearted lady with an iron will inspired Dr.Rao to venture into what was a mere backyard activity and to transform it into a modern vibrant industry.
Dr. B.V. Rao's dream for the Indian farmer today is a reality. That same farmer now looks at the VH Group as a source of leadership and technological expertise. As pioneers in the field, the group has won several national and international awards. Soaring into the new millennium under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Rao's daughter Chairperson Smt. Anuradha Desai the group has met with unprecedented success and In this way the VH Group strives towards its goal in keeping with its philosophy and in keeping one mans dream alive - FOREVER
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
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Dr. Mayank Rohan
(M.V.SC.PHD-Tamil Nadu)
(M.VSC, IVRI, Izatnagar, PHD Scholar WBUAFS.Kolkata)
(PHD Scholar Animal Genomics Lab, Animal Biotechnology)
Dr. J.Subhashini
Dr. Nidhi Madnawat
(M.V.SC/Teching Assistant Pudukkattai)
B.V.SC & AH Veterinary Science (Technical Services-Cargill Premix) Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Articles >>> Chicken Antibodies Help Fight Against Covid-19
Smart Poultry Management
M. Arul Prakash
How Poultry Farmers Can Take Care 09 of Their Farm in Rainy Season
Different rearing systems of Poultry in rural areas
J. Subhashini
Heat stress in poultry farms
Mayank Roshan
Importance and Procedure of Audit at Poultry Sector
Dr. Manisha Singodia
dM+dukFk fpdu iksYVªh QkÉex fctusl 17 dSls 'kq: djsa] blds ykHk o dher D;k gS
Dr. O.P. Dinani
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Dr. O.P. Dinani
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Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Chicken Antibodies Help Fight Against Covid-19
ntibodies produced in chicken eggs could lead to a better diagnostic test for COVID-19. We are using the immune system of the chicken to produce antibodies against the COVID-19 virus," said Bruce Rathgeber, associate poultry professor at the Atlantic Poultry Research Centre on Dalhousie University's Agricultural Campus in Canada. Joining Rathgeber in the announcement was Jonathan Zuccolo, president of Canadabased AffinityImmuno Inc. "Our research is focused on determining if proteins from the surface spikes of the virus injected into chickens will produce antibodies that are useful for developing tests to screen for the presence of the virus," Rathgeber said. Chickens as Models Chickens are a popular model for research involving the protein antigens of humans and other mammals. Compared to rabbits or other
Combating COVID-19
animal models, one chicken can produce an enormous number of antibodies, which are proteins that. Help fight off and prevent future infections. They also can produce antibodies cheaper and faster than other methods. In addition, chicken antibodies are harvested from the egg yolks, so we don't have to collect blood like you would if you were using a mammal such as a rabbit or mouse." Zuccolo said."Typically, one egg can yield about half a milligram of specific antibody," he said. "For perspective, this is enough anti-body to make about 1.000 virus tests. Harvesting from chicken eggs results in a very high-purity antibody that can be used in a Hide range of applications."
Researchers at the Dalhousie poultry research center will send the egg yolks of chickens injected with egg yolks of chickens injected with a s y n t h e t i c CO V I D - 1 9 s p i ke protein created in China to AffinityImmuno, a Canadian p r o v i d e r of R & D s u p p o r t services for biological drug discovery. Spike proteins are a key component in helping the virus stick e to human cells to human cells. The injection is safe to the birds because it is only a virus protein, not the complete virus. In addition. Research has shown that chickens are not susceptible to COVID-19. Not the complete virus. Scientists at Affinitvlmmuno will then extract antibodies from the egg yolks and evaluate their use in a simple-to-use diagnostic test for the virus. The test could also be used to identify biomarkers that predict the chance of reinjection, identify biomarkers that predict the chance of reinjection, the researchers said.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
M. Arul Prakash*, R. Divisha and C. Soundararajan *Assistant Professor, PGRIAS, TANUVAS, Chengalpattu-603 203, Tamil Nadu, India
Precision poultry farming (PPF)
Precision poultry farming consist of three separate functions like sensing and monitoring, analysis and decision making, and intervention. It facilitate automation of these processes by decreasing the need for manual observations and human decision making, greatly decreasing the time and effort needed to manage large numbers of birds. PPF allows birds to be to be monitored and managed in real-time, and for management to be carried out on the smallest individual unit, sometimes as a single bird approach. This allows producers to manage larger numbers of birds and take care of each and every bird in the stock. The individual animal management on large poultry operations can be implicated by the poultry house environment, precision feeding systems, and poultry welfare.
s the world's population increases, demand and need for poultry and its products will continue to increase. To meet this demand, production to be increased by increasing the stock density and manage more birds without affecting its welfare. But due to the shortage of labour and increasing biosecurity practices will make it very difďŹ cult for producers to monitor the production, health, and welfare status of all their birds. Engaging smart poultry management systems is necessary to increase production while minimizing costs and the use of resources. Smart poultry management systems include precision poultry farming technologies such as smar t sensors, automation of farm processes, and data driven decision making platforms will have great implications for poultry production in the areas of the poultry house environment, bird welfare, precision feeding, and rapid detection of infectious disease. This individual bird management system in big commercial farms will surely enhance production in the poultry industry.
including carbon dioxide and ammonia. Temperature and relative humidity levels can impact bird health; additionally, relative humidity levels are known to be linked with concentrations of ammonia and carbon dioxide gas in poultry houses. When levels of these gases increase, a decrease in production and bird health issues may occur. Currently, several technologies for monitoring environmental variables in which multi-sensor systems capable of tracking temperature, air velocity and differential pressure in broiler houses have been shown to effectively assess barn ventilation system function (Bustamante et al., 2012). Robotics are another potential technology that could be used to monitor and maintain the environment of poultry houses by monitoring remotely and decreasing the need for human workers to enter the poultry h o u s e , t h e re b y e n h a n c i n g biosecurity.
A. Environmental monitoring systems The environment of the poultry house is an important factor for production it has to be m o n i t o re d a n d o p t i m i z e d . Environmental factors include t e m p e r a t u r e , a i r v e l o c i t y, ventilation rate, litter quality, humidity and gas concentrations,
(Robotics in Poultry farms)
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Smart Poultry Management
B. Precision feeding systems Feeding on poultry farms is an important aspect of raising poultry and it is an area where precision feeding technologies can have a major impact on p ro d u c t i o n . T h e s y s te m i s developed to regulate the release of feed to individual birds, one at a time, based on the weight of the bird that is seeking feed. This style of feeding also allows for numerous feeding periods per day which has been shown to enhance feed conversion compared to the standard once daily feeding. This system can weigh individual birds while simultaneously using radio frequency identification from a wing tag to track their feed intake more precisely.
for bird welfare to be assessed; like digital imaging, vocalization analysis and infrared thermal imaging. Capturing the movement patterns of broiler chickens in poultry houses with digital imaging technologies enables measurement of chicken activity, which can be used as an indicator of wel fare s tatus . Another method that is being explored as an indicator of poultry welfare is vocalisation analysis, which uses the sounds that birds produce as an indicator of health and welfare. Infrared thermal imaging is an imaging technique that can be used to assess poultry body temperature with minimum invasiveness. Infrared thermal imaging can be used to detect c h i c ke n t e m p e r a t u re a f t e r
diagnosis and detection of infectious disease. Wearable sensors for disease detection can determine any infection in chickens by detecting changes in p h y s i o l o g y a n d m o ve m e n t patterns significantly when a bird is infected. Biosensors are another type detect or semploy a bio receptor that uses a fixed molecule, including proteins, nucleic acids, or other materials, that is capable of detecting the presence of an entity (pathogen, protein, nucleic acid and others) in a sample and can transduce this recognition into either a visual or electrical signal. Conclusion
C. Welfare monitoring systems Prominent concern of the poultry industry is maintaining appropriate bird welfare standards. The ability to understand the welfare status of large numbers of birds can be made feasible with the implementation of new technologies. There are many noninvasive technologies that allow
changes in diet, poultry house environment and stress levels. D. Sensors in disease diagnosis Poultry diseases can pose a significant health threat to both animals and humans. Smart poultry management practices can mitigate the risk of infection and disease through rapid
Practices in the poultry industry have already been advanced by the implementation of advancements but precision poultr y farming technologies in various areas, including automated systems for weighing birds and determining feed and water consumption, in addition to poultry barn imaging technologies for bird behaviour analysis. These technologies will continue to be developed and will allow producers to increase the size of poultry production systems and raise more birds leading to greater levels of production. Now, it is need of an hour to adapt and invent new etechnologies for the improvement of poultry industry.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
disease is caused by bacteria called Pasteurella multocida. It's a ver y awful disease because sometimes you can't see it's coming, but to find your chicken dead. However, in not so much hyper acute course, there are clinical sign that you can see, include diarrhea, appetite loss that can lead into anorexia. Ÿ
With the arrival of monsoon, farmer needs to give a little bit more care and attention towards his crops along with the livestock. As we know, poultry farming is continuously growing as the most profitable agribusiness across the globe including India. However, monsoon comes as a challenging season for poultry farmers which could be very tormenting. As rainy and cold season brings changes in temperature and weather conditions, and it leave a deep impact to the poultry farm. You need to know that weather conditions play a vital role in poultry farming as well. Hence, as a poultry farmer, it is very important to learn how to operate poultry farm during rainy seasons.
cause death in chicken. Mosquitoes and other bloodsucking insects are the main agent for this disease and we all know that rainy season is the perfect weather for them to multiply.
Infectious Bursal Disease (Gumboro)
This is one kind of viral infections among immature birds, which as old as 3 to 18 weeks. Usually, this d i s e a s e t a rg e t s t h e b u r s a l component of the immune system of your chicken that can cause immunosuppression and susceptibility to secondar y infections. Ÿ
May observe a decrease in Eggs Production
Understand the Diseases Rainy season can bring diseases not only for human, but for animals as well. The dripping water from many sources can bring many bacteria that can make your chicken sick. Ÿ
Fowl Pox Fowl Pox which is caused by pox virus is really contagious and can
Fowl Cholera Different from Fowl Pox, this
Usually, chicken produce eggs in the daylight. During rainy season, the daylight will be less and it causes less in eggs production also.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
How Poultry Farmers Can Take Care of Their Farm in Rainy Season
Different rearing systems of Poultry in rural areas ¹J.Subhashini and ²S. Sabitha ¹Teaching Assistant, Institute of Agriculture, TNAU, Kumulur, Trichy ²Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Pudukkottai
Rural housing systems
Poultr y housing has two important roles. One is it allows to organize and concentrate the birds in a manageable unit. The other one is the poultr y house provides a physical micro and macro environment which is essential for optimum egg and meat production.
Rural housing systems of poultr y can be backyard rearing, semi intensive system and free range or scavenging system.
Among the poultry housing rural system of rearing poultry is an important constituent in diversifying agricultural production and increasing household food security. The chickens reared in villages acts as readily available animal protein source to rural households. Housing in modern poultry is an important input constituting the major component of initial capital investment. In modern poultry houses, the structures are constructed and designed considering the birds health and production efficiency. Rural housing is at the developmental stage where housing is provided to village chickens with the available materials such as wood, mud, bamboo, sugarcane stems etc.,
Backyard system of rearing poultry
The birds are reared in the backyard of the homestead. Here, there is an area that is fenced either with Bamboo, mud wall, thorn bushes etc., and birds forage within this area. Backyard rearing is mostly seen in villages, but in some houses in urban areas a l s o re a r c h i c ke n i n t h e backyard. In this system of rearing, the birds are fed with kitchen waste and food residues. They scavenge and eat termites, ants, earthworm and insects. During the dry seasons the birds are provided with rice bran or wheat bran
mixed with rice starch and other vegetables. The eggs are laid within the boundary and birds are safer from predators than those that are out in range. These birds are provided with shelter that protects them from predators and from inclement weather. If the farmers are close to the c i t y, t h e b i r d s a r e e v e n provided with a balanced feed along with the scavenging material. During dry seasons, the birds are hand fed provided with feed or grain bye products. Semi intensive system
In the semi intensive system of rearing, the birds are allowed to move around during the day time and they are kept confined during the night time. This system is followed where the space for rearing is less; the birds are reared at 10 to 20 square meters per bird of
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Free range or scavenging system Free range system is the scavenging system of rearing poultry in which the birds are allowed to move freely instead of being confined in a place. Birds under scavenging conditions feed on grains like maize, jowar and millets to meet their energy requirement and depend on grains offered by flock holders in early part of
the day. In addition the birds scavenge to prey on insects, worms, larvae, snails, termites, maggots etc to satisfy the protein, vitamin and mineral needs. But the diversity in climate can influence the feeding pattern in different geographical locations. These free range chickens must have access to open air daily. These chickens are given continuous access to an outdoor range during daytime and at night time they can be confined in a temporar y shelter. In India many of the bird's shelter is on trees. Only the birds with young chicks are given some shelter and provided cover using bamboo basket. These free range chickens grow more slowly than intensive chickens. Here the poultry are raised on pastures; enabling the birds to move around, forage for their natural food. The manure from these free range birds can be used in crops as a fertilizer. These birds grow slower and have opportunities for
exercise. Though less growth rate is seen, the chances for natural behaviour such as pecking, foraging exercise outdoors as well as fresh air and daylight are benefit to these scavenging birds. Free range chickens have better leg and heart health and much higher quality of life. Excess heat, cold or damp can have harmful effect on birds and their productivity. Diseases are common and the animals are vulnerable to predators. A flock of 15 chickens produce 1.0 to 1.2 kg manure per day. These aspects contribute to village economy. Conclusion The rural system of rearing poultry provides supplementary income to household women with less input by the householders. In these systems management is less with more productivity. The birds reared in this system are more disease resistant compared to others provided protection of birds from scavengers.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
outside run. The space can be divided giving a run on either side of the house of 5 to 10 square meters. The system is used more in ducks and turkeys. The floor in the run can be cemented with litter or it could just be a sand floor. The run is fenced by using wire, bamboo are any other local material. The birds are moved to the pen during the night and protected. During day time the bird are let out in to the run area and kept there till evening. The pen and run areas should be cleaned regularly once the birds are let out of them. Under semi intensive system of rearing poultry, the birds are provided with feed and clean potable water. Inside the pen area, the feed could be a well balanced mash or pellet, or it could be of household waste, vegetable waste mixed with some cheap grains and by products of grains.
Heat stress in poultry farms Mayank Roshan Ph.D. Scholar Animal Genomics Lab, Animal Biotechnology Center, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal (HR).
H e a t s t re s s i s a n o n - s p e c i fi c physiological response of the body when exposed to high ambient temperatures, which can break the balance of body redox and result in oxidative stress that affects growth performance as well as the health of animals (Ruizhi Hu et al., 2019).Heat stress may also be defined as h y p e r t h e r m i a ( e l e va t e d b o d y temperature) in which, the physiological systems of the body fail to regulate the body temperature within a normal range.
The thermoneutral zone is the range of environmental temperatures that an organism can maintain their body temperature. For most poultry, the thermoneutral zone is between 60 and 75 F. T h i s z o n e re p re s e n t s t h e temperature range where heat production is lowest.
Heat Stress in Poultry Birds are 'heat stressed' if they have difficulty achieving a balance between body heat production and body heat loss. This can occur at all ages and in all types of poultry. Heat stress occurs when the bird's core body temperature increases to fatal temperatures because of poor heat loss and limited coping means.
How is body heat produced? Heat is produced by metabolism within the body, which includes maintenance, growth and egg production. Heat production is affected by body weight, species and breed, level of production, level of feed intake, feed quality and, to a lesser extent, by the amount of activity and exercise. Identification of Heat Stress in Birds One of the first signs commonly noticed is a decrease in feed intake
paired with an increase in water intake. Birds that are heat stressed may spread their wings to increase air flow and are often more sedentar y. Laying hens, egg production decreases along with egg quality parameters, such as egg shell thickness, egg weights and Haugh unit measurements. If the hens produce brown eggs, the shell color will become paler. Broilers show a decrease in body weight gain and feed conversion. Birds that have experienced heat stress have lower meat quality when processed, showing lower p e rc e n t p ro te i n a n d h i g h e r inclusion of fat in the breast muscle, as well as a decrease in overall breast muscle weight (Melesse et al., 2013) Signs of Heat Stress in Chickens Ÿ
Labored breathing and panting
Pale combs/wattles
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Lifting wings away from body
Causes of Heat Stress
Decreased appetite, drop in egg production, reduced egg size, poor egg shell quality, reduced body weight, and increased cannibalism (Nardone et al., 2010; Dayyani and Bakhtiyari, 2013).
Heat exhaustion may be attributed to several etiologies occurring singly or in multifactorial forms. Environmental factors like:
Increase water consumption.
Lift their wings away from their bodies to reduce insulation and expose any areas of skin that have no feathers
Modes of Heat Loss in birds
High rainfall and subsequent rise in humidity leading to decreased sweating and breathing for heat dissipation.
A high solar radiation level due to absence of natural cloud cover may predispose animals to heat stroke.
Heat can be lost in a variety of ways
been related with poor meat c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of b r o i l e r chicken and loss their quality (Zhang et al., 2012). Ÿ
Effect on reproduction : There is depreciation in reproductive performance of poultry in heat stress due to disturbance the thermore-gulatory mechanisms, might be modulated at the level of the hypothalamus and pituitary (Saarela et al., 1977).
Effect on the immunological responses: At elevated temperature synthesis of T and B lymphocytes and suppression of phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes occurs Lower levels of total circulating antibodies and lower levels of specific IgM and IgG in broiler under heat stress were reported ( Nathan et al., (1976)
Extended period (> 5 days) having minimal air circulation
Approaches to alleviate heat stress poultry
Evaporation: This is very important at high temperatures as poultry do not sweat but depend on panting. Radiation: Body heat transferred to surrounding environment decreases with raised temperatures. At 40°C surrounding temperature it's almost zero heat loss. Conduction: Very little transfer of heat as contact surface is small. Convection: The bird will spread the wings and raise the feathers to get more air movements on the skin to increase convection.
leading to consistently harsh environment. Ÿ
Warm cloudy nights might also increase the risk of heat stroke as the animals dissipate the heat energy during night.
Consequences of Heat stress in poultry Ÿ
Effect on poultry production: Exposure to radiation leads to depression of chemical composition and meat quality in broilers industry. Exposure of high temperature during the growing phase of broilers has
The following approaches might be helpful in preventing heat stroke cases in dair y, meat, working, pets and zoo animals: Ÿ
Ventilation System: Good ventilation system is essential for heat stress management. During hot weather, adequate air speeds must be accomplished through the use of fans and tunnel ventilation. Ensure the plenty of fresh, clean water. Place water in a shady area to prevent evaporative loss.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Acts as an antioxidant Ÿ Reduce synthesis and secretion of corticosterone Ÿ Improve absorption of Cr Ÿ
Stimulates insulin release
Improve blood glucose utilization Ÿ Improve ascorbic acid tranport into cells Ÿ
Nutritional management: Decrease in feed intake and increase water intake of poultry under hot climate to control the body temperature. Supplementation of minerals in form of electrolytes like ammonium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride in drinking water of poultry are beneficial effect under heat stress condition Supplementation of vitamins and antioxidants: Birds need to be provided with adequate a m o u n t s of a n t i ox i d a n t s , vitamins and trace minerals regardless of stress status. Protection from the sun: Shade, mister s, and even wading pools are a welcome relief from the heat.
Conclusion It has been observed that heat stress immensely affects the commercial poultry production through reduced feed intake and high mortalities. The
negative and adverse effects of heat stress on broilers and laying hens, reduced growth and egg production to deteri o r a te e g g q u a l i t y. O ve r a l l , modern-day chickens are more susceptible to heat stress than their jungle fowl ancestors. Genetic selection and housing have drastically changed the way birds are raised and managed. Therefore, measures need to be taken to ensure that they are provided with adequate heat abatement practices, such as effective ventilation and air flow, immune supportive therapies and proper nutrition. References Hu, R., He, Y., Arowolo, M.A., Wu, S. and He, J., 2019. Polyphenols as potential attenuators of heat stress in poultr y production. Antioxidants, 8(3), p.67. Melesse, A., S. Maak, H. Pingel and G.V.Lengerken. 2013. Assessing
thethermo-tolerance of five commercial layer chicken genotypes under longterm heat stress environment as measured by their performance traits. J.Anim, Adv. 3(8):254-264 Nathan, D.B., Heller, E.D. and Perek, M. (1976). The effect of short heat stress upon leucocyte count, plasma cor ticosterone level, plasma and leukocy te ascorbic acid content. Br. Poult. Sci. 17: 481–485. Saarela, S., Hissa, R., Hohtola, E. and Jeronen, E. (1977). Effects of methyl-para-tyrosine and temperature stress on monoamine and metabolite level in the pigeon. J. Therm. Biol., 2: 121–126 Z h a n g , Z . Y. , J i a , G . Q. , Z u o , J. J. , Z h a n g , Y. , Le i , J. , Re n , L . a n d F e n g , D . Y. ( 2 0 1 2 ) . Effects of constant and c y c l i c h e a t s t r e s s o n m u sc l e metabolism and meat quality of broiler breast fi l l e t a n d t h i g h m e a t . Po u l t . Sci., 91: 2931-2937.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Dr. Manisha Singodia¹, Dr. Devi Singh Rajput¹, Dr. Neeraj Kumar Sharma¹ and Dr. Lokesh Tak² ¹Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education ²Department of Livestock Products and Technology Introduction A serious threat to intensive animal production is that the unwanted and often-unwarranted attention focused on possible lack of care of individual animals within an oversized farm. Par ticipation by industr y in an approved audit process can serve to realize several benefits. It provides documented evidence of top quality animal care by identif ying and monitoring equipment, animal and personnel issues related to with quality animal care. If thoroughly utilized at the farm level, the audit process is probably going to lead to an improvement in husbandry practices. The implementation of audit documentation is additionally likely to lead to improved production thanks to the demonstrated link between welfare and production, as has been demonstrated in a very previous project. Quality Assurance programs within industr y currently focus predominantly on animal health and food safety and there is a necessity, coinciding with a more informed and demanding customer base, to expand these programs to incorporate animal welfare issues so industry remains sustainable into the following century. Similarly, there will be a necessity within the future to incorporate environmental audits into Quality Assurance programs. An outsized n number of the problems that breeders target on daily, including animal health, production and food safety, also relate to animal welfare, although this information was not previously formalized within one document. Broiler companies already provide considerable information on maintaining high levels of animal welfare and producers, in their daily
tasks, already largely implement this information. Audit of Different Accounts Ÿ
Audit of cash
Audit of accounts receivable
Audit of inventories
Audit of plant equipment and property
Audit of different charges and assets
Audit of liabilities
Audit of income statement accounts
Once the audit starts, the auditor will confirm the scope of the audit and provide a brief description of how it will proceed. For on-farm audits, the auditor will review the farm records, discuss the implementation with you and tour the farm to assess compliance with the program.
Before finishing the audit, the auditor will complete a report. This report will list any corrective actions with completion dates that are agreed on by you and the auditor. You will get a copy of the report.
If must to work on corrective actions, the auditor will founded a time with you for a follow-up audit. When the follow-up audit is completed, a report will be issued and you will be asked to sign a declaration indicating you will keep implementing the programs.
The auditor then provides his/her recommendations and reports to the certification agent.
Audit Procedure Before undergoing an on-farm audit, should complete the pre-audit checklists for both programs to assess how prepared for a true audit. Make sure can answer each question. Ÿ
During an on-farm audit, auditors will follow strict bio security guidelines to stop contamination. Auditors must take preventive measures to make sure that they are doing not present a bio security risk to farm by parking in a ver y designated area, preventing crosscontamination, wearing clean coveralls and boots, getting rid of the clothing and footwear in an suitable location, and by following any additional bio security measures. Normally, when an audit are going to be occurring, and also the date are going to be determined s u p p o r te d t h e a u d i to r s a n d availability; however, the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) reserves the correct to work supported on their rules and regulations, which suggests farm might be selected for a random audit.
Internal and External Audit Program The internal audit should be viewed as an opportunity to improve, not just another nuisance to endure. The internal audit should be an unbiased assessment. The internal audit should
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Importance and Procedure of Audit at Poultry Sector
be a full review of the programs. An internal audit should be more intense than the external audit. With an external auditor on board, the business stakeholders, relevant revenue and other committees can be assured of a thorough investigation into an organization's finances and accounting processes. Figure 1. Internal and external audit programmes. S.NO.
HACCP plans
HACCP records
Transportation/ shipping/ receiving
Purchasing/ supplier approval/ specification
Equipment and maintenance
Fund plans
Expected outcomes
Recall and operational plans
Quality management system
Self-assessments in the audit Ÿ
Animal-based measures are direct indicator s of animal welfare examined through observation of individuals, which include such measurements as feather condition, feet condition and behaviour. Resource-based measures assess the environment and facilities and include such measurements as feeder and drinker space, litter quality and stocking density. Protocol-based measures evaluate current policies and protocols that are in place on the farm. This i n c l u d e s re v i e w i n g s t a n d a rd operating procedures outlined emergency and euthanasia protocols and mortality and culling records.
It is also important to stay in mind that audit are only a snapshot in time. This implies that auditors might not be ready to view every aspect of farm and cannot be able to know what happens on farm for the other 364 days of the year. Auditors and audits are often limited to evaluating a subpopulation of the farm and should not observe all individuals or houses but auditors are ready to gain a clear picture of the farm, as they will select a representative sub-population of the flock to assess. Although utilizing subpopulations is typical for an external audit to save time, it is recommended that all self-assessments evaluate the entire flock, as this will help you understand if flock is meeting the requirements. This proactive approach to improving bird welfare ahead of time by making decisions based on the results of selfassessment (e.g. moving animals to the sick pen, adjusting environmental conditions to decrease feather pecking) may also minimize chances of experiencing a non-compliance. Lastly, protocol-based measures are a section require particular attention and foresight before an auditor arrives. Standards that require documentation and operating procedures to be evaluated commonly result in nonconformances. However, this will be avoided with full comprehension of those standards and diligent preparation. Non-conformances related based measures can often be avoided by confirming that every one specifications associated to documentation are satisfied per the standards set forth by the audit. Unfortunately, these details are commonly overlooked when preparing for an audit. For example, under the Humane Farm Animal Care Animal Care Standards for egg laying hens, causes of mortality and culling must be documented. Overall, audits enable producers, processors, retailers and consumers to figure together towards improving
animal welfare and these programs demonstrate an overall commitment by the poultry industry to the present mission. Ÿ
Different requirements of the various inspection bodies. Some audits take half an hour, others take two or three, not counting the hours of preparation required. However, with the correct support, good paperwork and stockman ship, a producer can maintain a grade of 'audit fitness' that may save time and minimise disruption.
We think about audits as paperwork checks, but every aspect of a poultry farmer's business will come under scrutiny from a range of different auditing bodies, each with their own focus: from trading standards to bird welfare.
Readiness requires accurate and up-todate record-keeping in many areas, from pest control to staff training. New rules were brought in last year to make sure permanent audit readiness by layer farms, including annual audits, with a minimum being unannounced.
They also will audit Salmonella control, feed and water quality, vet care and drugs so your daily checks must be up to date and your records accessible.
Conclusion Poultry auditing programs in are intended to assure consumers that the animals their food comes from are raised humanely. The standards that poultry producers who participate in such voluntary programs are held to are written and/or reviewed by scientific committees affiliated with national producer organizations, retail companies and non-profit organizations. These details are commonly overlooked when preparing for an audit. Under the Standards for laying hens, causes of mortality and culling must be documented.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Healthiest Meat
25% More Protien
1% Fat Content
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Vaccination in Poultry Dr. O.P. Dinani, Assistant Professor Dept. of ILFC, College of Veterinary Science & AH Anjora, Durg, CG
Precautions during vacciation 1. Clean & cool water without adding any disinfectant or antibiotic should be used. 2. Skimmed milk can be added in water used for vaccination purpose. 3. Sufficient no of water should be used so that even bird sets the vaccine. 4. Withhold drinking water at least for 1 hrs before water containing vaccine administration. 5. Vaccine are to be stored at refrigeration temperature 2-8 degree C. 6. Dose 7 route of vaccine should be strictly followed as per the manufacturers instructive. 7. Vaccination should be done during cool hours of the day (Morning / Evening) 8. Needle and syringes strilized in boiling water should be used. Don't use chemical for sterilization. 9. Don't apply spirit / tincture Iodine at the site of inoculation of vaccine. Deworm the birds for every 3 months interval. Supportive vitamins (Stressvel) need to be given after every vaccination to reduce vaccination and handing stress.
Vaccination Schedule for Broilers S.No 1. 2. 3.
Name of Disease Marek's (MD) Ranikhet disease (RD) Gumboro
Type of vaccine HVT
Primary vaccination Day old Chick 5-7 days
0.2 ml
S/C or IM
Lasota / F1
1 drop
Lukert / Georgia
1 drop
Booster dose – 4-5 weeks
14-21 days
Vaccination Schedule for Layers S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Name of Disease Marek's (MD) Ranikhet disease (RD) Ranikhet disease (RD) Gumboro disease (IBD) Gumboro disease (IBD) Infectious bronchitis(IB) Fowl pox Infectious coryza Fowl cholera Spirochaetosis EDS 76
9. 10. 11.
Type of vaccine HVT
0.2 ml
S/C or IM
Lasota / F1
1 drop
0.5 ml
Eye/nostril oral I/M
Lukert / Georgia Inter mediate Massachustts
1 drop
Pigeon pox vaccine --
0.5 ml
Eye/nostril oral I/M oral Eye/nostril oral I/M in wing web I/M
0.5 ml 1 ml 0.5 ml
0.5 ml 1 drop 0.2 ml
Primary vaccination Day old Chick 5-7 days
Booster dose – 4-5 weeks
8 week
18 week
14-21 days
4-5 week
4 week
14 week
4 week
14 week
6 week
14-16 week
8 week
12 week
8 week 7 weeks 16-18 weeks
12 week --
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
National News
India's poultry farmers seek $2.7 billion of relief after COVID-19 panic
Suguna foods helps tackle India's COVID19 crisis by boosting egg production
shifted some of our farms to increase the production of vitamin-D eggs, an essential vitamin required by the body. As we work to expand our own production, we are also working with governments and others to priorities, triage and redirect supplies to serve the most critical needs and areas.
Poultry taboo is one more social barrier for women and girls in parts of India
A c c o rd i n g t o re p o r t i n g f ro m Bloomberg News and the Deccan Herald, farm gate chicken prices have slumped by as much as 70 percent in March compared to January prices. Poultry farmer and Chairman of the International Egg Commission Suresh Chitturi explained that the drop forced many farmers to cull their flocks, causing huge losses. Though prices have recovered, banks aren’t willing to lend to farmers. Chitturi estimates that farmers need $2.7 billion in loans. Bank financing forms a critical component of India’s poultry industry, which is worth an estimated $14 billion. He warns that the industry won’t survive without the funding. Many farmers are at risk of defaulting on their existing loans which are worth approximately $3.3 billion. We were beaten by [social media] rumors which almost killed the poultry business.” Chitturi says. We don’t want any freebie,” says Chitturi, “we just need the cash to expand and we will pay back the money. We have seen an increase in demand recently and prices are also good because of a shortage in supplies. husband sells vegetables for a living.
India’s largest poultry conglomerate, Suguna Foods announced that it has ramped up the production of vitamin-D enriched eggs, the first of its kind in the country, as part of its relentless commitment to support the public health response and protect their well-being. Available across the company’s flagship Suguna Daily Fresh outlets and other supermarkets, these super specialty eggs provide 82 percent of the daily value of vitamin-D in a single egg which is a critical component in the current health crisis due to COVID19. Since March, Suguna Foods has significantly increased production of vitamin-D enriched eggs across the country. With a strong R&D team that focuses on nutrition, Suguna produces clear and nutritious vitamin-D eggs which are the most inexpensive and the healthiest protein source that helps maintain a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle for people of all age groups and health conditions. Commenting on the development, Mr. Vignesh Sundararajan, Executive Director, Suguna Foods Pvt Ltd, said: Since the outbreak began, we have worked relentlessly with a commitment to continue delivering products of the highest quality to help improve the immune system which remains critical in this crisis. And we have
In India, tribal communities have been involved in rearing backyard poultry since time immemorial – long before the government and development agencies counted it as a form of livelihood and a key component of food-security policy. It's a ubiquitous activity among tribal families living in India's rural and forested areas, who will typically be rearing a dozen or so of chickens in their backyards. The birds will usually be a native breed, and, while most of them are for family consumption and festive occasions, households will also sell a few of them to outsiders. Chicken is part of many cultural events and rituals among tribal communities. As is the case in so many other parts of the country, this is the practice in the Kondh tribal community of Odisha – concentrated mostly in the district of Kandhamal and par tly in Kalahandi and Rayagada districts. Consumption of chicken meat and eggs in the Kondh community, however, is influenced by taboos and stigma.
No chicken for women and girls C h a n d r i k a K a n h a r, 3 0 , o f Kandhamal's Dadadimaha village rears about a dozen birds – both hens and cockerels – in her backyard,
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
don't see the novel corona virus getting transmitted through any specific food. We eat cooked to avoid other kinds of viruses…this virus (COVID-19) is not linked to food. People can eat chicken…non-
ICMR is the apex medical research body in India and has been conducting tests to detect corona virus across its wide network of labs at the state level and regional level across the country.
The clarification from ICMR comes in the wake of widespread fears about eating non-vegetarian food amid corona virus outbreak.
The association also informed the vice-president that false news about the threat to the poultry industr y was creating panic among the people
vegetarian food, ICMR said today in a press conference. The clarification from ICMR comes in the wake of widespread fears about eating nonvegetarian food amid corona virus outbreak. Today, a delegation led by Bahadur Ali, chairman, All India Poultry Breeders Association also called on the vice president of India, M Venkaiah Naidu, and apprised him of the problems faced by the poultry sector due to the widespread fear among the people. The association also informed the vice-president that false news about the threat to the poultry industry was creating panic among the people and resulted in a massive reduction in the consumption of poultry products. Quoting American biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton, the vice president said the fear of Corona virus was more deadly than the virus itself and said that all forms of rumor-mongering must stop, according to a separate press statement. The vice president had
to fulfill the consumption and cultural needs of her family. But the social norms of her community don't allow her to consume either chicken meat or egg. Often female villagers in Kandhamal and other parts of the region are rearing small numbers of chicken to feed their families and fulfill their cultural needs, but they are prohibited from eating the birds themselves. Their communities' customs don't allow some women to eat either chicken meat or eggs. It’s a taboo! Post puberty girls and women of reproductive age, below 50, don’t consume chicken meat and eggs. In fact, they are barred by community norms,” says Nrupati Majhi, 45, of Kanakpur village in Kalahandi district. “We do not know why such restriction is there. According to Diksha, a behaviorchange communication specialist with the Odisha chapter of Care India, the reasons for such gender-based poultry proscriptions have often been forgotten and are “unknown to anyone in the community. It very much looks unscientific and discriminatory,” she says. As part of a project promoting nutrition-focused agriculture with a food-systems approach, Diksha has b e e n w o r k i n g w i t h t h e t r i ba l community for four years. It grossly deprives adolescent girls and women from their basic right to easily available food and nutrition,” she says, “as rearing chicken birds is common to every tribal family. And, the most important point is that girls and women of these age groups are prohibited to consume chicken meat and eggs when they really need nutritional intake for better reproductive health.
The Indian Council of Medical Research on Friday clarified that eating non-vegetarian food items will not cause corona virus. ICMR is the apex medical research body in India and has been conducting tests to detect corona virus across its wide network of labs at the state level and regional level across the country. We
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
National News
Go Ahead, Eat Chicken! Icmr Clarifies On Eating Habits Impact On Corona virus
National News
also advised ICMR to issue an advisory to allay the fears of the people on the consumption of chicken and eggs. The minister of state for finance and corporate affairs, Anurag Thakur, has also been asked to look into the matter as wrong information in the matter can hurt the poultry industry.
Non-vegetarian Food Doesn't Cause Corona virus Infection: Giriraj Singh On Rumours
wholesale market, he said. An order issued by the Lucknow District Magistrate recently on maintaining general hygiene in the poultry sector was "misread “and "misinterpreted" in the media which created further panic among people, he added. The consumption of Indian poultr y products including eggs is safe and a general hygiene, however, must be maintained," Singh said. Minister of State for Fisheries, Dairying and Animal Husbandry Sanjeev Balwan also urged people not to believe such rumors spread through social media. Even maize and soya farmers are affected as these products are used as animal feed in the poultry sector, he added.
McDonalds, Pizza Hutt and Dominos, The report claimed Venky's sells colitis to farmers in India as a growth promoter with instructions saying the product “improves weight gain” and 50 grams should be added to each ton of chicken feed. The Bureau bought 200g of Coils V – a Venky Celestin product – over the counter from poultry feed store in Bangalore without a prescription, In Europe, Celestin is only available to farmers if prescribed by a vet for the treatment of sick animals. Venky's is not breaking the law by selling Celestin in India and said it would comply with any future regulatory changes: “Our
Indian poultry farming and global superbugs The central government on Friday asked people not to pay attention to false rumors that the novel corona virus was spreading through nonvegetarian food like eggs, chicken, mutton and seafood. Union Fisheries, Dairying and Animal Husbandry Minister Giriraj Singh said even the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) as well as the Indian food safety regulator FSSAI have said there was no scientific evidence to prove transmission of corona virus from animals to humans. The false rumor has hit thousands of farmers engaged in this business. The livelihood of farmers and the people engaged in the entire value chain have been affected. I humbly request people not to fall prey to such rumors, Singh told reporters, the industry has estimated about Rs 2,000 core a day loss in the poultry sector alone as prices of chicken have declined by about 70 per cent in just a month alone to Rs 30 per kg in the
Intensive poultry farming and the widespread use of antibiotics in India has come under renewed criticism this week following the publication of a repor t by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, The study found evidence of considerable use of the antibiotic colitis, which is described by the World Health Organization as “critically important to human medicine, The WHO has said it should be restricted in animals and banned as growth promoters, Yet, the report found thousands of tones of veterinary colitis were shipped to countries including Vietnam, South Korea, Russia and India in 2016 and 5 animal pharmaceutical companies in India are openly advertising products containing colitis as growth promoters, It highlighted the Indian company Venky's, which is also a major poultry producer, supplying meat directly and indirectly to fast food chains in India, such as KFC,
antibiotic products are for therapeutic use – although some of these in mild doses can be used at a preventative level, which in turn may act as growth promoters, We do not encourage indiscriminate use of antibiotics,” it added, Timothy Walsh, a global exper t on antibiotic resistance, called the Bureau's findings and the availability of Celestin deeply worrying, Professor Walsh, who is professor of medical microbiology at Cardiff University, discovered a Celestin-resistant gene in Chinese pigs in 2015. The gene, mcr-1, could be transferred within and between species of bacteria. That meant that microbes did not have to develop resistance themselves – they could become resistant just by acquiring the mcr-1 gene, Celestin is the last line of defiance. It is the only drug we have left to treat critically ill patients with a
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
India's envoy to U.S. says current trade talks first step to a comprehensive bilateral trade pact
Poor allotment for poultry industry
The absence of any announcement for poultry industry in the Union B u d g e t h a s d i s a p p o i n te d t h e o rg a n i z a t i o n , A . K . P. C h i n r a j , p r e s i d e n t , Ta m i l N a d u K o c h Pannaiyalargal Sang am, said that the allotment of Rs. 10,000 core for animal husbandry and fisheries depar tment was not adequate enough. He expressed disappointment at the absence of announcements on subsidy for export of eggs, bringing down the tax rate for the bank loans procured by the poultry unit owners, provision of rice lying in poor condition in the central government god owns to the poultry units at subsidized rate, concession in goods fare for the transportation of cattle feed in the goods train.N. Elango, president, Namakal District Small and Tiny Industries Association, expressed disappointment at the absence expected concessions for the MSME sector
National News
carbapenem-resistant infection. Giving it to chickens as feed is crazy, Celestin-resistant bacteria will spread on the chicken farms, in the air surrounding them, contaminate the meat, spread to the farm workers, and through their faces flies will spread it over large distances he warned.
India's ambassador to the United States said on Thursday concluding current negotiations on a limited trade deal would be a crucial step towards a comprehensive bilateral trade pact between the two nations.“First step to realise trade partnership is to conclude ongoing trade negotiations,” said Taranjit Singh Sandhu during a virtual summit organised by an industry body.India and the United States have been struggling for more than a year to conclude the limited trade deal, sparring over higher tariffs and New Delhi's policies on e-commerce and data storage.Sandhu said the two nations were engaged in talks to get greater access for agricultural products in each other's markets. Washington has been pressing New Delhi to roll back higher tariffs on a slew of farm products such as almonds, walnuts and apples.
India's doctors call for stricter meat industry rules to prevent future pandemics According to reporting in The Print, hundreds of doctors sent a letter to
Harsh Vardhan demanding stricter meat industry regulations to avoid future pandemics.The letter cites the likely origin of the COVID-19 pandemic: a wet market in Wuhan, China. The letter calls for a ban on such marketplaces due to their ability to spread deadly viruses. The latter also calls for the closure of slaughterhouses that do not follow India’s Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) guidelines or established norms under India’s 2001 s l a u g h te r h o u s e r u l e s .“ S e ve r a l studies reported that banning the storage of live poultry in live markets at least for a short period of time for overnight drastically reduced the ability to isolate the avian influenza viruses by 84 percent compared with the standard procedures. Such studies show that a permanent ban on the live markets will help in the prevention of such zoonotic diseases
Chickens at this Poultry Farm in Kerala are Bringing a Revolution, One Green Egg at a Time Malappuram: Apar t from lush meadows, thick green foliage, green ladoos on victory of Muslim League, Kerala’s Mallapuram town seems to have a new tryst with green- this time eggs with green yolk laid by hens.Seven chickens in Shihabudeen’s poultr y farm in Malappuram’s Kottakkal are have surprised everyone by laying eggs
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
National News with green yolk . The chickens, slightly smaller in size than the normal ones, show no unusual behaviour other than this. Raw and cooked eggs show no change in colour.It started nine months ago when a hen laid the unique egg with green yolk . Shihabudeen was surprised by the unusual site and waited for the eggs to hatch to see if there is anything unusual about the process. But there was none.He suspected the poultry feed to be the cause of initially. Shihabudeen’s poultry houses different breeds of chicken. It is assumed that the green eggs occurred from the genetic changes of cross-breeding. However, the veterinarians suggest a scientific study on it.The news has brought curious folks queue outside his home to buy the rare eggs. Seven out of the 20 chickens are laying eggs in this unusual pattern at present and Shihabudeen is making plans for increased production to meet the demand-supply needs.
Cari to study viability of biomass as protein substitute for poultry Bareilly: The Central Avian Research Institute (Cari) is
planning to explore the viability of b i o m a s s a s a n a l te rn a t i ve to protein-rich food in poultr y farming, Biomass is a collective term for all plant and animal materials used in energy production. Scientists said that biomass is also produced as a byproduct while conver ting refinery waste gases into ethanol through gas fermentation process and contains 80% proteins. Hence, Cari has recently signed an MoU with the Indian Oil Corporation R & D c e n t r e i n Fa r i d a b a d t o conduct a research on whether it is safe to replace biomass as a protein source in poultry diet. Cari d i re c to r S a n j e e v K u m a r s a i d , “Protein is the costliest constituent of poultry feed. We are planning to study whether the refiner y b y p ro d u c t f ro m . I O C c a n b e utilized as a cheaper alternative protein source for poultry birds. The project will be of one-year duration and cost around R s 10.7 lakh. Scientists said that they would study the safe inclusion evels, palatability and growth of poultry birds on feeding biomass. Cari principal scientist Sandeep Saran said, we will extract and process the protein from biomass and nd study its impact on poultry birds. If we do not find any negative performance, we will recommend it as a protein substitute.”
BPC calls for government to prioritise British farmers during procurement
The British Poultry Council is calling for the government to give the UK's food industry an opportunity to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Government to invest in and provide food for those who need it the most. In its written evidence to the EFRA select committee’s recent enquiry on public procurement, the British Poultry Council has said, “The UK needs a public procurement policy in place that prioritises British, to ensure access to safe, wholesome and nutritious food for UK citizens. Providing grown to world-class British standards in schools, hospitals and prisons reinforces the need for access to good food grown to good standards for ever yone in the country. Government must make a concerted effort to buy food from those in this country who invest in meeting those standards.” “It must promote British food and give public procurers the support to source it as their first choice. Public procurement will never sustain the British food industry on its own, but buying British sends out a message; not only to our producers, retailers, and consumers, but also to other nations, that we believe in and back our standards, our food, and our businesses.”
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
International News
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Egg Benets The popular morning snacks, eggs, are loaded with an array of nutritional benefits that makes it a first choice of everybody to have in breakfast. From scrambled to poached to boiled or simply to an omelette, eggs are consumed and found irresistible all over the globe. The article below explains about some of the amazing health benefits that we can enjoy by consuming eggs.
Essential for Brain Health Eggs are a rich source of choline, which acts as neurotransmitters to improve the cognitive health and this way, eggs are helpful in maintaining the brain health. Moreover, even the egg yolk is rich in folate, which maintains the nerve cells, thereby inducing brain to function properly. The vitamin B12, found in eggs, shields the brain by producing myelin sheath, which protect it from neural tube defects.
Maintains Body Weight Protein-rich eggs must be taken by those, who want to gain muscle weight. It has been found that consumption of eggs helps in avoiding overeating, thus maintaining a healthy body weight.
Good for Eyesight Lutein and zeaxanthin are two carotenoids, which essentially works towards keeping the eye vision healthy. These compounds safeguards eyes from cataract, macular degeneration, and ultra violet rays.
Easy to Digest Eggs are easy to digest, when eaten poached and boiled, and hence, improve the immunity of the body.
Sharp your mind Egg has Omega-3 Fatty Acid and good Vitamin B-12 in it, which is good enough for our brain . this vitamin helps to enhance or memory power.
Makes the Bones Strong Eggs are an excellent source of vitamin D, which is essential for the assimilation of calcium in the body. Furthermore, the presence of calcium and phosphorous put off osteoporosis and are benecial in augmenting the bone solidity.
Improves Nails and Hair Health Eggs have been found to include sulphur-rich amino acids, which not only improve the quality of nails, but also make your hair beautiful and strong. Other minerals, like selenium, iron, and zinc are equal contributors in maintaining hair and nail health.
Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer According to several studies, consumption of six eggs a week reduces the danger of breast cancer to a great extent. Almost by 44%!
Good for Pregnancy Consuming egg daily fullls the ¼ shortness of vitamin and minerals that a pregnant lady needs and helps in perfect growth of the child.
Multivitamin With only 70 calories and packed with 14 essential nutrients which your body needs, an egg is a nutrient-dense food. Nutritionally, eating an egg is like taking a multivitamin pill.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Prices Name
Today Price
Yesterday Price Difference
Today Price
Yesterday Price Difference
Ranchi (CC)
Punjab-T (Suggested)
Midnapur (KOL)
Burdwan (CC)
Gujrat (Suggested)
East Godavari
Rajasthan (Suggested) 391.00
West Godavari
West Bangal
Barwala (Necc)
Barwala (Suggested)
Muzaffurpur (CC)
Brahmapur (OD)
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Egg Prices
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Spicy Chicken Miso Stir-Fry Ingredients Ÿ 2 cloves garlic, chopped Ÿ 2 serrano chiles, thinly sliced Ÿ 1 tbsp. chopped, peeled fresh ginger Ÿ 2 tbsp. vegetable oil Ÿ 1 1/4 lb. skinless, boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1/2-inch chunks Ÿ 2 tbsp. white or yellow miso Ÿ 2 tbsp. water Ÿ 4 green onions, sliced Ÿ 3 c. cooked riced cauliower
Directions 1. In 12-inch skillet on medium, cook garlic, chiles and ginger in vegetable oil 3 minutes or until garlic is golden, stirring. 2. Add chicken breasts and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper. Cook 4 minutes. 3. In small bowl, whisk miso and water until smooth; add to skillet along with green onions. Cook 3 minutes or until chicken is cooked through, stirring occasionally. Serve with cooked riced cauliower.
Mutta Bajji | Egg Bonda | Stuffed Egg Pakora Ingredients Ÿ Hard boiled eggs 4; sliced in half Ÿ Pepper powder 1/2 tsp Ÿ Garam masala 1/2 tsp Ÿ Salt to taste Ÿ Oil 2-3 tsp Below ingredients to be nely chopped Ÿ Shallots 4-5 Ÿ Green chillies 2 Ÿ Curry leaves 1 sprig Ÿ Ginger chopped 2 tsp
for cover (dipping the egg) Ÿ Maida 2-3 tbsp Ÿ Rice our 1tbsp Ÿ Water 3-4 tbsp Ÿ Salt to taste Ÿ Oil to deep fry
Method Hard boil the eggs with enough water and salt for 7-10 minutes. Drain the water and add cold water to the eggs, leave for 3 minutes. Then peel the skin off, clean under running water to remove any struck egg shell. Cut in halves, separate the egg yolks and egg white, keep aside. Heat a pan, add 2tsp oil and add the nely chopped ingredients listed above. Saute until slightly wilted and browned. Add in the spice powders on low ame and saute. Switch off ame, remove this mix in a plate and add the egg yolks to this mix. Crumble the egg yolks and mix with the onion mix. Fill this mix in the egg whites, keep aside. Make a batter using maida and rice our,add salt and water. Make a thick batter to coat the eggs. Heat a kadai with atleast 2" deep oil(if deep frying). I opted to shallow fry, which takes slightly longer to evenly brown the sides than deep fry.Wait till the oil gets heated. Now dip each prepared egg in the prepared batter. Using a spoon, transfer this to the kadai. Let the bajji get cooked well, ip both sides till its lightly browned. You can add as many as the space of kadai permits in one batch. Don't over crowd the wok/kadai. Repeat the same steps till you nish making all. Serve warm with tomato ketchup or any spicy chutney.
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
Poultry Vision | Year 01 | Issue 01 | September - 2020
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