His Serene Highness

His Serene Highness Prince Joshua Edward Dylan, Count of Münnich and Reutern, Baron of Nolcken, , (born on 5 April 1987) was commonly known as Josh Wood (between 1990 and 2014) is a British filmmaker, businessman and philanthropist
Jane Wood née Countess von Reutern von Reutern - Nolcken and Countess Eleanor Elizabeth Ann von Reutern ) and identical twin brother of Count Jared Hugh Francis (b April 8 - d. ).
however, his mother had decided to adopt her English ancestral name Wood instead, to give her children an easier childhood and privacy Joshua and Jared lived together with their mother in London until
In , they moved to the sunny shores of Los Angeles with their mother and their maternal grandmother Eleanor, Countess of Reutern. In the following year, Jared passed away due to health complications, leaving Joshua and his family heartbroken. In the year cancer at the age of raised by his grandmother
Joshua chose to pursue a film career in Los Angeles He began his journey as a production intern at New Line's headquarters on Robertson Boulevard in Beverly Hills Later, he took on the role of a floater, working in various assisting capacities before gradually rising through the ranks from production assistant to the esteemed position of executive in charge of production.
However, in , Joshua made a life-altering decision to relocate from Los Angeles to project in Moscow, Russia. From to a feature film and three TV-movies for the Russian State television - Russia One
His Serene Highness dedicated to revival and preservation of his family's illustrious historical heritage and legacy He currently resides in London, England.

g f p
KWE - Knight of the Imperial and Royal Order of the White Eagle
GCStA - Knight Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of Saint Anne GCStS - Knight Grand Cross of the Imperial Order of Saint Stanislav
6 - present
His Serene Highness Prince Joshua Count of Münnich and Reutern, KAN, KWE, GCSTA, GCSTS
(Germany) Seine Erlaucht Graf von Reutern (Italy) Sua Eccelenza Il Conte de Reutern (France) Son Excellence Monseigneur Le Comte de Reutern (Alternative) Count Joshua von Reutern
6 - present
(UK) His Serene Highness Prince Joshua Count of Münnich and Reutern (France) Son Altesse Sérénissime Monseigneur le Prince Joshua Comte de Münnich et Reutern (Germany) Seine Durchlaucht Joshua Graf von Münnich und Reutern (Italy) Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Joshua Conte di Münnich e Reutern (Denmark) Hans Højhed Prins Joshua Greven af Münnich og Reutern (Sweden) Hans Höghet Prins Joshua Greve av Münnich och Reutern (Norway) Hans Høyhet Prins Joshua Greve av Münnich og Reutern
1st Issuant from a Count coronet Or a pair of wings Azure each charged with three coins Argent (for Reutern for Curle); 3rd A wolf's head, erased, Gules for ( ).
Quarterly, first and fourth per pale, dexter Azure, sinister Vert a Chevron ermine between three thistles Vert blossomed Purpure (for Curle), second and third Argent, a canton Sable ( ), Azure, three naked savages ambulant in fess Proper in the dexter hand of each a shield Argent charged with a cross Gules and in the sinister a club resting on the shoulder also Proper on a canton ermine three lozenges conjoined in fess Sable (for Wood) with an inescutcheon with the family arms of the Counts of Reutern. Blazoned as: overall in the fess point an escutcheon per pale dexter Azure, a bend Or charged with three bees Azure and three coins Argent on either side (for Reutern, 1691); and Argent sinister, a three carnation flowers Proper growing out of a mount in base Vert (for Nolcken, 1694); on a chief of the third Or, a double-headed Russian Imperial State eagle displayed Sable, armed and langued Gules, crowned Proper; with an escutcheon Gules, a (AIII)
Order of St Andrew the Apostle the First-Called (Russia, 1890 and 1891).
Dexter, a Lion rampant regardant Argent; Sinister, a Griffin rampant regardant winged Argent.
Per Angusta Ad Augusta ( ).
Pendent from a circle of chain Or, a bee Azure crowned with a Count coronet Or

Joshua’s maternal ancestry descends from the politicians with traceable genealogy going back before the 950s
He is a grandson of His Excellency Count Boris Arved von Reutern - Nolcken, descendant of Baron Woldemar Ernst von Nolcken, who succeeded to the title of the C ou n t o f Reu ter n
His Excellency Count Michael von Reutern, who was in charge of railway network expansion in the Russian Empire from 1858 and who later served as the Imperial Minister of Finance (between 1862-1878), also as a member of the State Council of the Russian Empire (between 1881 1886), a member of the Imperial Privy Council and Secretary of State
Joshua is 8th cousin thrice removed of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.
Joshua is a great-great-grandson of Maj Gen. Hugh sixth ), and Matilda née Heneage, he was a General in the in South Africa (1900-1902) and Lieutenant-Governor of the Royal Chelsea Hospital (1923-1928),
Academy Sandhurst; and the Hon Alexandra Mary Elizabeth Wood, daughter of the Rt Hon Charles Lindley Wood, 2nd Viscount Halifax of Monk
Wood née Grey
Agnes Elizabeth Wood née Courtenay
Rt Hon William Reginald Courtenay, 11th Earl of Devon and Lady Elizabeth Courtenay née Fortescue,
four-times-great-grandmother, Lady Mary Wood née Grey related to Lady Louisa Elizabeth Lambton née Grey, ) and to her descendants
He is five-times-great-grandson of the Rt Hon Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, British Prime Minister, who notoriously fathered an illegitimate daughter by
lending his name to the fragrant tea imported from China, playing a leading role in the abolition of the slave trade, and introducing the Reform Act of 1832.
five-times-great-grandfather, Charles Grey, 2nd Earl Grey, Joshua related to the Earls Spencer and their notable descendants which include , Lady Diana
Fra nc es Sp enc er who m a rr ie d H R H Pr i nc e Prince of Wales (Joshua’s seventh cousin twice removed) in 1981 and later became known as H R H
s on s, Prince William and Henry of Wales both Joshu a ’ s six th cou sin s . Prince William of Wales married Catherine Middleton in 2011 and they became have two ch ildren, Pr i nce G eor ge a nd Pr i nce ss Joshua’s sixth cousins once removed.
2 n d E arl G re y related to the Dukes of Devonshire, Richmond, Northumberland, Marlborough, Leeds, St Albans; the Earls Grey and Earls of Durham, Pe m b r o k e, L i ve r po o l , M i n t o, A n t r i m a n d m a ny o t h e r s
He i s the t h re e - t i m e s -g re a t n e ph e w o f the Rt Ho n Edward Frederick Lindley Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax, who was known as Lord Irwin before his father's death, he was Viceroy of India, Foreign Secretary and prior t o t h e S e c o n d Wo r l d Wa r, h e s e r ve d as B r i t i s h
A m ba s s a d o r t o Washington.
Jo shua is the s e co n d co u s i n t w i ce re m o v e d of the Rt Hon Charles Edward Peter Neil Wood, the 3rd Earl of Halifax, KStJ, JP, DL, the father of his third cousins once removed, Lord Irwin (heir to the earldom) and Lady Joanna Victoria Wood, both godchilden of and Cornwall
His third cousin once removed, Capt Edward Sackville La ne -Fox (s on of Ma j or G e or ge Fra ncis La ne -Fox , descendant of ancient English family Lane and Helen Victoria Lane-Fox née Duff), served in the British Army before his appointment in the Royal Household in 2013 as the Private Secretary to His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales