R8 Property Presentasjon Q3 2019
▪ Økonomiske nøkkeltall ▪ Operasjonell utvikling ▪ Utviklingsportefølje ▪ Regnskap og balanse
Ă˜konomiske nøkkeltall
Økonomiske nøkkeltall Q3 2019 Tall i mNOK
Netto inntekter fra eiendomsforvaltning
Markedsverdi på eiendomsportefølje
2 164
Resultat før skatt
Operasjonell portefølje
Operasjonell utvikling ▪ Utvikling Q3-19 •
God utvikling på operativ drift, økning i leieinntekter og bedret driftsresultat.
Svakt negativ verdiendring på investeringseiendommer
▪ Utsikter Q4-19 •
Fortsatt bedring operativ drift, leieinntekter vil øke.
To nye investeringseiendommer forventes å bidra til en positiv verdiendring på den totale eiendomsporteføljen.
Eiendomsporteføljen Pr 30.09.2019
CORPORATE LEGAL SEGMENTS Q3-19 Area Occupancy (sqm) (%)
No. of prop. (#)
Market value Wault 1) (tNOK) (NOK/sqm) (yrs)
Annual rent Wault 2) (tNOK) (NOK/sqm) (yrs)
Net direct Net yield yield (valuation) (%) (%)
Market rent (tNOK) (NOK/sqm)
Of fice Urban Estate Hotels Total m anagem ent portfolio
56 124 27 300 9 049
88,5 82,6 86,5
17 6 2
1 095 500 465 500 303 000
19 519 17 051 33 484
3,1 8,8 12,9
66 216 30 899 14 041
1 180 1 132 1 552
3,0 8,9 12,9
5,6 5,0 5,2
6,3 7,1 6,3
82 320 45 142 21 457
1 467 1 654 2 371
92 473
1 864 000
20 157
111 156
1 202
148 918
1 610
Project Off ice Total project portfolio
16 149
300 750
18 623
16 149
300 750
18 623
108 622
2 164 750
19 929
Total property portfolio
1) Wault weight ed on propert y market value 2) Wault weight ed on annual rent
The calculation of net yield is based on the valuers’ assumption of ow nership costs, w hich at 30.09.19 corresponds to 10.0 per cent of market rent. When calculating net yield, maintenance and property-related costs are deducted from contractual annualised rental income, w hich is then divided by the market value. R8 Property has three on-going project, the new building Pow erhouse Telemark and Polymer Exploration Center, both in Porsgrunn, and Rådhusgata 2 AS located in Skien. All properties w ill be include in operating unit Of fice. Parking areas (sqm) are not included in this overview . Corporate legal segments in the table above f ollow the legal corporate structure of the group. Several of the properties are combined buildings and the actual rental conditions measured in square meters and rental income are presented in the table below .
OPERATING SEGMENTS Q3-19 30.09.2019 Of fice Retail Health care Food and Beverage Hotels Total m anagem ent portfolio
Area (sqm) 65 760 11 724 4 714 4 086 6 189 92 473
Wault 2) (yrs) 3,0 5,2 6,4 14,3 14,4 5,9
Annual rent (tNOK) (NOK/sqm) 73 073 12 614 6 139 7 615 11 717 111 156
1 111 1 076 1 302 1 864 1 893 1 202
Utviklingsportefølje Pr 30.09.2019 ▪ Powerhouse Telemark – pågående, ferdigstillelse estimert juni 2020 ▪ Eeks Gård Skien – pågående, ferdigstillelse estimert januar 2020 ▪ Polymer Exploration Center (tid. Application Center) – byggestart medio Q1-20 ▪ Skien Brygge – forprosjekt pågår
Regnskap og balanse
Nøkkeltall All amounts in NOK thousand Rental income Change period-on-period Net income from property management Change period-on-period Profit before tax Change period-on-period Profit after tax Change period-on-period Market value of the property portfolio Net nominal interest-bearing debt Loan to value Interest coverage ratio Number of shares
26 086 42 % 16 232 75 % 425 -97 % 25 -100 %
18 431 32 % 9 279 -11 % 14 157 130 % 11 795 152 %
70 149 35 % 40 927 1% 70 465 -1 % 60 733 3%
55 574 7% 41 090 1% 60 048 -16 % 47 944 -18 %
2 164 750 1 378 700 1 731 500 1 451 820 854 693 1 123 762 67,1 % 62,0 % 64,9 % 1,5 1,2 1,3 1 630 1 365 1 365
978 550 618 564 63,2 % 1,7 1 000
All amounts in NOK per share
EPRA NAV Change period-on-period EPRA NNNAV Change period-on-period EPRA Earnings Change period-on-period
405,1 10 % 365,3 6% 2,3 53 %
367,6 19 % 343,4 26 % 1,5 -47 %
377,4 16 % 346,7 20 % 8,3 -39 %
324,1 15 % 287,7 22 % 13,5 136 %
All amounts in NOK thousand
YTD Q3-19
YTD Q3-18
Rental income Other operating revenue Total operating incom e
26 086 3 785 29 872
18 431 1 425 19 856
72 551 9 358 81 910
49 638 7 428 57 067
70 149 13 581 83 730
Maintenance and other operating expenses Other property-related expenses Administrative expenses Total operating costs
10 280 18 3 341 13 639
2 814 242 7 521 10 577
29 942 480 10 973 41 395
11 940 605 14 919 27 464
17 876 877 24 049 42 803
Net incom e from property m anagem ent
16 232
9 279
40 514
29 602
40 927
Changes in value from investment properties Operating profit
-3 662 12 571
263 9 542
58 352 98 867
21 797 51 399
37 626 78 553
456 -11 500 -11 044 -1 102 -12 146
10 110 324 -8 149 2 286 2 329 4 614
2 087 -33 774 -31 687 -5 438 -37 125
10 110 817 -21 601 -10 673 7 874 -2 799
14 364 1 304 -30 350 -14 682 6 593 -8 088
425 -400 25
14 157 -2 361 11 795
61 742 -13 914 47 828
48 600 -8 853 39 747
70 465 -9 732 60 733
11 795
47 828
39 747
60 733
Share of profit of a joint venture Interest and other f inance income Interest and other f inance expense Net realised financials Unrealised changes in value of financial instruments Net financial item s Profit before tax Tax expense Profit for period/year Change in deferred tax on comprehensive income Total com prehensive incom e for the period/year
Verdiendringer (tNOK) 2 400 000
56 400
2 200 000 2 112 050
2 164 750 - 2 202
- 1 498
2 000 000 Verdiendring investeringseiendommer mNOK - 3.662 1 800 000
1 600 000
1 400 000
1 200 000
1 000 000 Verdi per 30.06.19
Oppkjøp og investeringer i porteføljen
Verdiendring prosjekt
Verdiendring operasjonelt
Verdi per 30.09.19
Balanse - eiendeler
All amounts in NOK thousand
Deferred tax assets Intangible assets Investment property Other operating assets Investment in jointly controlled entities, associates and shares Loan to associates and jointly controlled entities Other long-term receivables Total non-current assets
745 7 822 2 164 750 15 008 496 40 845 32 2 229 698
351 8 635 1 378 700 6 036 20 957 13 358 2 105 1 430 141
859 7 350 1 731 500 5 733 496 8 921 3 032 1 757 890
Trade receivables Other receivables Cash and bank deposits Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS
17 139 146 280 19 074 182 493 2 412 190
5 675 10 466 25 094 41 235 1 471 376
10 518 16 065 20 490 47 073 1 804 963
Balanse – egenkapital og gjeld All amounts in NOK thousand 30.09.2019
705 310 47 640 752 950
427 321 22 746 450 066
484 947 47 358 532 305
Interest-bearing debt Def erred tax liability Financial derivatives Debt to group companies Other liabilities Total non-current liabilities
1 153 561 83 493 16 832 41 473 1 295 359
726 699 74 418 10 114 811 231
953 718 71 647 11 394 1 036 759
Interest-bearing debt Trade payables and other payables Debt to group companies Total current liabilities Total liabilities TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES
298 260 65 622 363 882 1 659 240 2 412 190
127 995 82 085 210 079 1 021 310 1 471 376
170 044 65 854 235 898 1 272 657 1 804 963
Shareholders equity Non-controlling interest Total equity