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Improving with Confidence (Public Report 2021)
Welcome to the public report by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA). This document accounts for our activities and results in 2021. As an organisation that represents trust, we believe it is important for us to be transparent. This report is our way of informing our stakeholders about the execution of our core task: granting accreditation. As a national accreditation body, the RvA assesses the work of companies and institutions that test, inspect and certify, also known as the TIC industry. We do this on the basis of standards and schemes.

Roeland Nieuweboer and Joep de Haas
Moving forward with confidence: that is our motto. We continuously strive to further develop and improve our processes, services and collaborations. Improvement was emphatically the key theme in 2021. The RvA found itself sitting on the other side of the table, as it were, for two important assessment moments: the five-yearly evaluation by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and the four-yearly peer review by the EA (European co-operation for Accreditation). Two wonderful opportunities to find out what we are already doing well and where we can optimise further. Hence the title of this report: Improving with confidence.
Roeland Nieuweboer and Joep de Haas
RvA Executive Board