Licence to Learn - Issue 3, August 2020

Page 13

GUIDELINES FOR FLIGHT TRAINING SCHOOLS Flight training schools are required to refer to any local state or territory restrictions prior to operation. Flight schools should continue to abide by 1.5m physical distancing requirements as well as ensuring a maximum of 1 person per 4m2 when indoors. Safe Work Australia guidelines outline conditions in which businesses may not have to comply with physical distancing requirements, including when operating within an aircraft. Schools must ensure that they follow appropriate protocols to ensure the safety of their staff and students which includes conducting a risk assessment and minimising the potential for the spread of COVID-19. Further information can be found on the Safe Work Australia website. In order to support flight training schools, RAAus has created the following list of recommendations for continued operations which schools should consider implementing: • •

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Dual flights, including time spent in the cockpit, should be kept to the minimum required to complete the required flight CFIs, FTS owners and/or operators must regularly review the relevant state and federal links provided on page 17 to ensure the compliant ongoing operation of flight training, aircraft maintenance or private hire of aircraft at the FTS meets current COVID-19 guidance Temperature checks may be utilised prior to flight to confirm the health status of all participants Consider the use of protective equipment in cockpits Ensure mic covers are adequately cleaned between use or consider requiring personal headset use for all participants Consider extending the times between bookings to allow for appropriate decontamination of all areas and management of personnel Accurate records of instructor and student attendance on any given day must be maintained RAAus recommends implementation of protocols to ensure overcrowding does not occur and minimum physical distancing is

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maintained at the FTS premises RAAus recommends the use of appropriate hygiene protocols for all personnel at FTS premises and advise operators consider all participants use this prior to and post any flight activity Consider prescribing maximum numbers of personnel in attendance in FTS premises at any one time Consider implementing video or electronic communication processes for brief/debrief of Instructors and/or students pre and post the day’s activities to reduce personal interaction time Any student, pilot or instructor who feels unwell or has COVID-19 symptoms must notify their instructor and remain away from their RAAus Flight Training School facilities General health and hygiene measures must remain a priority throughout all interactions Where possible individual instructor/student pairing should be maintained for each training exercise Each student, pilot and instructor operating aircraft at their RAAus FTS should complete a RAAus COVID-19 Medical Declaration or equivalent which must be retained on file at the FTS health-declaration.pdf The FTS should implement a protocol for advisory information to relevant stakeholders if a participant at the FTS is confirmed as COVID-19 positive


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