Eretz hatzvi brochure 2016 (v8) mke2 final

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Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi













Passion for Torah Through Serious Study Torah is all about PASSION. Some people find their passion in GEMARA, while many find their passion in disciplines like TANACH, HALACHA and MACHSHAVA (Jewish Philosophy). To help you find your passion, we offer a diversified array of courses in a broad curriculum of Torah disciplines. With a textual emphasis focused on developing independent learning skills, shiurim do not only impart the subject matter, they give you the tools with which to follow your passion throughout your life.




OUR COMMITMENT IS LONG TERM Eretz HaTzvi is not just a life-changing gap year program, but a yeshiva that creates a close, warm and caring relationship continuing long after your year in Israel.


Stay Connected

We are committed to our alumni. No other yeshiva visits as many campuses as Eretz HaTzvi. On average we visit alumni on 15-20 campuses worldwide annually.


We are invested in you. It’s that simple. Only Eretz HaTzvi sponsors alumni for up to $1000 towards airfare to return to the yeshiva at any time while in university to re-immerse themselves in a two-week learning program.


EMPOWERING YOU TO FACE THE WORLD College Prep – Whether you choose YU or a secular campus,

universities are filled with opportunities and challenges. Eretz HaTzvi’s intensive college prep curriculum is designed and led by our faculty who are former campus rabbis and have first-hand experience with the issues confronting alumni; you will be prepared for what you will face after yeshiva. Universities aren’t all the same. Specific units are designed for students who will be at YU, British universities and campuses with smaller Orthodox populations. We successfully promote our students to take leadership roles in their communities and on campus.

Israel Advocacy – We are the only yeshiva that offers the unique Jerusalem

Center for Public Affairs Leadership Program in Israel-Arab studies. This Prime Minister’s Office award-winning program consists of research, lectures, field trips and shabbatonim. Students in the program meet with government officials such as Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, see a checkpoint up-close, meet representatives and activists spanning the political spectrum from Palestinian students at Bir Zeit University to residents of outposts in Yehuda v’Shomron.




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COURSE DESCRIPTIONS SAMPLE COURSES OFFERED: Each afternoon is divided into two periods each consisting of three to four electives. Mondays and Thursdays are devoted to Tanach, Sundays and Wednesdays to Halacha, and Tuesdays to Machshava. Some of the electives are offered in Hebrew.

HALACHA: Contemporary Issues

Social Justice, Social Responsibility and Social Change What does the Torah have to say about Social Justice? Social Responsibility? Sustainability and Environmentalism? Does Orthodoxy value and promote Tikkun Olam? This class will combine the study of current social issues in Israel and abroad through classic and modern Jewish sources. Topics covered will include: immigration, gun control, refugees, healthcare, poverty, egalitarianism, minority rights, racism, disabilities, prison reform, cruelty to animals, abuse, ethical Kashrut, indiscriminate warfare, torture and the environment.

Hilchot Medina We will explore the Halachic response to issues that have risen since the establishment of the State of Israel, including a section focusing on “Hilchot Tzava� (Army). Topics that will be discussed include: Jewish government, morality of warfare, collective punishment,


the releasing of terrorists in prisoner exchanges,

modern approaches. The emphasis will be on active

burial of gentiles in Jewish cemeteries and conversion

learning in a workshop format rather than a frontal lecture.


Sense and Sensibility: Intellect, Sentiment and Meaning in Halacha One of the greatest challenges we face today is applying Halacha to a changing world. What is behind the formulation of a psak Halacha? How do different poskim arrive at different answers to the same question? Are there considerations beyond the “pure” Halacha? In this class we will study a variety of contemporary Halachic issues and explore the considerations of different poskim. Topics include: a posek’s authority and its limitations, women in Halacha, attitudes towards non-Orthodox Jews, attitudes towards the State of Israel and more.

‫ספר מלכים‬ We will study this fascinating Sefer which depicts the period of the First Temple, from the coronation of Shlomo to the Churban. On the way, we shall meet some intriguing personalities and riveting events: Why is Shlomo the wisest of all men? If he was so wise, then why did he sin? We shall see the first national revolt, and study the split of the kingdom; a division unrepaired until today. We shall see how Rav Kook applied this revolt to modern Zionism. We will encounter the idolater Achav, and his evil wife Izevel. They struggle with Eliyahu - a fiery and zealous prophet. Who are these people? What motivated them?


‫ספר בראשית‬ Why did God create the world? What does it mean to be a human? Does God care about everyone, or just the Jews? We will read the first half of Sefer Bereishit with great attention to detail and the underlying themes, and will emerge with an entirely new way to learn Tanach.

Torah Interpretation Workshop We will take selected topics in the Torah and investigate different approaches, styles and methodologies of understanding the Torah. Students will be exposed to the different styles of midrash in Chazal, the different approaches of the classic Rishonim, as well as more



Courses in the first period allow students to grapple with major theological and philosophical issues. The second period focuses on the thought of great medieval and modern Jewish thinkers including the Rambam, the Kuzari, Rav Kook and Rav Soloveitchik. Some of the questions that will be covered in the first class: • Our role and responsibility towards other Jews:

To what degree are we called upon to be

responsible for the Judaism and spirituality of

those less religious/observant?

• Are we a separatist religion?

The inclusivity of Rav Kook vs. the separatism of Rav

Shimshon Raphael Hirsch: are we living in two

different worlds, or should our world be integrated?

What are the advantages and dangers of

each approach?

• Are Judaism and Halacha compatible with

Democracy and democratic values?

• Judaism and Post-Modernity • What is Modern Orthodoxy?

How does it differ from Conservative Judaism

and Chareidi Orthodoxy? What separates the left

and right wings of Modern Orthodoxy?

• Theodicy and dealing with the Holocaust • Prayer:

Does prayer “work”? If so, how is that possible?

Is that even the right question?


• Reasons for Mitzvot • Written and Oral Torah:

What is the relationship between them?

• Modern Biblical Criticism:

What is it? How should we relate to it?

• Hashgacha:

How does God relate to me and my life?

• Jewish attitudes to sexuality • The concept of machloket:

Are there multiple Halachic truths?

• Obedience and Freedom:

Is Judaism too restrictive?

• Why believe in God? • Science vs. Religion Course titles for the Great Thinkers (second period) include: • Halachic Man, Halachic Mind: The thought of

Rav Soloveitchik

• Rambam and The Guide for the Perplexed • The Light: Philosophy of Rav Kook • The Journey of the Kuzari • Classic Texts in Meditation and Spirituality • Major Moments in Post-Biblical Jewish History

Central Bus Station 20 Min Express Bus Ride


Machane Yehuda 30 Min Bus Ride Ben Yehuda 25 Min Bus Ride

Eretz HaTzvi is located in a beautiful campus in the heart of Jerusalem within walking distance to both the Old City and modern

Old City and Mamilla 45 Min Walk 20 Min Bus Ride

attractions such as Emek Refaim, Malha Mall, and the newly renovated and expanded Hadar Mall.


Malha Mall 10 Min Bus Ride 20 Min Walk

Emek Refaim 10-15 Min Walk

Talpiot 5 Min Walk Shopping and Entertainment




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9.00 - 9.45 9.45 - 12.45


12.45 - 14.00




Each afternoon slot consists of 14.15 - 16.00

Halacha: Applied to Daily Life

Torah: Modern Approaches

Halacha: Contemporary Issues



16.00 - 16.15 16.15 - 17.30 17.30 - 19.30





19.30 19.45 - 20.15 20.15 - 22.00

Bekiyut Tracks:


Night Seder:


Sephardic Halacha, Chassidut, Questions of


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Shacharit and Breakfast

FRIDAY Shacharit

Machshava Student Dvar Torah Series

Gemara Chavruta and Shiur Lunch and Afternoon Break


Mincha 3-4 elective shiurim (see course outlines for sample topics) Machshava: Major Issues

Halacha: Applied to Daily Life

Torah: Modern Approaches

Halacha: Contemporary Issues


Break Machshava: Great Thinkers Dinner and Break Ma’ariv


Mishna, Gemara, Halacha


Beit Midrash Learning / Elective Chugim (see below)

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Faith, Zionism, Tefillah, Maharal, Jewish Thinkers of the 20th Century (may vary)




Greater US 31%

US NY / NJ 31%

Canada 4%

England 14%

Europe 3%

South Africa 7%

Australia 10%

Our student community is incredibly diverse. Fully a third of our student body hails from England, Australia, South Africa and Continental Europe. Half of our North American students come from outside the New York area. You will be able to create life-long friendships with students from around the globe.



Proudly Modern Orthodox

Our faculty consists of experienced educators with extensive educational backgrounds both in top yeshivot and secular universities. They are uniquely qualified to guide students in grappling with the issues that face a Torah Jew in the modern world. We aren’t afraid to tackle controversial subjects directly. Throughout the year the yeshiva features seminars incorporating panel discussions to which we invite knowledgeable guest speakers - male and female - to deal with the issues of the day. Topics covered include the changing role of women in the Torah world, medical ethics, business ethics, sexual ethics, Biblical


Eretz HaTzvi is a proud Zionist yeshiva which celebrates the Divine gift of Medinat Yisrael and bestows a love of Eretz Yisrael. We are proud of our alumni who have chosen to make aliyah and serve in the IDF. The overwhelming majority of our faculty are veterans of the IDF and their children continue to serve. Yom Ha’atzma’ut and Yom Yerushalayim celebrations as well as regular tefillot for the Medina and IDF are matters of course. Ulpan is offered as well as shiur and chavruta options b’ivrit. You will feel part of Israeli society. To that end we have set up an extensive chessed program within the yeshiva’s neighborhood. Volunteer options include running a sports program in a children’s shelter, performing music in an old age home, helping in the absorption of young immigrants from Third World countries, working with the Big Brother program and more. Meetings with Supreme Court justices and Members of Knesset highlight our commitment to exposing our students to the challenge of viewing a Jewish State through a Torah prism.


Criticism, the interface of arts and literature with Torah, non-Orthodoxy, etc.


Developing Relationships Through Individual Attention

Every student enjoys a weekly chavruta with a member of our Israeli kollel.

Weekly Va’ad: informal learning and shmoozing at young staff members’ homes.

Av and Em Bayit live in the dormitory and add a feeling of home.

More than half of the staff live on campus or within easy walking distance of the yeshiva.

Building remains open on all shabbatot and vacations throughout the year.

Every student enjoys a weekly chavruta with one of the rebbeim.

Small shiurim. Gemara classes average 10-15 students.

High ratio of full time faculty.


A counselor (madrich) on every floor of the dormitory.

Exciting Tiyulim, Shabbatonim and Yemei Iyun - 5777 SEPTEMBER 10

Shabbat Yeshiva; Friday night at the Kotel


TIYUL: Wadi Qelt


TIYUL: Selichot Tour

OCT 31 - NOV 2

TIYUL: Yam l’Yam


TIYUL: Chevron and Gush Etzion


Shabbat at the homes of the Rabbis


TIYUL: Ir David


TIYUL: Ramat Rachel and Hasmonean Tunnel


Chanukah Mesiba at homes of the Rabbis


YOM IYUN: Torah in the Secular World


TIYUL: Yad Vashem


TIYUL: Machtesh HaGadol


Negev Shabbaton


TIYUL: Eilat


Shabbat Yeshiva


TIYUL: Nachal Og with new Southern Hemisphere students


Deliver Burgers Bar to soldiers on Purim


All night mishmar at the Kotel


Trip to Poland (optional)


Yom Hashoa: Special Programming


YOM IYUN: The Religious Zionist/Chareidi Divide


TIYUL: Museum Day


Tzfat Shabbaton

MAY 1-2

Special Program for Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzma’ut including tour of Har Herzl,

standing with Am Yisrael for the siren, fireworks and gala barbecue at the

Rosh HaYeshiva’s home

MAY 17

TIYUL: Table to Table Volunteer Morning and Afternoon at the Beach

MAY 21

YOM IYUN: Women in Judaism

MAY 24

Yom Yerushalayim; TIYUL: In the Footsteps of the Paratroopers


FAQS Does the Yeshiva go to Poland? Eretz HaTzvi organizes, for an additional fee, a mission to Poland. This optional program focuses on the Shoah and on Jewish life in Europe. Students are accompanied by faculty members and experienced guides.

What happens on Shabbatot and Chagim? What happens when it is an “out” Shabbat? Our dormitory is open throughout the yeshiva year. On the average of once every three weeks the Yeshiva runs a full Shabbat program on campus. Students are in the Yeshiva for the following Yamim Tovim: Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah and Shavuot. Students may spend Shabbat with family or friends on an “out” Shabbat. For those students interested, the Yeshiva will arrange for hospitality in the Rebbeim’s homes or in communities throughout Israel. The Yeshiva will organize neighborhood hospitality or meals on campus for students who choose to remain on campus for an “out” Shabbat.


How would you describe the campus? The dormitory consists of apartments that are divided into 3 or 4 room suites with 2-3 students per room. Each apartment is equipped with bathrooms, showers, and a kitchenette. There is a fitness room, student lounge, ping pong table and basketball hoop on campus. Sports fields, swimming pools, tennis and basketball courts are all nearby. We rent a gym weekly for the exclusive use of our students.

How many meals do the students receive each day? (And honestly, how is the food?)

Do you have a laundry service?

Three balanced meals are served every day. Our caterer is known as the best in the business. The food isn’t good “for yeshiva food”. It’s good food. Period. In addition, microwaves, sandwich machines and refrigerators are available for student use in the dining hall.

The Yeshiva arranges for a reasonably priced laundry and dry cleaning service. The service includes pickup and delivery directly from the yeshiva.

How will my Hebrew improve?

What are the security arrangements at the Yeshiva?

The well being of our students is our greatest priority and responsibility. Our secure campus is monitored 24 hours a day via closed circuit cameras and can be accessed with key cards and codes only. In his role as an ambulance driver and IDF reserve commander, our Educational Director, Rav Benny, is in regular contact with the Home Front Command, allowing us to make informed decisions to provide for the safety of our students.

Do you provide internet for your students? Are students allowed to bring laptops, tablets, etc...? Computers with internet are provided by the Yeshiva for student use. WiFi is also provided for those students who want to bring personal laptops as well. Access to the internet is available at set times throughout the day.

The best way to learn a language is to use it. We offer an ulpan throughout the year. The advanced Gemara shiurim and some of the afternoon electives are in Hebrew. Chavrutot with the faculty (Rabbis and Kollel) can be in Hebrew as well.

What is the dress code at Eretz HaTzvi? •

Proper shoes or sandals

• Shirts with collars • Slacks or jeans


EXECUTIVE FACULTY Rabbi Yehuda Susman | Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Susman spent the first twelve years of his post high school education studying at Yeshivat Har Etzion, serving in the IDF tank corps, earning a BA in Computer Science and Philosophy from YU and receiving his semicha from both YU and the Rabbanut. He later added an MA in Talmud from Bar Ilan. He was the Rosh Kollel Torah MiTzion in Chicago where he was active in the formation of Beit Midrash programs on the University of Chicago and Northwestern campuses - returning to Israel to devote himself to the establishment of Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi.

Rabbi Dr. David Ebner | Rosh Yeshiva & Mashgiach Ruchani Rav Ebner received his BA, MHL and PhD from YU, his semicha from RIETS and ABD in Sociology from Fordham. He was an Assistant Professor of Sociology at St. Francis College in Brooklyn and the Assistant Director of the Institute for Jewish Life of the UJC. After aliyah in 1982 he became Rosh Yeshiva and Mashgiach Ruchani at Yeshivat HaMivtar and served in the IDF. He has written two volumes of poetry and produced CD’s of over 1000 shiurim and sichot.

Rabbi Benny Pflanzer | Educational Director Born in Yerushalayim, Rav Benny left a management position in one of Yerushalayim’s largest construction companies to enter Jewish education. He was in the Kollel in Chicago and has taught at Ida Crown Jewish Academy, Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim, and Yeshivat Bnei Akiva in Yerushalayim. He volunteers with Magen David Adom and was awarded a Medal of Honor as a commander in the IDF.


Rabbi Todd (Tuvia) Berman | Director of Institutional Advancement & Ra”m Rav Berman received semicha from Yeshivat Hamivtar, has a B.S. in Computer Science from Columbia, and took Graduate Studies in Jewish History at Harvard. He founded the Jewish Learning Initiative (JLI) at Brandeis. Previously, he was a Ra”m and Rav of the dormitory at Midreshet Lindenbaum. Rav Berman is very active on our Facebook page, posting articles and leading discussions of intellectual and contemporary interest.

Rabbi Yitz Motzen | Associate Director & Director of Admissions Rav Yitz has been involved with informal education for almost two decades. He has worked for Upstate NY NCSY, Zionist Seminars in South Africa, Head Dorm Counselor at YU, Netivot Kollel in Australia, and interned in SAR Academy. He runs the informal programming in the yeshiva - including tiyulim, Chessed, Yemei Iyun and Shabbatonim. Rav Yitz lives on the yeshiva’s campus with his wife and family.

Mrs. Shulamith Teitz Ebner | Administrator A graduate of Barnard College with a degree in literature and creative writing, Mrs. Ebner proceeded to NYU Law School and worked as house counsel for Time-Warner Inc. She changed course and became executive director of the Elizabeth, NJ Jewish community for 12 years until her aliyah in 1996. Today her energy is devoted to Eretz HaTzvi, Torah studies, reading and entertaining students, family and friends.


FACULTY Rabbi Mordechai Friedman | Gemara & Tanach Director of College Preparatory Program Rav Mordy received his BA, MA and semicha from Yeshiva University as well as teacher certification from Machon Herzog. His 4-year experience as the JLIC rabbi at the University of Pennsylvania inspired him to become an expert in preparing students for the college experience. Rav Mordy also specializes in issues of social justice. He enjoys travel and scuba diving.

Rabbi Itiel Oron | Gemara & Halacha Rav Oron is a known educator in various highly-regarded adult and post-high school learning programs. He is a member of Beit Hillel - the organization of attentive spiritual leadership in Israel, as well as the rabbinical organization Tzohar. Rav Oron studied in Yeshivat Har Etzion for 10 years during which time he received semicha and earned a BA from Herzog College.

Rabbi Aviad Tabory | Gemara & Department Head - Halacha Rav Tabory studied in Yeshivat Or Etzion and Har Etzion. He served as Rav Shaliach for Bnei Akiva in the UK and was the founding rabbi of Kehillat Alei Tzion in London. He was one of the founders and Director of Moshava’s Mach Hach Hesder program. He has been Rosh Beit Midrash at Camp Stone, Rav on Machal, TVI, and Moshava IO.

Rabbi Dr. Joshua Amaru | Halacha & Machshava Rabbi Amaru is one of the scholars overseeing the translation of the Talmud Bavli for the new Koren/Steinsaltz edition. He recently received a fellowship to write a book about the relationship between halakha and virtue ethics. He spent 10 years studying at Yeshivat Har Etzion and has a BA, MA, and PhD in philosophy from Bar Ilan University.


Rabbi Dr. Zvi Grumet | Department Head - Tanach Rabbi Dr. Grumet is totally devoted to Tanakh study as evidenced by his recently published book “Moses and the Path to Leadership” (2014) and the forthcoming “From Creation to Covenant” (2016). He is also affiliated with Pardes Institute, Hebrew College (Boston) and The Lookstein Center. Rabbi Grumet plays guitar, composes music and organizes private tiyulim.

Rabbi Alex Israel | Tanach Rav Alex teaches at Eretz HaTzvi and Pardes where he is Director of Community Education and the Summer Program. In 2013 he published “I Kings: Torn in Two”. He made aliyah in 1991. He volunteers for Tzohar, bridging gaps between the secular and religious communities in Israel. He enjoys running, music and everything to do with contemporary Israel.

Hakham Joseph Harari | Halacha & Department Head Sephardic Studies Hakham Harari is the Department Head for Sephardic Studies. His shiurim are attended and loved by both Sephardim and Ashkenazim alike. A graduate of Yeshivat Har Etzion, he has spent much of his life active in various Synagogues and educational projects in the Syrian Jewish communities of Brooklyn and Yerushalayim, including co-founding iLead. He made aliya in 1999, and has been teaching at Eretz Hatzvi since 2005.

Rabbi Zev Gold | Halacha & Night Seder Rav Zev began his career in Eretz HaTzvi as a madrich and has taught in various forms since. He is extremely popular, both for his personal warmth, as well as his impressive breadth of knowledge and clarity in shiur. Rav Zev studied in Yeshivat Birkat Moshe, has a BA from Lifshitz, an MA (pending) from Hebrew U and semicha from the Rabbanut.


Rabbi Prof. Chemia Kleinman | Sho’el u’Meshiv Rabbi Prof. Kleinman is the retired chairman of the Physics department at Long Island University, Brooklyn Campus and gave shiurim at the Queens Jewish Center for over 40 years. He was born in Poland, survived the Holocaust, and came to the United States in 1947. After learning at Yeshiva Torah Vodaas, he received semicha from RIETS and then received his doctorate in Theoretical Physics from NYU.

Moshe and Moria Gold | Av and Em Bayit Moshe and Moria are the dorm parents of the yeshiva. Moshe has a B.ed and M.ed in Tanach from Herzog College, semicha from the Rabbanut, and plays basketball pretty well (for an Israeli). Moria is a computer programmer and plays guitar in her spare time. Their home is always open to welcome students, offering them a warm place to chill, discuss life, and eat home baked goodies. They live in the dorm with their kids David (3.5 years old) and baby Navah.

Noam Shalit | Night Seder Coordinator Noam Shalit began as a member of the Kollel and is now the Night Seder Coordinator. He studied in Yeshivat Har Etzion, completed a BA in psychology and Jewish Thought and is pursuing his MA in Psychology. He has spent time in Australia for the Jewish Agency and has worked with The Summit Institute helping Israel’s most disadvantaged youth. He loves 60s band and jazz music and loves to cook.

Rami Schwartz | Head of Library and Information Services Rami, originally from Minnesota, finished Hesder at Yeshivat Birkat Moshe and is pursuing a graduate degree in Jewish Studies at Hebrew University. He is a researcher on an international project on Midrash Bereshit Rabbah and Head of Digital Archives for the Shlomo Pines Society. He began at Eretz HaTzvi as the Av Bayit and still lives in the building with his wife and two kids where their door remains open to students.


Rabbi David Gross | Halacha & Night Seder Rav Gross, originally from London, studied in Yeshivat HaKotel. After graduating from UCL with a degree in Hebrew and Jewish History, he returned to Yeshivat HaKotel where he finished his semicha. He interned in Washington on the House International Relations Committee and worked as foreign affairs advisor to a Member of Knesset in Israel. He recently completed an MBA from Bar Ilan University.

Prof. Aaron Katchen | Jewish History Prof. Katchen’s impressive university background attracts our students to his popular course of “Major Moments in Post-Biblical Jewish History”. His wide-ranging intellectual and academic interests and knowledge enable him to enjoy the culture of Israel more than the average oleh. He takes great pleasure in his children and grandchildren and the thrill of participating in the annual 5-day Alyn Hospital Wheels of Love charity bike ride covering 400 km in the scenic Israeli countryside.

Rabbi Dr. Robert Lederman | Chassidut Rabbi Dr. Lederman works in Jerusalem as a Developmental Optometrist, improving the visual efficiency of his patients. He has been involved in Jewish education for over 30 years, and has taught Sfat Emet, a Chassidic text, at Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi since 2006. Rabbi Lederman received Semicha from Yeshivat Ohr Torah Stone, and from Rabbi Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg.

Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi


YeshivatEretzHaTzvi 32 Yossi Ben Yoezer Street Jerusalem Israel phone : (972) 2 - 679-1424 email :

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