RABI SHANKAR SAHA Style ensures that you achieve the perfect shots every time you are in the field like Rabi does. Even if you have the best cameras the market has to offer but lack the knowledge of how to use it and how to do your photography effectively, then it would be useless. When you go out to the field, you have a lot of things you can capture.
Rabi S Saha
RABI SAHA THE PHOTOGRAPHY GENIUS AND TALENTED ARTIST He did not become a worldwide sensational overnight. It took him months of sacrifice to learn on the job and is now an expert that others look up to understand this career. Just like Rabi, a photographer must make sacrifices along the way. But don't think that everything you do will be hard. There are plenty of simple compositions you can learn and become great at this art without having to break a sweat.
Rabi S Saha
RABI SHANKAR SAHA SUCCESS IN PHOTOGRAPHY WITH GREAT TOOLS LIKE RABI SAHA Understanding how to use light to your advantage is key in all photography work. It is what determines the dullness and the fantastic qualities of a picture. Every time you are holding your camera, you must be aware of where the light is at and the direction it is facing. If you are using natural light, you should know that it changes the color of your photos significantly throughout the day. It is also responsible for contrast. Learn how to alternate your angles to always achieve the best from what is available to you.
Rabi S Saha
THANK YOU FOR WATCHING SOURCE w w w. r a b i s h a n k a r s a h a . b l o g s p o t . c o m / 2 0 1 9 / 0 7 / t h e - b e n e fi t s - o f - c o m p o s i ti o n - i n . h t m l
Rabi S Saha