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Stakeholder Map
A framework agreement between the SPV and its providers and suppliers with separate customer agreements sitting underneath it may be beneficial to the scheme arrangement. This would require further investigation as the SPV is set up. Further investigation is required to consider the following points: o Who will own the Renewable Energy Certificates (REC)/Energy Efficiency Certificates (EEC)? o What are the legal options available to support and take this scheme to scale?
4.6.6 Recommendations
• Consider the current market conditions and consumer preferences in the locality • Build industry capability and capacity through training and certification programs • Engage across supply chains to understand their current capacity and needs if they were to meet demand associated with a large-scale retrofit scheme –especially in the context of the current coronavirus pandemic and its impact on global supply chains • Explore and analyse current waste management systems for retrofit and identify best-practice approaches to minimising waste and potential for circular economy approach.
Stakeholder Map
Table 21 shows the stakeholders involved in the large-scale home retrofit ecosystem. This is a result of interactive work performed in the first IRG workshop. The process of stakeholder mapping indicated the strengths and weaknesses of each stakeholder and where the stakeholder might add most value in a home retrofit process. Based on this information, potential roles for stakeholders in the large-scale home retrofit delivery model have been identified.
Table 21 Potential roles of key stakeholders in the household retrofit ecosystem
Stakeholder Potential role(s)
Federal Government Loan securitisation Funding support for establishment Setting supportive policy and legislative arrangements
State Government Housing energy and thermal efficiency standards Trade licencing and accreditation Link to existing schemes Setting supportive policy and legislative arrangements
Local Government Recruiting homeowners Engaging local suppliers
Community NGOs Recruiting homeowners Supportive messaging to government
Electricity network operators Data collection