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5 COrE ArEAs suCCess faCts

CHaraCter + leadersHip deVelopMent

leadership programs empower youth to support and influence their Club, community & peers, sustain meaningful relationships, and develop a positive self-image. Club members are given the opportunity to learn about planning, decision-making and how to contribute to their Club and community.


HealtH + life skills

this program helps young people develop the capacity to engage in positive behaviors that nurture their own well-being, set personal goals, and develop competencies that will help them to live successfully as self-sufficient adults.

tHe arts

enables youth to enhance and nurture their creativity and awareness through appreciation of arts & crafts, performing arts, and creative writing.

sports, fitness + reCreation

these programs encourage youth to achieve and maintain physical fitness, make positive use of leisure time, learn skills for stress management, gain appreciation for a team environment, and enhance social skills. they focus on physical skills, teamwork, cooperation, and fairness.

100% of seniors graduated HigH sCHool in 2012.

MeMBers Can Join for Just $10 a year. no CHild is eVer turned away.

CluB Hours are Monday— friday 2:00 p.M.–8:00 p.M.

CluB MeMBers report a 50% deCrease in teen pregnanCy.

Clu B M e MB ers report a n 87% inCrease in HoMework CoMpletion.

100% of our teCHniCal training Center prograM graduates HaVe Been plaCed in JoBs or HigHer eduCation.

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