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About Me I am a young keen designer eager to learn new skills and gain experience in the design industry. My aesthetic consists of a gentle approach with delicate use of media. I prefer hand rendering and hand convention drawings but I am fully capable of using CAD software and digital rendering for producing similar effects. I complete every task to the best of my ability and strive to produce practical and elegant solutions. Much of my work consists of natural organic shapes, which I believe reflects my design aesthetic.

Education and Qualifications 2007 to 2010

De Montfort University, Leicester BA Hons Interior Design

Whilst at De Montfort University, I have acquired a multitude of skills that enable me to enhance my designs. Some of these skills include: research, modelling, mind mapping and specification writing. I have had the opportunity to explore feasibility aspects of design projects which has helped me to understand live projects more fully. More practically, I have good experience with using various software and using photography and film to create presentations and storyboards. I feel more confident with using Vectorworks and Google Sketch Up as main 2D and 3D modelling systems and have reasonable knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite 4.

2005 to 2007

Joseph Chamberlain College, Birmingham

A Levels A in Photography, B in Textiles and Art and Design AS Levels B in Biology, C in Critical Thinking

2000 to 2005

Aston Manor Secondary School, Birmingham

13 GCSE’s at grades, A* to B including English Language, Maths and Science

History Always being academically successful, I was unsure what I wanted to go into as a career. After developing art and design through extra GCSE classes at school, I became heavily involved in the art and design world. At college having studied Art and Design, Photography and Textiles I developed an interest for Interior Design. Going to De Montfort University, helped me focus on the subject but I still like to explore all areas of design.

Present Currently I am developing my portfolio and continuing my final project at university- Harry Watton House, a day centre for rehabilitation for mental health. Once this is complete I wish to supplement my portfolio with further hand renderings and computer aided design work.

Future In the near future, ideally I wish to be working for a design company within Cambridge or Birmingham, to get some experience within work places and to get inspiration for future projects. In the distant future, who know where the road will take me, if opportunities arise to work abroad then that would be a goal of mine.

Concession Design

Manuscript is a new brand that emphasises the importance of reading in this digital age. As a brand, Manuscript will introduce a book exchange scheme, where consumers can bring their old, rare or unwanted books to be exchanged for points that can be used for obtaining other books. This concession will be used as brand promotion/awareness and as a retailing outlet. The design of the units represent contemporary Greek architecture with influences taken from amphitheatres and classical orders of architecture. Lighting within many of the features enhances the experience.

m m 00

m m


00 55

m m 00


Set in shelving for more products Space for back-to-back television screens and ventilation 0mm

Space for internal lighting for illuminated design Seating platform




Overhang of cornice detail


Till Space behind counter for staff and storage of spare bags and related products


Plan @ 1:50


Product display units Book exchange promotions 3000mm

The concession will not have the means of starting the book exchange scheme therefore promotion of this service will be supported by the retailing of ‘coffee table books’. The seven categories of books are: Architecture, Art and Photography, Biographies, Fashion, Food and Drink, Home and Gardening, and Spiritual and Wellbeing.


m m 00

m m 00 12

0m m

The initial environment for the concession is within Highcross Leicester, however with variations upon the arrangement of the units, the concession can be easily relocated within other shopping centres. Within the Highcross shopping centre, the concession is located on the concourse outside Paperchase as they have a similar target audience. The layout currently has multiple entrances and exit points in the concession it is accessible to all consumers. The flooring consists of a tough membrane that is applied to existing flooring. It can withstand high traffic, be easily replaced and create a smooth transition from mall floor to concession floor.

Till Space behind counter for staff and storage of spare bags and related products

Alternative plan @ 1:50

Seating podium with space for books

Retailing space reminiscent of amphitheatre architecture

Cornice detail demonstrating the lighting

Elevation B @1:20 Elevation A @1:20

cornice detailing without the illuminations as large illuminations are on the back

illuminated cornice detailing lifestyle graphics glass panelling


Shelving for books and promotions counter products till point

lifestyle graphics and promotions



fluted column

kick plate





seating platform

under seat storage for books


Elevation C @1:20

Television screen for book exchange promotion details

Signage for product categories Brand Awareness


Product Glass dividers for separation of product categories Wooden units with smooth finish 1000mm






Cornice detailing with illumination

kick plate

Elevation A shows the concession counter. Two staff members will alternate between serving and advising the consumers on their choice of books. Focus will largely be on the book exchange scheme, and with every purchase the consumer will receive a free Manuscript pen. There are lifestyle graphics to emphasis the ethos of the book exchange scheme and reflect the design of the flagship store. Within the cornice detailing there are lights that emit a soft glow to modernised the classic architectural columns. Elevation B shows the seating platform that doubles as shelving unit. The back of the stand representative of a fluted column. The fluted parts are hollowed out and lighting effects have been placed behind to create a glow. This will be the main promotion of the concession that will capture the Highcross consumers and draw them in.

Elevation C shows the main retailing display with storage facilities. The merchandise is divided into seven sections by glass etched with Manuscript’s name and logo. The two television screens (visible from either side of the concession) will have a continuous video detailing the values of the brand and information on the book exchange scheme. The cornice detailing will have illuminated sections to light the majority of the products.

RSA Resourceful Supermarket Community Kitchen

Pinch of Spirit

entrance and exit

power tower


steel supports 2400mm

‘Pinch of Spirit’ is a community kitchen based within a supermarket environment. The brief set by the RSA competition was to create a service to help the supermarket become more resource. Through research of existing supermarket services for the community, I created the’Pinch of Spirit’ brand for community members to demonstrate their own recipes and the supermarket would supply all ingrdients from sustainable sources and local stores ia concessions.

sink refrigerator storage


plan @ 1:20


600mm Seating visuals @ 1:20

Back view of curved collection

concealed lighting, webcams, and extractor hood height can be adjusted depending upon supermarket restricts


illuminated branding area

power tower work surface with hobs and sink

power towers

sink with own water storage capacity


oven television screens

front elevation

back elevation ample storage

Section @ 1:20

My concept revolves around bringing the community together through the joy of cooking. ‘Pinch of Spirit’ is a brand that gives the local community an opportunity to teach others to cook their best recipes. This kitchen demonstration area will benefit many people. The community members will benefit as they will learn new recipes and form new friendships and contact from the audience. The supermarket will benefit because the majority of the ingredients will be purchased from them, it will bring more customers to the store, and the supermarket can do promotional offers on the ingredients or the dishes that are similar to what is being demonstrated. More locally sourced ingredients will be used. The smaller local businesses will benefit as some of the harder to find ingredients will have to be purchased from them, they will be advertised in a large supermarket and this in turn will bring a higher number of customers. Promotion of the events will start a week prior to the event through posters within store and website information. Tannoy advertisements and poster campaigns will feaature heavily within the supermarket and there will also be advertised around the local community where the target audience is located. Much of the promotion will be similar to the examples below.


Kitchen Specifications

Steel supports for the uprights to keep the canopy up circular base unit will be made of laminated wood 50mm worktop will be a lightweight honeycomb wood surface Stainless steel sink and kick plate

Circular shaped base with large storage spaces for kitchen appliances and its own water supply.

Lighting will focus on main areas of activity Webcams positioned above main areas of activity

Cameras concealed within the canopy for the web show and for the television screens 2 x Television screens for close up views of the action Branded canopy, with lighting incorporated Power supply for appliances from 2 concealed power towers

Pinch of Spirit as a brand will bring the community together within the supermarket. it should provide a leisure experience and provide opportunities to get to know other foodies and share experiences. Using the host supermarket as a centre place of contact for the community will bring a wider audience to the store and allow exchange of ideas. Hopefully people will use this demonstration area to successfuly connect with others and with organisations like the supermarket, aiding the supermarket to have a better understanding of their users. Supermarkets have the opportunity to add their brand values to the demonstration kitchen, but only a small amount. The brand is very basic yet the logo suggests vibrancy and energy. the yellow and blue will stand out amongst the in house branding and have change light effects within te canopy section. How the service would work? for example, the community member would be making a traditional curry dish. The supermarket only normally carries established brands, but the cook needs some other ingredients that they have brought from a smaller store that specialises in different and harder to obtain ingredients. Therefore, the supermarket will advertise where the audience can get the other ingredients. Also the supermarket will have special promotions on the components for the dishes that are demonstrated.

Kitchen elements: oven (specially designed to be glazed at both ends), 4 electric hobs, sink, small refrigerator, microwave (concealed) extractor fan (concealed within canopy)

possible positions in a typical supermarket


Just is a sustainable retail store that sells environmental friendly products and incorporated these beliefs into the design of the store. Brand development of the store and redevelopment of plan allowed for complete refitting of the store with sustainable materials and energy sources. Importance of sustainability need to be brought to the public attention and the store aims to increase knowledge of products that are available to help reduce carbon emissions, increase recycling and reusing items.

Unisex changing rooms with secure doors, full length mirrors in cubicles and hallway. Member of staff on hand to supervise Shoe section with seating and mirrors available for trying on items Several mid floor gondolas with folded clothes and displays Spur wall mounted twin slot shelving interspersed with lifestyle imagery of the brand Information on local resources that are available

Computer stations where further information can be accessed. Eco websites and other websites regarding ethical issues can only be accessed. Member of staff on hand to supervise Vanity wall to divide the computer area from the retailing area

‘Koziol Amoebe’ recyclable plastic forms that create a cylindrical column that runs through both floors. More of these forms will be found across the store, indicted by similar green areas. Lighting effects will enhance the feature

Wall that will display just’s mission statement and what just stands for More plastic forms that create a visual aesthetic to the store front

Back of store areas that consist of storage spaces and staff facilities Amoebe feature that will continue along the ceiling

Lifestyle graphics Animated display behind cash desk on large LCD screen along with various policies that the store enforces

Visual A- Clothing area

Cash desk with hidden illumination Mid-floor gondolas for accessories and gadgets along with spur wall mounted twin slot shelving Dark stained bamboo flooring running vertically towards the back of the store Window bay displaying lifestyle choices by way of mannequins. These windows will tend to change seasonally Enclosed window bay that is a mass of Amoebe with a product placed in the centre

Visual B- Behind cash desk

Back of store area consisting of storage and staff facilities Lighting area with an assortment of wall mounted lights and ceiling lights. Dark colours to enhance the lighting quality Amoebe feature that continues on to the ceiling Free standing display of floor lamps Lifestyle graphics and branding elements

Catalogue area where more products can be seen and ordered to consumers homes. Availability checkers are also supplied so more can be ordered to store and warehouses Ameobe feature that continues onto ceiling

Mid-floor gondolas with displays for the gardening products and larger products More lifestyle graphics and branding elements

Top of the double height feature consisting the ‘Koziol Ameobe’ plastic forms that clip together Planter section where living plants are displayed in conjunction with some of the products

Sample board of different materials that the furniture is available in Mini lifestyle set up of dining rooms and other areas. All products are available for purchase

Visual C- Gardening area

Dark stained bamboo flooring running vertically towards back of store Cash desk with hidden illumination to add effect. Returns desk to keep the ground floor free of excessive queues Storage for bags, display of returns policies and storage for returned items

Visual D- Catalogue area and furniture products

Five computers with swivelling seats, internet access but restricted to sustainable websites providing information

Toughened glass vanity wall with branding elements

Three touch screen tills points with built in cash drawers Large animated branding element behind the cash desk which will have service information, just’s message and other retailing elements such as promotions

Mid-floor gondola units set on casters. made of pine and painted with eco paints

Large lifestyle graphics/ branding elements relating to gadgets and accessory products

Lifestyle graphics relating to stationery

Hidden illuminations underneath cash desk to add atmosphere and enhance the bamboo flooring

Under stair storage for stationery products

Double height feature of plastic forms with added lighting effects to create ceiling shadows Existing stairs with toughened glass balustrades and inlaid bamboo nosing No window bay but large display of plastic forms that will fill the majority of the window and have concealed shelving for product display

Mid-floor gondola units made of pine and painted with eco paints Dark stained wide board bamboo flooring

Base of the plastic forms that climb up to the mezzanine floor. Assortment of green shades and added lighting Twin slot spur track shelving at 1200mm intervals and 500mm deep, coloured matt deep purple Window bay displays with mannequins and products and will have seasonal elements

Enclosed window bay filled with plastic forms apart from small openings for product display and promotional offers

Example of the lifestyle graphics within store

Colour palette for the interior of the store

just just is a high quality, design-led ethical store that promotes a more ecological lifestyle. We aim to educate consumers on many ethical issues and products that will make an impact on the environment. just uses no plastic carrier bags but sells organic cotton bags and similar products to help reduce large amounts of plastic going into landfills. Other packaging is either biodegradable or recyclable. Materials used within stores are all environmentally friendly as they can be re-used, recycled, or sustainable. The materials essentially create the brand’s atmosphere along with the colours.

Example of ‘Anke Calligraphy’ used as primary font for the brand. The green ‘u’ is suggestive that the consumer is a vital role in changing the environment

If a single person is the middle circle of the plastic form, Koziol Amoebe it suggests that a single person can set off a chain of events that spreads through society and help everyone understand the importance of recycling and renewable energies

just ethos- Little changes make a big impact just is simple, honest and logical as we all need to change to save the wonderful world we live in. Lighting in store is supplied by green energy and just aims to give back to the Earth by replanting trees and supporting Fairtrade. Pyrography is very much part of the just brand along with the Koziol Amoebe forms that feature throughout the store. The store would offer pyrography as a service for wooden stationery items and other wooden gifts. See sample board for example. Target audience of is a broad range of both sexes, from the occasional student to an elderly married couple because everyone can make a difference. The typical consumer will be in their mid 20’s to 50’s as younger generations are becoming more aware of he issues at hand.

Approach and front elevation of just Rendering cretaed from Cinema 4D software

Back section

Ground floor plan

Mezzanine floor plan

Gardening area

Computer stations

Upstairs cash desk

Main double height feature

Product view

Detail of mannequin

Mannequin in store front

Furniture product view from within feature

Leicester Botanic Gardens Visitors Centre

The brief for a 40m cubic space to provide information for the users of the gardens also required sustainable elements. My solution consisted of a straw bale constructed wall with timber framing, rammed earth car tyre foundations, recycled copper roofing and solartubes to enhance the natural lighitng.



Exit Ramp- toughened glass balustrade and horizontal bamboo platform: 3048mm length

Glass doors- toughened glass with visibility through to interior: 2300mm x 1000mm

Retailing display- Wooden shelving unit that holds seeds, books and plants available for purchase

Straw bale walls- 450mm depth bale walls with exterior and interior lime render: Overall depth of 600mm

Solartubes- 400mm diameter positioned in key positions across the roof to make the best of the natural sunlight

Information Panel- toughened glass panel with access panel on the right hand side: 1400mm x 1500mm x 30mm

Lighting- four energy efficient spot lights powered by green electricity suppliers Reception desk- bamboo clad desk with 4 drawers, hinged door and hidden illumination. See Reception desk detail.


Seating in windows A

A Bamboo flooring- stained chocolate wide boards

Reclaimed wooden table and bench

Underfloor heating across flooring

Windows- heat reflective and glare reducing glass: 1500mm x 1000mm Honesty Hatch- small wooden framed doors that reveals the straw construction of the walls, accessible to all visitors

Storage for heating components

Entrance ramp- toughened glass balustarde and horizontal bamboo platform: 3048mm length



Under desk lighting detail @ 1:1

Harry Watton House Mental Health NHS Trust

Elevations @ 1:75 front elevation of exterior



towards in-patient block


lift towards offices

treatment rooms

treatment rooms

lecture room staff room

entrance foyer reception




nurses station

seminar room

treatment room draught lobby recreation area


group area entrance

Ground Floor @ 1:200 reception, treatment rooms, recreation space and group therapy 10m

First Floor @ 1:200 staff room, lecture/seminar rooms, group therapy and storage

Manor Park Primary School


bus stop








Harry Watton Home



Ground floor plan @ 1:200


Site Plan @ 1:500

First floor plan @ 1:200

Site plan Proposed building along with existing offices and residential block


Entrance/foyer Patients are welcomed upon entry to the facility and directed from reception to their destination

Window transparent

Typical users journey through the facility

Recreation Area Patients can use the centre to develop social skills and relax before therapy sessions

Group Therapy area Group sessions are held within a light airy space which can be closed off from the larger room

Window opaque

Individual treatment room

Nurses Station

Privacy is an important factor within these rooms so the electrochromic windows turn opaque when required

Equipment for the recreation games and activities are available from there and the staff can impassively watch over the patients

Healthcare professionals’ seating and desk storage for drugs and other equipment

vinyl woven flooring small round table to create safe barrier between user and doctor

2200mm door with vision panels, anti-ligature handles and hinges

Sofa and chair optional seating for users

raised threshold at door entrance

Interior of treatment room

Exterior of treatment room

General arrangement of treatment room @1:20

14mm electrochromic glass 3mm neoprene

Removable corner profile to access electronics

Wires associated with window

Plastic conduit Aluminium profile to conceal panel edges

6mm Steni interior panels

J clips that fix panels to wall


Wall detail at 1:1 Front Elevation

Treatment room in detail

2500mm C

Retractable material door


Fixing hooks

Reflected ceiling plan


Base unit for storage of drugs and other emergency medical equipment, CCTV feeds, computer consoles and wireless network links to the administrative block and reception



Void area for stool storage

Lowered counter top



Nurses Station in detail

Extended shelf ends to prevent patients/users viewing the CCTV footage and private files

2500mm anchor points into ceiling


stacked shutter components

Green laminate covering

Wooden box structure

Clear PTFE structure 500mm


recessed spotlights

Space for computer consoles and CCTV screens

270mm 100mm



Section aa with shutter open


Void area for stool storage



Base unit

Trap door

Lipped edges to prevent tiers from falling out of place Shutter detail @ 1:2

Section aa with shutter closed

Smallest shutter components have magnets within the bottom to lock to the counter top once shut

Exploded diagram of nurses station with shutters down

Elevation A

Elevation B

Elevation C

Elevation D


look through the open space area; group therapy, nurses station, recreation area, treatment rooms and foyer

Each stage of the shutter

thanks for looking feel free to contact me with any questions at rachael_twells@hotmail.co.uk

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