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president’s note & editor’s message

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officer positions

President’s Note

Hello everyone!


This is your Key Club president, Matt! Wow I cannot believe it has already been two months into the new semester so realistically there is not much time till graduation...which is just crazy. I hope y’all have been doing well, hope your semester has been going well. With the APs and other standardized testing coming around the corner, I know it can be stressful but you’ll push on through and get through this! This month has been slow but also amazing for Key Club. We had our first fundraiser of the term at Cup of Cha and I’m thankful for everyone who bought a drink to support our club, it really helps. In addition, we have another joint service/social event with another Key Club and that is Mountain View High’s Key Club! It would be great to see your smiling faces on the zoom call while we watch a movie and make paper hearts. Overall, it has been great seeing you guys around and if you need anything, feel free to let me know.

Thank you, Matt Hui

Editor’s Message

Hi Seals!

It’s Rachel, your Monrovia Key Club Historian. I hope all of you have been having a great 2021 so far. It’s still so weird saying that. If we were in regular school, I just know I would be writing the wrong date in the corner of my papers ;/

I really hope you all enjoyed this month’s newsletter. I know it’s coming a little later this time around but I made sure to work extra special, cherries-on-top hard on it. I’m so grateful to every single one of our key club members for continuing to stay involved and show their support for our key club. I know everybody has their own problems and things going on in their personal life, but it really makes my day seeing all those participants in our zoom calls. Keep up the great work and I hope to see you all soon <33

I’ll be on time for our newsletter next month haha. PINKY PROMISE!

Much love, Rachel LeMay

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