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Join the 2023 GOLF CHALLENGE

Spearheaded by World of Golf Hall of Famer, Ernie Els, the 13th annual Golf Challenge consists of a series of regional events at top-rated golf courses across the United States and Canada from April through October. The Golf Challenge regional event series is one of the largest charity-driven, amateur golf tournaments. Teams who raise $15,000 or more qualify to attend the Grand Finale event in October. Learn more at e4agolf.com

Start An Affiliate Event


The Els for Autism Affiliate Program is a volunteer-run fundraiser that includes Els for Autism as a benefiting charity of the event. The host of each affiliate event is responsible for their own fundraising efforts, programs, registrations, and volunteers.

Examples of affiliate events include, but are not limited to, a golf tournament, charity auction, 5K walk or run, casino night, fashion show, gala, and more! Each affiliate event will receive an Els for Autism branded gift for each attendee along with an exclusive auction item package including Ernie Els’ memorabilia. Learn more at elsforautism.org/getinvolved/fundraising-events/affiliate-events/

Participate In Fundraising Events

Throughout the year, the Els for Autism team puts on many fundraising events including the Roots & Ruts OffRoad 5K Run/Walk, Liezl’s Annual Tea Party, giveback events, and more. Check for the Foundation’s activities at elsforautism.org/get-involved/

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