modernism. Modernism was a movement that affected the style of many design characteristics in the begining of the 20th centuary. It sparked the drastic change from realism to the bold rigid shapes of this movement. It sparked so many changes in so many areas such as decor. Houses started to go minimal, modernist believed that ‘an object should be designed for its purpose’ They would use bold colours and carpets would flow into the walls. The change was drastic from the floral walls and the numerous ornemants to the plain walls and the creeping in of modern art such as sculptures which never really had a place in the home until this movement. Modernism in design ushually follows the form of rigid structures, grids and linear pattens. It would be clean cut and very minimalistic.
This is an example of a piece of art to represent the modernist era. it uses bold shapes and bright colours to follow the clean cut style
Bold and bright colours used in the work produced in the work of some of the artists and designers pieces.
This is some of my own work to show my interprestation of the era. as above it uses the bold colours and lines to follow the ‘grid’ like tendancies’
Modernism in architecture- the modernist style could even be seen in the buildings built in that era. Clean cut lines sparked ‘a whole new type’ of building. The world started to get more urbanised which meant big changes. They had to create new technologies to build on mass to cope with the large population. Citys where a hubb for modern architecture.
the grid system.
modernism is all about the grid. They follow the grid to get a clean cut end product.
Josef Albers. Josef Albers born in germanyand became a famous artist in many diciplins such as typography and abstract painting. He even wrote a book called the ‘interaction of colour’ in his his career which lead him to be a professor. His most famous and well known serise of work was ‘Homeage to te square’.
The bauhouse movement could be classed as modernism. It was a key movement that tried to create less of a gap between art, design and industry. The bauhouse activly tried experimentation and emphasied although it did not have the academic tradition of Fine art, it did have a style and dicipline.
Issue 1 6th May 2014
cover designs.
Theses are a few of my intial cover designs based on one of my projects called ‘Street Graphics’ I tried a few attempts with different effects to see what they looked like. I don’t however feel this is the right image for the cover. I do not feel it would work in the context of a magazine cover and I would fine it hard to add the other elements I would need to make it specific to a magazine.