Hoodoo Spells & Magick Introduction by Shadow

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The dominant worldview in hoodoo is usually strongly Christian. Historically there has been an Old Testament strain in hoodoo thought. This is particularly evident in relation to God's providence and his role in retributive justice. For example, though there are strong ideas of good versus evil, cursing someone to cause their death might not be considered a malignant act. For example, one practitioner explained it as follows: "[In] Hoodooism, anythin' da' chew do is de plan of God undastan', God have somepin to do wit evah' thin' you do if it's good or bad, He's got somepin to do wit it . . . jis what's fo' you, you'll git it."[12] Not only is God's providence a factor in hoodoo practice, but hoodoo thought understands God, himself, as the archetypal hoodoo doctor. On this matter Hurston stated, "The way we tell it, hoodoo started way back there before everything. Six days of magic spells and mighty words and the world with its elements above and below was made."[13] From this perspective, biblical figures are often recast as hoodoo doctors and the Bible becomes a source of conjurational spells and is, itself, used as a protective talisman.[14]

CHAPTER II ON TOOLS ( sources : my own personal views of subject , I divided tools by elements for the sake of article not because we do so in Voodoo-Hoodoo New Orleans traditionn , The part reffering to Bible is a copy pasted text from wikipedia’s page on Hoodoo , and a bay leaf example is available on luckymojo site , pictures are from movie skeleton key and public domain and I claim nn right’s over them !!!! ) Well let’s make this clear , there are no tools in Hoodoo in general sense of the term , like athames , wands , chalices or pentacles . However there are plenty of supplies, and items that a Conjurer will use , ranging from red brick up to animal bones or even human parts on occasions. Previous article , even though being very good to give You general idea about Hoodoo and it's origins , lacks to tell You that Hoodoo is rather eclectic system and other than Christianity and Woodun also includes some teachings of Quabbalah and even some of American Indians. Now lemme try to categorize items Conjurers ( referred sometimes as two Headed doctors , or simply Hoodoo's ) use : Earth Hoodoo system has a subcategory or rootwork inside the very system inherited from reach Voodoo practice. Plant correspondences seem endless and vary from mundane purpose to dreams of lucky numbers and lottery or making someone possessed. For example an old Hoodoo recipe ( as given on www.luckymojo.com )

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