3) Hear me, Fenti, who comes forth from Khemenu: I have not done wrong in place of what is right.
4) Hear me, Am Khaibit, who comes forth from Qerert: I have not committed thefts.
5) Hear me, Neha Her, who comes forth from Rostau: I have not slain men or women.
6) Hear me, Ruti, who comes forth from the two horizons Shu-Tefuut: I have not diminished the bushel.
7) Hear me, Ariti-ef Shet, who comes forth from Sekhem: I have not defrauded.
8) Hear me, Neba, who comes forth and retreats: I have not profaned sacred property.
9) Hear me, Set Qesu, who comes forth from Henensu: I have not spoken falsehood.
10) Hear me, Khemi, who comes forth from the hidden sanctuary: I have not robbed.
11) Hear me, Uadj Nesert, who comes forth from Het Ka Ptah: I have not cursed god or man.
12) Hear me, Her-ef Ha-ef, who comes forth from Tephet Djat: 12
I have not stolen food.
13) Hear me, Qereti, who comes forth from Ament: I have not uttered slanders.
14) Hear me, Taret, who comes forth from the night: I have not betrayed my heart.
15) Hear me, Hedj Abehu, who comes forth from Shedyet: I have not trespassed.
16) Hear me, Unem Snef, who comes forth from the slaughter block chamber: I have not slain sacred animals.
17) Hear me, Unem Besku, who comes forth from the Mabet chamber: I have not destroyed lands. 12. Ferryman of Ra and Asar.