Pr oj ec t
Can boys be i nt he proj ect ? SPORTS orNot ? Ever yt hi ng you want t o know and mor e
Pr oduced by RachelEnge Photography
R a c h e l En g e
2 01 7
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
ILOVESERI OUS,BUTMYTWEEN ORPARENTLOVESSMI LES. NOTTOWORRY! F orever ys er i ousphot oIt ake, t her ear eatl eas tt wos mi l i ng ones ! Andal t houghyoupr obabl y l i keyours onordaught er ’ sbi g s mi l et hebes t ,you’ r epr obabl y al s ogoi ngt ol i keaf ew s er i ous phot osaswel l .
BUTWON’ TILOOK“ MEAN? ” You’ ves eent hephot oswher ea t weenl ooksdownr i ghtMEAN! T hatwon’ thappenher eatour s t udi o.Ihave7year sof ex per i encecapt ur i ngt hes of t , s ubt l et ype“s er i ous ”ex pr es s i ons . We’ l l di t cht he“mean”and i ns t eads hootf or“t hought f ul ” .
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
Bookyours es s i onwi t hus !Wear eof t en booked2mont hsi nadvance,s o cont actusass oonasyoucan,s owe cangetadayt hatwor ksbes twi t hyour s chedul e.
We’ l l haveei t herani nper s onorphone cons ul t at i ont opl ant hel ookofyour s es s i on.We’ l l t al kaboutl ocat i ons , cl ot hi ngandmakeup.Wewi l l al s o emai l yout heQues t i onai r et hati st obe f i l l edoutpr i ort oyourpor t r ai ts es s i on.
We’ l l s endyouar emi nderemai l and conf i r m yours es s i ondat eandt i me.As wel l r emi ndyout oemai l backyour ques t i onai r eorbr i ngi tal ongt ot he por t r ai ts es s i on.
I t ’ sGO T I ME!Bepr epar edt ohavef un! Don’ tf or gett obr i ngever yt hi ngt hat youhavepl annedt obr i ngt ot he s es s i on.
Wes endyouanor der i nggui de,s ot hat youcanpl anwhi chpr oduct sbes ts ui t yourneeds .
Wemeeti nt hes t udi of oryourpor t r ai t pr es ent at i on!T hi si sever yone’ s F AVORI T Epar t !You’ l l s eeyourbeaut i f ul por t r ai t si nas l i des how s ett omus i c, andyou’ l l deci dewhi chpor t r ai t st o or der .
5 7WEEKSAFTERYOURSESSI ON Yourf i nal por t r ai t sar er eadyf orpi ckup, or ,we’ l l del i vert hem t oyourwor kpl ace orhome!
I fyou’ vebeenpl ayi ngas por t ,or par t i ci pat i ngi nact i vi t i esorgr oups andyouabs ol ut el yl ovei t ,t henI s ugges tyouaddyours por tor act i vi t i esi nt ot hes es s i on.
Don’ taddyours por t sori nt er es ti nt o t hes es s i oni fi t ’ ss omet hi ngyouj us t r ecent l ypi ckedupandar en’ tr eal l y s ur ei fyoul i keal l t hatmuch.We wantyourpor t r ai t st or ef l ectwhat you’ r ei nt ot oday,nots omet hi ng you’ r euns ur eabout .
I fyou’ r enots ur ei fyoul ovet hi ss por t ori nt er es t ,orevenREAL L Ywant phot osofi t ,l et ’ sj us tt akeaf ew any ways !Youwi l l bes ur pr i s edathow t hos epor t r ai scancomet ol i f e!
T henl et ’ scons i derus i ngyours por t s asaf ul l onl ocat i on,wher ewe’ l l get magaz i nes t yl epor t r ai t s .
Igeti t .You’ vepr obabl ys eens uper cl i chephot osofpeopl ewi t ha chees ys mi l es t andi ngnex tt oat r ee wi t ht hei rf ootonas occerbal l .T r us t me,yourphot oswi l l NOTbel i ke t hat !T heywi l l beaboutyouand s omet hi ngyoul oveandt hatwi l l br i ngl i f et ot hem.
“ THANKYOU SO MUCH! ” “Ibel i evet hatt hi spr oj ect s omet hi ngever yyounggi r l s houl d beapar tofs ot heycanl ook backast heygr ow. Ihopet heal bum andt he i ns pi r at i onboxcont i nuet oi ns pi r e Abbi e t hr oughoutherl i f e! ” -Rene
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
W ILL IBE NERVOUS? Mos tpeopl ear ener vousf ort hef i r s tf ew mi nut es ,butaf t erwe’ ve phot ogr aphedaf ew pos es ,I ’ l ls how yout hebackofmycamer as o youcans eehow beaut i f ulyourpor t r ai t sar et ur ni ngout .Youreyeswi l l bebr i ghtands t unni ng( nos qui nt i ng,Is wear ) ,andyou’ l ll ook comf or t abl eandconf i dent .
W HERE W ILL THE PORTRAIT SESSION BE? Al lWhoIAm por t r ai ts es s i onst akepl acei nt hes t udi o,unl es swe deci det ot aket hepor t r ai ts es s i onout door s .Wewi l ldi s cus st he por t r ai ts es s i ondet ai l s12weeksbef or et heact ualpor t r ai ts es s i on t akespl ace.
DO YOU PHOTOGRAPH IN A STUDIO? Iphot ogr aphal mos tal loft hes es s i oni nt hes t udi o.I fyouwantt o f ocusont heout doormos t l y?Nopr obl em!Buti t ’ smyj obt ogi veyou t hemos tvar i et y,andt her e’ ss omet hi ngaboutaper f ect l yl i ts t udi o por t r ai tt hatj us tcan’ tber epl i cat ed.Andi fyoureyesar es ens i t i vet o t hes un,you’ l lwantt obes ur ewedos t udi opor t r ai t s .T hephot oatl ef t i si nt hes t udi oandl ooksnat ur al l ybeaut i f ul ,asi fi twer et aken out door s ,becaus ei ti st akeni nf r ontofawi ndow.T hedi f f er ence?T he hai ri sbeaut i f ul l yl i t ,wi t hs of ts ki nandbr i ghteyes ,nos unt os qui nt over .
HOW MANY OUTFITS? T hi nkofyourf avor i t eout f i t s ,t heonesyouj us tl ove.Iwoul ds ugges t br i ngi ng2or3.T hatwi l lal l ow awonder f ulvar i et yi nyourpor t r ai t col l ect i on.
W HAT IF IHAVE A ZIT THAT DAY? Don’ tevenwor r yabouti t !Ski ncanbeunpr edi ct abl e,andwhenyou comei nt ovi ew yourpor t r ai t sI ’ l lmakes ur eyours ki ni sf l awl es s .And don’ twor r y-Iwon’ tr emoveanyf r eckl esorbi r t hmar kss i ncet hos ear e apar tofwhoyouar e-unl es sr eques t ed!
“ Tha nky ouf orma ki ngmy ki dsf eelc omf or t a bl e . . . . . . i nt hes t udi o.Ra c heldi da f a nt a s t i cj obc onnec t i ngwi t h t hem a swel la sgi v i ngt hem t hec onf i denc et ol etgoal i t t l e bi ta ndenj oyt hee x per i enc e . ”
DOYOU PHOTOGRAPH BOYSTOO? DO IEVER! Il ovephot ogr aphi ngboysasmuchasIdogi r l s .Whi l et heyof t en t akeal i t t l el ongert owar m up,s oonaf t ert hes es s i ons t ar t s ,t heywi l l bel aughi ngandhavi ngf un( t houghs omet i mest heypr et endi t ’ s NOTf un) . Andass oonast heys eeaf ew i magesf r om t hebackofmy camer a,t heyr eal i z et hes ear en’ tyouraver age,cl i che,hugat r ee wi t hachees ys mi l epor t r ai t s .
PRI CI NG THE SESSI ON WhoIAm Por t r ai ts es s i on-$125
A La Car t e pr i cesavai l abl e aswel l
ABOUTME Mynamei sRachel Engeand I ' ml ocat edi nMel f or t , S as k at chewan,Canada.I am ver yhappyt omeetyou,even i fi ti sovert ex t . I ' l l begi nbyt el l i ngyout hat ,i n mydai l yl i f e,I pl ayal otofr ol es . I ' m amot her , awi f e,abus i nes s woman, andapor t r ai t phot ogr apher . I beganmyl oveaf f ai rwi t h t ak i ngpor t r ai t sofpeopl ewhen mys onanddaught erwer e bor n. I was eagert ol ear n,and gr ow asacr eat orofbeaut i f ul por t r ai t s .Al ongt hewayI have f al l eni nl ovewi t ht hear tof por t r ai t ur e. Mygoal wi t ht heWhoI Am pr oj ecti st os how yours onor daught erhow beaut i f ul t hey ar e,how muchhe/ s hei sl oved byyouandyourf ami l y member s . Ever yt i meI putt hi spr oj ect t oget herf oreachofmymodel s , I l ookbackonmyl i f eandt hi nk whatI woul dn’ tgi vet obeapar t oft hi spr oj ect . I l ovet hemes s agest hatcome outoft hepr oj ect .I l ovet he por t r ai t st hatwecr eat e t oget her .I t r ul ybel i evet hat ever yt weens houl dpar t ak ei n t hi spr oj ect .Whatbet t erwayt o s how yourt weenj us thow much t heyhavemadeani mpacton yourl i f e.
YOURNEXTSTEPS. . . STEP1 : Cal l oremai l mewi t hques t i onsandt obook! 3069215650,hel l o@r achel engephot ogr aphy. com.We ar eof t enbooked2mont hsi nadvance,s ocal l ass oon asyoucant ogett hebes tdayf oryou.
STEP2 : Choos eyourdat eandt i me.
STEP3: Checkyouri nboxf ort hel i nkst oans weryour ques t i onai r e.S t ar twor ki ngonyourQues t i onai r es oyou canemai l i tbackass oonasi ti scomepl et e.
STEP4 : Checkyouri nboxf oremai l sonwhatt owear ,whatt o br i ngt ot hes es s i on,andhow t omakeyourpor t r ai t s per f ect !
STEP5 : Bepr epar edt ohavef un,andmos tofal l ,havebeaut i f ul por t r ai t st aken!
301Chur chi l lDr i ve Mel f or t ,Sas k 3069215650 hel l o@r achel engephot ogr aphy. com www. r achel engephot ogr aphy. com