I n d e p e n d e n t Streak
Film Spotlight: "A Fragile Flower"
FLOW Film Festival
Film Review: "Silence of the Prey"
Gateway Brings Star Power
Miami Jewish Film Fest
Subculture Studio Opens
Seeing Stars at Miami Film Festival 2024

Gateway Cinema Bringsin Star Power
By Rachel GalvinGateway Cinemaisnot your regular theater It doesn't just show mainstream films. Not only isit historic but it also hasbeen showcasing many retro filmsthat have been bringing in fansto witnessthe cult classicson the big screen Films like "Blazing Saddles," "Pulp Fiction" and "Roadhouse" have brought in people wanting to remember yesteryear.

It hasbeen host to many independent filmsaswell,including onesshown at the Ft.Lauderdale Film Festival (FLIFF),Miami Jewish Film Festival and more.And it hasbrought in celebrities,including Wendie Malick, PamelaPoitier,Stephen Lang and Renny Harlin.
Malick wasthere for FLIFFfor the screening of the film she wasin called "7000 Miles," directed by Amy Glazer about awoman who seeksthe truth about her true past but must decide whether to keep digging and reveal what she thinksisthe truth,or protect someone she lovesby keeping thingsstatusquo.Malick played the grandmother in the film, Meli Standish.
Malick isknown for TVshowslike
"Just Shoot Me!","Dream On," "Hot in Cleveland;" filmslike "Mack and Rita," and countlessother showsand films.
Poitier wasat Gateway for another FLIFFfilm,"Sidney," about her father,the legendary actor Sidney Poitier.Director Will Shriner interviewed her during the Q&Afollowing the film.
In addition,aspart of Popcorn Frights,Gateway showed a film called "Bricklayer" and brought in its director Renny Harlin Harlin also directed films like "Die Hard 2," "Cliffhanger," "The Long Kiss Goodnight," "ANightmare on Elm Street 4," and more.
In addition,actor Stephen Lang made an appearance at Gateway Cinema for the screening of the film he was in called "Don't Breathe," directed by Fede Álvarez,who also directed the film "Evil Dead" and "Alien: Romulus."

During the variousfestivals held at the theater,countless directorsand actorshave made their way through those historic doorsand showed their filmsto crowds.Who will be arriving next?You never know.

Warm ing Up t he Holiday Season,
Hit t ing t he Airw aves
By Rachel GalvinFloridaArtsNetwork isknown for just what their name indicates-- networking.They have events throughout the year to bring together film industry professionalsfor friendship and collaboration.On December 6,they had a holiday get together at one of their favorite spots,Pier 6 on the rooftop in Pompano Beach.
The theme was"Ugly Sweater" and afew brought out some doozies,but the rest stayed lowkey in their usual casual attire.But the weather wasquite chilly so they found themselveshuddled around fire pitstrying to stay warm.It wasan intimate night filled with camaraderie.
In other news,the group leaders,Richard Sosa and Frank Ruffolo have started their own online TVshow,The Artist'sLoft. For more information, visit https://floridaartsnetwork.org.
Below: Enjoying the Ugly Sweater party. Right: On the Artist's Loft TV Show -- Founders of FAN, Frank Ruffolo & Richard Sosa, with "MagChop" Kenny Ruiz, a wonderful artist and local actor who now has his own show, "3rd Rail."

Film Spotlight:"Silenceof thePrey"
By Rachel GalvinAyoung immigrant woman,with her daughter,thinksthat their new home will provide them refuge and away to eventually stand on their own two feet. Little did the woman know that the man she hasbeen asked to care for had devilish intent.The film,now called ?Silence of the Prey,?(originally titled ?Harvest?) slowly unravelsthe true intentionsof the man who took them in and just how far he will go.
The movie had itsfirst premier at Savor Cinema in Ft. Lauderdale on January 17 and accompanying the screening wasthe producer Oscar and Emmy award nominated producer Den Tolmor,aswell asscreenwriter,co-director and lead actressKaryna Kudzinaand actor Monte Bezell,who isalso her ex-husband.Their daughter played the little girl in the film,although she wasnot in attendance.Co-director Michael Vaynberg wasalso not at the screening,neither wasChrisLaPanta,who played the abusive man, Luther.

Tolmor had been at Savor Cinemabefore. He isused to creating documentariesand had been in Ft. Lauderdale with director Evgeny Afineevsky,who he worked with on the brilliant documentary ?Francesco,? about Pope Francis.He also worked with him on another film shown at the Ft.
Lauderdale International Film Festival,?CriesFrom Syria,?as well as?Winter on Fire: Ukraine?sFight For Freedom.?
Thisfilm wasTolmor'sfirst horror film.It wasalso the first film Kudzinaever wrote. The movie wasshot in upstate New York and wasinspired by a true story of Kudzina?smother and the abuse she endured by the handsof her caregiver,an older man,who seemed nice at first but later they discovered wasa bit of a psychopath and used to be the right hand man to Stalin. She wastold the tale after they fled Belarusto go to the U.S. when she wasonly 2 yearsold.
Of course,the film ismuch more dramatic than the true tale,and during the film, Kudzina?scharacter undergoesatransformation. She startsout asa very innocent girl,and through abuse,she endsup being a monster herself.

The movie becomesmore depraved asit goesalong and hassome twistsand turnsasit takesviewerson an unexpected journey.This horror film keepsyou on the edge of your seat from the start with creepy music adding to the suspense and plenty of gore,and afew laughs.
It also toucheson the societal implicationsof immigration on all sidesof the issue,including the vulnerability of immigrants,especially young women,and the attitudesof people who do not take kindly to foreigners. The folk in thistown have interesting thoughtsabout immigrantsand their waysand traditionswill be thrust upon thisnew immigrant in quite unwelcome ways,to put it mildly.
Kudzinafled Belarusto come to the U.S.in 2020.Similarly,Tolmorfled hisbirthplace,war-torn
Moldova,in the 1990s, eventually settling in Miami. He met Karynain 2018 and they shared acommon bond not only for their passion for film but also asrefugeesfrom Eastern Europe.

At the screening in Ft. Lauderdale,there wasa quick Q&Ain which they explained more about the making of the film. It was followed by a party outside with some unique food selectionsaswell as vodka...specifically in a bloody mary or screwdriver.
?Silenceof thePrey?isset tostreamonMay15.

"Nick ChristophersisaprolificMob Expert who hasnot only penned four booksbut hasbeen featured on thecableshow "MafiaKillers" on REELZ.

From thefiction pageturner "Destinies" to thenon-fiction "MafiaTies-- The Greek Syndicates," hehasproven hisknowledgeof that lifestyle. You can find hisworkson Amazon and other book platforms.For signed copies,email nickchristophers50@gmail.com.

How are you doing?Do you ever feel that everything that can go wrong doesseem to go wrong?Maybe it'stime to take stock of where you are and where you want to be. If thingsare not going your way,maybe you are focused on the wrong things. It is alwayseasy to blame others But what about shifting your way of thinking? Staying in gratitude and being focused on what you want to create certainly can't steer you wrong. Give it atry.
Good luck!

S t u d i o s
Op e n s
By Rachel GalvinFilm industry professionalsfound a new place to network,learn and produce film and other content. Subculture Studioshad abig party with more than 200 people on February 2 to announce their arrival.
The location not only isa place to produce movies,but also home to networking events,acting classesand workshops,castingsand more.If you want to screen amovie,they have space for you too.
You may have heard of Subculture the coffee shop or the Subculture radio station,etc....well,Rodney Mayo who ownsthem also isinvolved with this,along with Dominic Giannetti.
Giannetti isadirector who hashisown company under hisown name and also isadirector with JCFilms,which concentrateson faith-based films. He hasclassesfor kidsand also workswith them to produce their own films,like "American Prom," which had a screening at Savor Cinemain Ft. Lauderdale and elsewhere.They have made other films since then,bringing in starslike Dean Cain and Kevin Sorbo.
He even had acasting call during hisstudio opening party for a movie called "Holy One."
Giannetti and Mayo also started two film festivalstogether back on the '90s. Also involved in Subculture StudosisLia Escobar and Dina Martucci.
The team isplanning on making 12 filmsthisyear. They will be using co-op membersasinternsin front of and behind the camera to give as many localsaspossible the opportunity to be involved.
SubcultureStudiosislocatedinThePeachat 3950 Georgia Avenuein West PalmBeach,FL.FindthemonFacebook.


MJFF2024 has another successful year
The Miami Jewish Film Festival (MJFF) concluded its27th edition with resounding success, solidifying itsstatusas the largest Jewish film festival in the world. Combining in-theater and virtual experiences,the 2024 Miami Jewish Film Festival,which took place Jan.9-23,attracted audiencesfrom all 50 states,boasting an estimated total attendance and unique viewssurpassing 47,500, setting anew benchmark.
The festival also proudly announced thisyear?sJury and Audience prize winnersacrosseight major categories.The CriticsJury Prize, awarded by membersof the Florida Film CriticsCircle and South Floridajournalists,went to Marco Bellocchio?s"Kidnapped." The Next Wave Jury Prize,selected by a jury of 21 to 35 year olds,honored Leslie Shampaine & Pip Gilmour?s"Call Me Dancer." The inaugural KadimaJury Prize recognized Finn Taylor?s"Avenue of the Giants," and the Torchbearer Award celebrated RebeccaSnow?s"The Boy in the Woods." Audience Awardswere bestowed upon JamesHawes"One Life" for Best Narrative Film,Heather Dune Macadam?s"999:The Forgotten Girls" for Best Documentary,Ayelet Menahami?s"Seven Blessings" for Best Israeli Film,and Ruth LilianaLevin?sanimated film "What?sIn AName?" for Best Short Film.
The festival kicked off with the premiere of Anthony Hopkins-starrer "One Life," avivid historical drama,at The Miami Beach Bandshell
open-air amphitheater,drawing
750 attendees. The festival showcased 121 films(94 featuresand 27 shorts) from 25 countries, making it the largest film program among Jewish festivalsthisyear.
Over 80 virtual screeningswere accessible nationwide,with enthusiastic responsesfrom audiencesacrossall 50 states, Washington D.C.,Puerto Rico,and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Closing the Festival on ahigh note,Avi Nesher?sacclaimed Israeli film "The Monkey House," which received 11 Israeli Academy Award nominationsand isrumored to be hisfinal work,captivated a record-setting audience of 850 moviegoersat the Miami Beach Bandshell.
Expanding itsreach beyond virtual screens,the festival hosted more than 80 movie nightsin eight venuesacrossGreater Miami,featuring 75 international filmmakers,special guestsand live performances. Notable attendeesincluded Hollywood starsStephen Lang and Elsie Fisher,Emmy-winning director Richard Shepard,producer Randy Schoenberg and Israeli superstar Amit Ulman
The Miami Jewish Film Festival also hosted more than 25 free virtual talksand live filmmaker Q&Asavailable to audiencesworldwide,

which were viewed in more than 100 countries.
Filmmakers,onscreen talent and industry leadersconnected with more than 3,000 attendeesaround the globe through MJFF?svirtual conversations.All virtual conversationsare now available to watch for free on Miami Jewish Film Festival?sYouTube channel.
The festival saw asignificant increase in attendance by historically marginalized communitiesand younger audiences,primarily attributed to aseriesof strategic initiativeslaunched or expanded thisyear.These initiativesinclude the ?Next Wave?program, targeted to 21 to 35 year old college studentsand young professionals.Noteworthy featuresof thisprogram were special presentationsof Gene Wilder & Mel Brookscomedy classics"Young Frankenstein" and "Blazing Saddles" in celebration of their 50th anniversaries,aswell asan after hoursshowing of the genre thriller "Don? t Breathe" with star Stephen Lang in attendance (See more,Pg 1).
In collaboration with the LGBTQJewish organization Keshet,the festival expanded its?Focuson LGBTQCinema?program,catering to diverse audiences.Another highlight wasthe ?Building Bridges/Breaking Barriers?program,aBlack Jewish alliance initiative.Thisprogram featured the premiere of "Rabbi on the Block," with director Brad Rothschild and film subject Tamar Manasseh in attendance,providing aunique and engaging experience at an event that washosted in partnership with Temple Sinai and the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church.
Moreover,the festival strengthened its?Accessibility+Inclusion? program,integrating Closed Captioning into all English language filmsfeatured in itsvirtual offerings.Thiseffort aimed to ensure a more inclusive and accessible cinematic experience for all attendees.
?In atime when humanity and hope were most needed,we reconnected our community through the power of storytelling on the big screen and rediscovered through cinemathe humanism that definesus.We have a profound sense of gratitude to all the artists who showed usthat the art of filmmaking isbrilliantly alive,aswell asthe dedicated staff,volunteersand supporterswho all came together in the shared belief that a world more connected through storytelling and acommon humanity isabetter world,?said Igor Shteyrenberg,MJFFexecutive director.
In total,the 2024 Film Festival program showcased 10 world premieres,10 international premieres,12 North American premieres, 7 USpremieres,4 East Coast premieres,55 Southeast U.S.premieres,

and 11 Florida premieres,aswell asover 50 conversationswith filmmakers,stars,and scholarsfrom around the world. The
LO W F i l m F e s t i v a l
By Rachel Galvinwith the people behind the documentary "Beyond Physical Matter," and other gems.

The FLOW Film Festival in South Florida went hybrid thisyear,presenting itsfilms online almost exclusively and presenting some in person events aswell.They kicked it off on February 29 with a opening night party at the Life House at Terras Restaurant in Little Havana. The location provided the vibe and the music added the rhythm as performerslike DouglasQuarteze and Steven Avi did their thing. That event was entitled "Eco-Bougie" and also included the screening of "Pantanal:A Charred Wetland."

During the fest, they also had a livestream Q&A
The festival continued with more partiesthe following day.First,there wasafantastic pool party complete with DJat DAERat the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood,FL.Then gueststook off their beach attire and donned their nightlife duds to head to Wynwood for tribal beatsat Savage Labs.
The next day,people headed to Gulfstream Park to Alma'sBar & Grill where kidscould join in a special workshop. Later,there were some screeningsand networking,followed by more fun and networking at the Carousel Bar acrossthe street.
The closing day of the festival,there wasa special screening of the feature film "A Fragile Flower," directed by Jacqueline Thu Thao at Savor Cinema in Ft.Lauderdale. (See more page 11) The movie wasfollowed by an awardsceremony out on the patio.
Best Student Short "L'atelier d'Aliyah"
Best Foreign Film "Mourners"
Best Foreign Short "Survivor"
Best lo/no Budget Short "Mabel"
Best Experimental Short Film "BayouTech"
Best Dramatic Short Film "The Consequence"
Best Actor Kammy Darweish "The Consequence"
Best Actress MayaHuong Thu Mai "AFragile Flower"
Best Director Seval ?ener -"To Go"

Best Picture "AFragile Flower"
Best Short Film "To Go"

Best Comedic Short "Lost Treasure"
The Hope Award for Excellence "Beyond Physical Matter"
Best of Florida Music Video "Suddenly December" KharaKeyes
Best Music Video "The Secret Garden" - Milena
Syble G. Award for Lifetime Documentary "PestisMuliebris- Storiesof Female Resilience"
Best Animated Short "The Sprayer"
Biggest Social Impact "Generically Hot GirlsDo Education"
Best Visual Effects "Transcendent"
Best Supporting Actor Hadi Bou Ayash
Best Supporting Actress Mai Thu Huyen
Best Narrative Short "And Her Sleeve WasWet From Tears"

Maise Munroe
Best Original Story "Transcendent"
Janelle Christa
Best Original Score "AFragile Flower"
Best 1st Time Filmmaker
Jaqueline Thu Thao
Best Producer
Jaqueline Thu Thao
Bravo Di Bello "She SeesMe"
Best Short Film Noir "Nightlife"

Best 1st Time Filmmaker Short "Traceson the wall"
Best Student Music Video "Let Freedom Ring"
For moreabout theFLOW FilmFestival,visit www.flowffm.org .

There wasnot a dry eye in the Savor Cinema theater in Ft. Lauderdale on March 4 during the screening of the film "A Fragile Flower."
The Vietnamese film with English subtitlesfollowsa young songstressand her goal to become a star.She is mentored by aproducer who helpsher make her dreams come true. But personal jealousiesand betrayals,aswell asadevastating diagnosis would mar her progressalong the way. The movie wasextremely well received,especially with it being the first film of the executive producer,Jacqueline Thu Thao,who wasalso in attendance.The movie ended up winning six awardsat the FLOW Film Festival.Thu Thao was presented with her awardsthe same night (See more,Pg.9-10).
Directly following the film,Thu Thao sat down with FLOW FIlm Festival founder Kimberly Douglasfor aQ&A. Thu Thao flew in on a red eye to be in attendance,coming in from California.She had met Douglasout there originally at an event and when they got to talking and Douglastold her about her festival and Thu Thao told her about her film,it seemed meant to be.
Thisfilm isabit of a miracle given the production that went into it and the fact that itsexecutive producer,Thu Thao,had no background in film production.Her day job isasaclinical compounding holistic pharmacist,ajob she hashad for 25 years.
"I still love my day job and the reason that I joined thisproject originally wasasjust amere investor," she said during he Q&A.
But Thu Thao soon found that she wasmore than just the bank on thisproduction.She ended up doing much more asshe became the executive proudcer,and even played arole within the film,asa doctor
Douglaspiped in,saying,"It'sreally remarkable how clever,how talented,how smart,how quickly she took to understand what wasthe best way to market and monetize thisbusiness."
The film,of course,began with a script,by scriptwriter Nhat Ha."The scriptwriter,thisisher baby," said Thu Thao."It wasa project that she could not make happen and she'sbeen keeping thiswith her for the last 10 years. It took her three yearsto write the script."
In addition to writing the script, she also played acharacter in the film asone of the main character'smentors. In addition,she isa professional Vietnamese singer. The director also played apivitol role in the movie,asYvonne. Thisisher second film asadirector. Everyone involved in thisproject wore multiple hats.
When it came to being a producer,Thu Thao took the role very seriously.She said,"When I first joined asalargest investor of this movie project,I treated it like abusinessdeal because I have three companies.I have friendsin Hollywood and they spend money,if it's not their money,like water.So I told her,'I you want my money,I have acouple requirements. One of the requirements,she didn't agree to it at first,isthat I need to form aboard of advisors.So any money that you spend more than $5000,I have to have my board to look at all contractsand all dealsthat are [made].' She walked away and said,'I can't do that. All of my movies,I haven't done that.' And I'm like, 'OK,see you.'
"So she didn't want to do that and I said,'I have no interest of entertaining what you want to do with thismovie if I don't get to monitor how you spend the money.And it'shundredsof thousandsof dollars.
"So then,three dayslater,she came back and she'sagreed to my terms. And that'show I didn't just became a mere investor,I rolled up my sleeves and I had to bring in all my investors,which are my friends that trust me that know that I am asuccessful businesswoman So then I became an executive producer."

hastaken three yearsto diligently, painstakingly write thiswonderful script. She holdsonto it for another seven,which is10 yearsaltogether.She getsher [Thu Thao] not only financially asexecutive producer,but somebody who doesn't know anything about filmmaking,rollsup her sleevesand hopsright in,and just knows about organization.She takesthat 10 year script In ayear,she producesit,start to finish ... She shot the entire thing in a month!"
"That'sright," said Thu Thao.
"She saved so much money shooting all of that in a month," added Douglas.
"First," said Thu Thao,"let me share why I had to shoot it in amonth. Thisisthe first ever Vietnamese movie made in the U.S.100%.Thisisalso the first ever Vietnamese movie that we got so far in six film festivalsthat accepted usinto the final semi-finals[asof presstime]. Thisisalso the first Vietnamese movie that we made that getsto be released in three countries -- U.S. first,in nationwide theaters.If you go on 'AFragile Flower' on social media,that will have all the listsof theaters.And so March 29 isU.S. release nationwide."
The film,which israted PG-13, will go on to Vietnam on April 18 "And then after that," she continued,"It will be released in IndiaMay 31st.That's1.5 billion people over there right now. So if you count India,U.S.,and Vietnam.My math ispretty good. It'slike about half of the world population.So,I'm excited."
Thu Thao hopesthat she can help otherswho are interested in filmmaking to have the successthisfilm hashad.She said,"If anything,I am hoping that I can pave the way for other filmmakersor other young women out there that wantsto make movies"
The reason she said she had to shoot thisfilm in a month wasto save money on craft service,for one,but also because she brought in talent from Vietnam,so it wasnot cost effective to bring them for along period of time to Californiato shoot.
She also got lucky with locations.Many friendsgave her placesto shoot and she wasable to obtain space to shoot big sceneswith 3000-4000 people,including at the PalmsCasino and Pechanga Casino Resort.
"I do a lot of charity and community outreach and doctorswthout borders.I think God ison my side," she said,saying she did aof begging and praying but everyting came through.
The big singing scene with the main actresshad to be filmed live, which meant that the actorsresponding to the singing also had to act during that scene live aswell.
The film wasbased on a real person but there isno mention of her name. Thu Thao explained,"Thisisbased on the true story of awell known Vietnamese singer in the community. Everything in here portrayed her life. I want thisto show our culture and heritage and our story to the whole world.We can't put her name in memory of so and so...not everyone nowswho she is... That will limit the audience. So,we took out her name,even though we got permission from her family.We dramatized it a little bit,make it more 'Crazy Rich Asians.'"
In the movie,the main actressisdiagnosed with Cancer,something that Thu Thao knowsalot about.In real life asadoctor,she helps people with Cancer. "I coach people who have Cancer and they go to the doctor and the doctor saysthey have three to six monthsto live. They watch my health and wellness TVshow.They come to me and sign an agreement.The next 30 days,I'll coach them for free and they get to be Cancer free."
Thu Thao hassaved hundredsof people,she said,with her coaching. She had hoped when she was brought on to thisfilm,that she would be able to save the character. But she did not read the script til later and realized that wasnot her part to play.
Regardless,Thu Thao'srole in this film made it a possibility and now it will be shared with the world.
Tofindout moreabout this powerful film,visit Afragileflower.com.

Seeing Stars at at Miami Film Fest
By Rachel GalvinThe Miami Film Festival hasunveiled quite the line-up thisyear,including more than 180 feature filmsand shorts,including documentaries. The fest,which ishappening April 5-14,will include 10 World Premieres, 10 North American Premieres,five U.S. Premieresand 11 East Coast Premieres,as well as42 FloridaPremieres.
The festival will open with "Thelma," directed by Josh Margolin,who will be in attendance.It starsJune Squibb,Fred Hechinger and Parker Posey,aswell as Richard Roundtree.The comedy followsa grandmother who embarkson aquest to recoup her money after she loses $10,000 in a phone scam.
comedian living with hisfather,while struggling to co-parent hisautistic son Ezra with hisex-wife.When forced to confront difficult decisionsabout their son?sfuture, Max and Ezra embark on across-country road trip that hasa transcendent impact on both their lives.
But those two directorsare not the only notableswho will be in attendance at the fest The festival will bring in many filmmakersfrom all over the world and also plenty of celebrities. Here are afew:

Tom Hiddleston
April 9 at 7:30 p.m., Arsht Center
Tom Hiddleston,probably best known for playing "Loki" in the Marvel movies,will be receiving aVariety Virtuoso Award and will be part of a Q&Apresentation.

The film fest closeswith "Ezra," by Tony Goldwyn, who also will be attending on April 13. That film followsthe story of Max Bernal,a stand-up

Molly Ringwald
April 6 at 8 p.m.,
Chapman Center
ThisBrat Packer isknown for all her '80sfilms,like "Pretty in Pink" and "Breakfast Club," among others,but hasmore recently been in showslike "Riverdale" and others.She will be presented with a Variety Creative Vanguard Award and answer questionsduring the Q&A.

Sheryl Lee Ralph
April 13, noon, Chapman Center
Emmy Award-Winning actressSheryl Lee Ralph will receive the Precious Gem Award following a talk about her career,which includesher role asBarbaraHoward on the TVshow "Abbott Elementary."

Tony Goldwyn
April 13, 7 p.m, Arsht Center
Actor Tony Goldwyn, known for being in such filmsas"Scandal," and many others,directsthe closing night film,"Ezra," starring Robert DeNiro,Bobby Cannavale, Whoopi Goldberg,Rose Byrne and Vera Farminga.The film screening will be preceded by him receiving an Art of Light Award.

Alison Brie
April 13, 3 p.m., Regal SB You may have seen Brie in the shows"Apples Never Fall," "Community" and elsewhere. She will be receiving an Art of Light Award and will be talking about her career.

Heather Graham
April 9, 7:30 p.m., CGAC
Known for her work asan actressin everything from "Boogie Nights" to "Austin Powers" and beyond,Graham now hasmade her directorial debut with the film "Chosen Family." She will be part of aspecial Q&Afollowing her film.

Tarsem Singh
April 12, 7 p.m., CGAC
Thisfamed Indian Director will be part of a Q&A following hisnew film "Dear Jassi. " They also will show hisfilm "The Cell," preceded by a special introduction from Singh.

Michael Showalter
April 12, 7:15 p.m., Regal SB
Showalter will be part of a Q&Afollowing hisnew film "The Ideaof You," starring Anne Hathaway. Showalter isknown most recently asbeing the director behind the two-time Oscar-winning film, "The Eyesof Tammy Faye."

Lady Camden
April 12, 7:15 p.m., Regal SB
Known asbeing askilled ballet dancer and world-renowned drag queen,Lady Camden (RPDR) isknown for her captivating stage presence. Check out the North American premiere of her new documentary,"Lady Like!''

Phil Lord
April 6, 7 p.m., Arsht Center
One of the mindsbehind recent animated blockbusters"The Lego Movie" and the "Spider-Verse" film series,Lord,isattending the "LosFrikis" screening & Q&A. The Miami-born filmmaker produced the film with long-time collaborator Christopher Miller.

Danny Pino
April 7, 3 p.m., Koubek Center
Alocal Miami legend,Pino,known for hiswork on "Law & Order:SVU," will be here a film he directed called "Unión de Reyes." Following the film,Pino will participate in Q&Awith the audience.

Jeremy Piven
April 11, 7:30 p.m., Miami Beach Bandshell
You may know Piven from hiswork on "Entourage," among many other TV showsand films.He will be joining hissister,Shira,to attend the Marquee screening of "The Performance" and they will be taking part in a Q&Ain which he starsand she directed.

Adria Arjona
April 5, 7 p.m., Arsht Center
ThisPuerto Rican actressisbest known for her work on "Emerald City" and she will be attending the World Premiere of the film "LosFrikis," aswell as participating in an extended Q&Afollowing.

FilmReview: "Isleof Hope"
By Rachel GalvinAnyone who isin the ?Sandwich Generation?will know the stressof caring for ailing parentsand children at the same time. Thisanxiety can lead to conflictswith interpersonal relationships and problemslearning to cope.Thistopic isexplored in the new movie ?Isle of Hope,? directed by South Florida based director Damian Romay and hisfather and producer Omar,who encouraged him to make it. The film wasadapted from an Argentinian stage play ?DiasContados?by Oscar Martinez and modified to add athird act. It opened Feb.23 in theatersthroughout the state.
The movie followsthe story of VictoriaCrawford (Mary Stuart Masterson),ateacher who isharsh with her students,feelsbetrayed by her mother (Diane Ladd),fightswith her brother (Sam Robards) and is struggling to hold on to her teenage daughter (Jessica Lynn Wallace), who would rather spend time with her dad (played by Andrew McCarthy),who now liveswith another woman.
All of her conflictscome to ahead at atime when Victoria'smother suddenly hasastroke leaving her with amnesia.She can? t remember anything for the past 15 years. Thisforcesher to reunite with her ex-husband and forcesher to try to make nice with her brother. But her biggest struggle iscoping with her mother herself. At the same time,her daughter wantsto get away from her so much that she leavesthe country on a trip.During the processof handling all of
the above,Victorialearnsthingsshe did not know about what was happening in her life and in the livesof others.Thiscrisisoverall really knocksher off balance and makesher struggle to regain her footing and find peace with her past,and figure out how to deal with her present in a new way.
Although all of the actorsdid well in their roles,Diane Ladd?s performance wasbrilliant. Her work isdefinitely award-worthy.
The relationship between mothersand daughtersin thisfilm really bringsthe most poignant moments.Watching the film,you feel the angst of the characters,but it isnot all stressladen.There are plenty of lighthearted momentsand timesfor shedding atear or two aswell. It really isawell-rounded story that getsbetter asit goesalong.
Romay said,?Working and collaborating with such an incredible cast wastruly an amazing experience.My hope isthat people will enjoy the film and that mothersand daughters,fathersand sonswill see the film together."
Moreinfo: isleofhopethemovie.com.


Tim Meadows & Friends
Bring the Funny to Boca Raton
By Rachel GalvinOn March 1 and 2,actor and comedian Tim Meadowsand histalented friendsMarc Evan Jackson,Brad Morrisand Joe Canale had special eventsdoing Improv at The Studio in Mizner Park in Boca Raton,FL. They were on stage twice a day for both daysand each show was different since it wasall improvised. They had plenty of playful banter between them and also interacted with the audience,picking up snippetsof their livesand using them in the act. The result wasone hillariousskit after another.
Meadowsisknown for being in such moviesas"Mean Girls," "Ladies Man" and "Walk Hard" and TVshowslike "The Goldbergs," aswell as hisstint on SNL,among many others.Hisfriendsare equally talented with countlessyearsin the industry.The foursome know each other through the comedy world with all being alumsof the Second City in Chicago.
For moreinfo.onTheStudio,visit https://studioatmiznerpark.com.
The Rebr anding of a Fil mFest ival
The organizerswho were behind the Subculture Film Fest,which was not run by Rodney Mayo (who isknown for hisSubculture branding,see pg.6) have decided to change the name of their fest to Subtropic Film Fest.
The people in charge of thisfest are José JesúsZaragozaand Noelia Solange.
They said that the rebrand was"carefully considered by the film fest team asaway of maintaining itscore identity,while looking to the future that seeksto be ever-more inclusive of all South Floridavoices."
Zaragozaadded,?Subtropic Film Fest capturesmore of our region?s identity,and allowsusto widen our scope and focusto include more filmsfrom throughout South Florida.Aswe continue growing our audience and our programming,the name also reflectsthe beauty of our region and encouragesvisitorsto come to West Palm Beach to spend the weekend with usin abeautiful paradise.?
The partnership with Afflux Studios,which operatesG-star Studiosand aHollywood-style soundstage in Palm Beach County,isa no-brainer," said festival organizers.
Solange expressed her enthusiasm about the collaboration,stating, "Afflux Studios,and Bobby Keegan and Joey Ambrose,have been an integral part of our journey,and we are thrilled to have them aspartners in Subtropic Film Fest.?
Other partnersinclude the Norton Museum of Art. Noelia said,?We also owe much of our successto our supportive partnership with the Norton Museum of Art and to the South Floridafilm community who came together to make year two happen. And that?ssomething to be grateful for. ?
They added that in just two short years,they achieved "groundbreaking successin programming,venuesand community engagement."
Tolearnmore,visit www.subtropicff.com.
Celebrating The Oscars ...
At Savor Cinema
By Rachel GalvinMore than 250 people flocked to Savor Cinema on March 10 for aspecial Oscar party.In past years,the soiree washeld at the glamorousmansion Villade Palma,but thisyear it wasstaged asa street party in front of the headquartersof the Ft. Lauderdale Film Festival,Savor Cinema
The Oscar awardswere shown on ahuge screen or people could go inside to watch.Red Chair Catering had plenty of options available from achicken parmesean slider to a delectable bite of salmon and mashed potatoes,and more. The Mountain Waffle Company provided waffleswith fruit and whip cream,and cuban tacos.There also were chocolate chip cookies.And people could alwayspick up some popcorn to munch while watching the awards.

For those who preferred to mingle,they could do so while listening to the vocal stylingsof the Paul Shewchuk trio featuring John Zam,GinettaVendettaand the high energy violin music from Steven Avi.
People could also grab an Oscar prop and step in front of the red carpet,in front of the Oscarsor Hollywood sign,or in front of a large Oscar statue to grab aphoto opp.
The scene wascompleted with lightsstrung acrossthe street and some more comfortable chairsprovided by City Furniture,as well astablesand chairs.
The event wassponsored by Steve Savor,Robinson'sJewelers, Jeff Olson,Kerwell and the Harold & Shirley Robinson Foundation.
Savor Cinemaisthe headquartersfor the Ft. Lauderdale Intl. Film Festival and hasfilmsyear-round.Find out more at www.FLIFF.com.

Stopping Traffic to Stop Human Trafficking -- "Sisters of Vengeance"
By Rachel GalvinIt wasnot that long ago that the short film "Sistersof Vengeance" hit the festival circuit and now they are working on the feature film. Thisnew expanded version of the dark comedy still followssimilar plot and themeswith the intention of bringing light to the tragedy of human trafficking in aunique way.
One day of filming included amarch down Ocean Avenue -- stopping traffic to stop human trafficking Some of the main actressessat in aconvertible,driving it in front of the group while acrowd amassed on the sidewalk near them with signsin hand.Ayoung dance troupe filed in behind them,siding the car and doing their movesasit drove along and soon arapper joined in,with aDJin the distance pumping out the accompanying beats. Soon,the rest of the crowd filed behind to join in the march.It wasabeautiful march. It moved along while the song "We Are Family" wasplayed and everyone joined in.
Nearby,people watched asthe scene wasfilmed with multiple cameras The director,George Monteiro,sat in ahatchback of acar driving in front of the group while filming backward. There also wasa camera on the roof,adrone camera and acameramoving through the crowd.Multiple sceneswere filmed all taking place at beautiful Lummus Beach

(I actually reprised my role asa reporter with art imitating life, interviewing people who had experienced someone in their life who had been caught up in human trafficking)

Atent wasset up for craft service with plenty of pizzaand other food itemsto keep the cast full. It wasbeautiful weather for the shoot. The movie,starring PatriciaDelinois,isstill awork in progress.For moreinformation,visit www.sistersofvengeance.com.

AFM Moves to Vegas
Normally held in SantaMonicaand Los Angeles,the American Film Market will now be held in LasVegas. Thismove comesafter the market hasbeen in itscurrent location for more than 40 years. The market will be held thisyear at the PalmsCasino Resort November 5-10.
Thisevent isamust-attend for filmmakerstrying to get their films out in the marketplace.It allowspeople to pitch their product and network with the hopesof gaining distribution.
PalmsCasino Resort,in LasVegas,NV,offersawealth of modern facilitiesand conveniences,all in a single location for an enhanced market experience. Highlightsinclude newly renovated roomsand suitesfor Exhibitor office space and guest rooms,the Brenden Theatres?14 screen state-of-the-art multiplex,and more than 170,000 square feet of dedicated conference,meeting and event space.
LasVegasisalso convenient for those traveling from all over the world to attend.The local airport bringsin flightsglobally from 160 locations.And of course,there isplenty to do in Vegasfor those who want to check out the scene outside of the market.
Major production,finance,salesand distribution companies, including Arclight Films,Blue Fox Entertainment,Blacktop International,CinemaManagement Group,Cornerstone,The Exchange, Film Mode Entertainment,FilmNation Entertainment,Film Seekers, HanWay Films,AHigher Standard,Lakeshore Entertainment, Millennium Media,Myriad Pictures,NEON,Protagonist Pictures,The Asylum,The Solution Entertainment Group,Vision Films,WME Independent and XYZFilmshave already committed to participating in AFM24 in the new LasVegasPalmslocale,underscoring the industry's enthusiasm for thismonumental move and the importance of AFM to their businesses.
Jean Prewitt,IFTAPresident & CEOcommented: "AFM wascreated by the Independentsand remainsthe Independents' market. The industry hascalled for a fresh look at how the market can better serve a rapidly changing business.The Board hasmade a monumental decision that allowsusto better serve these needs. We look forward to introducing everyone to the new AFM venue and itsofferings."
"We're delighted to extend awarm welcome to the American Film Market," said CynthiaKiser Murphey,general manager of PalmsCasino Resort."Our team membersare committed to providing the Palms signature and personalized hospitality to each and every guest. The AFM'sneedsand our offeringsmake for a perfect match and we look forward to hosting the AFM participantsthisNovember.?
Theywill releasefurther informationsoonabout thisdevelopment.For moreinformationonAFM,visit https://americanfilmmarket.com.
FLIFFMakestheTop 10!
USAToday asked an expert panel to choose their favorite film festivalsin the country. Then,they had their readersvote for their top picks.The Ft. Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF) was voted #8 on the list!

Formoredetails,visit www.FLIFF.com.
Green Room Students Featured in Special Event
By Rachel GalvinMore than 300 people streamed into the Moviesof Delray on Feb.9 for aspecial event. It wasa great atmosphere for networking while listening to the DJpump up the jam before grabbing popcorn an drinksand heading into the two theatersto catch the movies.
There were three filmsshown: the sci-fi feature ?Space Transports,?aswell astwo shorts: ?The Audition?and ?The Coffee Shop.?These award-winning filmswere created by Green Room Acting Studio and Sound Tree Entertainment.
Gregory JamesBlount isinvolved in running the companiesand he workswith kidsand some adultsnew to the industry through teaching them acting and helping them to get cast,and also helping them to create demo reelsto showcase what they can do,and sending them to festivals.
?Our job isto help actorspursue their dreamsand find their story and their journey.Part of that istraining ? It?snot only about trying to help them learn what it'slike to be on aset,but also giving them an IMDb credit,awork credential,?said Blount,who added,?I'm really happy with thisjourney of storytelling,and it'sthe actorsthat really inspired me to take thisto adifferent level.?
At the event,among the attendeeswere casting director Ellen Jacoby,who isone of the teachersat Green Room Acting Studio, and who hascast alot of projects,like ?Something About Mary,? ?Miami Vice,??Burn Notice,??True Lies,?Bird Cage,??The Truman Show,??Bad Boys,?and many others. Also by her side wasPalm Beach Commissioner Michelle Hillery,among others.
Gregory James hasbeen in the industry for many yearsin variouscapacities,including producer and talent scout,aswell asworking with young actors,and hasdiscovered many ayoung talent.He runsthe company with hiswife,Diane Marie.To find out more about Green Room Acting Studio,visit www.GreenRoomActingStudio.com.