Rachel H

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侯 睿 Rachel Hou rachel.horay@gmail.com


2015 YOUNG PIN DESIGN AWARD |Digital Multimedia Design EXPERIENCE


Happy Journal, my graduation


and won the 2015 YOUNG PIN

2013.02 - 2013.07

project in SCID was nominated DESIGN AWARD.

The Young Pin Design Award is administered by

the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Education with the Taiwan Design Center. In 2015, the transformation of this award from

Yoda to Young Pin, coupled with its connection to the prestigious, international Golden Pin Design Award, makes it one of the most

important awards for emerging designers in Taiwan.


User Experience Designer 2014.03 - 2015.07

SOOHOOBOOK is a startup com-

pany based in Taiwan since 2013. Business includes design for

Apps, Websites, applications of

Beacon services for museums and creative parks. I am the user

experience designer, involving

through the project from planing to its delivery.

Service Design Project This is a service design project supervised under Prof. Brigit Mager during my exchange

program in Köln International

School of Design, Germany. Our collaboration with MOLESKINE takes place in Köln, Germany,

with 3 topics; Brand Recognition,

B2B, and Retail Stores. It includes one check point meeting in

MOLESKINE Headquarter in

Milan, Italy, where we present our progress, and the final presentation at KISD.

ISM 2013|

Design Thinking Project 2013.02 - 2013.07

This is a design thinking project superviced under Prof. Jenz

Großhans during my exchange program in Köln International

School of Design, Germany. The final delivery is to create a new

sweet / snack packaging with its brand image and present during the ISM 2013.

ISM is the source of momentum for the sweets

and snacks sector and focuses on all the trends

and topics that are of importance ‒ from pricing and the organic boom to new taste sensations.

FSM Co., Ltd|

Design Assistant

2012.03 - 2012.08

FSM (Free State of Mind) dedicate in Reading Generalization. My working experience in FSM

includes online Picture Book

editing and product developing.



Bachelor Degree 2009 - 2015

Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design

YDW 2011|

Taipei, Taiwan

Project Leader 2011.12

Participating 2011 Young Design-

Exchange Student Program

being the Project leader of a team

Köln International School of

2012 - 2013

ers’Workshop (YDW 2011) and


formed with students from Japan,

Köln, Germany

Singapore, and Germany.

YDW as a prelude to the "2011 International Design Alliance Congress," comprises 31

workshops, which are designed around specific themes ranging from industrial design, interior

design and communication design to traditional crafts. Participants of the workshops will

broaden their vision and perspective through different design approaches from various cultural backgrounds.

Freelance |

Integrate Designer 2011.5 - 2012.05

Freelancing projects includes

Graphic Design, Decor Design, and Company Identity.


Language |


English ( TOEFL : 92 / 120 )

German ( Goethe-Zertifikat A2 ) French

User Interface |

Familiar with iOS Human Inter-

face Guidelines and Google User Interface Guideline Softwares|

Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop,

Indesign, Sketch, After Effect, 3D Rendering Autodesk Alias, Keyshot

PRO JE C TS Happy Journal|快樂日記


HUASHAN 1914 Creative Park|華山1914文化創意產業園區 好孕邦 by Les Enphants MOLESKINE X KISD

Happy Journal|快樂日記

2014.10 - 2015.04

Study has shown that

Project brief

80% of the people are suffering in gloom without realizing.

Project Leader

Ruei Hou/ 侯 睿 Programing Team

Zhi-Yao Zhuang / 莊 智堯

Carlos Argueta/ 安 凱若

They might never understand why they are not happy due to the unreason to“keep physical tracking of one’s mood”.With easy steps to add diary, dynamic user interface and assigned tasks, Happy Journal aim to increase user’s interactions with other people in the real world. Every tasks and missions are designed to fit every stages of using for it to encourage positive events and provide consolations when feeling down.

Discipline User Experience and Design Support Self-authored Project Work Delivery App for iOS Devices Concept Video User Experience Report

Happy Journal

/ 快樂日記

百分之八十潛藏著憂鬱情緒的人們對 於自己的心理狀態並不理解,也因為


致這些人可能永遠都無法知道為什麼 自己快樂不起來。

透過記錄過程中視覺介面的變化、任 務,增加使用者與真實世界的互動,

並藉由使用時間及活躍度決定各項任 務達成的難易度,鼓勵分享正面情緒 事件、在負面情緒事件發生時給予安 慰、提供宣洩的管道。

I Post, Therefore I Am

Why Is Being Happy Essential?

/ 我發文,故我在

People nowadays are highly activated in the cyber world. 89% of us share, post, and

interact with each other on social media

everyday. Soul Hackers Lab, which dedicated to emotion-behind-text detecting, has

developed an algorithm to analyze our

emotion by learning our texting habit and

tags we use. SHL groups them into Joy, Trust,

By the year 2020, depression is projected to reach second place in the ranking of Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALY) calculated for all ages. - World Health Organization

/ 為什麼快樂這麼重要?

Depression is the leading cause of disability as measured by Years Lived with Disability

(YLDs) and the fourth leading contributor to the global burden of disease.

Although we may sometimes neglect to

cultivate our own happiness, feeling happy is

Surprise, Anticipation, Anger, Disgust,

intrinsically important. According the

Sadness and Fear based on over 300 other

research, if we are happy it has added knock

smaller emotions groups. Happy Journal will

on effects and benefits. These include us

know how you feel without you telling.

becoming more compassionate and feeling healthier both physically and emotionally.


We become more creative, witty, energetic

率高達百分之八十九,Happy Journal 與致力於文

and fun to be around.

字情緒分析的Soul Hackers Lab 合作,將蒐集到的 文字、標籤內容交由Soul Hackers Lab提供的一套



估到了2020 年,憂鬱症的負擔將會是全球十大疾病

(http://demo.soulhackerslabs.com/) 這套演算法



- 世界衛生組織



我們不是很在乎培養自己的快樂,於是憂鬱的情緒 從校園、職場、家庭各個角落滲透到我們的日常生 活中。

「快樂」使我們更有同理心、富有創造力、容易相處、 對生理及心裡都更健康,尤其隨著近年來心理健康


Less than 20% of people suffering in depression are receiving appropriate medical help.

所 有 經 診 斷 具 有 憂 鬱 症 臨 床 症 狀 的 人,僅 有 少 於 百 分 之 二 十 接 受 醫 療 的 協 助。

意識的抬頭,科學家、心理學家們也揭露更多關於「 快樂」如何主宰著我們生活品質的研究。

Know Context: Current Solutions?

32% of the people in need were benifited by Social Act 百分之三十二的人受惠於社會法案措施

26% of the people in need were benifited by Medical

32% of the people in need responded to Accompany and





/ 現有的解決方式?

Social Act

- Restrain accessibility of common suicide methods (ex. guns, pesticide, coal etc.)

- Increase social security level (ex.adding

percentage of surveillance cameras in dark corners of the city)

Medical Assistance

Accompany and Support

- Psychological consultant, including

- Depression Support Group

- Medication treatment for at least 6 month Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psychoanalysis, andFundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation Examination.

- Establish more consultancy firms

- Electroconvulsive Therapy when highly



- Suicide Prevention Center in hospitals - 對常用自殺方法的「獲得性」加以限制(ex. 槍枝、 農藥、木炭 etc.)

- 提升公共設施安全性(ex. 增加巷弄監視器比例) - 廣設相關醫療機構、諮詢機構 - 醫院中設置「自殺預防中心」

suicidal symptoms show.

- 藥物治療 6個月以上(ex. 抗憂鬱劑、血清素調節 劑 etc.)

- 心裡治療 依照個案配合諮商時間: 認知行為治療:學習察覺負面情緒 精神分析取向:人格結構

人際取向:適應不良人際關係,提升社交技巧、溝 通能力

- 電氣痙攣療法(當藥不足或高度自殺危險時才加 上此治療)

- Social Media, online forum - Meditation

- Suicide Hot Line - Dairy

- Application for anonymous emotional disclosure


- 社群網路「取暖」性質討論區(PTT、網路論壇) - 匿名互助會 - 冥想

- 1980 張老師專線 - 日記抒發情緒

- 與親友或透過匿名性質APP宣洩、傾訴

Activity Interest Opinion (AIO) survey / AIO生活型態量表

Description on Potential Depressed Citizens in Metropolis: - Utilitarianism

Know People & Frame Insights / 使用者研究分析

Family, Relationship and Workplace are t h e To p T h r e e S o u r c e o f D e p r e s s i o n .

憂 鬱 情 緒( 壓 力、無 助 感 )來 源:就 職 環 境、家 庭 和 睦、 情感關係

Utilitarianism 功利主義取向

- High absorbing ability in novelties

- Social media is highly involved in lives - Images are the most adapted form of journaling

- More than one method of journaling is used in life

- Value harmony with associates and seeking for approval and supports from the others

- Family, Relationship and workplace are the top three source of pressure.

Value Harmony with Associates and

Seeking for Approval and Supports from the Others

重 視 與 他 人 和 諧 關 係,並 尋 求 他 人 的 讚 許 和 支 持

Images are the Most Adapted Form of


「 記 錄 生 活 」形 式 以 影 像 方 式 最多

都會地區擁有潛在憂鬱特質對象之生活型態描述: - 功利取向

- 對新奇事物吸收能力強,具喜新厭舊特質 - 在社交網路中活躍度高

-「記錄生活」形式以影像方式最多 - 多數持一種及以上的「記錄」形式

- 重視與他人和諧關係,並尋求他人的讚許和支持 - 憂鬱情緒(壓力、無助感)來源:就職環境、家庭和 睦、情感關係

High Absorbing Ability

Social Media is Highly Involved in

對 新 奇 事 物 吸 收 能 力 強,


in Novelties



Activity Interest Opinion survey:

Description on Potential Depressed Citizens in Metropolis AIO 生活型態量表


Persona / 人物誌

Self Awareness 自我認知能力

Communication 溝通能力

Hanah 28 Female

Project Manager

Humble and calm, lack of strong communiating ability.

Control in Emotion 控制感情能力

Empathy 同理心

Goal Achiving 追求目標能力

Personas are created base on the combina-

tion of AIO survey, land area measurements and population statistics.

依照AIO生活量表的分析結合人口統計變數(年齡、 教育、職業、所得、地理區)建立 3 種代表擁有潛在 憂鬱情緒的族群

Self Awareness 自我認知能力

Communication 溝通能力

Control in Emotion 控制感情能力

Patrick 34 Male

Start-up Company CEO

Lively and egolistic, very short-tempered as well.

Empathy 同理心

Goal Achiving 追求目標能力

Self Awareness 自我認知能力

Communication 溝通能力

Tomason 23 Male

Part-time Employee

Nerdy, shy, and sensitive.

Empathy 同理心

Control in Emotion 控制感情能力

Goal Achiving 追求目標能力

First Draft / 初稿

Frame Solutions / 痛點轉換:驗證

Designed a serious of questions and tasks for user to operate Happy Journal. We ask them to score 0 ~ 5 which indicates his/her mood from frustrating to exciting.

設計一系列問題及工作,透過觀察使用者操作介面 流程並請他們在每一項任務完成後選擇該項目的 心情等級。


Frustating 0 ~ Exciting 5 ( 分 )

Please try to add a journal post (text, photo, activity tags. ) 試 新 增 一 則 日 記( 含 文 字、照 片、活 動 標 籤 )

Explore around and tell me what did you discover most intersting? 玩 玩 看,告 訴 我,你 最 被 吸 引 的 是 什 麼?

新 增 C o n t e n t 方 式 是 否 與 普 遍 使 用 經 驗 相 似( Facebook , Instagram, Twitter etc.)

視 覺 中 心:幾 何 圖 形 是 否 對「 持 續 使 用 」產 生 正 向 幫 助

How dose it mean to you if you are able to share your result? 「 分 享 」你 的 心 情 結 果 對 你 的 意 義 是 什 麼? 驗 證「 藉 由 實 體 社 群 的 互 動 減 輕 T A 的 負 面 情 緒 」 的 概 念(「 分 享 」是 否 為 最 適 當 的 方 式 )

How do you feel about when you look at your calendar and see the wave of your emotion? 當你在Callendar這個項目裡看到自己心情的 波 動 時,你 有 什 麼 感 覺?

驗 證「 時 間 」與「 情 緒 起 伏 」是 否 能 夠 加 強 使 用 者 對自身情緒的認知 does this make a difference?

Can you discribe to me what is the m a i n d i ff e r e n c e b e t w e e n D a i l y Ta s k and Challenges? 你 能 夠 告 訴 我 D a i l y Ta s k 跟 C h a l l e n g e s 最 大的區別嗎?

驗 證「 藉 由 實 體 社 群 的 互 動 減 輕 T A 的 負 面 情 緒 」 的概念

w h a t i s y o u r D a i l y Ta s k ? A n d h o w d o you feel about it? 你 的 D a i l y T a s k 是 什 麼?看 到 這 個 任 務 時 你 的 想 法 是? D a i l y T a s k 的 問 題、任 務 設 計 是 否 達 到「 使 人 開 心 」的 初 衷

What is the first impression when you s e e yo u r G e n e rato r Pa ge? 你 對 於 G e n e r a t o r 頁 的 第 一 印 象 是 什 麼? 遇 到「 新 」的 體 驗 時 是 否 激 發 使 用 者 的 好 奇 心 “ I d o n ’t k n o w w h a t i t i s y e t , but I want to know more!”

Explore around and tell me what did you discover most intersting? 玩 玩 看,告 訴 我,你 最 被 吸 引 的 是 什 麼?

使用者是否能僅以文字了解個項目及其代表的 意涵

Work Delivery Improvements in Design / 設計問題改良

Result from usability testing indicates that it is very important to simplify the process of

Redirecting. It is proven that this will increase user’s confidant significantly while operat-

ing. Happy Journal is considered a“spiritual companion”whenever user skips or fail in

task. The comforting interacting messages are highly appreciated.

The value of Happy Journal is to emphasize the process of Keeping Diary. We put user into the circumstances and provide

feedbacks of encouragement or consolation accordingly.

透過實務驗證結果,將「引導」的過程簡單化並且建 立捷徑,建立使用者操作的信心,情感上,將Happy Journal 定位成關心使用者的一個伴侶,任務失敗 或未完成時出現安慰、關懷的互動訊息。

Happy Journal 的價值在於透過「日記」的過程,暗 示、引導使用者投入情境,依照使用時間產出適當 難易度的任務,在正面、負面情緒事件發生時均能 發揮鼓勵正向的心態及宣洩。

/ 設計產出

Phase 1. Acknowledge

Phase 2. Redirect

Happy Journal analyzes your emotions

Science shows that 7 to 10 every morning is

/ 建立知覺

through out the day either adding diary in app or sharing thoughts on other social

media platform. It presents the changes and status abstractly.

Happy Journal 讓你在日常生活中不論是記日記還 是在社交網路分享自己的想法都能捕捉到你文字 背後的情緒,並且用抽象的方式(顏色、圖案)呈現 變化。

/ 引導

when our brain most energetic and it slows down afterwards gradually. Happy Journal will send Daily Task everyday around 11

when we start to relax and be able to collect our thoughts. The questions and tasks sent are based on Social Events, meant to

encourage real world interactions. It helps users to take the first step, invite friends.

每天早晨7-10點是人類大腦一天之中最活躍,精神、 體力最充沛的時段,到了約莫11點時是人的注意力

開始放鬆、並且助於沈澱思考的時;這個時候Happy Journal會發送第一則Daily Task,問題/任務是由

Happy Journal所建置 [Social Event 社交活動]類型 的屬性。此類型的活動用意在於鼓勵使用者與他人 增加真實世界的互動,提供活動建議或地點,藉由


Slide to see the collections of your emotions 左右滑以瀏覽每日的日記與不同時段的情緒

Side menu to

navigate user to go to other pages and the synchronizing switch.


導至其他頁面,並選擇 同步的社交軟體

Click + to add journal

Through 20 different tags,

點選 + 新增日記

your post. Press the button to

choose (or skip) a catagor y for indicate level of your feeling!

幫日記選擇一個種類(或跳過)長按中 心賦予標記的心情程度的差異! Click the date and go through journals

點選以瀏覽該日期的日記紀錄、使用 者在社交軟體上的發言

Download Happy Journal via QR Code (iOS devices only)

Happy Journal release alerts when detects user in a more depressed mood over two month. It not only allows user to have a better

understanding of his/her imbalance in mental health but provides a sharable tracking information for further psychological consultant.


Happy Journal 發出提醒,除了讓使用者看到自己的心理健康失衡的狀況,也提 供後續諮商時輔助的統計數據。

Phase 3. Reflect / 反思

Happy Journal also provides other groups of questions and tasks bases on users livability on other linked social media and diary,

especially when it detects lower emotion points.


,Happy Journal在活躍度降低、情緒分數偏向負分

時給予其他屬性的問題/任務,每一項任務題目在介 面中均提供快捷的完成選項。

Bonding with close ones


Social Events 社交活動

Reflections 回顧

Buffering Questions 鼓勵、話匣子、其它

Task 任務


2014.07 - 2014.10

HUASHAN 1914 Creative Park|華山1914文化創意產業園區

2015.06 - 2015.09

好孕邦 by Les Enphants

2014.07 - 2015.12

Physical and Mental Condition



Sleeping Problem

Morning Sickness

Nervous & Fear

- Create a Character

- an Integrate Searching Platform

- Self-Documenting Journal

- Notes and Calender

Anxieties and Solutions





Fetus Heartbeat

Gaining Weight





Growing Expectation


Increasing Pain


- Developing Character

- Transforming

-“Take a Walk!”

- Parenatal Education

- Naming

-“Take a deep breath!”

- Diet Plan

- Shop for Me - Gender

- Mommy Look


- Pet Talk

- Let’s Buy It!




2013.03 - 2013.07



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