p h o t o g r a p h y
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p h o t o g r a p h e r
» IA’lmu mRnaic,hIe lg rSahdi euladtse.dIi’ mn 2a0p1 r0o. uAntdt hSat rt epeot si nb to ri on Hmiyg hl i fSecIh o o l
didn’t want to be a photographer, it was just a hobby. Over the past three years I’ve developed my own style and fell more in love with photography. I like to keep myself busy and during my free time, I like to spend it learning about the most recent tricks and tips in this industry.
» Pmhyobt ougsri na pe shsi.nIg ws eonuilodr ppioc rkt rt oa ipt sh oi st ot ghreahpehaar tsaenndi osroouvleorf
pretty much anything else. There is just something so captivating about photographing a senior. I love being able to capture the youth left in the senior in front of my camera lenses. There’s just something so special and unique about that moment to me. Graduating high school is a large milestone for a teenager, I believe that it is something worth being remembered years from now.
» Ea wa cahy pf rhoomt otghrea pt yhpe ircha la ss eandi oi frf eproernt rt asittysl ee.s sFioorn .mIed, oI ns’wt a y
have an indoor studio, all my work is done outdoors, and I’m only using natural light. I strive on capturing the personality of the senior I have standing in front of me and showing them that they’re truly captivating. I have a unique way of editting and processing all of my images.
» Mo fymgyo acll iaesn tas pohf octoomg rpalpeht eelry issattoi slfei eadv eweiat hc ht haenidr feivneirsyh eodn e product, I’m only satisifed if you are. Now with all that being said, I would like to thank you for your interest in my photography and I look forward to working with you!
the session fee S e s s i o n O n e — 100USD Up to one hour of shooting. One location of your choice. A maximum of two outfits. One facebook image preview. Anywhere from five to ten final images for proofing.
S e s s i o n T w o — 200USD Up to two hours of shooting. Any locations of your choice. Unlimited outfit changes. Two facebook image previews. Anywhere from fifteen to twenty final images for proofing.
E x t r a O p t i o n s — 60USD/EACH Professional make-up application Professional hair styling
11x14 – 35usd 08x10 – 25usd 04x06 – 20usd WALLET PRINTS FOR ONE POSE
12 – 20usd 08 – 15usd 04 – 10usd FOR TWO POSES
48 – 45usd 24 – 35usd 16 – 30usd 12 – 25usd
THE DISC This is honestly my top seller.This disc allows you to print as you please, where ever you’d like, whenever you’d like, for as long as you’d like.This option allows you the best printing options. With the disc, you will recieve a print release form that you’ll need to bring with you when printing.The disc includes all the original files that were taken during the session, aside from those that may be slightly out of focus, as well as all of the edited images from the session.
01 – 200usd
purchasing options
what to expect
Decided you’d like to book a session with me....what happens next? When we discuss the potential date for your session, we’ll plan a consult too. At this point, we’ll get to know each other. We’ll talk about outfits, locations, times and just have small casual conversation so we can avoid the typical shy, awkward feelings that your senior may feel being photographed by a stranger. Also at this point, half of your session fee is due to hold your date we decided. If you can’t do an in person consult, no worries. We can do it via phone, email, or skype as well; however, I highly recommend doing the consult face to face. After the photo shoot, when will you recieve your product? The day of your session, the remaining half of your session fee is do. We’ll also be scheduleing a day to meet up so you can view the proofs of your session. This day will be about a week-two after your session. At this point the ordering will take place. All payments are due the day of the ordering session. After the orders have been placed expect roughly one to two weeks for your product to come in. I will contact you directly when all of your product is finished.
booking your session
Ready to book your session? Just contact me! The sooner, the better. When it comes to booking a session, I ask to at least try booking two weeks ahead. I will let you know if I have any open spots, earlier than the date you’re looking for. I am currently only booking weekends, max. of two sessions a day.
RACHEL SHIELDS Owner » Photographer contact by phone, via text or call — 330-968-5235 send an email — rachelcshields@yahoo.com message over facebook — facebook.com/rachelshields.photography
contact information
rachelshields p h o t o g r a p h y