Rachel Webb Surface Botanics
Surface Botanics a research project developing and designing for DuPont™ CorianŽ Solid Surface
urface Botanics is an innovative façade collection consisting of a research based project of sample development and design collection, specifically for DuPont™ Corian® Solid Surfaces by Rachel Webb with sponsorship from CD (UK) Ltd. An opportunity arose for Rachel to begin a unique, research project challenging the surface of DuPont™ Corian® Solid Surface. Liaising with Gary Baker MD of CD (UK) Ltd discussions were formed regarding the current market of Corian® and how its design has previously been explored, this steered towards the potential future Corian® could have with a surface designers influence… Corian® Solid Surface is a material formed of natural minerals and acrylic, Corian® is non-porous, which resists bacteria and stains. Corian® is a practical and resilient surface which can be formed in almost any shapes and is used for products such as countertops, lighting, furniture and wall cladding. Rachel questioned how techniques she was familiar with could be adapted and tailored to work flawlessly with the Corian® surface. Rachel wanted to explore design possibilities for the surface, to see if textured prints and effects could create a more subtle appearance; the idea of creating a ‘designed’ piece of Corian® for an exterior or interior wall decoration market works perfectly with the lifespan and great practical properties that Corian® can offer. The Surface Botanics collection created for urban facades or interior wall decoration focuses on a theme of floral and naturalistic imagery. The collection entails specifically created designs and selected techniques giving the material an ulterior purpose. The aim for Rachel was to develop a series of designs to actively change the appearance of the hard Corian® surface, to make the surface more appropriate for the aimed market.
The nature inspired Corian速 adds a timeless design to any wall surface. Large scale florals lead their way up the facade, which creates a great visual statement to any building.
With special thanks to CD (UK) Ltd. for the sponsorship of this project.
* rachele.webb@aol.co.uk ( 07703040963 8 www.rachelwebb.co.uk