Environmental Events 2011

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Events Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol

Swansea Abertawe

February - July 2011 Chwefror - Gorffennaf

Introduction This is the first of two editions of the 2011 Environmental Events booklet and provides details of over 230 events taking place in and around Swansea from mid-February to the end of July. These events include guided walks and cycle rides through some of the UK’s most beautiful countryside, and a wide range of talks, workshops and training courses about wildlife and environmental issues. There are also lots of children’s activities in local nature reserves, in parks, on beaches and in other interesting places. Most of the events are FREE or at low cost so everyone can get involved. This booklet is compiled by the City and County of Swansea’s Nature Conservation Team with the support of Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) and funding from the Countryside Council for Wales. If you have relevant events for the second edition, which will cover the period from June to December 2011, then please contact the Nature Conservation Team (contact details below). Please note that information on events run by other organisations is published in good faith and the City and County of Swansea cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies. For further information on local organisations, please refer to the contact list at the back of the booklet. Additional events may also be listed on their websites.

City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Tel: 01792 635749 Email: deb.hill@swansea.gov.uk Website: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam


Cyflwyniad Hwn yw'r cyntaf o ddau rifyn o daflen Digwyddiadau Amgylcheddol 2011 ac mae'n darparu manylion am fwy na 230 o ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir yn Abertawe a'r cylch o ganol mis Chwefror tan ddiwedd Gorffennaf. Mae'r digwyddiadau hyn yn cynnwys teithiau cerdded tywys a theithiau beicio trwy rai o fannau gwledig harddaf y DU, ac amrywiaeth eang o sgyrsiau, gweithdai a chyrsiau hyfforddiant yngl yn ˆ â bywyd gwyllt a materion amgylcheddol. Mae llawer o weithgareddau i blant hefyd mewn gwarchodfeydd natur lleol, mewn parciau, ar draethau ac mewn lleoedd diddorol eraill. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau AM DDIM neu'n rhad fel y gall pawb gymryd rhan. Lluniwyd y daflen hon gan Dîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe gyda chymorth Fforwm Addysg Amgylcheddol Abertawe (FfAAA) ac arian gan Gyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru. Os ydych yn cynnal digwyddiadau perthnasol i'w cynnwys yn yr ail rifyn, ar gyfer y cyfnod rhwng Mehefin a Rhagfyr 2011, cysylltwch â'r Tîm Cadwraeth Natur (gweler y manylion cyswllt isod). Sylwer bod gwybodaeth am ddigwyddiadau a gynhelir gan sefydliadau eraill yn cael ei chyhoeddi'n ddidwyll ac ni fydd Dinas a Sir Abertawe'n derbyn cyfrifoldeb am unrhyw wallau. Am fwy o wybodaeth am sefydliadau lleol, gweler restr y cysylltiadau ar gefn y daflen. Mae'n bosib y rhestrir digwyddiadau ychwanegol ar eu gwefannau. Tîm Cadwraeth Natur Dinas a Sir Abertawe Ffôn: 01792 635749 E-bost: deb.hill@swansea.gov.uk Gwefan: www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam


Biodiversity in Swansea The City and County of Swansea’s natural environment is of outstanding quality and beauty. The diversity of landscapes and habitats include upland moorland, coastal cliffs, sandy beaches, heathland, woodland, wetlands, river valleys, grasslands, sand dunes and estuaries. These habitats, together with the many historic parks and gardens, pockets of urban green-space and large areas of farmland, support a huge diversity of plant and animal species and make Swansea one of the most attractive and ecologically diverse counties in the UK. There are, however, many threats to Swansea’s wonderful biodiversity such as lack of awareness, inappropriate management, recreational pressure, invasive species, pollution, climate change and development. To find out more about biodiversity in Swansea and what you can do to help visit www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam or make a pledge for biodiversity in Wales at www.biodiversitywales.org.uk.

Swansea’s Nature Network Swansea’s Nature Network is an innovative multi-site approach to increasing visitation and economic development across the City and County of Swansea’s community wildlife sites. The project will capitalise on Swansea’s natural environment by promoting and improving access to and enjoyment of a network of wildlife sites and natural open spaces in and around urban Swansea. A wide range of events have been organised throughout the year as part of this project. Swansea’s Nature Network is a project part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Assembly Government and is a component element of the Countryside Council for Wales’ Communities and Nature strategic project.


Bioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe Mae amgylchedd naturiol Dinas a Sir Abertawe o ansawdd a harddwch eithriadol. Ymhlith yr amrywiaeth o dirweddau a chynefinoedd mae gweundir uchel, clogwyni arfordirol, traethau tywodlyd, rhostir, coetir, gwlyptiroedd, cymoedd afonydd, glaswelltir, twyni tywod ac aberoedd. Mae'r cynefinoedd hyn, ynghyd â'r llu o barciau a gerddi hanesyddol, mannau gwyrdd trefol ac ardaloedd helaeth o ffermdir, yn cynnal amrywiaeth aruthrol o rywogaethau planhigion ac anifeiliaid ac yn gwneud Abertawe'n un o siroedd mwyaf deniadol ac ecolegol amrywiol y DU. Fodd bynnag, mae bioamrywiaeth ragorol Abertawe’n wynebu llawer o fygythiadau megis diffyg ymwybyddiaeth, rheoli amhriodol, pwysau gweithgareddau hamdden, rhywogaethau ymledol, llygredd, newid yn yr hinsawdd a datblygiadau. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am fioamrywiaeth yn Abertawe a'r hyn y gallwch ei wneud i helpu, ewch i www.abertawe.gov.uk/natureconservationteam neu gwnewch addewid dros fioamrywiaeth yng Nghymru ar www.biodiversitywales.org.uk.

Rhwydwaith Natur Abertawe Ymagwedd aml-safle flaengar at gynyddu nifer yr ymwelwyr a'r datblygiadau ar draws safleoedd bywyd gwyllt cymunedol Dinas a Sir Abertawe. Bydd y prosiect yn manteisio ar amgylchedd naturiol Abertawe trwy hyrwyddo a gwella mynediad i rwydwaith o safleoedd bywyd gwyllt a mannau agored naturiol yn Abertawe a'r cylch, a'r cyfle i'w fwynhau. Mae amrywiaeth eang o ddigwyddiadau wedi cael eu trefnu trwy gydol y flwyddyn fel rhan o'r prosiect hwn. Prosiect a ariennir yn rhannol gan Gronfa Datblygu Rhanbarthol Ewrop trwy Lywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru yw Rhwydwaith Natur Abertawe ac mae'n elfen gydrannol o brosiect strategol Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru, Cymunedau a Natur. 5

Everyone Welcome Most events listed are open to anyone. Please always be considerate to others and the environment – remember the countryside code and use sustainable travel where possible. Cancellations: The event leader will usually be at the start of an event even if it has been cancelled due to poor weather or other circumstances. To avoid unnecessary journeys, you may wish to call in advance. Disability: If you have a visual, hearing or mobility disability and need further details in order to join in some of these events, please contact the organiser for more information. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed at many events, especially countryside walks. Please call event leader to check. Car Parking: Not all walks or other events start from recognised car parks. Please be considerate when parking and take care not to obstruct gates, other vehicles, etc. Sustainable Travel: Many of the events in RESPECT this booklet can be accessed using public PROTECT transport or cycling. For bus routes and ENJOY timetables please contact: Traveline Cymru at www.traveline-cymru.info or on 0871 200 2233 or visit the BayTrans website www.baytrans.org.uk.

Croeso i Bawb


Mae croeso i unrhyw un gymryd rhan yn y rhan fwyaf o'r digwyddiadau a restrir yma. Cofiwch fod yn ystyriol o bobl eraill a'r amgylchedd bob tro - cofiwch y côd cefn gwlad a defnyddiwch gludiant cynaliadwy lle bo modd. Canslo: Fel arfer bydd arweinydd y digwyddiad yn bresennol ar ddechrau digwyddiad, hyd yn oed os yw wedi cael ei ganslo oherwydd tywydd gwael neu amgylchiadau eraill. I osgoi teithiau diangen, mae'n syniad i chi ffonio ymlaen llaw. Anabledd: Os oes gennych nam ar eich golwg neu'ch clyw neu anabledd symudedd ac mae angen mwy o fanylion arnoch er mwyn cymryd rhan yn rhai o'r digwyddiadau hyn, cysylltwch â'r trefnydd am fwy o wybodaeth. C wn: ˆ Ni chaniateir cwn ˆ mewn llawer o ddigwyddiadau, yn arbennig ar deithiau cerdded yng nghefn gwlad. Cysylltwch ag arweinydd y digwyddiad i gadarnhau hyn. Meysydd Parcio: Nid yw pob taith gerdded neu ddigwyddiadau eraill yn dechrau o faes parcio cydnabyddedig. Byddwch yn ystyriol wrth barcio a sicrhewch nad ydych yn rhwystro gatiau, cerbydau eraill etc. Cludiant Cynaliadwy: Gellir mynd i lawer o'r digwyddiadau sydd yn y daflen hon trwy ddefnyddio cludiant cyhoeddus neu feicio. I gael llwybrau ac amserlenni bysus, cysylltwch â Traveline Cymru trwy fynd i www.traveline-cymru.info neu ffoniwch 0871 200 2233 neu ewch i wefan BayTrans www.baytrans.org.uk. 6

Local Produce

Markets Below are the details of regular local produce markets in Swansea. Brief entries are listed throughout the booklet with details of special events.

Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market

Last Saturday of month, 10am–1pm The Moose Hall, Beryl Street, Clydach Local produce and crafts, including cakes, fruit and veg, cheese, honey, jams and chutney. For further information contact Helen Hinder, 07707 787791.

Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre

Penclawdd Local Produce and Craft Market

Third Saturday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm Penclawdd Community Centre, Penclawdd Local produce market including fresh Gower vegetables, fresh fish and meat, dairy products, crafts, etc. For further information contact Dave Williams, 01792 850162.

Pennard Produce Market

Second Sunday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm Pennard Community Centre, Pennard Local vegetable produce, fresh fish and meat, and dairy products. For further information contact Mark Smith, 01792 232093.

Second Saturday of month, 9.30am–1pm Canolfan Gorseinon Centre, Millers Drive, Gorseinon Local produce, arts and crafts. For further information contact Sian Day, 01792 893266 or Shirley Price 01792 229123.

Llangennith Local Produce Market Last Saturday of month (April to September only), 9.30am–1pm Parish Hall, Llangennith, Gower Market with vegetables, meat, produce and crafts for sale. For further information contact Catherine Evans, 01792 386262.

Mumbles Local Produce Market

Second Saturday of month, 9am–1pm The Dairy Car Park, Oystermouth Square, Mumbles Local produce market and a celebration of Welsh food. For further information contact Robin Bonham, 01792 405169.

Pontarddulais Local Produce Market

Second Wednesday of month, 9.30am–1.30pm Institute, St Teilo’s Street, Pontarddulais Local fresh produce and crafts and small cafe. For further information contact Gail Bateman, 01792 885809.

Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market

First Saturday of month, 9.30am–12.30pm Bishop Gore School canteen, De la Beche Road, Sketty Fresh fruit, vegetables, cheese, meats, and crafts for sale. For further information contact Dave Williams, 01792 850162. 7

February/Chwefror WED 16TH FEBRUARY Wildlife Corridor Nest box Project MEET 1–3pm, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Learn how to make nest boxes for birds to mark the BTO National Nestbox Week These will be put up along the Wildlife Corridor. All tools and materials provided. Ideal for families and accompanied children welcome. A Communities and Nature event. FRI 18TH FEBRUARY Choughs in South West Wales MEET 7.30–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Russell Evans, RSPB, 07800 740399 DETAILS An RSPB West Glamorgan group talk by Bob Haycock. Entry £1, refreshments 50p. SAT 19TH FEBRUARY Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 19TH TO SUN 27TH FEBRUARY Half Term Holiday Fun MEET 9.30am–5pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Activities to keep the children entertained during half term, from arts and crafts to guided walks. Something for all the family. Usual entrance fees apply.

SAT 19TH FEBRUARY Family Workday MEET 10am–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson, 01792 578384 DETAILS Get the whole family in their wellies and take part in the roles and responsibilities of a small working Farm. Activities include animal care, organic gardening, healthy cooking, basic construction, farm maintenance and much more. Fee £2 including a light, seasonal lunch. Children under 8yrs must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing. Please book in advance. 8

SAT 19TH FEBRUARY Walk to the Worm MEET 10am, call for further details – booking is essential CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Walk with the National Trust team out to the far end of Worms Head to enjoy spectacular views and find out about the island’s human history and wildlife. Rugged in places so sturdy footwear is a must. Bring lunch, drink and suitable clothing. Cost is £4 adult, £2 child. SUN 20TH FEBRUARY Walk Along Kidwelly Shoreline MEET 10am, Quay Road car park, Kidwelly CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning birdwatching in Kidwelly. Beginners/new members welcome. Warm weatherproofs and boots may be needed. No dogs. TUE 22ND AND WED 23RD FEBRUARY The Grounds Gang MEET 10am–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Training and support will be provided to help volunteers undertake practical and environmental tasks at the Community Farm and within the local heathland and woodlands. Tasks include path laying, drystone walling, block work, organic gardening, fencing, woodwork, willow weaving, etc. Fee £1.50 for lunch. Suitable for adults only. WED 23RD FEBRUARY Zumba in the Park MEET 10.30am–12noon, Ty’r Blodau, Singleton Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. FRI 25TH FEBRUARY Field Study Day: Birds MEET 9am–4pm, bowls pavilion, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS A free event for novices wishing to gain some experience in bird observation and recording. Bring binoculars and camera if you have them. Other equipment and materials provided. Wear warm clothing. Families welcome. FRI 25TH FEBRUARY A View through A Digital Lens MEET 7.15pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jeremy Douglas-Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 551331 DETAILS Richard Smith gives a talk on wildlife photography with a digital camera. SAT 26TH FEBRUARY Clydach Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 26TH FEBRUARY Mystery Cycle Ride MEET 10.30am, by the Cenotaph, Swansea promenade CONTACT Wyn, Swansea Outdoor Group, 01792 470886 DETAILS Join the Swansea Outdoor Group for magical mystery cycle ride in and around Swansea. A 20 mile, moderate ride. Weather permitting. 9

SAT 26TH FEBRUARY Tree Grafting MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Training day in tree nursery skills led by Gaia Nightingall. £20 course fee includes the apple tree you have grafted. Contact for more details. Booking essential. SUN 27TH FEBRUARY Birdwatching at Wildlife Centre MEET 10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Daphne Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public. SUN 27TH FEBRUARY Unplugged Music and Fair Trade


7pm, Red Cafe, Mumbles Road, Mumbles Helen Hunter, Red Café Community Project, 01792 362122 Kick off Fairtrade Fortnight with this music night and fair trade wine tasting. £2 entry fee with money raised going to Fair Trade Wales. Bring your own alcohol. 18+ only.

MON 28TH FEBRUARY Oxfam Coffee Morning MEET 10am–1pm, Oxfam shop, Union Street, Swansea CONTACT Clare Bennett, Oxfam, 01792 654287 DETAILS Call in for a cup of fair trade tea or coffee and combine it with a bit of ethical shopping. Part of the Fairtrade Fortnight Campaign. MON 28TH FEBRUARY TO SUN 13TH MARCH Fairtrade Fortnight Swansea Fair Trade Forum has arranged a varied programme of local activities to mark the annual national campaign including coffee mornings, a Fairtrade Way walk, film showings and even a pub-style quiz. Fair trade stalls with information and products will be set up in local libraries on the following days: Morriston, 2–4pm, Mon 28th February Townhill, 2–4pm, Thu 3rd March Sketty, 10.30am–3pm, Mon 7th March Pontarddulais, 10.30am–3pm, Tue 8th March Oystermouth, 10.30am–4pm, Wed 9th March Gorseinon, 10.30am–4pm, Thu 10th March For more details of what is happening during Fairtrade Fortnight in Swansea, visit www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk or contact Jenny Edwards on 01792 480200. 10

March/Mawrth TUE 1ST AND WED 2ND MARCH The Grounds Gang MEET 10am–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Training and support will be provided to help volunteers undertake practical and environmental tasks at the Community Farm and within the local heathland and woodlands. Tasks include path laying, drystone walling, block work, organic gardening, fencing, woodwork, willow weaving, etc. Fee £1.50 for lunch. Suitable for adults only. TUE 1ST TO SAT 5TH MARCH Wonderful Wales Week MEET Anytime from 11am–3pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Taste the best of Welsh and local produce in the Farm’s Café. Each day will offer a new treat to try, from delicious Welsh cheeses and local chutney to gorgeous organically reared Farm sausage sandwiches, plus homemade Welsh cakes and fair-trade tea. 50p discount on every purchase over £3.50 when showing this Environmental Events booklet. FRI 4TH MARCH Big Brew Coffee Morning MEET 10.30am–12noon, Forge Fach Resource Centre, Clydach CONTACT Pam Cram, Traidcraft, 01792 845942 DETAILS Drop in for a fair trade cuppa and browse the fair trade stalls. Part of the Fairtrade Fortnight Campaign. SAT 5TH MARCH Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 5TH MARCH Youth Task Force MEET 1pm–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Alyson, 01792 578384 DETAILS Become a young farmer helping to feed the animals, muck out their pens and carry out other site tasks like organic gardening, basic construction, farm maintenance and much more. Includes light refreshments. Fee £1. Young people 16–25yrs only. Wear suitable clothing. SAT 5TH MARCH Make and Mend @ the Museum MEET 1.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Delve into baskets of forgotten bits and bobs to transform them into something new in an ‘upcycling’ craft session for adults (16+). A different theme each month. All abilities welcome. Costs £3 and advance booking recommended. SAT 5TH MARCH Transition Swansea Ceilidh MEET 8pm, The Garage Music Venue, Uplands CONTACT Jill Ireland, Transition Swansea, 01792 206223 DETAILS A fundraising event for Transition Swansea as part of Fair Trade Week with a film show, a fair trade stall and a DJ. Tickets £5, available in advance or on the door.


SUN 6TH MARCH Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET 10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay.

TUE 8TH AND WED 9TH MARCH The Grounds Gang MEET 10am–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Training and support will be provided to help volunteers undertake practical and environmental tasks at the Community Farm and within the local heathland and woodlands. Tasks include path laying, dry stone walling, block work, organic gardening, fencing, woodwork, willow weaving, etc. Fee £1.50 for lunch. Suitable for adults only. TUE 8TH MARCH Women’s Day Fairtrade Coffee Morning MEET 11am–1pm, Oxfam books, film and music shop, Castle Street, Swansea CONTACT Phil Broadhurst, Oxfam, 01792 654710 DETAILS Call in for a cup of fair trade tea or coffee with donations going to support Oxfam’s Women’s Projects around the world. Marking International Women’s Day and part of the Fairtrade Fortnight Campaign. TUE 8TH MARCH What Lurks beneath Mumbles Pier? MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 635784 DETAILS Discover the amazing variety of marine and intertidal life to be found on, under and around Mumbles Pier with an illustrated talk by Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal. Donations welcome on the door. 12

WED 9TH MARCH Pontarddulais Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. WED 9TH MARCH Kilvey Hill Tree Planting Task MEET 1pm, junction of Harbour View and St.Illytyd’s Crescent, St. Thomas, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Plant broadleaf trees on Kilvey Hill to mark National Tree Week. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All tools and materials provided. Ideal for families and accompanied children welcome. Please call organiser if you are attending. A Communities and Nature event. WED 9TH MARCH Planting Activities MEET 4.30–5.30pm, Ty’r Blodau, Singleton Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. WED 9TH MARCH Rheola Walled Garden Project MEET 7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS A talk by Chris Day about the walled garden restoration project at Rheola in the Neath Valley. SAT 12TH MARCH Mumbles Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 12TH MARCH Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 12TH MARCH Fairtrade Way Walk MEET 10.30am for 11am start, Oxfam books and music shop, Castle Street, Swansea CONTACT Phil Broadhurst, Oxfam, 01269 596933 DETAILS Walk along the City and County of Swansea’s first Fairtrade Way, from the Oxfam Bookshop in Castle Street to Red Cafe in Mumbles. Fairtrade bananas supplied at start of walk and fair trade lunch menu available from Red Cafe on arrival. SUN 13TH MARCH Pennard Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SUN 13TH MARCH Birdwatching Morning MEET 10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Daphne Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS Join members of RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public. SUN 13TH MARCH Woodland Crafts MEET 10am–2pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Making items from the woods, such as bramble rope and walking sticks. Book in advance as places are limited.


TUE 15TH AND WED 16TH MARCH The Grounds Gang MEET 10am–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Training and support will be provided to help volunteers undertake practical and environmental tasks at the Community Farm and within the local heathland and woodlands. Tasks include path laying, drystone walling, block work, organic gardening, fencing, woodwork, willow weaving, etc. Fee £1.50 for lunch. Suitable for adults only. FRI 18TH MARCH RSPB Social and Quiz Night MEET 7.30–9.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Russell Evans, RSPB, 07800 740399 DETAILS An RSPB West Glamorgan Group event. Entry £2 (includes cheese & wine). SAT 19TH MARCH Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 19TH MARCH Family Workday Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 19th February. SAT 19TH AND SUN 20TH MARCH Attracting Wildlife to your

Garden 2pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Ideas such as creating a pond, insect hotels, habitat piles, bird feeders, planting to attract butterflies. Suitable for families. Usual entrance fees apply. MEET

SAT 19TH AND SUN 20TH MARCH Permaculture Introduction MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Training weekend covering an introduction to the theory of permaculture plus practical design exercises. Led by Witchhazel Wildwood. Contact for more details. Booking essential. SUN 20TH MARCH Morning Walk Around Kilvey Hill MEET 10am, White Rock car park, Pentrechwyth Road, Swansea CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk up and around Kilvey Hill amongst the gorse slopes and woodlands. Beginners/new members welcome. Warm weatherproofs and boots may be needed. No dogs. TUE 22ND AND WED 23RD MARCH The Grounds Gang MEET 10am–4pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Training and support will be provided to help volunteers undertake practical and environmental tasks at the Community Farm and within the local heathland and woodlands. Tasks include path laying, dry stone walling, block work, organic gardening, fencing, woodwork, willow weaving, etc. Fee £1.50 for lunch. Suitable for adults only.


TUE 22ND TO WED 23RD MARCH ESDGC Training Through

Use of the Outdoors MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 Free two-day OCN accredited course for youth and community workers and teachers on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship. Advance booking essential.

WED 23RD MARCH Water, Wetlands and Willow at Swansea Vale Nature Reserve 12noon, gate opposite Lon Las Primary School, Llansamlet, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Learn about the importance of our wetlands and how to create willow sculptures. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All tools and materials provided. Bring a packed lunch. Accompanied children welcome. A Communities and Nature event. MEET

WED 23RD MARCH Mumbles Hill Walk MEET 7.30pm, by the ‘Big Apple’, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Mike or Alison, Swansea Outdoor Group, 01792 290260 DETAILS Join the Swansea Outdoor Group for a 3 mile easy, circular walk in and around the Limeslade and Thistleboon areas with great views of Swansea Bay from the top of the hill followed by a planned pub stop. 15

WED 23RD MARCH Introduction to Beekeeping Course MEET 6.30–8pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Chris Jones, 01792 578384 DETAILS The first of a ten-week course for people interested in taking up beekeeping or wanting to learn more about bees; covering the basics of beekeeping, hive construction and siting, managing bees, where to get bees and equipment and the importance of bees in the environment. Fee £45. Please book in advance. FRI 25TH MARCH Estuary Birds MEET 7.15pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jeremy Douglas-Jones, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 551331 DETAILS Renowned photographer Harold Grenfell talks about estuary birds. SAT 26TH MARCH Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 26TH MARCH Introduction to Bushcraft Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS One-day course introducing a range of basic bushcraft tools, techniques and skills. Suitable for anyone over the age of 8 years. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions. SAT 26TH AND SUN 27TH MARCH Attracting Wildlife to your


2pm, WWT National Wetland Centre, Llwynhendy, Llanelli WWT, 01554 741087 Ideas such as creating a pond, insect hotels, habitat piles, bird feeders, planting to attract butterflies. Suitable for families. Usual entrance fees apply.

SAT 26TH MARCH Tree Propagation Techniques MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Training day in tree nursery skills led by Gaia Nightingall. £20 course fee. Contact for more details. Booking essential. SUN 27TH MARCH Birdwatching Morning MEET 10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Daphne Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS Join members of RSPB West Glam group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. Open to members and public. WED 30TH MARCH Seasonal Snacks MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS The first of monthly meetings for senior citizens to try seasonal organically produced food at their local community farm. Perhaps revisit farmyard sights, sounds and smells of your childhood. Tour the allotments, share tips on growing, harvesting and cooking then sample this month’s seasonal recipe in the Cafe. Fee £4 including lunch. For adults aged 60 and over. Wear suitable footwear to view the grounds. Please book in advance. 16

April/Ebrill FRI 1ST AND SAT 2ND APRIL Big Canal Clean-up The Swansea Canal Society is hosting a clean-up of the whole length of the Swansea Canal from Ynysmeudwy to Clydach. British Waterways will provide gloves, waders, etc. and refreshments. Individuals and organisations can give an hour or two or even help out for the whole day. More information is available on www.swanseacanalsociety.com or by contacting British Waterways on 01923 201120.

SAT 2ND APRIL Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 2ND APRIL Youth Task Force Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SAT 2ND APRIL Make and Mend @ the Museum Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SAT 2ND AND SUN 3RD APRIL Book Swap MEET 11am–4pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Offload your unwanted books and find a different collection in exchange. All books should be in good, readable condition and a book-for-book token system will be in place. A free event held in partnership with Oxfam Bookshop and the Environment Centre. From 1–4pm there is also a free drop-in workshop for children to turn old tattered and torn books into new crafty creations. 17

SUN 3RD APRIL Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET 10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay. TUE 5TH APRIL TO TUE 3RD MAY Forest School Exhibition The Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea will be host to an exhibition celebrating the hard work and happy memories of 10 years of Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot. For further details contact Forest School SNPT on 01792 367118. WED 6TH APRIL Mystery Walk MEET 7.30pm, Woodman Inn car park, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Wyn, Swansea Outdoor Group, 01792 470886 DETAILS Join the Swansea Outdoor Group for a 3 mile easy mystery walk including a visit to a local watering hole! FRI 8TH APRIL Mumbles Hill Mutt Strut MEET 11am, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Join us with your four-legged friend for a morning walk and talk around Mumbles Hill. Warm clothing and boots may be needed. Dogs will need to be kept on a lead. A Communities and Nature event. SAT 9TH APRIL Mumbles Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 9TH APRIL Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 9TH AND SUN 10TH APRIL Practical Woodsman Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A two-day course designed for those with little or no previous Bushcraft experience: starting with an introduction to the safe use of the knife, saw and axe, and progressing through a range of skills based on wilderness survival. Course fee £190 adults, £160 concessions. SAT 9TH APRIL Forest School Open Day MEET 11am–3pm, Bishop’s Wood Local Nature Reserve, Caswell, Gower CONTACT Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot, 01792 367118 DETAILS Everyone is welcome to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of Forest School SNPT with lots of activities including cooking on a campfire and environmental games. SUN 10TH APRIL Dawn Song MEET 4.30–7.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Wake up with Bishop’s Wood birdsong. Campfire breakfast provided, £2 adults, £1 children. Book in advance as places are limited. SUN 10TH APRIL Pennard Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. 18

SUN 10TH APRIL Birdwatching and Celebration Day MEET 10am–1pm, Blackpill Wildlife Centre, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Daphne Jones, RSPB, 01269 822876 DETAILS Celebrate RSPB’s Centenary and the 10th birthday of the Wildlife Centre by joining members of the RSPB West Glamorgan group birdwatching across Swansea Bay SSSI. SUN 10TH APRIL Litter Survey and Beach Clean MEET 10am, car park behind beach huts, Langland, Gower CONTACT Gill Bell, Marine Conservation Society, 01989 566017 DETAILS Join the Marine Conservation Society with their quarterly litter survey and beach clean of Langland as part of the Beachwatch national survey. Everyone welcome. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. Children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian.

TUE 12TH APRIL Year in the Life of a Wildlife Trust Volunteer MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 635784 DETAILS The good, the sublime and the downright ridiculous. A journey around some of Gower’s less well-known reserves through the eyes of a novice naturalist, Karen McCullough. Donations welcome on the door. WED 13TH APRIL Pontarddulais Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. WED 13TH APRIL Outdoor Sports, Orienteering and Games MEET 4.30–6pm, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited.


WED 13TH APRIL Biochar Talk MEET 7pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS A talk by Hazel Ralison on biochar, a process of making charcoal out of agricultural waste. SAT 16TH APRIL Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 16TH AND SUN 17TH APRIL Forest Garden Training MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Training weekend covering an introduction to Forest Gardening. Led by Michele Fitzsimmons. Contact for more details. Booking essential. SAT 16TH APRIL TO SUN 1ST MAY Easter Holiday Fun MEET 9.30am–5pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Activities to keep the children entertained during their holidays, from arts and crafts to guided walks. Something for all the family. Usual entrance fees apply. SAT 16TH APRIL Birdsong Recognition in Clyne Woods MEET 9.30am, cycle path car park, Dunvant CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS A walk to learn more about woodland birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt. SAT 16TH APRIL Family Workday Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 19th February. SAT 16TH APRIL TO MON 2ND MAY Meet Rabbits and Chicks MEET 10am–5pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Pop into the Museum’s garden to meet some new residents who have come to stay for the holidays from Swansea Community Farm. SAT 16TH APRIL Flora, Fauna and Fungi Walk MEET 10.30am–12.30pm, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Join friends of Rosehill Quarry Group on an informative local walk led by Teifion Davies. Suitable for all the family. Free event with low-cost refreshments available at end. SAT 16TH TO THU 21ST APRIL Springtime Flora and Fauna MEET 1.30–4.20pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Drop-in family holiday activity with plant and animal specimens to inspire crafty collages.


SUN 17TH APRIL Morning Walk around Swansea Vale MEET 10am, Swansea Vale Resource Centre car park, Ffordd Tregof, Llansamlet CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk around marshland, footpaths and river paths. Beginners/new members welcome. Warm weatherproofs and boots may be needed. No dogs. SUN 17TH APRIL Down to Earth Project Volunteer Day MEET 10am–3pm, Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower CONTACT Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 DETAILS Help to build animal enclosures using traditional methods. Advance booking essential.

SUN 17TH APRIL Navigation Fun Day MEET 11am, King Arthur Hotel, Reynoldston, Gower CONTACT Sue, Swansea Outdoor Group, 01792 296219 DETAILS All-day navigation taster, comprising of theory in the morning and an exercise around the area in the afternoon. Plus lunch at the King Arthur. All welcome. SUN 17TH APRIL Rabbits: Friends and Food MEET 2.30pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Join Swansea Community Farm Manager, Chris Jones, for an insight into rabbit keeping and the different relationships we have with rabbits.


TUE 19TH TO THU 21ST APRIL Forest School Play Days MEET 10am–3pm, venue to be confirmed CONTACT Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot, 01792 367118 DETAILS For children aged 8–11 years who like exploring in the woods, making dens, playing environmental games and cooking on campfires. Costs £20 per day or £50 for 3 days. Booking in advance is essential using the form at www.forestschoolsnpt.org.uk. WED 20TH APRIL Bird Watch MEET 11am–12noon, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. THU 21ST APRIL Bug Hunt MEET 11am–12noon, Woodman entrance, Clyne Gardens, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. THU 21ST APRIL Easter Eggcase Hunt at Whiteford Point MEET 12noon, Cwm Ivy car park, Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley in a hunt for shark and ray eggcases. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. Be prepared for a 20 minute walk from car park to beach. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free event but booking essential. THU 21ST APRIL Biodiversity of the Bay MEET 7pm, Mumbles Yacht Club, Mumbles CONTACT Jo Mullett, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635784 DETAILS Free illustrated talk by marine biologist Judith Oakley. Find out what amazing creatures call Swansea Bay home. Explore the sea, sand, mud, boulders, rockpools and pier through an inspiring photographic journey. A Communities and Nature event.

SAT 23RD APRIL Introduction to Bushcraft Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS One-day course introducing a range of basic bushcraft tools, techniques and skills. Suitable for anyone over the age of 8 years. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions. 22

SAT 23RD APRIL Kilvey Easter Egg Hunt MEET Call for full details CONTACT Jane Britton, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07833 171862 DETAILS Walk up onto Kilvey Hill to collect Easter eggs. A fun family event. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing and footwear. SUN 24TH APRIL ‘Scrambled Eggs’ Easter Trail MEET 11am–3pm, National Trust Visitor Centre, Rhossili CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Take part in the family Easter trail in Rhossili and discover egg-citing facts about Gower’s birds. Unscramble the clues to win an Easter egg. Cost is £1.50 per child. TUE 26TH TO FRI 29TH APRIL Springtime Flora and Fauna MEET 1.30–4.20pm, National Waterfront Museum, Oystermouth Road, Swansea CONTACT Miranda Berry, National Waterfront Museum, 01792 638950 DETAILS Drop-in family holiday activity with plant and animal specimens to inspire crafty collages. WED 27TH APRIL Seasonal Snacks MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Monthly meeting for senior citizens, see entry for Wed 30th March for more details. Fee £4 including lunch. For adults aged 60 and over. Please book in advance. FRI 29TH APRIL Environmental Art and Craft MEET 11am–12noon, Ty’r Blodau, Singleton Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. FRI 29TH APRIL Birdsong Recognition at Pant y Sais Fen MEET 6.30pm, Pant y Sais reserve car park, between Jersey Marine and Llandarcy CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS An evening walk to learn more about birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt. SAT 30TH APRIL Llangennith Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 30TH APRIL Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 30TH APRIL Family Farm Exploration Day MEET Anytime between 11am and 3pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Come and explore your local community farm this Easter. Take part in a range of family-friendly activities including treasure hunts, biodiversity trails, pond dipping, seed planting and meeting the farm animals. Visit the new Farm Café for a range of delicious seasonal meals or snacks. Fee £2 per child. 23

May/Mai TUE 3RD TO SAT 21ST MAY Ebb and Flow Exhibition The Taliesin Arts Centre, Swansea University, is hosting the first major exhibition of work by local artist Mike Hill. As a keen naturalist since childhood, the core theme and source of ideas running through his work is nature and the natural environment, with the sea at its heart. The exhibition, which includes paintings and sculptures, will be on display in the Ceri Richards Gallery. Open: Mon–Fri 10am–6pm and Sat 10am–1pm, 1.30–4pm. For further details contact the Taliesin on 01792 295526.

WED 4TH MAY Bird and Wildlife Walk MEET 10am–12noon, Clyne Park (Woodman Pub entrance), Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Enjoy Clyne Gardens in full bloom and look out for wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. £1.50 adult, 50p child. SAT 7TH MAY Dawn Chorus MEET 6am, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Guided walk to listen to the bird world wake up as dawn breaks over the Burry Inlet. Includes full cooked breakfast in the Estuary Café. Families welcome. Adults £15, children £10. SAT 7TH MAY Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 7TH MAY Youth Task Force Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SAT 7TH MAY Nutrition and Weed Control MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Training day in tree nursery skills led by Gaia Nightingall. £20 course fee. Contact for more details. Booking essential. SAT 7TH MAY Make and Mend @ the Museum Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. 24

SUN 8TH MAY Pennard Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SUN 8TH MAY Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET 10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay. SUN 8TH MAY Basket Making Course MEET 10am–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Learn to make a simple willow basket in a day. Only room for ten people, so book early. Not suitable for young children. TUE 10TH MAY Life and Death on the High Seas: the Remarkable Life of the Storm Petrel MEET CONTACT DETAILS

7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 635784 Discover the mysterious survival tactics, behaviour and ecology of these tiny sparrow-sized seabirds on their long-distance migrations. Dr Rob Thomas talks about his work as part of Cardiff University’s long-running research programme into the impact of climate change on marine ecology. Donations welcome on the door.

WED 11TH MAY Pontarddulais Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. WED 11TH MAY Bird and Wildlife Walk MEET 10am–12noon, Clyne Park (Woodman Pub entrance), Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Enjoy Clyne Gardens in full bloom and look out for wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. £1.50 adult, 50p child. SAT 14TH MAY Mumbles Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 14TH MAY Birdsong Recognition at Lliw Reservoir MEET 9.30am, Lower Lliw Reservoir car park, Felindre CONTACT Bob Tallack, Gower Ornithological Society, 01792 204031 DETAILS A walk to learn more about woodland birdsong. Weather dependent so phone if in doubt. SAT 14TH MAY Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 14TH AND SUN 15TH MAY Practical Woodsman Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A two-day course designed for those with little or no previous Bushcraft experience, starting with an introduction to the safe use of the knife, saw and axe, and progressing through a range of skills based on wilderness survival. Course fee £190 adults, £160 concessions. 25

SAT 14TH MAY Introducing Penllergare MEET 2.15pm, Swansea Council Offices car park, Penllergaer CONTACT Jennie Eyers, The Penllergare Trust, 01558 650416 DETAILS Guided walk with commentary around historic Penllergare Valley Woods. Free but donations appreciated. Sturdy footwear required.

SUN 15TH MAY Morning Walk Around Glais MEET 9.45am, Glais Rugby Club, Birchgrove Road, Glais CONTACT Marlay John, RSPB, 01792 816250 DETAILS A morning walk around woodland, footpaths and streams. Beginners/new members welcome. Warm weatherproofs and boots may be needed. No dogs. SUN 15TH MAY Rhossili Cliffs, Fall Bay & Mewslade Walk MEET 1pm, call for further details – booking is essential CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Join the National Trust team for a circular walk of approx. 5.5km around the coast from Rhossili to Mewslade with stunning views. Learn about forts, limestone quarrying, farming, birds and other wildlife. Walk varies from flat surfaces to steeper narrow paths. Adult £3, child £1.50.


WED 18TH MAY Bird and Wildlife Walk MEET 10am–12noon, Clyne Park (Woodman Pub entrance), Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Enjoy Clyne Gardens in full bloom and look out for wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. £1.50 adult, 50p child. WED 18TH MAY Great Plant Hunt at Cadle Heath MEET 1pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Learn about wild plants and how to identify them. Lots to discover and lots to see. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All equipment provided. A Communities and Nature event. SAT 21ST MAY Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 21ST MAY Introduction to Bushcraft Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS One-day course introducing a range of basic bushcraft tools, techniques and skills. Suitable for anyone over the age of 8 years. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions. SAT 21ST MAY Family Workday Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 19th February. SAT 21ST MAY Pests and Diseases, Management and


Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 Training day in tree nursery skills led by Gaia Nightingall. £20 course fee. Contact for more details. Booking essential.

SAT 21ST AND SUN 22ND MAY Low Tide Day ‘Mud Safari’ MEET 12.30pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Join us on a journey to the edge of the marsh and beyond! This is a demanding walk and a good level of fitness is required so not suitable for very young children. Please wear suitable clothing and wellies. This is a very popular walk and numbers are limited. Advance booking and payment essential. £5 per adult, children are FREE but must be accompanied. SUN 22ND MAY Field Study Day: Invertebrates MEET 9am–4pm, bowls pavilion, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS A free event for novices wishing to gain some experience in observation and recording of insects and bug life. Bring magnifying lens if you have one. Other equipment and materials provided. Wear suitable clothing. Families welcome. 27

TUE 24TH MAY Penmaen Burrows Walk MEET 2.45pm, small car park at Penmaen bus stop CONTACT Mike Scott, Gower AONB Team, 01792 635741 DETAILS An easy 1 hour walk to Penmaen Burrows with spectacular views over Three Cliffs Bay and Tor Bay. Please bring appropriate footwear and weather proof clothing. Accessible by bus from Swansea (Gower Explorer). WED 25TH MAY Bird and Wildlife Walk MEET 10am–12noon, Clyne Park (Woodman Pub entrance), Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS Enjoy Clyne in full bloom and look out for wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. £1.50 adult, 50p child. WED 25TH MAY Seasonal Snacks MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Monthly meeting for senior citizens, see entry for Wed 30th March for more details. Fee £4 including lunch. For adults aged 60 and over. Please book in advance. THU 26TH MAY Working with Hard to Reach Groups

through Use of the Outdoors MEET CONTACT DETAILS

10am–4pm, Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 Free one-day training course for youth and community workers and teachers on natural building, food growing, cooking outdoors, etc. Advance booking essential.

SAT 28TH MAY Llangennith Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 28TH MAY Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 28TH MAY TO SUN 5TH JUNE Duckling Days MEET 12noon, 2pm and 3pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Get close to ducklings during a very special behind-thescenes tour of the hatchery and duckery. Three tours each day. Book on arrival. Usual entrance fees apply.


June/Mehefin WED 1ST JUNE Go Wild with Your Child! MEET 10am–3pm, Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower CONTACT Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 DETAILS Have fun, get muddy and build fires in the outdoors. For 6–12yr olds with one adult per child. £60 (for adult and child). Advance booking essential.

THU 2ND JUNE Wild Child! MEET 10am–3pm, Down to Earth Project site, Murton, Gower CONTACT Down to Earth Project, 01792 346566 DETAILS Let your child go wild in the outdoors! Play scheme for 8–14 years olds. £30 per child. Advance booking essential. FRI 3RD AND SAT 4TH JUNE Wildlife in Pastels Workshop MEET 10am–3pm, WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli CONTACT WWT, 01554 741087 DETAILS Join Carol Kibble to learn the techniques for painting in pastel then take home your own wildlife masterpiece. Early booking recommended as places are limited. £30 per head to include refreshments, lunch and professional tuition. Booking essential. FRI 3RD JUNE Pond Dipping MEET 11am–12noon, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. SAT 4TH TO SUN 12TH JUNE Wales Biodiversity Week Various local events have been organised as part of a Wales-wide celebration of nature with wildlife-inspired activities to enthuse and engage people in protecting and conserving the natural environment on their doorstep. For more details contact Jo Mullett on 01792 635784 or visit www.biodiversitywales.org.uk. 29

SAT 4TH TO SUN 19TH JUNE Gower Walking Festival A programme of 66 guided walks and events exploring the scenery, wildlife, history and geology of Gower. From gentle strolls to strenuous walks, and from canoeing to sampling local food, the programme offers something to suit all ages, abilities and interests. Most walks cost ÂŁ3. For full walk details and advance bookings call Mumbles Tourist Information Centre on 01792 361302/363392 or visit www.mumblestic.co.uk.

SAT 4TH JUNE Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 4TH JUNE Volunteer Action Day at Swansea Vale MEET 10am, Local Nature Reserve entrance opposite Lon Las Primary School, Llansamlet, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Help us carry out the essential task of pulling up Himalayan Balsam. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. All tools and materials provided. Ideal for families and accompanied children are welcome. Bring a packed lunch. A Communities and Nature event and part of Wales Biodiversity Week. SAT 4TH JUNE Youth Task Force Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March.


SAT 4TH JUNE Make and Mend @ the Museum Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SUN 5TH JUNE Walk to Worms Head MEET 12noon, outside NT information centre, Rhosilli CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS 31/2 hour walk, with Huw Lloyd, Gower AONB Ranger, to Worms Head via the rough rocky causeway. Please bring packed lunch, appropriate footwear and weatherproof clothing. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. TUE 7TH JUNE Blackpool Illuminations: Pwll Du Walk MEET 11am, Southgate NT car park CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A spectacular 31/2 hour walk, with Huw Lloyd, Gower AONB Ranger, down to Pwll Du and then up the Bishopston Valley. Please bring a packed lunch, appropriate footwear and weather proof clothing. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. TUE 7TH JUNE A Forgotten Corner of Copperopolis MEET 2pm, Clyne Valley Country Park, Blackpill, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 21/2–3 hour walk with Dr Edith Evans that begins at Blackpill and turns inland to look at the evidence for mining and associated activities in the Clyne Valley Country Park. Dogs on short leads allowed. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. WED 8TH JUNE Pontarddulais Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. THU 9TH JUNE Field Study Day: Bats and Moths MEET 7–10pm, bowls pavilion, Cwmdonkin Park, Uplands, Swansea CONTACT Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 DETAILS A free event for novices wishing to gain some experience in observation and recording of bats and moths. Equipment and materials provided. Wear suitable clothing. Families welcome. Part of Wales Biodiversity Week. THU 9TH JUNE Killay Marsh Walk MEET 2pm, Railway Inn, Killay, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 11/2 hour walk through Killay Marsh Local Nature Reserve, with conservationist Nigel Ajax Lewis, to look at the fen, meadow and woodland habitats. Predominantly on level surfaced paths suitable for wheelchairs and pushchairs. Dogs on short leads allowed. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week.


FRI 10TH JUNE Crymlyn Bog Guided Walk MEET 10.30am, Crymlyn Reserve Centre, Dinam Road, Port Tennant CONTACT Jamie Bevan, Countryside Council for Wales, 01792 634960 DETAILS Gentle stroll around Crymlyn Bog National Nature Reserve to learn about the wildlife and history of Crymlyn Bog. Followed by an optional trek part-way up Kilvey Hill, to take in the panoramic views (involves some steep paths). Bring suitable clothing and footwear. Light refreshments available. Part of Wales Biodiversity Week. FRI 10TH JUNE Flora, Fauna, Forts on Mumbles Hill MEET 2pm, Bracelet Bay, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 21/2 hour circular walk and talk, led by Sean Hathaway, with excellent views over Swansea Bay and Mumbles, pointing out the work in progress to restore the threatened limestone grassland and to uncover remnants of WW2 defences. Dogs on short leads allowed. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. SAT 11TH, 18TH, 25TH AND SUN 12TH, 19TH, 26TH JUNE

Wetland Walks Enjoy a season of walks at WWT National Wetland Centre Wales, Llwynhendy, Llanelli. Includes Nordic walking for beginners and various wildlife-themed guided walks. Families welcome but booking essential. Usual entrance fees apply. For more details contact WWT on 01554 741087 or visit www.wwt.org.uk. SAT 11TH JUNE Mumbles Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 11TH JUNE Swansea Vale Wetlands Walk & Pond Dip MEET 11am, reserve gate near roundabout, Walters Rd, Llansamlet CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 2 hour circular walk for families led by Judith Oakley. Discover the wildlife of Swansea Vale Nature Reserve and pond dip for freshwater mini-beasts. Equipment provided. Not suitable for dogs. Please wear appropriate clothing and footwear. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. SAT 11TH JUNE Permaculture Certificate Training MEET Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery, Bishopston CONTACT Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 DETAILS Course runs for one weekend per month, June to December. Covers the theory and practice of Permaculture design. Led by Witchhazel Wildwood. Contact for more details. Booking essential. 32

SAT 11TH JUNE Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Regular event. For details see page 7. SUN 12TH JUNE Pennard Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SUN 12TH JUNE Bishop’s Wood Walk MEET 10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A guided walk that will take you to discover the mysteries of Bishop’s Wood. Part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. SUN 12TH JUNE Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET 10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay. Part of Wales Biodiversity Week SUN 12TH JUNE Walk through Green Spaces and Parks MEET 2pm, Singleton Park bottom entrance, junction of Mumbles Road and Brynmill Lane CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS An uphill walk from Swansea seafront through four local parks (Singleton, Brynmill, Cwmdonkin, and Rosehill Quarry) taking in fantastic views. Refreshments will be served in Rosehill Quarry, accompanied by a local history talk, before the return walk downhill and back along the seafront. Not suitable for dogs. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival and Wales Biodiversity Week. MON 13TH JUNE Mumbles Coast and Village Walk MEET 6.30pm, Knab Rock, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS An introduction to the geology and rugged scenery along the coast to Rotherslade, and returning via the village of Oystermouth with a brief history en route. The walk will end approx 9pm with a visit to the Park Inn, 10 minute walk from the start point. Suitable for dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. TUE 14TH JUNE Dawn Chorus MEET 3.30–5.30am, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS Experience the dawn chorus at Bishop’s Wood with Dai Morris and some birds. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. TUE 14TH JUNE Around the Marina MEET 7.15pm, Swansea Museum, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A flat stroll past the Dylan Thomas Centre, over the Sail Bridge into SA1 and around the Marina hearing about J.H.Vivian and Baron Spolasco, with views of Swansea Bay as the walk passes new developments. Suitable for dogs on short leads. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. 33

TUE 14TH JUNE Growing Dunes at Whiteford MEET 7.30pm, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Jo Mullett, Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales, 01792 635784 DETAILS A talk by Gareth Dockerty, Countryside Council for Wales, on dune movement and erosion over the last 50–60 years, 25 years worth of records of dune growth, orchids and nesting lapwings and current and future hydrology management, monitoring and challenges. Donations welcome on the door. WED 15TH JUNE The Mumbles Way MEET 10am, Clyne Valley Country Park, Blackpill CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 10 km linear walk from Clyne Country Park to Mumbles Hill via a number of interesting features including Oystermouth Castle and a secret grotto. Bring a packed lunch. Buses run along the seafront to return you to the start point or you can walk back along the prom. Suitable for dogs on short leads. Part of the Gower Walking Festival. THU 16TH JUNE The Bounds of Clyne Valley MEET 10am, car park, civic amenity site, Derwen Fawr, Swansea CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 3 hour walk around the boundary of Clyne Valley, passing through several sites of historic interest, with wonderful views over Swansea Bay. Mainly on public bridleways which may be muddy in places. Not suitable for dogs. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. THU 16TH JUNE Stroll through Dead Centres of Mumbles MEET 6.30pm, All Saints Church, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 11/2–2 hour walk and talk about churches and graveyards in Mumbles looking at interesting tombstones and finding out about some notable inhabitants. Max 15 walkers. Not suitable for dogs. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. FRI 17TH JUNE Lives and Lifeboats MEET 10am, Knab Rock, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS 31/2 hour walk following the brave lifeboatmen of Mumbles and reliving Gower coast storms through three terrible disasters, rocks and wrecks. Discover the intrepid daughters of the lighthouse, and visit graves, lifeboat and crew. Not suitable for dogs. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. SAT 18TH TO SUN 26TH JUNE Bike Week This national celebration of cycling is supported locally with a varied programme of activities including a celebratory cycle ride and a commuter challenge event. For details phone the Transportation Group on 01792 636341 or visit www.swansea.gov.uk/cycling.


SAT 18TH JUNE Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 18TH JUNE Summer Family Fayre MEET Anytime between 10am and 3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Discover your local environment through a range of family-friendly activities, with treasure hunts, biodiversity trails, pond dipping, seed planting and of course, meeting our farm animals. Visit the new Farm Café for a range of delicious seasonal meals or snacks. Free event. SAT 18TH JUNE Swansea Bay Bike Tour and Nature Talk MEET 10am, Environment Centre, Pier Street, Swansea CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Ride your bike along the cycle path with stops to learn about some of the wildlife, history and stories about Swansea Bay. Please ring and book as places are limited. A Communities and Nature event. Part of Bike Week. SAT 18TH AND SUN 19TH JUNE Coracle Fishing Displays MEET 11am–3pm, Gower Heritage Centre, Parkmill, Gower CONTACT Gower Heritage Centre, 01792 371206 DETAILS See this traditional Welsh boat being put through its paces. Learn about the history of the coracle and the story of Prince Madoc and his brave trip across the Atlantic. Watch fishing displays and have a go yourself. Normal entry charges apply. SAT 18TH JUNE BikeAbility Wales Cycling Fun Day MEET 11am–3pm, Dunvant Rugby Club, Broadacre, Killay, Swansea CONTACT Mike Cherry, BikeAbility Wales, 07968 109145 DETAILS A cycling fun day for people of all abilities and ages to try out an amazing range of specialist and unusual cycles such as tandems, recumbents and kick bikes, at our venue in Clyne Valley. Part of Bike Week.


SAT 18TH JUNE Coastal Walk and Seashore Safari MEET 12.30pm, outside main entrance, Swansea Civic Centre CONTACT Mumbles TIC, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 2 hour family walk and talk led by Judith Oakley. Explore the fascinating seashore life of Swansea Bay’s sand and mud and the foreshore dunes at Swansea Point. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for flat sand, sand dunes and muddy sections on the beach. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. SAT 18TH JUNE Village, Verdi’s & Vista’s for Visually Impaired MEET 2pm, Oystermouth Road, Mumbles CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A gentle 11/2 hour saunter from Oystermouth Square to Verdi’s and back along Swansea Bay seafront, especially for the blind and visually impaired. Suitable for dogs on short leads. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. SUN 19TH JUNE Kilvey Hill Walk MEET 11am, car park, Pentrechwyth Rd, off Cross Valley Link Rd CONTACT Mumbles Tourist Office, 01792 361302 DETAILS A 5 hour walk involving a gradual climb to the summit of Kilvey Hill with a stop to talk about the history of the copper smelting industry and a coffee break at the top to enjoy the views. Then down to Crymlyn Bog for lunch, via a Celtic burial chamber and famous quarries, before returning to the start. Not suitable for dogs. A Communities and Nature event and part of the Gower Walking Festival. SUN 19TH JUNE Fairies and Goblins Walk MEET Call for full details CONTACT Jane Britton, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07833 171862 DETAILS Enjoy a walk up Kilvey Hill with storytelling on route to celebrate the summer solstice. Also help out with a survey of butterflies. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing and footwear. MON 20TH JUNE TO SAT 25TH JUNE Wise up to Waste Week The City and County of Swansea’s Recycling Team, in partnership with various community groups, schools, businesses and local reuse projects, have organised a week full of fun, interactive events dedicated to the promotion of preventing, reusing and recycling waste. For more information, contact the Recycling Team on 01792 635600 or visit their website www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling. SAT 25TH JUNE Llangennith Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 25TH JUNE Wilderness Gourmet Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A fantastic day out for all the family preparing a meal using a mix of wild foods with food we bring with us. All food is cooked over wood fires and you will learn how to make the best use of materials and ingredients available. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions. 36

SAT 25TH JUNE Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 25TH AND SUN 26TH JUNE Intro to Green Woodwork MEET Location near Port Eynon, Gower, to be arranged CONTACT Scott Blytt Jordens, Dragonfly Creations, 07725 894591 DETAILS Learn a diverse range of traditional skills using hand tools in our outdoor workshop. Fee charged. Booking essential.

SUN 26TH JUNE Litter Survey and Beach Clean MEET 10am, car park behind beach huts, Langland, Gower CONTACT Gill Bell, Marine Conservation Society, 01989 566017 DETAILS Join the Marine Conservation Society with their quarterly litter survey and beach clean of Langland as part of the Beachwatch national survey. Everyone welcome. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear. Children must be supervised at all times by a parent or guardian. SUN 26TH JUNE Open Edible Gardens MEET Various Gardens in the Swansea area CONTACT Jill Ireland, Transition Swansea, 01792 206223 DETAILS Be inspired, learn how to grow your own food and talk to gardeners about how it can be achieved. Donations appreciated. WED 29TH JUNE Seasonal Snacks MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Monthly meeting for senior citizens. Fee £4 including lunch. Tour the allotments, share tips on growing, harvesting and cooking then sample this month’s seasonal recipe in the Cafe. Fee £4 including lunch. For adults aged 60 and over. Wear suitable footwear to view the grounds. Please book in advance. 37

July/Gorffennaf SAT 2ND JULY Sketty Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 2ND JULY Silky Wave Moth Survey MEET 10am, car park, Port Eynon (parking fees apply) CONTACT Russel Hobson, Butterfly Conservation, 01792 642972 DETAILS Help with the annual moth survey at Overton Mere. May not be suitable for younger children. Please note that the survey is weather dependant so please book in advance. SAT 2ND JULY Youth Task Force Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SAT 2ND JULY Make and Mend @ the Museum Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 5th March. SUN 3RD JULY Rosehill Quarry Task Day MEET 10am–12noon, Rosehill Quarry, Terrace Road, Mount Pleasant, Swansea CONTACT Jannie Cherry, Rosehill Quarry Group, 01792 477863 DETAILS Help maintain this beautiful open space and wildlife area with spectacular views over Swansea Bay. SUN 3RD JULY Bracelet Bay Seashore Safari MEET 1.15pm, top of steps in Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply. SUN 3RD JULY Whiteford National Nature Reserve Walk MEET 2pm, call for further details – booking is essential CONTACT National Trust, 01792 390636 DETAILS Join the National Trust team on a circular walk of approx 8km around the tranquil Whiteford Burrows National Nature Reserve. Learn about the many birds and plants that thrive in this unspoilt area of Gower. The walk starts and finishes with a steep hill. Cost is £3 adult, £1.50 child.


MON 4TH JULY Oxwich Bay Seashore Safari MEET 1.30pm, beach slipway, Oxwich, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply. TUE 5TH JULY Port Eynon Seashore Safari MEET 2.15pm, outside the Captain’s Table chip shop, Port Eynon, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply.

SAT 9TH JULY Mumbles Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 9TH JULY Gorseinon Food and Craft Fayre Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 9TH JULY Art on the Hill MEET 11am, Bracelet Bay car park, Mumbles CONTACT Lea Halborg, Nature Conservation Team, 01792 635749 DETAILS Join in the fun getting creative, making environmental arts and crafts on Mumbles Hill. Ideal for families and accompanied children. Please wear warm clothing and bring a packed lunch. Moderate walk up slopes to site. Parking fees may apply. A Communities and Nature event. SUN 10TH JULY Pennard Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7.


SUN 10TH JULY Plants with a Purpose MEET 10am–12noon, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Come and discover the wonderful secrets of our beautiful plants at Bishop’s Wood. SUN 10TH JULY Wildflower Centre Visit MEET 2pm, Gower Wildflower Centre, Blackhills Lane, Fairwood, Gower CONTACT Jayne Vickrage, Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group, 01792 869098 DETAILS Join members of the local organic gardeners group on a visit to this wildflower nursery and local produce shop. TUE 12TH JULY Minibeast Safari MEET 2–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Creep along with Karen and other ‘bugs’ through the undergrowth of Bishop’s Wood. WED 13TH JULY Pontarddulais Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 16TH JULY Penclawdd Local Produce & Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 16TH AND SUN 17TH JULY Practical Woodsman Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS A two-day course designed for those with little or no previous Bushcraft experience, starting with an introduction to the safe use of the knife, saw and axe, and progressing through a range of skills based on wilderness survival. Course fee £190 adults, £160 concessions. SAT 16TH JULY Family Workday Regular event. For details see entry on Sat 19th February. SAT 16TH JULY Worm’s Head Causeway Seashore Safari MEET 12.30pm, National Trust Shop, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply. Be prepared for a 20 minute walk to the Causeway. SAT 16TH JULY Walk, Litter Pick and Butterfly Count MEET Call for full details CONTACT Jane Britton, Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers, 07833 171862 DETAILS Enjoy a walk up Kilvey Hill while helping to keep it free from litter. Also help out with a survey of butterflies. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Wear suitable clothing and footwear.


TUE 19TH JULY Rockpool Watch MEET 3–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Explore the secret world of Caswell Bay’s rockpools. FRI 22ND TO WED 27TH JULY Sculpture by the Sea

Festival Free artist-led workshops for all ages and cultures. Help create a display of temporary sculpture from natural and recycled materials based on the local marine life at each venue. Bring buckets, spades, hats and sunscreen. Children must be accompanied by adult. Drop in anytime between 10am and 4pm each day at the following locations: Fri 22nd July – Marina Beach (by observatory) Sat 23rd July – Sandfields Beach (by pirate ship) Sun 24th July – Blackpill Beach (near Lido) Mon 25th July – Bracelet Bay, Mumbles Tue 26th July – Caswell Beach, Gower Wed 27th July – Oxwich Beach, Gower For further details visit www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk or contact Sara Holden on 01792 367571.


FRI 22ND JULY Cwm Ivy Walk MEET 10.30am, bus stop in middle of Llanmadoc, Gower CONTACT Mike Scott, Gower AONB Team, 01792 635741 DETAILS An easy 11/2 hour walk to Whiteford and Cwm Ivy, with spectacular views over North Gower. Please bring appropriate footwear and weatherproof clothing. Accessible by bus from Swansea (Gower Explorer). FRI 22ND JULY Cress Heads MEET 11am–12noon, Ty’r Blodau, Singleton Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. SAT 23RD JULY Introduction to Bushcraft Course MEET 10am–5.30pm, contact for full details CONTACT Dryad Bushcraft, 01792 547213 DETAILS One-day course introducing a range of basic bushcraft tools, techniques and skills. Suitable for anyone over the age of 8 years. Course fee £90 adults, £60 concessions. SAT 23RD JULY Honey Harmony MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Chris, 01792 578384 DETAILS Whether you’re fascinated about bees or have a taste for honey, this afternoon is for you. Help extract the Farm’s first honey of the season whilst picking up some interesting facts about bees. Buy the freshest honey in town. Fee £1 (honey not included)

TUE 26TH JULY Woodland Treasure MEET 2–4pm, Bishop’s Wood Countryside Centre, Caswell CONTACT Karen Jones, 01792 361703 DETAILS Come and look for woodland treasure while you stroll though the leafy glades of Bishop’s Wood. WED 27TH JULY Seasonal Snacks MEET 1.30–3.30pm, Swansea Community Farm Cafe, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Monthly meeting for senior citizens, see entry for Wed 29th June for more details. Fee £4 including lunch. For adults aged 60 and over. Please book in advance. 42

FRI 29TH JULY Pond Safari MEET 11am–12noon, Discovery Centre, Brynmill Park, Swansea CONTACT Parks Development Team, 01792 635484 DETAILS Participants must be aged 4–11 years old and signed up to the Junior Park Rangers club. Book in advance as places are limited. SAT 30TH JULY Llangennith Local Produce Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 30TH JULY Clydach Local Produce and Craft Market Regular event. For details see page 7. SAT 30TH JULY Family Farm Exploration Day MEET Anytime between 11am and 3pm, Swansea Community Farm, Fforestfach CONTACT Kari, 01792 578384 DETAILS Explore your local community farm and take part in a range of family-friendly activities including treasure hunts, biodiversity trails, pond dipping, seed planting and meeting the farm animals. Visit the new Farm Café for a range of delicious seasonal meals or snacks. Fee £2 per child. SAT 30TH JULY Mumbles Pier Seashore Safari MEET 11.30am, entrance to Mumbles Pier, Mumbles CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply. A Communities and Nature event. SUN 31 JULY Crymlyn Bog Family Fun Day MEET 11am–2pm, Crymlyn Reserve Centre, Dinam Road, Port Tennant CONTACT Jamie Bevan, Countryside Council for Wales, 01792 634960 DETAILS Celebrate International Bog Day at Crymlyn Bog National Nature Reserve. Activities include pond dipping, guided walks and environmental art. Bring suitable outdoor clothing and footwear. Children under sixteen must be accompanied by an adult. SUN 31ST JULY Worm’s Head Causeway Seashore Safari MEET 12noon, National Trust Shop, Rhossili, Gower CONTACT Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal, 07879 837817 DETAILS Join marine biologist Judith Oakley on an adventure to discover the amazing hidden shore life. Please wear suitable clothing and footwear for uneven ground and getting wet feet. No nets please. Ages 3+. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Booking essential. Safari lasts 3 hours and is free but parking charges may apply. Be prepared for a 20 minute walk to the Causeway.


Further Information City and County of Swansea Nature Conservation Team Deb Hill, 01792 635777 www.swansea.gov.uk/natureconservationteam Protecting and enhancing areas of ecological and landscape importance in Swansea for the benefit of people and wildlife. Bishops Wood Nature Reserve and Countryside Centre Dai Morris or Karen Jones, 01792 361703 www.swansea.gov.uk/bishopswood Popular Local Nature Reserve and countryside centre in Caswell. Communities and Nature Project Lea Halborg, 01792 635749 Connecting people with nature in urban Swansea. Community Parks Officers Arron Ring, 01792 635484 www.swansea.gov.uk/jpr Promoting the use of parks in Swansea and organising Junior Park Rangers. Cycling Officer Rob Wachowski, 01792 636353 www.swansea.gov.uk/cycling Promoting cycling in the Swansea area. Gower AONB Team Richard Beale, 01792 635094 www.swansea.gov.uk/aonb Supporting the conservation and enhancement of the Gower AONB. Recycling Team Trish Flint, 01792 635600 www.swansea.gov.uk/recycling Planning and implementing practical recycling schemes and raising awareness of waste minimisation and recycling. Specialist Parks Development Steve Hopkins, 01792 205327 www.swansea.gov.uk/parks Education work for both public and schools, working out of Ty’r Blodau in Singleton Park and the Discovery Centre at Brynmill. Sustainable Development Unit Tanya Nash, 01792 635198 www.swansea.gov.uk/sustainabledevelopment Promoting sustainable development in the Council’s activities and strategies.


BikeAbility Wales Mike Cherry, 07968 109145 www.bikeabilitywales.org.uk Enabling people of all abilities to enjoy the pleasures and health benefits of cycling. Blackpill Wildlife Centre Daphne and Colin Jones, 01269 822876 Based in the lifeguard hut at Blackpill Lido on two Sundays each month from October to Easter. Coeden Fach Community Tree Nursery Witchhazel Wildwood, 07778 591091 www.coedenfach.wetpaint.com A project based in Bishopston offering training and practical experience of sustainable land management and providing native trees. Countryside Council for Wales Michael Launder, 01792 634975 www.ccw.gov.uk CCW champions the environment and landscapes of Wales and its coastal waters, for economic and social activity, leisure and learning. Cyclist Touring Club Martin Brain, 01792 207800 www.swanseacycling.co.uk CTC is the biggest cycling club in the UK. The local group organises rides every week as well as social events and holidays. Down to Earth Mark McKenna, 01792 346566 www.downtoearthproject.org.uk Centre for practical sustainability and natural building.

Environment Centre Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.environmentcentre.org.uk A focus for environmental information, education and activity in south-west Wales. Forest School Swansea Neath Port Talbot Awi, 01792 367118 www.forestschoolsnpt.org.uk Raising awareness and appreciation of local woodlands and green spaces through recreational, educational and training activities. Glamorgan–Gwent Archaeological Trust Paul Huckfield, 01792 655208 www.ggat.org.uk Working to protect, record and interpret our archaeological and historical inheritance. Gower Heritage Centre Roy Church, 01792 371206 www.gowerheritagecentre.co.uk Visitor attraction with historic exhibits, craft workshops and a programme of events.


Gower Ornithological Society Jeremy Douglas-Jones, 01792 551331 www.glamorganbirds.org.uk A society with a programme of talks and field trips for those interested in birds. Kilvey Community Woodland Volunteers Jane Britton, 07833 171862 An active group that organises a variety of activities to help manage the local woodlands. Mumbles Development Trust Robin Bonham, 01792 405169 www.mumblesdevelopmenttrust.org Working for the regeneration of Mumbles and supporting community self-help projects. National Trust Kim Boland or Veronica Shenston, 01792 390636 www.nationaltrust.org.uk Inspiring understanding and enjoyment of the historic and natural environment. Penllergare Trust Jennie Eyers, 01558 650416 www.penllergare.org An independant charity working to restore the old Penllergare Estate as a public park. Rosehill Quarry Group Jannie Cherry, 01792 477863 Volunteer group maintaining a wildlife area and recreational space for those living in and around Mount Pleasant and Townhill. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Maggie Cornelius, 01792 229244 www.rspb.org.uk/groups/westglamorgan The local RSPB Members Group holds walks and talks open to all members of the public. Sculpture by the Sea Sara Holden, 01792 367571 www.sculpturebythesea.co.uk An environmental arts group based in Swansea which enables children and adults to engage with nature in a creative way. Sustainable Swansea Delyth Higgins or Dai Power, 01792 480200 www.sustainableswansea.net Helping Swansea become a more sustainable place to live, work and visit. Sustrans Fraser Arnott, 07786 984063 www.sustrans.org.uk Aiming to reduce dependence on the car and encouraging more walking and cycling. Swansea and District Organic Gardening Group Jane Vickrage, 01792 869098 The group has regular meetings to promote and support organic gardening.

Swansea Civic Society Philippa Watkins, 01792 203574 www.swanseacivicsociety.org.uk Encouraging a quality and sustainable built environment for Swansea. Swansea Community Farm Kari Lucas or Phil Budd, 01792 578384 www.swanseacommunityfarm.org.uk A small working farm for the benefit of the local community with opportunities for volunteers and activities for young people.


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Swansea Canal Society 0844 209 4548 (answerphone) swanseacanalsociety.com Promoting the regeneration, renewal and restoration of Swansea Canal through recreation, education and culture.

Swansea Environmental Education Forum (SEEF) Anita Houten, 01792 469817 www.seeforum.org.uk A network of organisations and individuals providing education for sustainable development and global citizenship to all sectors in Swansea. Swansea Environmental Forum Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.swanseaenvironmentalforum.net An association of organisations and individuals working together to promote and facilitate environmental sustainability in Swansea. Swansea Fair Trade Forum Jenny Edwards, 01792 480200 www.fairtradeswansea.org.uk A partnership of local organisations seeking to promote fair trade in Swansea. Swansea Outdoor Group Wyn Williams, 01792 470886 www.swanseaoutdoorgroup.org.uk Organises walking, cycling and other outdoor activities, affiliated to YHA.

Swansea Ramblers Roger Jones, 01792 205051 www.swansearamblers.org.uk Local Ramblers group with a programme of regular walks throughout the year. Swansea Waste Forum Trish Flint, 01792 635600 www.swanseawasteforum.org Partnership that promotes and supports sustainable waste management in Swansea. Tawe Trekkers Doug Morgan, 07766 652837 www.tawetrekkers.org.uk Local 18–40s Ramblers group with a programme of walks throughout the year. Transition Swansea Jill Ireland, 01792 206223 www.transitiontownswansea.ning.com A grassroots initiative aiming to help Swansea build resilience for climate change and peak oil. Wheelrights David Naylor, 01792 233755 www.wheelrights.org.uk Swansea Bay cycle campaign group helping to get people on bikes. Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales: West Glamorgan Group Jo Mullett, 01792 635784 www.welshwildlife.org Part of the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to conserving the full range of the UK’s habitats and species. WWT National Wetland Centre Wales Eleanor Keatley, 01554 741087 www.wwt.org.uk/visit-us/llanelli Spectacular birdlife and a variety of indoor and outdoor activities all year round.


Published by

Environment Department

The Environmental Events Swansea booklet is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Assembly Government and is a component element of the Countryside Council for Wales’ Communities and Nature strategic project.

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