7 minute read
Jake Wall & Jennifer Hawkins
IN SESIÓN: Jen & Jake From modeling and property management to setting up their own spirit brand, Jennifer Hawkins and Jake Wall tell us about their fondness of tequila, Mexico and what drew them to their latest venture, Sesión.
Ashley Pini: Lovely to meet you both and thank you for being a part of the autumn edition of explore DRINKS. Can you tell us how you came up with the idea for Sesión?
Jennifer Hawkins: It’s nice to meet you too, thanks for having us! Jake Wall: I was introduced to tequila about ten years ago while in the US. I really enjoyed the taste of tequila and it became my drink of choice. I now enjoy Sesión on the rocks. Creating a tequila company has been a pipe dream of mine for a long time now, but it took a few years to find the right team, distilling partner and perfect the juice! JH: Jake introduced me to tequila actually, when we were in the Maldives. The taste was different to other spirits and now it’s literally the only spirit I drink. We had our heart set on starting our own tequila brand and Sesión just happened. It was definitely a long process - three years all up - but we were persistent and the rest is history.

AP: What did you enjoy the most about the time you spent in Mexico?
JH: The Mexican culture is so vibrant. They are so passionate and let’s be honest, Mexican food and tequila are the best! JW: Yeah, I think we ate and drank the whole time we were in Mexico. We also had an incredible time visiting our distillery and agave fields!
AP: Who came up with the name?
JW & JH: We had a brainstorming meeting; well we had a few, of course! We were talking about tequila being a sessionable drink in the US and Mexico - they don’t just slam it down in a shot glass, they really enjoy the flavours tequila brings straight or in a cocktail. We wanted to change that perception of tequila in Australia and decided to name it Sesión, which translates to session in Spanish.
AP: What’s special about Sesión tequila?
JW: Our distilling partners at Tierra De Agaves have an incredible heritage dating back over 250 years through the Beckmann family who are eighth generation distillers. Our process, heritage and quality are second to none. JH: Their ancestor Don José Antonio de Cuervo actually created the first tequila and still to this day we use the same yeast strain that was used way back then. Isn’t that amazing? JW: Sesión has smoothness; it’s so easy to drink and we have won gold and silver medals to back that up. JH: It was pretty incredible to win medals for our Blanco, Reposado and Mocha tequilas at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition. We were extremely humbled and proud.
Jake using a coa blade to cut back and expose the agave’s pineapple shape
AP: You both wear many hats; from modeling to property management and working as an ambassador, how do you find the time to work on a tequila brand?
JW: Ha. I stay away from modeling now; I am a builder by trade and loving our business ventures with Sesión and J Group Projects. We have great people in the right positions working with us both daily. Our life is pretty hectic, I will admit that, but we are working towards some big goals! I love having this girl by my side through it all. JH: I agree! Life can get pretty busy, but I’m so grateful for the opportunities and life we lead, truly. It has taken a lot of work and persistence to get to this position, but gosh I love it. You asked about how we find the time - we just do. Prioritising, delegating, acting on instincts, and enjoying work all play a huge role. Beyond that, if I can be honest, we get up at 5am every day and go-go-go. It really is about switching hats daily. The most important thing in business, I think, is working with amazing, enthusiastic people and I am obsessed with our team!
AP: What’s it like (challenges and highlights) working together as a couple? Does the tequila help?
JW & JH: Well, we don’t actually cross over too often, we see each other at brand meetings and that’s about it. When it comes to growing the brand that’s when passion comes into play and we get carried away in the moment. It’s fun and nerve racking all at the same time! We love it!
Jake and Jen enjoying a Sesión tequila cocktail

AP: Would you consider doing any other drinks? Can we expect to see Sesión vodka any time soon?
JW: No, tequila is a natural fit as it’s our favourite drink. We only started this brand and company because it was something we were passionate about and it was/is a part of our lifestyle. JH: No way. That’s not to say we won’t expand Sesión, but as I said I’m only into tequila now, thanks Jake! I won’t touch vodka. Come over and taste the good juice. Agave all the way! Haha. AP: What’s an example of a great night out for you? What drinks might you order and what types of bars (if at all) would you go to?
JW: Sipping Sesión oceanside with Jen and some good mates. JH: Sounds good!
AP: When entertaining at home, what ‘easy to make drinks’ would you have ready to offer your guests?
JW: We really enjoy making palomas in summer and they are really easy to make at home. Add 45ml of Sesión Reposado and half a fresh lime juiced into an ice filled tumbler; top with grapefruit soda and garnish with a lime wedge. Another great drink is a ginger margarita, which is 45ml of Sesión Blanco, 10ml agave syrup, 25ml fresh lime juice and one-quarter of a fresh ginger knob mixed in a cocktail shaker and served! JH: Mm, yes palomas, strawberry margaritas, or last weekend we served up watermelon spring floras. Ah, they were insanely good, so fresh! Ingredients are on our Instagram and website.
AP: Knowing your tequila is going to be delicious, and I may have one too many (thank you for the bottle on my desk BTW), have you got any tips on how to bounce back and look 100 per cent the next day?
JW & JH: Ha, well if you stick to Sesión and don’t mix your spirits you will wake up fresh. Well almost...
Sesión on Tequila Cocktails

Tequila is back and it’s cooler than ever. Premium tequila should be savoured, sipped or mixed in a cocktail to enjoy. PALOMA

GLASS: Tumbler INGREDIENTS 45ml Sesión Blanco tequila 25ml Fresh lime juice San Pellegrino Grapefruit Soda METHOD Add Sesión Blanco tequila and fresh lime juice to a cocktail shaker with plenty of ice and top with San Pellegrino Grapefruit Soda. Stir vigorously, don’t shake. Strain into an ice filled tumbler and garnish with a slice of lime GARNISH: Lime wedge
GLASS: Tumbler INGREDIENTS 45ml Sesión tequila 25ml Fresh lime juice 10ml Agave syrup Half a knob of fresh ginger METHOD Add all ingredients to a shaker, add lots of ice and shake hard. Strain into an ice filled tumbler and garnish with a slice of lime GARNISH: Lime wedge (served on the side)
GLASS: Highball INGREDIENTS 45ml Sesión Reposado tequila 120ml Freshly pressed (or good quality) green apple juice 2 tbsp Honey 2 tbsp Fresh lime juice METHOD: Add all ingredients to a shaker. Shake with lots of ice and strain into a highball glass. Garnish with a slice of green apple GARNISH: Slice of green apple
Sesión is the Spanish word for session and is available in three core flavours: blanco, reposado and mocha. Each flaunts unique flavours, aromas and textures and is proudly made in the fields of the Tequila region.

GLASS: Rocks INGREDIENTS 20ml Sesión Reposado tequila 20ml Campari 10ml Sweet vermouth 10ml Sesión Mocha tequila METHOD Add all the ingredients to a tumbler filled with ice and stir until chilled. Garnish with a large swathe of orange peel GARNISH: Orange peel
GLASS: Tumbler INGREDIENTS 30ml Sesión Mocha tequila 30ml Sesión Reposado tequila 1tsp Brown sugar METHOD Place the brown sugar in a tumbler and add a dash of water. Stir the brown sugar until most of it is diluted, almost making a paste. Add the other ingredients and ice and stir until chilled. Garnish with a large piece of orange peel GARNISH: Orange peel