2 minute read
Welcome note

A word from our President
LAST YEAR THE RACT BOARD DEVELOPED AND LAUNCHED OUR NEW GROUP STRATEGY. The strategy includes a strong focus on the longterm financial sustainability of the Club, while always ensuring that our members remain at the heart of our decision making.
Since then, we have taken significant steps forward in realising this ambition, with our first year of the strategy aimed at aligning our priorities and, most notably, undertaking a series of divestment and investment opportunities that will enable us to provide more for our members.
Recently, as a part of this realignment, the Board agreed to increase RACT’s investment in the insurance business, with the Club signing an agreement to secure 100% ownership of the business from our valued partner, Suncorp (subject to the regulatory approval process).
The decision to invest further in this high-performing business was made in line with our agreed strategy. Importantly, we’ve heard directly from our members that they value our insurance offering and now, more than ever before, they want to support locals and buy locally.
With this in mind, the Board agreed that now was the right time to invest further, with this change meaning that RACT Insurance will now be Tasmania’s only 100% Tasmanian-owned and located general insurer.
With this change, the RACT Group will focus even more strongly on improving the experience and value provided. I can assure you that there will be no adverse impact on members or existing insurance policies. It’s business as normal.
This means you will be able to engage with us as you do now, in person at branches across Tasmania, through our local call centres and at any time online.
We are excited for the future of RACT and our combined business and, importantly, for the improved experiences and value we are creating for our members.
PRESIDENT Kathryn Westwood
VICE PRESIDENTS Alison Flakemore Jenny Richardson
BOARD Josephine Archer, Peter Dixon, Ralph Doedens, Jude Franks, Phil Jones, Risden Knightley, Pieter Kolkert, Sue Smith
RACT GROUP CEO Mark Mugnaioni
Journeys is published for The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania by Hardie Grant Media, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121 hardiegrant.com
Managing Director Nick Hardie-Grant Deputy Managing Director Clare Brundle Managing Editor Krysia Bonkowski Art Director Dallas Budde Design Katrina Mastrofilippo Advertising Sales and Partnerships Director Lauren Casalini laurencasalini@hardiegrant.com Senior Account Manager Amanda Travers amandatravers@hardiegrant.com Printer Ovato Mailhouse D&D Mailing Services Distribution Australia Post Australia Post No. 100003899
Competition terms and conditions can be found at ract.com.au/competitions. No part of Journeys may be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2021 RACT. The opinions contained in this publication may not be shared by The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited or its related bodies corporate (together “RACT”) or any of its directors or employees. Advertisements in Journeys are the responsibility of the advertiser. No person should act or rely upon such opinions or advice and RACT accepts no liability for them. Any rewards or rights provided to a member cannot be transferred, assigned, sold or redeemed for cash. Inclusion of a product should not be construed as an endorsement by RACT.