3 minute read
Welcome note

A word from our Group CEO

This year RACT has taken signi cant strides forward in our strategy to transform our business and provide more for our members.
At time of writing we are very close to finalising our investment to purchase the remaining 50% share of our insurance business, RACT Insurance, from the Suncorp Group. Once finalised, RACT Insurance will become Tasmania’s only 100% owned, located and operated insurance business – a great outcome for our members and Tasmanians more broadly. Significant work has taken place to implement appropriate governance and operational structures that will set us up for success, and I’m proud that we’ve been able to do this and ensure that all our people continue in their roles, providing our members with the level of service for which we are known.
I’m also pleased to see the continued focus on road safety through the Select Committee’s Inquiry into Road Safety in Tasmania. With nearly 100 submissions to the inquiry, there is a high degree of interest and a range of ideas on how we might improve our road safety statistics. Our submission contained 38 recommendations, themed around speed, enforcement and deterrence, roads, vehicles and vulnerable road users. I’d like to thank our members who provided us feedback on issues. We received more than 2000 responses which helped form the basis of our recommendations. We watch with interest as the inquiry continues, and we expect to see a range of changes arising from the process.
This year, we’ve continued to expand our regional footprint, and during November we upgraded our Glenorchy branch and doubled our employee numbers in this location to provide an expanded, localised call centre and branch team.
December is a busy month for all of us. Remember to stay alert on our roads during this period and have a safe and happy festive period with friends and family. Mark Mugnaioni // RACT Group CEO ABOUT YOUR RACT ABOUT YOUR RACT
PRESIDENT Kathryn Westwood PRESIDENT Kathryn Westwood VICE PRESIDENTS Alison Flakemore Jenny Richardson VICE PRESIDENTS Alison Flakemore Jenny Richardson BOARD Josephine Archer, Peter Dixon, Ralph Doedens, Jude Franks, Phil Jones, Risden Knightley, Pieter Kolkert, Sue Smith BOARD Josephine Archer, Peter Dixon, Ralph Doedens, Jude Franks, Phil Jones, Risden Knightley, Pieter Kolkert, Sue Smith RACT GROUP CEO Mark Mugnaioni RACT GROUP CEO Mark Mugnaioni JOURNEYS MANAGING EDITOR JOURNEYS MANAGING EDITOR Amira Vaatstra Amira Vaatstra
The board members, vice president and president are current to 30 Nov 2021.
Journeys is published for The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania by Hardie Grant Media, Building 1, 658 Church Street, Richmond VIC 3121 hardiegrant.com
Managing Director Clare Brundle Managing Editor Sophie Al-Bassam Editor Constantina Demos Art Director Dallas Budde Design Sue Morony Advertising Sales and Partnerships Director Lauren Casalini laurencasalini@hardiegrant.com Senior Account Manager Amanda Travers amandatravers@hardiegrant.com Printer Ovato Mailhouse D&D Mailing Services Distribution Australia Post Australia Post No. 100003899
Competition terms and conditions can be found at ract.com.au/competitions. No part of Journeys may be reproduced without permission. Copyright 2021 RACT. The opinions contained in this publication may not be shared by The Royal Automobile Club of Tasmania Limited or its related bodies corporate (together “RACT”) or any of its directors or employees. Advertisements in Journeys are the responsibility of the advertiser. No person should act or rely upon such opinions or advice and RACT accepts no liability for them. Any rewards or rights provided to a member cannot be transferred, assigned, sold or redeemed for cash. Inclusion of a product should not be construed as an endorsement by RACT.