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Lsfa Launch Sustainability Guide
Raising awareness of the performance, productivity and sustainability benefits of light steel technology.
With an objective to support the specification of light steel frame (LSF) by developing a better understanding of the numerous technology benefits, the LSFA has created a Sustainability Guide to verify its environmental credentials.

This new guide was trialled at Offsite Expo and initial feedback, although very positive, has highlighted the requirement for further data and evidence to demonstrate that LSF is a highly sustainable method of construction. We are calling for LSFA members to come forward with data to give the report further credibility in the green agenda. Please email info@lsf-association.co.uk if you feel you can further assist.
Light steel technology is widely specified throughout the UK construction industry and members of the LSFA have demonstrated that it is a highly reliable, robust and sustainable method of construction. When designers research build systems – fire, thermal and acoustic performance together with structural integrity and cost – are key drivers. However, the sustainability benefits of light steel systems are not widely understood.
Timber may appear to have a ‘greener’ image, but it is well documented that steel is one of the world’s most recycled materials with recovery and re-use rates in excess of 90%. So, steel performs better than timber when all factors are taken into consideration across the whole life of the building and we need to evidence this more.
To download the current Sustainability Guide, go to: www.lsf-association.co.uk/library