1 minute read
STRUCTURAL TIMBER MAGAZINE is dedicated to covering the UK’s leading mainstream low-carbon construction material and its positive impact on the built environment.
As timber continues to prove itself to be an adaptable, aesthetically attractive and structurally strong building material, STRUCTURAL TIMBER MAGAZINE investigates the reasons behind its success and shows its readers why timber is at the heart of an improved built environment, a growing energy efficient economy and contributor to overall sustainable business. Find www.structuraltimbermagazine.co.uk

There will be three issues of Structural Timber Magazine published in 2023.

To discuss your advertising packages and editorial opportunities please contact Debbie Prosser on debbie.prosser@radar-communications.co.uk

Copy Deadlines
Issue 32 - 27/02/23
Issue 33 - 26/06/23
Issue 34 - 30/10/23