"NOT EQUAL: Civil Rights Gone Wrong"

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

INTRODUCTION I know a little about media bias. I’ve been on the receiving end of absurd distortions and omissions by mainstream media for years as a result of our life-affirming Radiance Foundation work. Injustice’s worst enemy is truth. I became a citizen journalist because I knew there was more to the story than our news media was willing to report. As an adoptee and adoptive father I’m driven to address issues that illuminate the intrinsic value every human being possesses. As a biracial (black/white) individual who was conceived in rape and adopted with love, I’m passionate about true freedom and equality. One of my lifelong heroes is former slave, famed abolitionist, writer and phenomenal public speaker, Frederick Douglass. Aside from reshaping the conscience of President Lincoln, he informed the public about the injustice of slavery through his newspaper, The North Star. Regarding his role as a journalist, Douglass once said: “I still see before me a life of toil and trials…but, justice must be done, the truth must be told…I will not be silent.” The North Star was necessary because the mainstream media refused to tell the truth about slavery. Flash forward over a century and the same institution is still systematically misinforming the American people about…well…everything. There is a Journalist’s Creed that hangs on a wall inside the prestigious National Press Club in DC. It was written in 1914. Apparently, today’s journalists choose to ignore it. The Creed declares, in part: “I believe that suppression of the news, for any consideration other than the welfare of society, is indefensible. I believe that the journalism which succeeds the best-and best deserves success-fears God and honors man…always respectful of its readers but always unafraid, is quickly indignant at injustice.” Too many today praise injustice and have no sense of what true equality is. This confusion is fed by a news media that chooses agenda over actuality, opinion over objectivity, and advocacy over accuracy. Like Douglass, in this ongoing fight for human dignity, I cannot and will not be silent. I hope you learn from this compilation of articles that are the result of thousands of hours of research and design. I pray that you choose to be compassionate yet fearless with the Truth.



Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


IAM NOT THERAPIST’S CHILD Wow! I hate that phrase. “Rapist’s child”, “rapist’s baby”, “rape baby”, or “product of rape”—all equally despicable, yet intentional, pejoratives used by abortion activists to debase those conceived in such horrid violence. As if these revilers had any control over the circumstances of their own conception, they stand as judge and executioner of human beings with the exact same cellular makeup. Do we refer to children as the “drug dealer’s child” or the “adulterer’s child”? President Obama’s alcoholic father was married multiple times1. In fact, his father was married to two different women concurrently. Do we call Obama the “bigamist’s child” or the “alcoholic’s child”? That would be horrible. Granted, people hold various views of our Commander-in-Chief, but who would call him the Abandoned-in-Chief because of his deadbeat dad (no matter the wishful dreams he had of his father)? When do we ever define an innocent child by the crimes of either parent? This is only necessary to those whose ideology demands the dehumanization of that life to justify killing via abortion. It assuages those who demand that certain human lives have zero civil rights. The Civil Rights Act of 1964, celebrated as one of America’s most pivotal moments, was justice long overdue. Most don’t realize that it is nearly a mirror copy of the Republican-only passed Civil Rights Act of 18752, championed by famed abolitionist (and my hero) Frederick Douglass. In 1883 the law was later ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. (They have often been Supremely wrong!) February is Douglass’ birth-month as well as President Abraham Lincoln’s. Both men changed the trajectory of our nation’s civil rights. Lincoln’s conscience was reshaped by Douglass, a man whose name is synonymous with abolition (despite Steven Spielberg’s inexplicable omission of him in his award-winning eponymous film3). Lincoln’s heart was moved by the eloquence and conviction of a man who wasn’t even considered human. The leader of the



Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


HAPPYBIRTHDAY 14TH AMENDMENT, SORRYFORALLTHEABUSE On July 9th, 1868, a monumental shift happened in the legal landscape. Slavery had just been abolished by the 13th Amendment as an institution three years prior, and now black people were finally being recognized as humans and citizens by the law. Of course, no one needs a law to affirm anyone’s humanity, but I’m glad as a person with mocha brown skin that legislation caught up with common sense. But sadly, the 14th Amendment has been a victim of deteriorating common sense in this country allowing nearly everything to become legal under this race-based Reconstruction Amendment. Due process. Equal protection under the law. These two phrases have become both a battering ram for judicial activists to obliterate our actual Constitutional freedoms and a magic wand to conjure up “rights” out of thin air. Federal judges are quite adept at this abuse. The Supreme Court, at least the majority of it, has mastered the art of Constitutional mutilation. Justice Anthony Kennedy took great pride in his assault on the 14th Amendment in the outrageous Obergefell v. Hodges ruling. Writing the majority opinion, Kennedy contorted the civil rights law to purport “…these liberties extend to certain personal choices central to individual dignity and autonomy, including intimate choices that define personal identity and beliefs”. And bippity boppity boo…a new “right” popped into existence. This very ruling tramples individual dignity and autonomy, forcing every American (who logically believes that marriage is a biologically complementary institution) to accept, promote, and participate in this magical new right. The Supreme Court has now declared that “Sexual Freedom” trumps the First Amendment. The framers of the Constitu-



Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


civilrights gone wrong Who would have imagined a world where the nation’s largest black civil rights groups would partner with the one organization that destroys innocent life for a profit? Who would have envisioned an alliance between those who’ve fought for the humanity of an oppressed people and an industry that engages in the ultimate form of oppression—the killing of defenseless human beings? The National Association for the Advancement Abortion of Colored People. The Urban League. The Congressional Black Caucus. These are organizations whose history has shown that black Americans can rise, can be empowered, and can achieve great things. These are also organizations that have offered their souls to a self-anointed savior with empty promises of birth control, reduced poverty, “healthcare” and “reproductive freedom.” How can we rise if our future is flushed down the drain? And we mean, literally, flushed down the drain. Over 1,000 times a day, the body parts of black babies are torn from their mother’s womb, ground in garbage disposals and washed away like sewage. This is the reality of “choice” that often scares women away from any other option that doesn’t end in death. Despite the reality that more black babies are aborted than born alive in NYC (although all abortions are a tragedy), the nation’s largest black “civil rights” groups have done nothing to address this epidemic. Live Action and Lila Rose have exposed the seedy actions of abortionists and Planned Parenthood, specifically, for years in video stings that prove an industry that accepts racist donations for black abortions, protects sex traffickers, grossly misinforms pregnant mothers about prenatal development and practices infanticide. Even when presented the most grisly of violence against the most marginalized minorities–the unborn–these former civil rights champions refuse to fight for what’s right. Serial killer and abortionist Kermit



Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


WHETHERGUNVIOLENCE ORABORTION VIOLENCE HARMING THE INNOCENT IS ALWAYSWRONG The Radiance Foundation condemns the horrific violence that happened this past weekend, and nearly every day, inside a Colorado Planned Parenthood. The daily destruction of human life for profit is inexcusable. Our hearts go out to mothers deceived into thinking violence is the answer to life that is unplanned. We also condemn the acts of an apparently deluded individual who terrorized and killed officers and civilians outside of the abortion mill. Our hearts go out to the families whose loved ones were ripped away by someone who thought violence was the answer to his confused life. Robert Dear is a broken man, who apparently registered as a woman to vote, who has stolen precious lives from this earth. His supposed motivation, as eagerly reported by mainstream media, is highly questionable considering the quote about “no more baby body parts” during his arrest came from an anonymous source after a standoff that resulted in zero casualties and zero physically harmed inside the abortion center. Taking human life is never pro-life. Dear is obviously no pro-lifer. Abortion violence. Gun violence. Any form of violence that harms or kills innocent human life is always wrong. The terrorist with a gun--who caused death and carnage--will, rightly so, be demonized by nearly everyone. Abortionists with forceps and a vacuum aspiration device--who cause over one million deaths and make millions in profit every year--are celebrated, daily, by nearly every liberal. Our nation has selective outrage when it comes to violence. It must


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


THERACIALIZATION OFADOPTION Adoption is a powerful and emotionally potent act, for the birth mother and the prospective parents. The act of relinquishing a child to someone else and to take in a child, who is not biologically related, is an incredible act of love and sacrifice. We need to foster an environment where people pursue adoption more and the public is educated about the beautiful stories that typify the adoption experience. My parents shattered the myth of the unwanted child. I was once considered “black and unwanted”. I was conceived in rape. They loved me and all of my siblings (nine of which are adopted, too) like crazy, no matter our stories, no matter the world’s expectations of our lives. My amazing wife, Bethany, and I knew we wanted to adopt before we got married. It kind of runs in my blood. The private adoption of our youngest son (who, like all my children, is a beautiful hue of brown) cost us about $13,000. We were blessed to get a huge tax refund that year to help cover all the adoption-related fees. We would have found the means to cover the expenses no matter what. But families willing to bring a child into their hearts and home through adoption should get more help from a federal government that manages to throw billions at everything else except at one of the most beautiful


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


GAYRIGHTSGROUPSTAKE PRIDEINABORTION Unlimited access to the internet and 24-hour news cycles would give one the impression that extensive information is being conveyed to the public regarding the crucial issues of our day. But in large part, the same old uninformative stuff gets regurgitated over and over again. The gatekeepers, intent on presenting a one-sided portrayal of one of the most coordinated and funded social movements of our day, are fine with misrepresenting the news. June is “Pride” month for a community that enjoys the most protection of any people group by news organizations. There’s no journalistic objectivity, only subjectivity drenched in happy rainbow colors and an ever-expanding acronym. The LGBT activist movement enjoys its immunity as it brands any dissenters as haters, bigots, and homophobes. I’m from a family filled with diversity. I’ve always been taught to love others, to be compassionate, and to speak and live the truth. Oh, and by the way, be prepared for people to hate you anyway. Little did I know, as a child, how valuable those lessons would be now. The LGBTQ movement decries the “inequality” and the epidemic of “hate violence” that touches the homosexual, bisexual and whatever-you-want-to-be-sexual community. (I’m not going to go into the absurd self-cited “hate violence reports”, pseudoscience, and trumped up statistics right now; that will have to be a whole other Radiance Foundation article). No one deserves to be physically harmed (unless it’s self-defense, of course). Yet, at the same time leading “gay rights” groups cry “discrimination” they actively, and aggressively, promote the most violent form of discrimination: abortion. Nearly every major LGBTQxyz group (Human Rights Campaign, Act Up, Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, and GLAAD, just to name a few) promotes the violence of abortion. Many of them see “gay rights” and “abortion rights” as a united front.


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

chapter 9

dads matter Imagine a world without dads. Ok. The exercise is over, because you wouldn’t be here to imagine anything if it weren’t for those who are 50% biologically responsible for your existence. Nature is an extraordinary thing. It reveals to us how important every piece of the biological puzzle is to Life. Each gender, female and male, is significant and different and wondrous. But what happens when we pretend that they’re interchangeable or dispensable? The puzzle starts to fall apart leaving gaping holes. We see that in our modern society as the epidemic of fatherlessness sweeps across our country. The sexual revolution should have taught our nation one thing: irresponsibility leads to instability. Today, 40.6% of American children are born to unmarried mothers, with a culture-shifting 58% of them in mostly unstable cohabitating unions. Back in the 1940s, unmarried births amounted to less than 5%. Today, abortion has become a violent form of birth control with 85.5% of America’s 1.1 million annual abortions occurring among unmarried women. Roe never empowered women. It empowered men to have sex and run. This is what happens when people choose abandonment over accountability. Nothing replaces a father. Not a woman. Not a live-in boyfriend. Not government insistence programs (which insist that fathers stay out of the picture). The repercussions are serious as study after study reveals the impact of father absence. This isn’t to disparage single moms who do all they can to love and provide for their child(ren). Neither nature nor Nature’s God intended for women to play both the role of mother and father. According to the US Census Bureau report on poverty, single female led homes are 5.27 times more impoverished than two-parent married homes. (Just to compare, single father-led homes are 2.74


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

chapter 10

FERGUSON,FATE &FATHERLESSNESS My heart is broken. Another young man, because of poor decisions, has died prematurely. And it never had to happen. What has followed has turned a tragic death into an absurd circus of rioting, racial rhetoric, and redirection. Injustice happens every day. But do we even recognize what injustice actually is? For many, not DVR’ing their favorite TV show is an injustice. For some, not matching their accessories with their outfit is a tragedy worth writing about. For others, having their favorite overpaid professional sports team lose a game is worthy of a bloody brawl to release the anguish. There is real injustice all around us, but since we’ve grown to view anything that doesn’t go our way as such, we’ve lost sight of what it truly is. The Ferguson decision, a local story made into a national media event, illuminates how radically different people choose to see reality. Mainstream media has been indignantly touting the “murder” of an “unarmed black teen”. Denouncers of “white privilege” have been maligning Officer Wilson and cops across the country for, well, the “privilege” they have to put themselves in perilous situations, risking their lives daily, and daring to defend themselves against an attacker. Oh, wait. That doesn’t sound very “privileged” to me. Ferguson is a reminder that we cannot let the dishonest, the opportunists, and other evangelists of victimhood dictate the conversation. We all need keep calm and remember we’re all part of the human race. Breathe people. Breathe. No one is helped by all of the statistics thrown out without context and without proper comparison. I’ve addressed the lack of outrage in the daily black-on-black crime that happens every day, swept away with


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.


PLANNEDPARENTHOOD’S INHUMANEBUTCHERY Hitler called and wants his “scientists” back. When did our society lose the compulsion to be outraged over grotesque inhumanity? Planned Parenthood, the nation’s #1 killer of unborn children, is caught selling aborted babies’ organs and entire intact bodies and liberals sound like Nazis: “ALL IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE!” The Center for Medical Progress, conducting investigative journalism, because billion-dollar mainstream media has no interest in investing in the truth, continues to open our eyes and convict our souls (at least some of us) with the 5th video release detailing Planned Parenthood’s inhumanity. In the video, Planned Parenthood abortionists (some are the “active researchers” who have a vested financial interest in procuring “specimens”) proudly sift through their day’s work, picking and poking arms, legs, brains, lungs, eyeballs--I can’t even believe I’m typing these things-like they’re looking through cereal for a prize. Senate Democrats congratulated themselves on helping to defeat another bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Many, throughout history, have stood with the deceivers, destroyers, and the depraved...and they were all wrong. The party of abortion-without-any-restrictions will do whatever it takes to protect the ultimate billion-dollar bully--the nation’s largest abortion and baby parts harvesting chain. Planned Parenthood doesn’t represent the best of America. It represents what happens when America does nothing to stop evil. If these videos do not move this nation’s soul, we have no soul. America’s most heinous export was through the deeply racist and elitist American eugenics movement. Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, was not only a member of the twisted American Eugenics Society, she was the public cheerleader. She advocated forcibly steril-


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Preview Content © 2016 Ryan Scott Bomberger. Any duplication is unauthorized.

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