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Art By ArtofElizabethZaikowski.com
Vivian S. De Guzman is a rare breed – she’s a spiritual intuitive who can literally see the blockages in your body that are preventing your flow of abundance,
release those blockages, and coach you to create new dynamics that allow the flow of the Universe to support
your life. She is blunt and to the point. Her website asks: Are you ready to become a Money Magnet and receive 6-figures in 90 days or less?
I like to ask people, “How do you define Money?”
In the spiritual world, money is energy. It is from Divine Source; therefore, it is unlimited. In the physical plane, it is a tool for meeting our material needs. Think about which basic needs require the circulation of money to be met: food, clothing, and shelter. Money is also linked to many of our emotional and relational issues (power vs. love in relationships), and it supports our spiritual pursuits. This is one of the reasons why we have emotional triggers around money as we have seen people fight over it and develop friendships and relationships around it. We need money to thrive, to mature, and to tend to our spiritual gifts so we can enjoy our soul purpose. Money is also considered a return on investment for the time and dedication it takes to earn it.
Technically, money is a neutral form of energy: it’s the meaning and stories we have connected with it that gives it such a bad reputation most of the time.
Why is money such a trigger for a lot of people?
There are so many stories we have associated with money. Money is a means to an end, it gives you more choices, and it allows you to be curious about what else is possible. A lot of times, we are conditioned not to have so much and only get what we need. That itself messes with your brain and
your ability to have more, as if
desiring more money is a disease or some people think there’s something wrong with you. If you don’t have that programming, you’ll just keep on going. You, too, can be a money magnet once you decide to be that. Money is energy, and it’s either you use it to attract or repel people, opportunities, or, on the opposite end, drama into your life. You always have a choice in any given moment in time.
Do you have money triggers? Check those that apply to you:
nice car. start feeling uncomfortable. go away or find someone else.
I’ve earned it. or coach. If you have identified three or more in the checklist above, you definitely have some energetic boundary issues and money triggers. In fact, you may find yourself having money leaks in your practice or business. A strong emotional reaction connected to money covers up pain linked with money. Pain is our reaction to being treated wrongly which may be linked to our parents not truly spending time with us, choosing perhaps to instead they work all the time or pay more attention to earning money than being with you when you were growing up, for example.
What are money leaks?
There are unconscious or subconscious ways that we earn money yet allow it to flow out or escape in multiple ways we are not completely conscious of. Tolerating certain people who are not supportive of our vision and mission, not asking for the sale, not receiving help or ignoring your balance sheet are a few symptoms of money leaks.
Energetically, it means that our aura/energetic boundaries have holes/leaks/cracks/openings due to either physical trauma such as sexual abuse, recurring debt or bankruptcies, constant negative emotions, relationship dysfunction and spiritual or psychic interferences.
I get upset when I see a rich person getting out of a When a healer charges more than what I’m used to, I I trade for services. “I can’t afford it” – is part of your daily language. I limit myself to what I can afford to stay in my “budget.”
I worry about money especially when bills come in. I am afraid to raise my rates because my clients might I freeze or hesitate when I ask for money, even when I won’t ask for help from someone, especially a mentor I love helping and giving but it’s hard for me to receive.
Healthy boundaries look like this:
The more severe your money issues, usually the more trauma associated with money exists. An unknown therapist once said, “Financial problems are rooted from emotional problems.”
What causes damage to our emotional borders?
Misperceptions often lead us to believe that we are 1. Unworthy
2. Unlovable
3. Undeserving
4. Without value or extremely low value
5. Being bad or evil
6. Powerless
These beliefs allow us to broadcast to the whole world that we are carrying a lie about ourselves. These misperceptions attract people and situations that reinforce the immature belief rather than inviting growth and change.
In my several years of practice as a business and medical intuitive, I find it fascinating that the majority of female business entrepreneurs carry these negative thoughts and emotions 80-90% of the time. In fact we call this self-sabotage.
How can we release these misperceptions?
In order to change a destructive belief, we must first isolate it. Then we can clear that energy or picture located in our energetic boundaries and also in our chakra/energy centers. Then we can reframe the energy to something more beneficial, such as a neutral thought or some can go towards positive thoughts.
In the metaphysical world, there are a few techniques I use for this, such as healing a soul wound, clearing the aura/energetic boundaries by releasing cords and other attachments, then restoring each one to its original state of firmness with flexibility.
This frees the energetic field to be
able to allow blessings and light in as it lets go of what no longer serves the person’s highest good.
Here is one powerful exercise you can do regarding your money stories and triggers:
For thirty days, journal daily
about your relationship with money. Pour your heart out into your journal. As you’re doing that, see or recall if any of those stories, especially those with strong feelings, are related to any of your primary caregivers when you were growing up. I would love to know how this exercise helps you in the next thirty days. Observe how releasing these stories from your body to the paper can help you grow and expand not only personally but also in your business. Join our exclusive Facebook group: Wealthy Money Mindset and/or Aligned and Grounded Healers so we can support you with tips and practical tools in your spiritual business practice.
When you do an assessment, what is the first thing you look at with your 3rd eye to recognize that a person has Money Blocks?
I look at their aura/energetic boundaries first to see if there are any holes or leaks and then check their chakras from the 7th down to the 1st and even the foot chakra to “see” if they are open and if they have specific colors. If the energy is able to move from the heavens through these spiritual channels then health, money and relationships usually flow with ease. When these are congested or perhaps full of gray and black, I ask the client if they are truly willing to solve their problem. Usually they will say yes at this time. Then energy clearing is suggested as different pictures or stories causing the congestion or resistance present themselves. Their ability to move forward and make progress depends on their ability to let go of what’s no longer serving their highest good. Most people live in the past (which tends to make people depressed) or in the future (which tends to make them stressed or anxious) instead of living in the present, the now.
What are the benefits of clearing a person’s money blocks?
When the energy field is healthy and moving well and they’re able to maintain their own energetic boundaries through application of tools and saying “No” to what no longer serves them (it may be a person, place or thing) then growth and progress is inevitable. There are infinite possibilities of receiving money from the Universe, especially if we’re not limiting our openness to only money earned by working; it could be from an investment, an inheritance, the lottery, etc. Remaining neutral is the key to receiving what the Universe brings to you. Of course it sometimes requires just allowing, or learning a new skill that’s unfamiliar to you, it may be receiving love or learning how to for yourself, or simply learning to allow rejection when offering a service so you can finally experience a YES on a sale!.
By the way, financial satiation is not dependent on the amount of money we have in the bank, rather it’s the sense of inner peace whether we have it or not. When you are in an abundance of money that is aligned with Source, there are some side effects. You might: 1. 2.
4. Act decisively with CLARITY and FOCUS Shift from feeling conflicted in your spirit to experiencing INNER PEACE Stop ignoring your body and take time to NURTURE yourself Shift from feeling tired all the time to having an abundance of ENERGY
How can you be contacted?
Take this Quiz to find out if you’re ready to Be a Money Magnet: https://www.viviandeguzman.com/BeaMon-
Go to www.overwhelm911.com to book a FREE Clarity Call with a team member to see if we’re a good fit to work together
For tips & tools: Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/wealthymoneymindset Facebook business page: https://www.facebook.com/humanmri This is where we air my TV show: “My Spiritual Money Rx” every Wednesday at 12 pm Pacific LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vivian-de-guzman-60794932/ YouTube: Vivian Money Magnet channel or https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCidQAtahQpbTzgB3nqKcctA BOOKS published as #1 in Amazon: Money Blocks: 8 Steps to Get to Six Figures in 90 Days or Less in Any Economy Awaken Your Medical Intuition: The Healthcare Professional’s Guide to Energy Healing
How do I uplevel my business and up my game?
Business owners of all levels revisit this question time and time again, especially when they are constantly growing and evolving. Every time they pivot their business to target a different audience or market, it feels like they are starting from scratch again. If this is you, remember that nature is governed by the cycles of life: everything has a beginning, middle and end. Remember that every time you uplevel, your money stories will show up. The difference as you keep on growing is that the time it takes for you to release those triggers get shorter and shorter and you’re able to shift with ease, grace and flow. Is it possible to have your dream life, have a simple life and serve those who truly would like to avail of your gifts, talents and services? Can you get paid for being you? The answer is “YES!” My GOLD VIP clients and 90-Day Success
clients have repeatedly surprised themselves with continuous blessings and miracles by stepping into the containers I have created for them to step up to their highest version.
What if I’m just starting out?
If you’re just starting out as a spiritual business owner, here are some basic steps you can use to help you get FOCUS & CLARITY. 1. 2.
3. 4.
6. Know your WHY - this drives your vision and mission. DECIDE to own a business. Decide that this is not a hobby. Do not have a plan B of going back to get a job, otherwise you are not fully in the business. Define your IDEAL CLIENT/Avatar. MARKET to them or create awareness strategies by focusing on one marketing channel (not two or three) for 90 days. Create OFFERS. Limit yourself to one to two offers only so as not to confuse your buyer, and make them simple to access or redeem. DELIVER what you promised with the agreement of your client. If your aim is to hit six-figures in your business, you need to focus on clarity and massive imperfect action. Clarity allows us to narrow down who our ideal avatars are and what solutions to offer to them. Once we know that, we can take massive imperfect action in the form of marketing and branding to attract them and bring in cash flow. Why “imperfect” action? Because if you wait until your action is perfect, you’ll never act.
What if you’d like to make $1 Million and more?
When you are aiming to hit seven-figures in your business, you will need to shift your strategy to concentrate more on delegating tasks to other people on your team. This is often one of the hardest shifts my clients have to make because delegation means relinquishing control. Usually they say that no one can sell like they can and no one can represent their brand like they can. But you need to really ask yourself if you really want to expand your business and if you are ready to receive help from the Universe. Only then can you get really clear as to what you can delegate to others without worrying about it. The more clear you are about your role as the CEO of your company, the better you will be.
Lastly, no matter where you are in your business, always remember WHY you started your business in the first place. Remember your dreams and reflect on your mission. Chances are, you started your business to help others and because of this, your business is bigger than just you. That’s why people are attracted to you. The more you have a handle on this important component, the more your business will double and triple.
Do you have a program that helps business owners uplevel and achieve their goals with ease?
Yes. This year we created a program called Uplevel2020 wherein we help female business owners bridge science and spirit plus practical business strategies to help them grow and feel supported. This program has helped 90% of the participants make five, six and seven figures within 90 days. Next year, participants
can go to www.Uplevel2021.com to participate. For 2021, we are planning both online and live participation options, so I encourage all readers to join the email list and get ready!
The Ease of Spiritual Attainment FROM THE ELOHIM
Channeled by Phyllis Douglass
Phyllis Douglass is a Shaman Seer Sage who serves as a catalyst—an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action through
movement, bodywork, energy, and sound. www.phyllisdouglass.com
Phyllis is a conduit of angelic and celestial guidance from the Elohim. This is one of those communications.
It was never meant to be difficult to reach a state of spiritual attainment.
There is only an urging and unparalleled desire to awaken that would overtake any other emotion, that serves to entrap one’s soul consciousness within the physical vehicle. Without intervention and reparations, the avatar of physical expression was brought along the path of disillusionment, gravitas, and sense of superiority that was never meant to be.
Now we wish to remind you that the process of attainment still resides within a state of simplicity, easily accessed from within, a doorway that brings heaven to earth from within you. Your energetic force of expression, the infinite and creative form that is your true nature, then sets foot upon the earth through your avatar to emanate its countenance outward upon the world in union, to usurp turpitude and bring the light of the Divine upon the world. 30 At this point you may be asking how this could be so. You were never taught how. You were taught the ways of the world socially and culturally, by those who found a way to initiate through priests, rabbis, saints and gurus who served as a go-between for you and the Holy Essence that resides within all things. The reason so many have not found that connection with the Holy Essence, is that they were—and still are— looking outside of themselves. What you are seeking to attain is not out there. It is not outside waiting or hiding or being elusive. It is operating within you waiting for you to say, “Yes.” It is waiting for you to take the needed steps that allow your desires and prayers to be answered from within yourself—not given away to someone else to take care of in your stead. This diminishes your power, by usurping your spiritual strength, faith and conviction; and keeps you always wanting and knowing that there is more—more understanding, depth, and knowledge that is eluding you because you yourself are not plugged in. We hear your desires, even when they come through the auspices of another creator. However, the direct pipeline to the Holy Essence will always exist within you and is the access point for powerful co-creation and manifestation into the physical world.
No one can take away the inner truth of who you are. You are an individuation of the Holy Essence—incarnated into this physical world to experience all that you wish to experience.
You may be asking, “How do I do this? How do I find my true self within the external harvest of pain, fear and intolerance, that is weighing me down?”
Dearest Ones, your true essence cannot be diminished, and no matter what is happening around you, understand that the diminishment is happening within the physical body and mind. You are mired within the feeling aspect of physical expression. When you understand this, feelings and emotions become an eloquent and wholly expressive language.
When you sit in stillness and take your attention inward to commune with the Holy Essence, this point of connection opens with more clarity, as everything else that is not in resonance with the truth of who you are. . . falls away.