8 minute read

Necesitamos Mas Que Clichés para Navegar por el Bienestar

Join our online class this Friday, join our exceptional spiritual community. It will support you and immediately you will feel an amazing joy, calming energy. Friday 11am PDT, 2pm EST with our proven new approach of meditation in daily stress.

Free-Will donation: Register at meditationteachertraining@gmail.com


You may also be trained as a teacher in our program, 20 private online sessions. Information on michelpascal.tv

Por Michel Pascal

Cuando más de 50 millones de personas pierden Foundation, con una respuesta 100% positiva. Hemos sus trabajos, no pueden pagar el alquiler ni las descubierto que las situaciones extremas exigen la tarjetas de crédito, ¿cómo podemos decir: “Amigo mío, necesitas respirar profundamente todos los días durante construcción de monasterios interiores más fuertes, o Refugio, como decimos en el budismo.

unos minutos ... para despertar tu iluminación?” ‘’

Porque cuando perdemos nuestro trabajo, y estamos tan preocupados, cansados, incapaces de concentrarnos: ¿cómo es posible hacer un esfuerzo extra? Cuando la consecuencia de este virus es que podemos quedarnos sin hogar pronto, ¿cómo podemos decir: ‘Tienes el poder de Dios dentro de ti, eres amado, debes desarrollar gratitud, resiliencia, debes estar presente, etc ... ‘’

Se acabó el tiempo de dar consejos de bienestar, consejos, ejercicios. ¿Qué podemos hacer ahora? ¿Cómo podemos calmar nuestra mente? ¿Cómo podemos sentirnos mejor de inmediato, sin esfuerzo?

No necesitamos más gurús, más consejos, más expertos en bienestar, narración de historias, bla bla espiritual. No necesitamos más síndrome

Ahora tenemos una recesión y depresión severas, y las llamadas a las líneas directas de suicidio han aumentado un 300%. Más que nunca necesitamos las herramientas para desarrollar nuestra vida interior, espacio espiritual interior, felicidad divina, felicidad invencible. Cuando construimos nuestro propio monasterio, nuestro propio jardín interior, abrimos nuestro corazón y nuestras mismas células a la energía divina, a una cualidad de paz que no es solo humana sino divina.

Cuando sentimos esta unión entre lo Divino y lo Humano, entramos en una paz invencible, una calma, porque vemos más allá de las olas, más allá del tsunami de la recesión, la depresión.

Es una espiritualidad que es concreta.

de Jesús, de Buda, etc ...

No necesitamos más.

Necesitamos menos.

Necesitamos silencio.

Necesitamos calma.

Necesitamos convertirnos en el

Necesitamos conservar el precioso néctar de nues- tros antiguos maestros, pero totalmente readaptado a nuestro mundo. Esto es lo que hemos desarrollado durante los últimos 5 años

gurú de nuestra propia vida.

Necesitamos ir a nuestro desierto interior, especialmente en nuestro mundo caótico.

La espiritualidad debe recrearse de manera eficiente, sin esfuerzo, sin concentración, sin ejercicios de respiración. Especialmente cuando estamos bajo una gran presión diaria, ¿cómo podemos esforzarnos más?

Todos juntos, debemos desarrollar una nueva forma espiritual. No podemos copiar y pegar un mapa antiguo en nuestro nuevo mundo, tan difícil. Necesitamos conservar el precioso néctar de nuestros antiguos maestros, pero totalmente readaptado a nuestro mundo.

Esto es lo que hemos desarrollado durante los últimos 5 años para los presos de Los Ángeles en Amity Nos prepara para cuando las cosas empeoren.

Está lejos de los clichés del bienestar. Es real y lo es ahora.

Únase a nuestra clase en línea este viernes, únase a nuestra comunidad espiritual excepcional. Te apoyará e inmediatamente sentirás una alegría increíble, una energía calmante. Viernes 11 a. M. PDT, 2 p. M. EST con nuestro nuevo

enfoque probado de meditación en el estrés diario.

Donación voluntaria

Regístrese en meditaciónteachertraining@gmail.com

También puede formarse como profesor en nuestro programa, 20 sesiones privadas online. michelpascal.tv

The Spiritual Mobius Strip Enlightens on Impact

I think the best spiritual teachings and teachers are mobius strips come to life.

Do you remember the mobius strip? You form a loop with a piece of paper; cut it and twist it once (that’s the secret sauce right there); tape it back together until it’s no longer a simple closed loop but an infinite, mathematically daring one that boggles the imagination.

And when your mind gets blown by a new spiritual concept? That’s a metaphorical mobius strip. It’s when you experience a shift that gives your entire life a new perceptive.

In other words, it wakes you up!

Here’s an example from spiritual thought leader Matt Kahn:

“True wisdom is sensing the next big step your ego isn’t

ready for and doing it anyway in the name of your highest

evolution. Your ego will never be ready. You have to be wiser

than the patterns within you.”

You thought this quote was going in one direction, and then it transports you past the 3D version of life to an elevated 5D of pure potentiality and love. The journey from the first syllable to the last leaves you a different person than when you began reading it.

For people seeking expansion of consciousness, that’s a gift.

Sample a few lines from the Sermon on the Mount:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth iting anything. But the paradox dissolves when you elevate to 5D, or simply open your heart.

Here’s the Buddha:

The mind is everything. What you think you become.

You mean the problems of life I’ve blamed on others are my own fault? That I actually create my own reality? Someone having this realization from reading these words are having a Mobius experience.

This is different than survival wisdom, which is very 3D and vital to our species. The deeper truths of life deals not with the survival of the body but the thriving of the soul.

“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.

After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” — Zen Kōan

A Zen kōan is “a story, dialogue, question, or statement which is used in Zen practice to provoke the ‘great doubt’ and to practice or test a student’s progress in Zen.”

The “great doubt” that is unearthed and challenged here is “Will anything truly change when I become enlightened?”

The answer depends on who is seeking. Is it the ego, always in 3D seeking survival measures? Or is it our Higher Self we’re bringing forward, who knows that change on the inside is all that counts, regardless of what others may judge on the outside.

Because it’s not what you’re doing, it’s what are you choosing to experience while you’re doing it? In other words, who are you being?

And when you can move past the seeming paradox to experience it in an enlightened state, even for just a few moments, you can appreciate the deliciousness of the moment and revel in your connection with the Infinite.

It was designed to loop you back into yourself, or back inside to bring out your authentic Self, you Soul. Which can look like someone speaking in “Mobius Strip.” – Scott Ware

Are You Using Your I AMSuper Power?

By Gina Kelgel T he single most powerful statement you can make to transform your experience - for better or for worse - is “I Am.”

This simple phrase – and whatever you put after it, like “worthy,” “unworthy,” “powerful,” “helpless,” “loved,” “unlovable” – defines who you are to the world.

Are you using it to your best and highest good?

“I Am” is a definition no one can put on you; you put it on yourself. It is a superpower. Whether you believe in the metaphysical understanding of energy, or you prefer the activities of the subconscious mind, the magnitude of I AM can be expanded by any of us.

Jesus called himself the I AM for a reason.

It helps to know we have an “I Am Center” in our body, the solar plexus chakra, which is the center of self-knowledge and personal power. Your subconscious mind, your energy body, and the Universe are always listening to what you say and what you think. When you make definitive statements, consciously and unconsciously, especially if they begin with the words, “I am,” they accept them as true.

How Do You Use

Your Superpower? We go around using I AM willy-nilly, tossing this powerful phrase out and convincing ourselves subconsciously of the veracity of the statement without consciousness. Make a list of your I AMs, the phrases you use without thought.

Here are a few of my own I AMs: I am never on time. I am bad at math. I am too busy to exercise.

I am not as progressed as I should be. Take Your Power Back can take your power back. Try this: Once you have made your list of statements, make a second list reframing those

disempowering statements with ones that empower: I am never on time - I AM working on improving my time management skills. I AM valuing the time of myself and others. I AM in the flow and on time for everything. I am bad at math - I AM gifted and skilled in a variety of ways, which I love. I AM comfortable with not excelling in everything. I AM open to receiving math gifts I may have been closed off to before. I AM open to releasing any blocks that have not served me. I am too busy to exercise - I AM in control of my schedule and experience. I AM claiming time to support my health through exercise. I AM mind-body-spirit. I AM health, the truest wealth. I AM love for my body and all things. I AM open to doing exercises I find fun!

I am not as progressed as I should be - I am moving

consistently forward into my fullness at the speed that is in alignment with my highest good. I AM perfect. I AM wonderful. I AM open to receiving what the Universe knows

is the right time for me to receive it.

Make your new I AM statements your daily affirmations. Write them out by hand, say them out loud - - and watch your world shift. Hold open the awareness for other I AM statements and reframe them as they come up.

Now that you have the awareness and the tools - will you use them? I AM!

Gina Kegel jumpstarts and supercharges healing through Energy Healing Transformation Coaching sessions, which include current, past life and ancestral trauma, and self-love assignments to fuel profound change for lifelong evolution. She identifies and releases specific trapped emotions that adversely affect physical, emotional, and energetic wellbeing. Find Gina at releasethatshit.com, on Facebook.com/releasethatshit, and on Instagram @ginakegel

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