Issue 16: Earth Day 2020

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Radical Issue Sixteen (April 2020)

Directory Monthly Affirmation D.I.Y. Therapy: Connect with Mother Earth Personify Her: Maybe They'll Listen by Jasmine Farrell Neon Rebirth by Lauren Elizabeth The World is Okay by Inisa Fajra Roots Series #1 Willow by Nia Milk Rain by Erika Reyes Migration by Natalie Algyer Philanthropy of a Tree by Jessica Nathalia Callender The Power of Three by Leah Oviedo EARTH DAY RESOURCES Movies , Libros & Musica Artisans & Zines to Love List of Healing Resources

A New Affirmation for You! The earth is my mother I respect my mother I love mother earth Mother earth loves me I am safe I am loved I am one with the earth

What is Radical zine? I created Radical to spread a message of sustainable self-care and to promote independent artists, writers, and healers with a focus on woc and queer creatives. Choosing to love myself unconditionally and heal is the reason I am still alive. Art, poetry, & choosing to support others gives me a greater purpose than just my own needs. XOXO, Leah

Thank you for supporting Radical Zine! Using funds from Patreon, Radical Zine now pays artists and writers to publish their work. This has been the long term goal of my zine and I am excited to pay artists for all the love, sweat, and taxation of being a creative person in a capitalist society. Become a financial supporter for $1 (or more) per month by joining me on Funds from patreon will be split up between the creatives whose work is published and other creative healing projects. Follow Radical Zine on Instagram @radicalzine, Twitter @radicalzine and Facebook @radicalzine for updates about new issues. Subscribe on the Issuu page for ALL issues.

D.I.Y. Therapy: Connect with Mother Earth Self-care is about loving ourselves unconditionally and putting ourselves first when we need to. It also means making sure our environment is safe, healthy, and supportive. Unfortunately our environment is none of these. Our water is polluted, our air is dangerous, and our land is overflowing with trash. As I was learning self-care, I realized the importance of my while health in relationship with mother earth (or guardian earth if you prefer a gender neutral term). I saw that when my self-care was focused on consuming comfort, I was hurting myself Nature is healing. I learned that at a young age playing in the fields with cousins and amigas, working in my abuelos' country garden, swimming in creeks and el mar. But then I forgot. I allowed myself to be brainwashed into a mindless consumer. I used retail therapy to feel better. I was careless with resources and it made me sick. It compounded my depression and put me into debt. But now I remember that earth is what gives me life and I want my actions to be supportive and sustainable to her. As many of us are in isolation now, we feel the weight of being closed off from our sources of happiness, our addictions and social lives. This restless unnerving period is a good time to learn how to ground into nature and live with less stuff. We must accept that we are all made from the same material and that the same sun, air, water and soil nourishes us. Express gratitude to the earth through your actions – consume less and reuse more. Here are some journal questions to spark a connection with mother earth. • How can I be kinder to mother earth? • Which of my comforts or guilty pleasures are causing stress on the environment? • What pollution is most prevalent in my life, and how can I learn more about it? • What tools (or addictions) do I use to disconnect from nature, and how can I either release or reduce my use of those?

“Personify Her: Maybe They’ll Listen” by Jasmine Farrell The earth is dying… Greenhouse gases turnt up in the worst way. We say c'est la vie and focus on the decorated green. We undress nature’s attirerefuse to admire it from afar and hope for the hedonistic best. Glaciers have no business stripping down to the socks. Sky rocketing stock won't decrease the planet’s surface levels. Ain't no joyous revels as the global sea level rises. We continue on with our lives, leaders calling climate change a myth, hoping that will help us get rid of it. Meanwhile summer temperatures gettin' higher while advocates are called liars. There's a monolith between us and the facts. We can't myth this away. The droughts tell it some while melting ice caps tell it all. The earth is dying. Can’t you hear her crying out?

Jasmine Farrell, from Brooklyn, NY is a freelance writer and poet. Her most recent poetry collection, Long Live Phoenixes is available exclusively on Amazon. She wants people to reclaim who they are, so they can live life authentically and with purpose. & & &

DID YOU KNOW? The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, the very tribe that welcomed the Pilgrims in the 1600s, is at risk of losing what is left of their homelands due to a determination made by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. STAND WITH THE MASHPEE TRIBE! Sign the petition: source=organizer

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Neon Rebirth by Lauren Elizabeth

My name is Lauren Elizabeth and I’m a Virgo. I was born in San Diego and grew up in Las Vegas. After moving back to CA and spending 10 years in corporate retail, I was lucky enough to get a job in an art museum which sparked my interest in creating original pieces. While I never formally studied fine arts, my inspiration comes from the relationships in my life, the emotions those bring and expressing those through a little paint and markers. In the future, I see my tiny doodles going from paper to walls! Follow Lauren on

The World is Okay by Inisa Fajra Slow down Let's take a minute Put aside the ego noise with its wants and fears that are infinite The world isn't ending, the world is ok we just try to live beyond its means but yet insisting that we stay "Quiet down and cease your rushing" a warning message flashing on the screen while the system's software is crashing There is too much going on too much for anyone or anything to bear to be allowed to just sit still think about it, feel the air The world isn't ending, the world is ok we're just being taught how to appreciate its every hour and every day We're anxious, fearing losses fearing the future, fearing death While our world can finally begin recovery and take a breath I guess we're served with a reminder that the human is still the child of nature And that when she suffers, he suffers too because he isn't separate, but of her The world isn't ending, the world is ok

the fears that once controlled us just went too far, leading us astray And if all of this was so unfair and so wrong then how it is that all the life outside of us now celebrates its freedom song? The world isn't ending, the world is ok but it's begging us to take a deep look at who we are surrender, and obey. Inisa Fajra is a creative writer and poet and wellness & empowerment leader (WEL-being) who works on empowering others by helping to understand and navigate our emotions better. Her words serve to make people feel and to invite them to dig deep into their own well of emotions in order to heal, inspire, awaken and empower. Her book "New Skin" has now been published through Amazon. Follow Inisa at

Roots Series #1 Willow by Nia

Nia is a queer, black, self-taught visual artist living in Baltimore City. For over 25 years Nia has created both large and small-scale projects, from murals and sign making to creating greeting cards and painting pet portraits. Their artwork focuses on the different living beings that make up this planet, including flora and fauna. As a co-owner of Red Emma’s Bookstore and Coffee House and with the work they do with BRED, they hope to break the cycle of silenced emotions and create moments where feelings are present, raw, transformative and valid. Follow Nia on

Milk Rain by Erika Reyes My grandmother told me where to find what I need. What area had the best foods growing naturally. How to cook those foods and how to care for my wounds from herbs of the earth. My mother lived these words. I am far away from those lands now, but I know that I will return. Like everything, we return back to the universe that created us. For now, I grow what I can. I learn about the earth I stand on. I sit at peace when peace is available, which it is not often here. But I take it when it appears. The city buzzes around me and I find the niche of warmth and quiet. It is true that here I am forced to be extra cautious. Today, I hear the rain and I think of a dirt that smells of other animals and plants. Of that land that is far away. I think of my grandmother and being a child sent on a milk errand in the middle of a storm. I remember the street turning into a river and a few of us treading against it, uphill. Up to our knees in muddy water, smiling as we walked to the neighbor who had cows and fresh milk. I remember carrying the large pot, carefully, trying not to fall or slip. Loving the feel of being soaked and almost outmaneuvered. Almost, though triumphant in my arrival with a pot of foamy milk. I hear the rain today and watch the water rush like a river over the black concrete. I see rats run away and I see neighbors stand outside, amazed. We stare out into streets we hardly recognize. We are not used to so much water here. Here, it is a spectacle. It is a god, welcomed to our chaos.

Erika Reyes is a word-enthusiast based in Los Angeles, California. Background is Mesoamerican, Mexican, and Angelin@. With Spanish and English writing, she focuses on short stories. But you can also get a copy of her plays, poetry, and prose, or zines about travel and erotica +++ if you direct-message or email. She also does freelance translations between English and Latin American Spanish. Please contact her for comments or questions at IG: or email

Migration by Natalie Algyer

Natalie’s whimsical yet dark style incorporates pieces of her own images that she makes with her dslr camera. It can take an upward of 20 images to create one of her works. She enjoys using elements of nature and the world around her in her art. Her carefully curated color choices in combination with painstakingly thoughtful lighting, contrast, and texture lends itself to her empathic vibe and painterly feel. Website-

Philanthropy of a Tree by Jessica Nathalia Callender If I die Bury me facing to the sky In an open grave Throw seeds from a tree you couldn't save Let my new life start anew With a new tree sprouting through Let it grow with roots of steel With a strength and robustness unreal And as the tree breathes it cleanses the air My own former existence could never compare To be as beautiful and unique as a tree That lives so that we can breathe Hey, I'm Jessica Nathalia Callender and I am a poet. I write as a way for me to express myself and to let people see things from a different perspective. I like to believe that everyone experiences the world differently, and my poetry is a lens for someone to view the ordinary world the way I see it, as as a beautiful and amazing place.

“The Power of Three� by Leah Oviedo

I am most likely Leah Oviedo - raised exploring various states in a family mixed with miscellaneous roots which explains my intersectional interest in art, writing, and activism. After suffering from depression for 17 years, I was inspired to heal my trauma (violence/depression) with art therapy and deep self-care. My focus is connecting with nature, smashing the patriarchy, and eradicating selfhate through radical self-love with of a diverse group of creators sharing their stories and their magic. Find my stuff at

EARTH DAY RESOURCES Earth Challenge 2020 is the world’s largest coordinated citizen science campaign to date. Sign up Learn about the History of Earth Day: Read about 12 Women and Girls of Color Leading the Change in Climate Science and Activism: Get involved with the Global Women's Water Initiative (GWWWI) If you're young (or want to support youth) check out the Youth Climate Leaders (YLC) Dig into the science of Earth Day with tools from the Exploratorium (one of my fave museum) Remember to REDUCE REUSE REPURPOSE RECYCLE and most of all CHANGE HOW YOU CONSUME! 10 Steps to Becoming an Ethical and Conscious Consumer from Elephant Journal:

MOVIES NOVA: Poisoned Water Documentary about the poisioned water in Flint, Michigan Chasing Ice Documentary about climate change using beautiful arctic potography Forks Over Knives Documentary about how we can change our diets and reverse some diseases.

BOOK ALERT Garbageland: On the Secret Trail of Trash A well rounded look at everythign that we consume. Braiding Sweetgrass Knowedge and facts from an indiegenous ecologist

Musica Dharti Ma - A Tribute to Earth ___________ This World Is So F*cked Up (But I Ain’t Never Giving Up On It) | Michael Franti & Spearhead ___________ La Tierra del Olvido

Like Radical Zine? Support the artists in each issue by sharing them on social media & purchasing their work! Muchacha Fanzine

Muchacha Fanzine Etsy Store: Muchacha Fanzine Patreon: Submission guidelines for Muchacha Fanzine's "Liberation Youth" : Two movies I watched this Spring... Drag Kids Director Megan Wennberg Feature length documentary of four preteens who enter the adult world of competitive drag queens. 07FCA6 Mud - Hashtł’ishnii Writer/Director - Shaandiin Tome On her last day, Ruby faces the inescapable remnants of alcoholism, family, and culture.

Healing Resources Nationwide Suicide Prevention crisis line: 1-800-273-8255. Don’t want to call? Use a text help line. Text 741741 anywhere in the USA for a live trained counselor. The Trevor Project – Suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth, 1-866-488-7386 or There are apps that support mental health. The My3App connects someone who is feeling suicidal with their three main support contacts. Mental Health America offers free mental health first aid training, NAMI – Alliance of mental illness has a program called Peer to Peer, similar to Big Brother/Big Sister, which is a way to socialize and give support for those who are feeling isolated. DBSA– Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety. Survivors of Suicide Loss. The Love Warrior Community focuses on helping people work on self-love and body acceptance. Affordable healthcare is available through various local clinics and through Planned Parenthood.

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If you like Self-Care, check out this FREE E-BOOK! By cultivating radical self-love, you are choosing to believe in the radical idea that you are whole and valuable as you are. Loving your self is one of the bravest things you can do. Featuring work by Michelle Minero, Kiyoshi Shelton, Jaz Gray, Corry Lang, Natalie Small, Rae Lawrence, Jason Freeman, Jasmine Farrell, Anaid Garcia, Donovan Cheney, Vidya, Katrina Mendoza and Leah Oviedo. These amazing people are different genders, skin tones, sexual orientations, & abilities, and hold various beliefs. Yet they all share the belief that self-love is an important aspect of life. Choose your complimentary e-book format or PDF on

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