Issue 15: Celebrating Life, Death and Ourselves

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Radical Issue Fifteen November/December 2019

Directory Monthly Affirmation D.I.Y. Therapy: Celebrate Yourself Like a Holiday Where I Come From by Jasmine Farrell Another World by Inisa Fajra DĂ­a de los Muertos by Esmeralada Possibilities/Posibilidades by Leah Oviedo Awesome Articles Artisans & Zines We Love List of Healing Resources

A New Affirmation for You! I rise above my bias I accept others as they are I accept myself as I am I love myself unconditionally I strive to cultivate compassion in the world By loving myself I can support others

What is Radical zine? I created Radical to spread a message of sustainable self-care and to promote independent artists, writers, and healers, especially woc and queer creatives. Choosing to love myself unconditionally and heal is the reason I am still alive. Art, poetry, & choosing to support others gives me a greater purpose than just my own needs. XOXO, Leah

Subscribe to Radical Zine for $1/month at Radical Zine is people powered & your support is appreciated!

ANNOUNCEMENT! Radical Zine will be growing into a more robust zine with a website and new quarterly issues starting in 2020! So...the next issue will be publishing in March or April 2020. With the new changes, Radical Zine will be paying artists and writers to publish their work. This has been the long term goal of my zine and I am excited to pay artists for all the love, sweat, and taxation of being a creative person in a capitalist society. Follow Radical Zine on Instagram @radicalzine, Twitter @radicalzine and Facebook @radicalzine for updates about new issues. Subscribe on the Issuu page for ALL issues. Become a financial supporter for $1/month by joining me on Funds from patreon will be split up between the creatives whose work we publish and my time and energy editing each issue.

D.I.Y. Therapy: Celebrate Yourself Like a Holiday The holiday season here in the states is arriving next month for many people. It's a time of cleberation and spend time with family, but also can produce anxiety, stress, and sadness. In honor of self-care, let's use the holidays as a time to celebrate ourselves. You can light candles for yourself, say prayers for yourself, decorate yourself more than usual – for you – not anyone else, eat a favorite meal, arrange an alter that reflects you and what you love, visit your favorite places, the possibilities are abundant! One of my favorite ways to remind myself to practice self-care is y creating new affirmations each month. I strongly recommend writing an affirmation for yourself and carrying it with you daily. Here is my affirmation, that you are welcome to use or modify. “I am worty and valuable. I deserve to celebrate myself. I love myself unconditionally.” Here are a few journal prompts to encourage self-celebtration: • What have I accomplished this year? • How have I grown my self-care practice? • What about my body have I learned to love unconditionally? • What failures have taught me lessons? I hope this is helpful to you. Please remember that the more we practice self-care, the easier it becomes and the heathier our whole life becomes. You are loved and supported. You deserve to celebrate yourself

Check out the Healing Journey podcast on

“Where I Come From” (Excerpt) by Jasmine Farrell I come from Grandma’s New Year’s Eve Rice ‘n’ Peas, stiff charismatic hair bangs and God-mommies who can sang, Baby. I come from prideheroes, strength and a few lies. A lineage of stories that make the authors of best sellers envious. The older folk got tales, Baby. Fierce index finger to punctuate the line, “I ain’t gonna’ say it again to you verbally.” I come from passed down traditions that should have remained under vintage evening stars. I come from hefty kisses, Vaseline saturated lips. I come from love You know, that sweet sticky confusing peace we always attempt to grab instead of receiving.

I come from love. I come from cook-up rice, ackee and salt fish. Pholourie, four for 1$ and ritualistic Monopoly gamin’ every other weekend with aunty and uncle. I come from playfulness. Hanging on to a thread but, Mama used the very hairs on her head to make sure we remained hangingsometimes, bending, shaking, but, never falling. Never losing grip. I come from grit. The laced persistence to place each foot in front of the other in order to evolve. Southern dialect, old wise tales and old school routines. Warm air, crisp bacon, tree swingin’ in Valley Stream, scolding hot coffee, greasy Blue Magic scalp

and reflective pauses. I come from raised right. “Keep your elbows off the table.” Keep your head held high. Keep your name clean, and remember what your parents taught you.” I come from everything I needed to get where I’m goin’. That’s where I come from. Poem from the book: Long Live Phoenixes

Jasmine Farrell, from Brooklyn, NY is a freelance writer and poet. Her most recent poetry collection, Long Live Phoenixes is available exclusively on Amazon. She wants people to reclaim who they are, so they can live life authentically and with purpose. & & &

“Another World� by Inisa Fajra I no longer live in the same world I was born into The stars pulled me up long ago and now I dance with planets, explore galaxies and call the sun my lover I try to laugh and giggle, but cough up stardust that tickles the throat instead The sky wipes away my tears and sends them down as heavy rain or light drizzle When I close my eyes at night, they join the moon to watch over my resting soul.

Inisa Fajra is a creative writer and poet and wellness & empowerment leader (WEL-being) who works on empowering others by helping to understand and navigate our emotions better. Her words serve to make people feel and invite them to dig deep into their own pool of emotions in order to heal, inspire, awaken and empower. She's currently working on her first book of poetry and short stories. Follow Inisa at

"New Skin" by Inisa Fajra is a poetry book with a twist - it goes into the different layers of each poem by providing a short story to reach to the core and expose its naked truth, revealing itself as also a memoir and a self-help book. Buy it on Amazon.

DĂ­a de los Muertos by Esmeralda Robles

Mixed Media 2016

Cristina Esmeralda Robles born in 1978, is a Symbolist-Surrealist and raised in San Diego, CA. She currently lives in Imperial Beach, CA and is known as a San Diego local artist for her participation in many art shows. She draws and paints mostly out of self expression. Some types of art she likes to create are; murals, portraits, landscapes, animals, desert art, beach-surf art, abstracts, psychedelic, and selfexpression. She is currently working on her 5 th sketchbook. She enjoys taking pictures and takes her camera and sketchbook everywhere she goes. Her hobbies are collecting books, magazines, little junk, pictures, cards, and postcards. She uses them for ideas and references to what she might create in the future. Website:

Esmeralda will be exhibiting at the Mermaid Art Show at la Bodega Gallery this November Check it out:

“Possibilities/Posibidades” by Leah Oviedo

(Text: each day is full of possibility. / Todos los día está lleno de posibilidades)

Leah Oviedo was raised roving around various states in a family mixed with miscellaneous roots. This pushed her to have an intersectional interest in art, writing, and activism. After suffering from depression for 17 years, she was inspired to heal her trauma with art therapy and then with other methods. Her focus is connecting with nature, smashing the patriarchy, and eradicating selfhate through radical self-care with of a diverse group of creators sharing their stories and their magic. Find her stuff at

Más Awesomeness! “Austin punks of color shine at radical San Antonio collective’s second year, Mutual Feelings evolves on their own terms, and more music news.”

___________ "this is mostly a note to straight, cis men; but also includes trans men, queer men, and all who participate in masculinity – if you see yourself in these words, this is a love note to you. “

___________ “They brought signs that read “Violence is Not My Tradition” and “Indigenous Day, Not Columbus Day” to this city’s downtown on Monday. They wore T-shirts adorned with red hands and the words “Hear our voices.” They brought music, the pulsating rhythm of the Native drum and the high-pitched voices of Native singers. And they brought words.”

___________ “There is No Neutral: Michelle Johnson discussed how she has combined her passion for social justice with her yoga and healing practice. She discussed how trauma impacts the mind, body, spirit, and heart and how spiritual spaces and yoga communities can have a restorative impact on lives.” TED Talk by Michelle C. Johnson of Skill In Action You can also read more about her work on her blog

Like Radical Zine? Support the artists in each issue by following them on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. & purchasing their work!

Jewelry: Wisdom Wear by Grey J. Each piece is one of a kind. After creation the piece is cleansed with sage. You're an original, so wear your original. Find them on Etsy and Instagram

Muchacha Fanzine

Muchacha Fanzine Etsy Store: Muchacha Fanzine Patreon: Submission guidelines for Muchacha Fanzine's "Liberation Youth" :

Healing Resources Nationwide Suicide Prevention crisis line: 1-800-273-8255. Don’t want to call? Use a text help line. Text 741741 anywhere in the USA for a live trained counselor. The Trevor Project – Suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth, 1-866-488-7386 or There are apps that support mental health. The My3App connects someone who is feeling suicidal with their three main support contacts. Mental Health America offers free mental health first aid training, NAMI – Alliance of mental illness has a program called Peer to Peer, similar to Big Brother/Big Sister, which is a way to socialize and give support for those who are feeling isolated. DBSA– Depression, Bipolar, Anxiety. Survivors of Suicide Loss. The Love Warrior Community focuses on helping people work on self-love and body acceptance.

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If you like Self-Care, check out this FREE E-BOOK! By cultivating radical self-love, you are choosing to believe in the radical idea that you are whole and valuable as you are. Loving your self is one of the bravest things you can do. Featuring work by Michelle Minero, Kiyoshi Shelton, Jaz Gray, Corry Lang, Natalie Small, Rae Lawrence, Jason Freeman, Jasmine Farrell, Anaid Garcia, Donovan Cheney, Vidya, Katrina Mendoza and Leah Oviedo. These amazing people are different genders, skin tones, sexual orientations, & abilities, and hold various beliefs. Yet they all share the belief that self-love is an important aspect of life. Choose your complimentary e-book format or PDF on

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