Radical Peace - Issue #6

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Created & Edited by Leah Oviedo This zine is produced by ImpowerYou.org & Patreon.com/Loviedo

In this issue: “Runaway Siren Come Home” by Iris Orpi D.I.Y. Therapy: Letting Go “Costa Rica Bouquet” by Leah Oviedo Closing Quote Cultivating Radical Self-Love – Free Book

Read previous issues at Impoweryou.org/radical Support this zine for $1 a month at Patreon.com/Loviedo

>> Runaway Siren Come Home << The sea is following me, or it feels that way. There it is, right across the path of silk, under a canopy of daydreams. The breakwater that holds my body and my footsteps encloses its blue soul. Everything and everyone that I see here seems liquid on the inside. I am a vagabond, but I am heir to all this beauty. It calls to me, asks me to return, every day, chandeliers all polished and festooned with all the shooting stars I’ve ever caught and wished on, carpets strewn with fresh-cut petals of inspiration so abundant I can trample them underfoot and be stained by fragrance. The sea is always here, even as life pushed me around like a sliding block along right-angled alleys of elevators, architected hallways and rush hour traffic.

But the hard surfaces of city chaos do not pass beyond this point. After this wall— only love, only the deep. I should have come sooner. Here, in this place, is everything: purity and flow, and memories of when all was wind and light. Here is the acceptance that the past could not have happened any differently. Here is the conviction that I am at this moment exactly where I should be. I stand here on the edge of the world, with all traces gone of ever being wronged. Iris Orpi is a Filipina writer living in Chicago, IL. She is the author of the novel The Espresso Effect and two books of collected poetry, Cognac for the Soul and Beautiful Fever. She was an Honorable Mention for the annual Contemporary American Poetry Prize in 2014. Her work has appeared in over two dozen online and print publications around Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa. Follow Iris on twitter.com/irisorpi & facebook.com/irisorpi

* D.I.Y. Therapy: Finding Peace * My life before Costa Rica consisted of hours in front of a computer or tied to my phone, constant activities, errands to run and a feeling of never doing enough. For the last six weeks, I had none of that. Instead I experienced a slower pace, a different culture and a physical renewal that happened from living in the jungle. I was relaxed on a daily basis. This latest adventure was uniquely beautiful and uniquely quiet. I didn’t zipline across the jungle or summit mountains. I wasn’t there for thrills. I was gifted an opportunity for something new and I never want to forget that. The slower pace in a rural setting gave me time to relax into doing nothing. Instead of my usual jam packed schedule, I spent time sitting on a deck watching monkeys, toucans, hummingbirds, butterflies and trees. I would simply marvel at the beauty around me. When I wasn't working, I took walks in the jungle, mediated on what I want out of this precious life and. Previously I wouldn't have had the concentration to just sit and be in the moment, but the opportunity was consistently showing up and I didn't have anything else pressing me to leave. I encourage you to let more peacefulness into your life, one moment at a time Are you feeling unsettled or frustrated? It's time to slow down and decide what is most important to you. Focus on less, do less and worry less. . Use these questions to guide you in letting go of what is not important so you can focus on what is important. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What do I love? How can I spend more time on that? What am I willing to give up? Why do I feel the need to have everything? Am I happy racing to have it all? Take deep breaths and be mindful.

Remember that it is okay to be where you are. Healing trauma and depression is a process that requires time and compassionate self-care. If you like this practice, you can find more free resources in my free ten week e-course designed to help with healing from depression. Visit ImpowerYou.org/healing-depression

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• * Costa Rica Bouquet *


Closing Quote


“There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a third power stronger than both, that of women.” Malala Yousafzai Quote from the book “I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban”

What is Radical zine? Radical is a creative arts zine supporting the idea that we should live our journeys on our own terms. It is moving beyond expectations and limits to see what we are made of. It is forging our own paths and creating an accepting, compassionate community along our way. I created this monthly e-zine to spread a message of sustainable self-care and to promote independent artists, writers, and healers. I was depressed for seventeen years and now am thriving! Healing my depression and trauma has been an epic journey. I’m still learning, but I have never made a better decision. Choosing to love myself unconditionally and heal my depression is the reason I am still alive. Peace and hugs, Leah

“Cultivating Radical Self-Love: A Collaboration of Healers, Artists and Writers” What is radical self-love? It’s a letting go of the idea that your worth is tied to your future accomplishments. It’s being accountable for your actions. It’s choosing your own path. Self-love manifests itself in different ways for different people. By cultivating radical self-love, you are choosing to believe in the radical idea that you are whole and valuable as you are. Loving your imperfections is one of the bravest things you can do. This book features work by Michelle Minero, Kiyoshi Shelton, Jaz Gray, Corry Lang, Natalie Small, Rae Lawrence, Jason Freeman, Jasmine Farrell, Anaid Garcia, Donovan Cheney, Vidya, Katrina Mendoza and Leah Oviedo. These amazing people are different genders, skin tones, sexual orientations, abilities, spiritual beliefs. What they all share is knowing that self-love is an important aspect of everyone’s journey. Choose your complimentary e-book format or PDF on Patreon.com/Loviedo. Like this zine? Become a patron at Patreon.com/Loviedo Want to share your art or writing? Please send an email to Leah at investinginwomen@gmail.com.


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