New Zealand Radio DX League Incorporated
NZBN 9429042708728
•Subscription to the New Zealand DX Times, published monthly and containing the latest DX news and what’s being heard on the wireless.
•Access to NZRDXL remote receivers located in Mangawhai (North Island NZ) and Hina Hina (South Island NZ).
•Membership of DXDIALOG, an email group where you can learn about the hobby and share your loggings with other members.
•Participate in DXpeditions, conventions and social gatherings with other members.
What is this thing called DX?
It’s the ‘Love’ of listening to radio stations in far off lands.
• Arthur De Maine
• Bryan Clark
• David Norrie
•Peter Mott
• Steven Greenyer
• Stuart Forsyth
Welcome back to renewing member Akiyoshi Omiya from Chiba (north east of Tokyo) in Japan.
Welcome back to Bill Whitacre in Canada after a long absence. Bill has now retired and is looking to expand his DXing experience.
Our thoughts go out to those members who have been effected by the flooding in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, East Coast, Gisborne and the Hawkes Bay.
We hope you and your families are safe and well. Take care and stay safe.
To join or renew your membership to the New Zealand Radio DX League, scan the QR code or click “Pay Now” to pay the membership subscription of NZD $7.50 with your debit or credit card.
If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, email hello@radiodx.com with the word TREASURER in the subect and ask to join with payment via internet banking.
New Zealand DX Times
ISSN 0110-3636
Club Remote Receivers5 TV/FM News & DX27
NZ based KiwiSDRs with Paul Rawdon
Convention 20236SW Bandwatch48 South Otago with Ian Wells
Celebration 20237 Ladders55
NZRDXL 75th Anniverary with Lance Johnston
Receivers from Days Gone By8Remote Listening56 by Bill Marshwith Dene Lynneberg
AM Broadcast9 Utilities63 with Bryan Clark with Arthur DeMaine
Email your news and loggings to hello@radiodx.com with the column name above as the subject prior to;
Wednesday 29th of March 2023.
City living has made DX’ing challenging. Man made interference makes it almost impossible to hear weak distant radio stations.
To solve this problem, NZRDXL provides members with two remote KiwiSDR receivers located in quiet coastal locations.
Click on the link below for the receiver you wish to use, then enter the password when prompted.
Check the monthly Members Update email for the latest password. It changes from time to time.
Online help is available at https://kiwisdr.com
Saturday 22 April to Tuesday
25 April 2023
Owaka area, Catlins, South
Otago COST
This is still being finalised but will be about $300 per attendee.
Includes 3 nights accommodation and meals. Costs for partial attendance or self accommodation will be considered. Accommodation spaces are limited.
Attendees are expected to arrange their own transport to and from the location.
Breakfast and a light meal will be self catered with food for this supplied. A main meal probably in the evening will be supplied. Anyone with special diet requirements should contact the organiser but will be expected within reason to look after this themselves.
Click on the link below to complete online registration to Convention 2023. No payment required at this time.
Registrations close at 4PM on Tuesday 21 March 2023!
Wednesday 18 October, 2023.
Wellington Central
The main event will be a lunch to celebrate the NZ Radio DX League 75th anniversay.
Tuesday evening 17 October 2023
Meet and Greet social gathering in central city venue for visitors from out of town.
Wednesday 18 October 2023
following the formal Celebration Lunch, an afternoon visit to RNZ facilities at Titahi Bay, north of Wellingon, to view one of the 2 original 7.5kw transmitters that inaugurated Radio New Zealand’s Shortwave Service 75 years ago, the current 567 and 657 AM transmitters, and the RNZ Record Library which features all forms of media starting with wax cylinders!
If you haven’t already registered your interest in Celebration 2023, please email hello@radiodx.com this month, as we need an indication of likely numbers to determine suitable venues and costings.
From April, communications about the event will be directed at those who have registered their interest, and these will determine the final programme and limits on numbers.
This receiver was manufactured by the National Radio Company (National) in Maldon, Massachussetts, USA from 1935 with various variants through to about 1950.
They were widely used in WWII and the design was replicated by the NZPO and used at “ship to shore” stations and by their “Radio Inspectors”. It is a 9 tube communications receiver which was designed to run from batteries or a stock external AC power supply It was used by many DXers in New Zealand and elsewhere over the years.
It was very popular because it had 2 RF stages and was very sensitive. IF bandwidth was variable using crystal phasing. Band changing was undertaken using plug in coil packs.
Reading actual frequency tuned, was accomplished by referring to scales on the coil pack and using a large vernier tuning knob. Although this may sound complicated it was very easy to understand and follow.
Band coverage; 50 – 100 kHz, 100 to 200 kHz, 180 – 430 kHz, 580 - 920 kHz, 900 kHz - 2.0 mHz, 1.7 – 4.0 mHz, 3.5 – 7.0 mHz, 7.0 – 14.0 mhz, 14 – 30 mHz.
email hello@radiodx.com subject “AM Broadcast”
The widespread damage to infrastructure caused by gale force winds and record rainfalls from Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle in mid-February has vividly highlighted radio’s key role in times of national emergency.
It was disappointing hearing people without electricity and mobile phone connectivity complaining about the lack of information from authorities and contact with the outside world, when a transistor radio would have provided them with wall-to-wall updates on the disaster.
Hats off to Radio NZ and to some commercial operators for their efforts. With broadcast media worldwide continuing moves to digital channels at the expense of traditional radio (see Canada and UK reports below) and our own AM transmissions likely to be phased out in the next decade, one can only hope that the powers-that-be take notice of the lessons of Cyclone Gabrielle.
David Kaio tells us that MediaWorks fired up the recently retired 1368 AM Hawkes Bay transmitter to carry The Breeze network into parts of the region that couldn’t hear their 97.7 FM outlet.
Apparently, this is a temporary arrangement for a few weeks, so worth a special log!
David Kaio visited the Hinemoa Point 1107 AM transmission site in Rotorua on 28 January and there was no signal. At the time, the Tauranga/Maketu transmitter was active. Then at some point on or before 3 February, Tauranga also became inactive.
Mediaworks confirmed on 6 February that broadcasts have ceased on 1107 Tauranga and Rotorua, and 1368 Hawkes Bay (noted Nov/Dec) without elaborating further other than to advise that the programme is available on FM in those markets. (David
Kaio)Parliament Radio [carried on RNZ’s AM Network] is set to go silent. Parliament is looking for ways to save money as budget pressures bite and Clerk of the House David Wilson told a select committee on Wednesday that one area of cost saving would be to sever the broadcasting of Parliament over the AM radio network, ending 87 years of broadcasts .
The switch-off could come as soon as the beginning of the next fiscal year which begins on July 1, 2023, unless additional funding is found in the Budget. Parliamentary trainspotters will still be able to get their fix: Proceedings are broadcast on television and streamed in audio and visual formats online.
Parliament even comes in a podcast form. Appearing before Parliament’s governance and administration committee, Wilson said that he “had no desire to cut off the radio broadcast, but I can’t see anything else we could do that would save Parliament money”. Money spent on the broadcasts was significant, costing more than $1m.
Radio broadcasting began in 1936 with the opening of the 25th Parliament. Wilson told the Herald that RNZ currently manages the contract for the broadcasts. This job involves not just broadcasting
Parliament over the radio, but also managing audio levels in the chamber itself. Parliament would have to find some other way of running audio in the house if the contract were not renewed.
Wilson said the future of Parliament over the radio “really does depend on the current Budget round”. “If there is no increase to funding that [the end of radio broadcasts] does unfortunately look like what will happen.
Wilson said that of all the ways people watched and listened to Parliament, radio was believed to have the lowest ratings. (Thomas Coughlan, NZ Herald)
KSLD in Kenai, Alaska, has installed a new AM transmitter to replace a Nautel AMPFET 10 (serial number 147). The older unit dates to 1985 and will be retired. The station has remained loyal to Nautel, choosing an NX10 model for this upgrade.
KSLD is owned by KSRM Radio Group. Matt Wilson is president, CEO and general manager. He said the old unit was beginning to fail and that repairs were becoming difficult.
Chief Engineer Paul Jewusiak said Nautel did what it could to support the AMPFET unit. “I’ve worked on several of these transmitters over the years, and when parts have become unavailable, Nautel has done their best to retrofit current parts to work, such as creating hardware adapters to accommodate new cooling cabinet fans.”
The installation of the new box was done in November. Wilson said delivery of the NX10 was a little challenging because the local delivery company was short-staffed due to COVID staff reductions.
“Also, we took delivery while there was much snow on the ground, so we had to get the access road and offloading area at the transmitter building plowed a couple times. It kept snowing between when we scheduled delivery and when it actually occurred.
We rallied up station staff to help offload the transmitter, since the company only had the driver available and not the requested three extra hands to help.”
Kenai is a coastal city southwest of Anchorage. KSLD, heard on 1140 kHz, airs ESPN Sports. (Radio World 2/23 via Ray Crawford)
640KYUK Bethel granted Construction Permit with new tower at 60-46-59/161-53-00. (NRC)
Effective January, Trans World Radio has a new schedule via the Gavar site:
1350 kHz 1800-2030 in Arabic (1800-1830 Turkish has ceased)
1377 kHz 1800-1945 in Persian & others, 1947-2047 in Ukrainian & Russian;
864 kHz 1655-1755 TWR (no change)
1395 kHz 1600-1745 Armenian Radio External Service (no change);
1900-2100 Overcomer Ministries in English (no change). (Rumen Pankov via BDXC 2/23)
The head of the CBC says it is preparing to end traditional TV and radio broadcasts and move completely digital, as audiences shift to streaming, but the move is unlikely to happen over the next decade. In an interview with The Globe and Mail, Catherine Tait, president and CEO of the CBC, said the broadcaster is eventually preparing to shift all its content to online-only “in order to remain relevant.”
She said more and more Canadians are moving to streaming while the CBC is “sitting here loyally broadcasting over the airwaves. If we’re going to be audience first we have to be digital first,” she said. “We get up every day and say, ‘What do our audiences want, and where are they?’ And they’re on digital in increasing numbers. And so if we are not there, we’re no longer relevant.”
She also criticized the Conservatives’ call to defund the CBC, calling it a “slogan,” and expressed hope that Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez would scrap a Senate amendment banning the CBC from accepting sponsored content. Ms. Tait said: “the core audience for television is 55 plus, or like 65 plus, so young people and diverse newcomers to Canada … they’re online.”
Her comments followed the disclosure in December by Tim Davie, director-general of the BBC, that Britain’s public broadcaster is preparing to become an online-only service in the next decade.
Ms. Tait said in Canada the shift is unlikely to happen so soon as it requires “broadband ubiquity” to ensure that all Canadians –regardless of where they live or their socioeconomic status – have good enough internet to stream programs and films.
Ms. Tait said CBC/Radio-Canada is working with the same budget as 30 years ago – “so in real dollars, a third less. 30 years ago we did linear television and linear radio. And today we do those two things plus streaming Gem, plus streaming radio, plus the digital platforms that we do,” she said. “So we have completely tripled our output, yet we’re doing it with less money.”
“We don’t want to drag Canadians to digital. They are dragging us,” said Ms. Tait, who, before taking the top job at the CBC, set up the digital content provider iThentic. “We saw it in the pandemic, subscriptions to streaming go way up and those people don’t go back to conventional television.”
The Broadcasting Act specifies that the CBC should “provide radio and television services” so such a change may also require a change to the act. “We are the only broadcaster in the system that has the obligation to serve all Canadians,” she said. “So that means rural audiences that may only have their television – we are not going to abandon them.”
(Globe & Mail via Theo Donnelly)
530CHLOBrampton, ON has new slogan “CHLO AM 530”.
810CKJSWinnipeg, MB now using slogan “CKJS 92.7 FM”.
980CFPLLondon ON new slogan: “AM 980 Global News/Sports”.
1380CKPCBrantford, ON slogan “Arise Christian Radio AM 1380” (via IRCA)
920CFRY Portage la Prairie MB - the station's website has an extensive article on the December 8th reception of CFRY in Aihkiniemi, Finland, by a visiting British DXer who was using an "Excalibur Pro software-defined radio with 1000meter elevated copper wire antenna". See https:// portageonline.com/articles/cfry-radio-signal-picked-up-innorthern-finland (via Jon Pearkins) [CFRY is heard in NZ too! BC]
710HJNX is now Radio Cristal (ex-Radio Red) from Medellín. It moved from FM 96.9 MHz to this channel (now Emisora Fantastica). At the moment Radio Red Bogotá 970 and Cali 1200 continue in the local mornings through the stations relay on La FM Bogotá 94.9 MHz. Maybe later the Radio Red format will disappear. (Rafael Rodríguez via Mauno Ritola, Arctic via IRCA)
567JOIK NHK Radio 1 Sapporo verified by partial detail QSL Card, letter in 11 weeks after F/UP. (Guido Schotmans, Belgium via QSL Chasers FB Group via DX Fanzine 2/23)
On January 27th the BBC announced that they closed down its Arabic Service. The BBC transmitter in A’Seela (800 kW) is still in the air on 1413 kHz with their other language programmes. (Medium Wave Circle via Glenn Hausers WOR io Group)
Radio Azadi is back on 1296 medium wave, this is announced by press releases from RFE and USAGM. Also known as Radio Free Afghanistan, Radio Azadi, which just celebrated its 21st birthday, is the Dari and Pashto language service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. As of January 18, 2023, the station now broadcasts on 1296 kHz from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. local time from the Dushanbe transmitter center in Tajikistan. [Michel Fremy via Mauno Ritola, ARC mv-eko via NRC)
Ofcom has launched a consultation after receiving a request from talkSPORT to reduce its AM coverage. The station wants to switch off 4 of its 22 transmitter sites immediately. This will would reduce the coverage of its AM licence from 93% to 89.9% of the UK adult population.
talkSPORT says the reason for the proposed changes include declining listenership to its AM service, as more people are using alternative platforms, as well as the costs involved in maintaining AM transmitter sites because of current high energy prices.
The proposal includes closing 4 sites immediately because they may already be unviable. These are Dumfries (Dumfries and Galloway), Kingston upon Hull (East Riding of Yorkshire), Fern Borrow (Bournemouth) and Greenside Scalp (Tayside). talkSPORT also wants to work towards closing 13 further sites gradually over the next few years when they become unviable.
Ofcom doesn’t have the power to give permission for a rolling programme of transmitter site closures on dates to be decided, so will only consider talkSPORT’s proposals to close four transmitter sites immediately. It says it is minded to approve the request, but before reaching a final decision, is giving affected and interested parties an opportunity to have their say. (RadioToday via Andy Reid in Glenn Hauser’s WOR io Group)
1010CX24 Carve Deportiva, Montevideo new slogan ex. Radio 1010. Carve Deportiva is the new name and programming (entirely sports) of this station, inaugurated today. Power remains the same, but they announced a new transmitter. I don't know their new telephone numbers, and other contact information, but it's all under the SADREP organization. I tried to visit the website, but it was offline. Audio streaming via Tunein is functional, but the logo is still that of the former name, La 1010. (Horacio Nigro 2/2 via ARC) (via ARC)
USA (items from NRC’s “DX News:)
1030WONQ Oviedo FL new format is SS:NWS/TLK:OLD (ex-SS:Salsa), slogan to “La Grande,” adds // W230AL-93.9; delete // W258DD-99.5. (Wayne Heinen)
1140WVVO Orlando FL new format is SS:Salsa, slogan is Viva FM Orlando . (Wayne Heinen)
1230KZTQ Reno NV format now AOR (ex-AC), slogan 96.1 The Zone. (Radio Insight)
1250KZDC San Antonio TX slogan now “ESPN 1250”. (Radio Insight)
1350KXTN San Antonio TX applies for STA, U3 5kw day & night, using night pattern 24 hours due vandalism at tower site.
1370KWRM Corona CA went silent Jan. 17, pending zoning approval for new CP site.
1400KTUC Tucson AZ format now Oldies (ex-NOS), new slogan “All Time Favorites.” (DXN)
1450KHIT NV Reno – Slogan to “ESPN 94.1,” networks to ESPN. (RI)
1480KGOE Eureka CA had call change to KEJB on 1 February.
1480KEJB Eureka CA new format is Oldies, slogan “The Jukebox 92.7FM & 1480AM”. (Radio Insight)
1490KOSJ Santa Barbara CA granted license to cover CP with U1 1000/940, adjust coordinates to 34-25-08/119-41-10.
1520KXET Oregon City OR silent since Mar. 15, 2022; back on air w/ CP Jan. 31.
USA (Items from IRCA ‘DX Monitor’)
700KXLX Airway Heights, WA has new slogan: “700 ESPN”.
780WBBM Chicago IL verified by email from Ron Gleason, Brand Mgr/News Director; ron.gleason@audacy.com in 102 days. (Martin Foltz FL)
790 WAXY South Miami, FL new slogan is “Radio Libre 790”.
890WLS Chicago IL verified w/QSL card & prepared card in 90 days, v/s Tim Wright, Senior Engineer; 455 N Cityfront Plaza Dr, 6th Floor, Chicago IL 60611. (Martin Foltz FL)
920KVEL Vernal, UT has new slogan: “Newstalk 104.5 FM & 920 AM KVEL”.
1100WTAM Cleveland OH verified by email from Ray Davis, Program Director ray@wtam.com in 1 day. (Martin Foltz FL)
1100KWWN Las Vegas, NV new slogan: “ESPN Las Vegas 1100 AM 100.9 FM”.
1130KWKH Shreveport LA verified by prepared card from Greg Atoms, Brand Mgr in 27 days; 6341 Westport Ave, Shreveport LA 71129 (Martin Foltz FL)
1170KLOK San Jose, CA new slogan is “Punjabi Radio”.
1230WGGG Gainesville, FL has changed callsign to WRBD.
1230KERV Kerrville, TX has new slogan: “103.7 Mike FM”.
1340 KKGK Las Vegas, NV new slogan: “Fox Sports 98.9 FM/1340 AM”
1420KXCB Omaha, NE format now country, new slogan: “Bluffs Country 106.5”.
1460KRRS Santa Rosa, CA has new slogan: “La Maquina Musical”.
1460KENO Las Vegas, NV new slogan: “1460 AM Deportes Vegas”.
1480KGOE Eureka, CA has new call letters – KEJB, with classic country format and slogan “The Jukebox”.
1490KZNB Petaluma, CA new slogan: “La Musikera”.
1630KCJJ Iowa City IA verified by prepared card in 9 days from Tom Suter, General Manager; PO Box 2118, Iowa City IA 52244.
(Martin Foltz FL)Following the death in October of the night-time talk show host, the show has now been renamed “Rich Valdés America at Night” after the presenter who took over from Bohannon when illness prevented him from continuing. (via NRC)
Audacy will take Conservative Talk 720 KDWN Las Vegas and Sports Betting “The Bet 1140” KXST North Las Vegas NV dark on March 1.
They announced last November that the land that hosted the towers for both station and auxiliary antenna’ for the company’s five FMs had been sold to a real estate developer for US$40 million.
The land sale was the reason why Audacy traded 107.5 KXTE Pahrump/Las Vegas to Beasley Media for KDWN. The site, which until the past couple of years was located in desert land near Nellis Air Force Base and Las Vegas Motor Speedway, has been rapidly built up with warehouse development.
Three sides of the now-former Audacy property are now surrounded by Amazon warehouses. One complex constructed in recent years was sold last summer for $271 million.
Beasley had just diplexed KDWN on KXST’s site in 2020 after its former site in Henderson was sold to housing developers.
With KDWN going silent, Audacy’s 840 KXNT North Las Vegas will become the new primary EAS PEP station for southern Nevada. KDWN’s programming will remain on 101.5 K268CS Las Vegas, which is now fed via 94.1 KMXB-HD3 Henderson. Some of KXST’s BetQL and CBS Sports Radio programming is also heard on “The Fan” 98.5 KLUC-
New 200 kW transmitters for 693 kHz (VoV1) and 819 kHz (VoV2) have officially been on the air since 15 January 2023.
The tx location is the city of Buôn Ma Thuôòt in the Vietnamese Central Highlands, also known as Ðãìk Lãìk. There were 2 antique SW txs carrying VoV-1 daytime on 6020 and 7210 kHz, now silent.
I expect the new installed MW txs on 693 and 819 kHz should replace them. If Google did translate correctly, the mentioned MW txs have been relocated from the South (Mekong-Delta, Cantho). So they are not brand-new. (Uwe Volk via MWlist, via e-MW News via ADXN).
SEN Radio on 1611 Khz in Launceston Tasmania, is currently off air again. Noted 8 February in early evening. (Martin Greer)
1610O.. R San Juan, Bambamarca w/’grumpy’ modulation, quick ID and commercials. (1609.996) 28/1 (Lars Simm, Sweden via ARC 2/23)
1630YSGS R Elohim, San Salvador w/aggressive preacher. No ID at full time. (1629.998) 23/1 (Hans Östnell, Norway via ARC 2/23)
1660WGIT Faro de Santidad, Canóvanas PR,w/full ID, strong as a chili pepper! (1659.985) 23/1 (Hans Östnell, Norway via ARC 2/23)
1670XEANAH R Anáhuac, Huixquilucan DF w/several IDs and slogan "Radio Anáhuac - Eleva tus sentidos" at 0700 17/12. (Lars Simm, Sweden via ARC)
1670XEFCR Focus Radio, Reynosa, came up quite nicely w/several ID's and SS pop ballads. (1670.038) 23/1 (Hans Östnell, Norway via ARC 2/23)
Lower Mangawhai suffered a major loss of DXing capability due to Cyclone Gabrielle hitting the North Island in mid-February. 3 of my 4 masts supporting EWE antennas were toppled by the high winds and widespread fl ooding resulted in the base of all masts being underwater affecting componentry. Only the dedicated EWE antenna for the League SDR survived and I have yet to check that for any lasting water damage. As I type this on 20 February, there is still residual ponding under the antenna locations.
Dunedin checks in with news from a recent photographic visit to the Tiwai Peninsula east of Bluff in Southland and an unexpected surprise: “Poking around a dilapidated farmhouse, I found several tatty Shortwave magazines dating from the early '70's, and a cupboard with shelves marked "Machon", "Crawford", "Greenyer" and "Paul Aronsen Only"! The interior is fairly dilapidated, with no other signs of its notable past, but at nearly 9km from the high voltage lines and only a few hundred metres from the sea I can see the appeal, once upon a time!”
Upper Mangawhai has a report out to KGST 1600. “Some enjoyable listening this month until the arrival of Cyclone Gabrielle. I took my 3 antenna poles right down thus avoiding damage. We had very, very strong winds from the southeast and then the southwest. The south easterlies would have wreaked havoc - we are quite sheltered from the latter. Fortunately we live on hilly ground so Lake Clark was not a feature! Apart from no electricity for almost a week we sustained no damage of any note. I feel for those who were less fortunate.
The aerials are now back up and I will give them a test run shortly.”
Trail times & dates are in UTC/GMT – 13 hours behind NZ Daylight Savings Time.
Member loggings made on remote New Zealand-based receivers are indicated with a symbol after the frequency.
# A hash after the frequency indicates loggings made on League remote receiver at Mangawhai (Lower Northland) with EWE antenna to Northeast.
c after the frequency indicates loggings made on League remote receiver at Hinahina (Catlins Coast, Otago) with EWE antenna to South or Central America.
* after the frequency indicates reception made by an overseas member.
a approximate. Frequency for station is well off its nominal channel
v frequency of station varied during reception.
CWIS Reception in NZ is Confirmed With Internet Stream of station.
CWSDR (and a location) Reception in NZ has been Confirmed With SDR reception in specified overseas location to validate identity of station.
BCMBryan Clark, Mangawhai w/WinRadio G33DDC SDR & EWEs to NE, E & SE.
SMFStu Forsyth, Mangawhai w/WinRadio G33DDC SDR & 5m EWE.
MGMartin Greer, Launceston, Tasmania w/ Kenwood R 2000, Tecsun PL-880 & EWE antennas pointing E, W, NE & S.
5800927USA KMJ Fresno CA – fair/ poor with talk. 7/2 SMF
5900945HAWAII KSSK Honolulu fair with talk – sports nx then mx
10/2 SMF
6800827USA KNBR San Francisco CA fair/ poor with sports talk.
1/2 SMF
6900828HAWAII KHNR Honolulu fair with talk 10/2 SMF
7600748HAWAII KGU Honolulu fair/ poor with sport. 31/1 SMF
7800832USA KKOH Reno NV fair with ads. 1/2 SMF
819*1400NEW ZEALAND RNZ National Tauranga.w/time pips,into RNZ news with a YL,with a fair signal,mixing with c/c 2GL
local ABC radio,Glen Innes NSW. 19/2 MG
8300751HAWAII KHVH Honolulu tentative with nx talk. 31/1 SMF
8500932USA KOA Denver CO at fair levels with Coast to Coast. 10/2 SMF
864*1031AUSTRALIA 4GR Toowoomba QLD,with block of local advertisements,then at 1037 was an ID as “Darling Downs,Triple M 864” then into song by the Verve,good signal,mixing with c/c 7RPH Hobart TAS 19/2. MG
9500834USA KJR Seattle WA fair with sports talk. QRM from farmer’s electric fence! 1/2 SMF
981*1036AUSTRALIA 3HA Hamilton VIC with ID into talk back prog’with good signal // to 3AW 693,was mixing with c/c 2NM Muswellbrook NSW 10/2. MG
981*1220AUSTRALIA 2NM Muswellbrook NSW,with an ID as 2NM,into a song by Queen,a strong steady signal,well over 3HA VIC,barely audible 8/2. MG
10100836USA KIQI San Francisco fair with SS ballads. 1/2 SMF
10400816HAWAII KHLT Honolulu, good with religious message. 30/1 SMF
10500755USA San Matteo CA KTCT fair with sports but v noisy condx. 31/1 SMF
10700757USA KNX Hollywood fair with nx. 31/1 SMF
11100810USA KFAB Omaha NE w/ KFAB.com id, then back to George Noory w/‘Coast to Coast’ talk show. Good now 1107 is clear 10/2. BCM
11100748USA KRDC Pasadena CA good steady signal w/ESPN sports news & talk 11/2. BCM
12100820HAWAII KZOO Honolulu fair /poor with pops. Noisy condx. 30/1 SMF
12700758HAWAII KNDI Honolulu fair with mentions of Hawaii. 31/1 SMF
13600857PERU Radio Bienestar Lima peaking w/SS id & anncts on 1360.006m 3/2. BCM
1395*1025NEW ZEALAND ZB Newstalk Oamaru with ID,prog’with Marcus Lush,with good signal,mixing with 5AA Adelaide SA,which faded up and dominated the frequency 9/2. MG
14000856UNID w/Mexican format on 1399.9925m, just single SS annct caught in 40min period; possible candidates KESQ California or KSUN Arizona 8/2. BCM
14000926GRENADA Harbour Light of the Windwards w/traces of religious talk past 0934 8/2. BCM
14200800HAWAII KKEA Honolulu fair with sports nx. 31/1 SMF
1430a0937UNID LATIN on 1429.870m drifting to 1429.867 over 30min period 6/2. Per MW Offsets List, likely Radio Ya, Colombia. BCM
14300942USA KMRB San Gabriel CA (P) on 1429.989m w/non-stop Asian melodies, mainly CC songs, 6/2. BCM
14400829KIRIBATI Radio Kiribati vgd on 1439.9895m, w/Moana AM absent. Island vocals, vernac ID anncts w/freq in kHz 0832, theme & nx 0901 6/2. BCM
14400945KIRIBATI (Tent) R Kirabati Tarawa – fair/ poor with talk. In the clear – no sign of Moana. 7/2 SMF
14600825USA KION Salinas CA fair but noisy with talk. 30/1 SMF
14700810MEXICO XEAI Formula, Mexico DF w/Western pops & rock songs on 1469.993m CWIS 7/2. BCM
15000802HAWAII, KHKA Honolulu fair but noisy w/sports 31/1 SMF
15300857AUSTRALIA 2VM Moree dominating w.ID, local advts & Super Radio Network promos 15/2 – heard on my collapsed NE EWE with antenna wire and components largely under water, post Cyclone Gabrielle damage! BCM
15300827USA KFBK San Francisco CA fair w/C to C. 30/1 SMF
15700829HAWAII KUAU vgd with religious message about relationships 30/1. SMF
1580*1057USA KBLA Santa Monica CA a good signal,briefly in EE talk,with fading then a YL said “stay tuned to KBLA “20/2. MG
16000840USA KGST Fresno CA fair/ poor with vocals. A couple could be identified via Shazam 30/1 SMF
email hello@radiodx.com
subject “TV/FM News & DX”
Greetings, and welcome to the March edition!
The DX season started with promise but sadly petered out. It was unfortunate that the DX season coincided with an upsurge of solar activity. There has been discussion within scientific communities regarding the degree of influence that solar activity has on Sporadic E. Recent studies have suggested that low solar activity together with low solar flux (planetary A and K indexes) favour the development of Sporadic E. Go to https://www.uksmg.org/content/sporade.htm for a full discussion. As we have heard through our usual DX information services that in recent months the amount of solar activity has increased. Our friends in the Northern Hemisphere had a stunning DX season in their previous summer. It will be interesting to see what will happen this time around.
There has been some DX to report so with no further ado it’s into the mail bag (or should that be inbox).
Mangawhai is first, he writes:
I was pleasantly surprised with the late FM DX from southern NZ and the Aussie East Coast, and rewarded with confirmed reception of LPFM Lignite FM 88.3 from Southland. Operator Charlie Fraser says the transmitter is an NRG kit running 1.2 Watts into the feeder giving about 98% radiated signal and the antenna is a 11 metre pole with a folded dipole. Charlie acknowledged me as their most distant listener, saying their normal coverage is 7 to 10km. He says Lignite FM is the southernmost transmitter on the mainland, being 20km east and slightly south of Invercargill. Charlie is also involved with Oamaru Heritage Radio - see www.ohr.nz
0138 UTC – Australia 90.7 ABC News Radio peeping through, fair at 0213; Triple J 101.5, 92.3 sports talk, 92.7 several mixed – horse racing and rock music (maybe Triple J), 87.6 weak, 89.7 music format mixing ABC NewsRadio, 92.5 cricket commentary at 0233; 92.9 ABC FM Sydney classical over local Rodney station; 94.5 catchy rock mx 0237; 95.9 cricket, 96.1 pops; 97.5 possibly ABC Newstalk; 98.1 Triple J; 99.7 “Newcastle’s best Christian music” at 0241; 100.5 short story, vgd 0243; 100.9 easy listening format; 101.3 “Hits 101.3” from Gosford; 101.5 classical guitar smothering RNZ National; 101.7 jazz; 102.1 Triple J, Newcastle; 102.5 ethnic pipes at 0250 – likely 2MBS Sydney; 102.9Triple F Newcastle; w/nx at 0255; 103.7 2NUR Newcastle; 104.1 2DAY FM Sydney; 104.5 likely 2GOS Gosford; 105.3 “Newcastles’s 105.3 New FM”; 105.5 rock mx at 0306; 106.1 exc with classical mx; 107.3 “Super Network News:; 107.7 at 0308 Triple M mixing another.
0311 UTC – 87.8 several mixed; 90.9 ABC Newstalk Illawarra strong; 91.3 maybe 2MAC; 107.7 2 mixed, ID as “GN FM” so Goulburn, 105.7 unidentified (possibly Triple J) struggling against near local 105.6 Smooth FM; 104.5 likely 2GOS Gosford; 89.7 ABC NewsRadio briefly at 0328; 90.9 News Radio promo; 94.7 ABC News at 0330 vgd, likely Manning River; 95.3 pops, possibly from Sydney.
0317 UTC – NZ opening – 87.6, 87.7 Tongan mixing rock music station; 87.8 country mx; 89.6 SENZ Oamaru w/”Farmside Rural Roundup in 60 Seconds” o/Star Te Anau; 90.0 RNZ Concert Southland strong at 2322; 91.0 agricultural talk here mixed Northland station, suspect Today FM, Twizel; 91.2 talkback strong; 91.3 weak talk; 91.9 pops here 2326; 92.0 More FM, Queenstown; 92.1 Life FM Balclutha w/advt for Christian Kiwisaver Scheme; 92.8 pops at 2329; 92.7 Rhema Alexandra struggling against RNZ Concert Auckland on 92.6; 87.8 Christian vocal, good; 87.6 rap music mixing Christian format; 97.2 The Edge Invercargill w/rap song; 88.3 Lignite FM near Invercargill w/”Rubber Ball” and advt for Lignite Café, occasionally mixed w/Christian station. still hearing 88.3 at 2352; 95.2 unid talk.
0004 UTC – NZ opening continued for a little while - 95.4 had classic pops overriding Tainui FM, possibly Radio Dunedin Mosgiel based on earlier logs.
0046 UTC – 87.8 Oldies format LPFM – who?
0224 – Australia opening – 88.5 ABC FM classical; 89.3 oldies; 89.5 talker; 88.7 ABC FM Nambour vgd; 90.1 at 0229 possibly NewsRadio;
90.9 vgd; 92.5; 93.3 ethnic; 94.1 soft vocals; 94.5, 95.5 ABC FM classical; 96.1 weak; 96.9 ABC talk at 0235 but gone by 0245.
0254 – 88.7 ABC FM Nambour briefly.
0438 – 90.7 ABC Newstalk strong, 91.5 Triple J, 92.3 ABC Grafton/ Kempsey, 92.1 UNID, 88.7 ABC FM Nambour strong, 89.5 Nambour strong, 92.7 at 0458, 93.3 ethnic, 93.5, 93.7 classical, 93.9 classical, 94.1 rock, 94.5 weather update on ABC NewsRadio // 94.7 on the hour with news; 95.3 ABC news, 95.5 // 95.9 both on same news bulletin but slightly out of sync; 96.1 Queensland news at 0503,
advt for SE Qld; 96.9, 97.1 talk weak; 97.3 w/pops 0510, ID as Kiss 97.3 - presumed 2TIA, 97.5 talk over NZL, 97.7 SBS ID at 0515z; 98.1 Aussie over Kaitaia, 98.5 4ABC Wide Bay w/classical, 98.9 mix here including Triple J, 99.3 at 0518 Triple J, Wide Bay Qld; 99.7, 87.6 rock mx at 0520; 87.8 ident as “87.8 FM”- gave phone number as 02-48297819, which is Newy FM Newcastle! 88.1 at 0521 - 2RDJ Sydney w/children’s storytime – confirmed from website programme schedule; 106.9 “Be a Queen”, 106.7 talkback at 0530; 105.3 rock; 104.7 pops, 104.5 UNID in Tongan mixing pops, 104.3 horse racing – likely Armidale; 104.1 Triple J Darling Downs.
0545 – 103.9 sports talk mixed another; 103.5 classical; 103.3 rock; 103.2 classical; 102.9 pops, 102.7, 102.5 2MBS Sydney mixing ABC news – who? 102.1 – 2 music stns mixed //101.9; 101.7 advt for SevenEleven at 0612; 101.5 rock mx, 88.5 // 88.7 ABC classical network; 89.7
ABC NewsTalk; 89.5 at 0613.
0714 UTC – 92.7 Mix FM Maroochydore, 88.5, 88.7, 89.3. 89.5, 89.7, 90.1, 90.9, 91.1 – 2 mixed – Hot FM Maroochydore on top; 91.7, 91.9 rock mx – likely 4SEE Nambour; 92.5 talk; 94.5 ABC NewsTalk Nambour; 94.9 at 0739 – likely 4MIX Ipswich; 95.3 classical strong; 96.1 Triple J Richmond Tweed; 96.9 Alice Springs health issues; 97.7 at 0744 – ABC Newstalk Wide Bay; 98.5 ABC Newstalk Richmond Tweed; 102.7 at 0748 – Neil Diamond w/”Devil in Blue Jeans” PID 4E8E – who?
0905 – 102.7 now classical, likely ABC Central Tablelands; 91.5 ABC news, ABC NewsRadio SW Slopes // Bega/Cooma 89.7.
0031 UTC – 89.7 ABC NewsTalk Bega/Cooma up briefly.
0245 – 95.1 CFM Coromandel Peninsula CWIS, heard off back of Yagi beamed to Aussie. (Thanks Bryan, it certainly was a strange season).
Houhora, Far North, is next with a massive log: 5 Element horizontal (rotatable) at approx 8m a.g.l.
RX’s: Sony XDR, TEF6686, Airspy Discovery, SDR RSP1a. + t-g-n
ULNA. All times UTC
A fairly strong 90 minute opening from QLD.
89.322:254CRB, Gold Coast (Tamborine Mtn)
88.522:264ABCFM, Gold Coast (Tamborine Mtn)
90.122:274ABCRN, Gold Coast (Lower Beechmont)
90.922:304SEA, Gold Coast. (Pi: 4909; PS: Sea90.9_)
92.522:314GLD, Gold Coast, (Mt Tamborine)
95.322:322ABCFM, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
96.122:332JJJ, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
96.922:342ABCRN, Richmond/ Tweed (Nardi Mtn)
89.722:364TAB, Beaudesert (Birnam)
90.522:444RBL, Beaudesert (Birnam)
92.922:464GOD, Voice FM, Toowoomba (Darling Heights)
92.722:512KY, Sky Sports, Inverell (Likely)
96.722:522ABCFM, Upper Namoi (Kaputar)
97.722:534PNN, “ABC News”,Wide Bay
98.522:554ABCFM, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
99.322:564JJJ, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
100.922:574ABCRN, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
90.722:582PNN, ABC News, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
91.523:002JJJ, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
97.323:014BFM, Brisbane, (Mt Coot) (Pi: 471B)
100.123:062JJJ, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
90.323:084SCR, ABC Queensland, Nambour
89.523:124JJJ, Nambour
90.723:154CSB, Crow FM, Wondai (Cushnie Hill)
91.123:184MCY, Hot FM, Nambour
93.723:204ABCFM, Gympie (Black Mountain)
102.123:304ZZZ, Brisbane (Mt Coot) (Pi: 402A)
102.723:314DDB, “FM 102.7”, Toowoomba (My Kynoch)
102.923:324HTB, “Hot Tomato”, Gold Coast. (Pi: 4029, PS: 1029 HOT)
98.523:362PNN, ABC News, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
107.323:404ABCFM, (Bunya Mtns)
92.523:434GLD, Gold Coast. (Pi: 4925, PS: 92.5_MMM)
94.523:454PNN, ABC News, Gympie or Nambour
92.323:592MRR, ABC Mid North Coast, Grafton/ Kempsey
A strong opening from NSW ending with a few Canberra stations.
90.701:252PNN, ABC News, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
91.501:262JJJ, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
92.301:272MRR, ABC Mid North Coast, Grafton/ Kempsey
92.701:282KY, Sky Sports R, Port Macquarie or Inverell
93.301:292SNR, Gosford (Presumed)
96.701:302ABCFM, Classic FM, Upper Namoi (Kaputar)
98.701:312ABCFM, Manning River, (Middle Brother NP)
99.101:322NWR, “ABC NSW”, Upper Namoi, (Kaputar)
103.101:332ABCFM, Tamworth
102.301:362JJJ, Central Western Slopes (Warrumbungle NP)
102.301:382ROX, Port Macquarie, (Pi: 202D, PS: Hit102.3)
92.901:412TTT, Tamworth
88.901:432YOU, Tamworth
93.901:552ABCRN, Tamworth
97.702:102SBSFM, Sydney (Gore Hill) (Pi: 297C, PS: SBSRadio)
106.502:122WSM, KIIS FM, Sydney (Pi: 2A1A, PS: KIIS1065)
105.702:142JJJ, Sydney (Gore Hill)
96.902:162SYD, Sydney (Gore Hill) (Pi: 2969, PS: Nova_969)
95.302:182PTV, Sydney (Gore Hill) (Pi: 295B, PS: smoothfm)
94.502:192FBI, Sydney (Gore Hill) (Pi: 2945, PS: FBiRadio)
93.702:202LND, Sydney (CBD 50kw or Redfern 2kw)
92.902:212ABCFM, Sydney (Gore Hill) (Pi: 54C4, PS: ABC_Clas)
90.902:222PNN, ABC News, Illawarra
92.102:232MFM, Muslim Comm. R, Sydney. (Pi: 292E, PS: 2MFM____)
92.502:242BL, ABC Central Coast, Gosford
94.102:342LIV, “Pulse 94.1”, Wollongong/ Nowra. (Pi: 2941, PS: Pulse941)
98.102:362WIN, Wollongong, (Knights Hill)
91.702:432ST, Nowra/ Wollongong. (Pi: 2917, PS: 2ST_____)
92.302:442UUU, Shoalhaven Heads. (Pi: 204E, PS: Triple_U)
93.502:452SNO, Goulburn, (Mt Grey) (Pi: 293C, PS: EAGLE_FM)
95.702:462ABCFM, Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
96.102:492XL, Cooma. (Pi: 2963, PS: XLFM96.1)
97.702:502SKI, Cooma. (Pi: 2977, PS: SNOW_FM)_
98.102:522WIN, Wollongong, (Knights Hill). (Pi: 2981, PS: _i98FM__)
98.902:532JJJ, Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
101.902:542ABCFM, Batemans Bay/ Moruya
102.502:552EEE, Bega (Mumbulla Mtn). (Pi: 2025, PS: Power-FM)
104.302:562EEE, Batemans Bay/ Moruya. (Pi: 2025, PS: Power-FM)
104.102:572DAY, Sydney (Artarmon). (Pi: 2041, PS: 2DayFM__)
104.502:582GOS, Gosford (Mt Penang). (Pi: 2045, PS: ST##1045)
104.902:592MMM, Sydney, 2TX’s. (Pi: 2049, PS: TRIPLE_M)
105.903:022EC, Batemans Bay. (Pi: 2945)
100.103:052JJJ, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
100.503:102PNN, Batemans Bay
100.903:122ABCRN, Cooma
101.703:142UUS, Sydney (Artarmon). (Pi: 36EC, PS: WSFM1017)
101.503:162PNN, ABC News, Upper Namoi (Mt Kaputar)
101.303:182CFM, Gosford. (Pi: 2013, PS: Hit101.3)
89.703:302PNN, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
99.903:332PMQ, Rhema FM, Port Macquarie (Cairncross)
88.303:352ABCFM, Southwest Slopes (Mt Ulandra)
90.703:362JJJ, Southwest Slopes/ Riverina
91.103:371CMS, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
91.903:381WAY, Canberra, (Wamboin)
92.703:401ART, Canberra, (Vincentia)
Later on 29th, South Island, mainly Otago & Southland.
93.422:559213The Rock, Dunedin.
95.023:01Tahu FM, Dunedin.
95.223:02Life FM, Oamaru.
95.423:02Radio Dunedin, Dunedin.
99.023:05RNZ Concert, Dunedin (Highcliff)
98.423:05RNZ Concert, Queenstown.
99.423:06RNZ Concert, Mosgiel.
99.823:079247_Magic__ Magic Music, Dunedin
100.623:089561More1006 Dunedin.
101.423:099202NATIONAL Dunedin
103.823:10PMN 531pi (Pres), Dunedin
92.923:11More FM, Balclutha.
93.723:12More FM, Balclutha (Kuriwao)
92.123:28Life FM, Balclutha.
96.223:13The Hits, Dunedin.
88.723:149244TheEdgeAlexandra (Obelisk).
93.523:169245TheSoundAlexandra (Obelisk).
96.723:179572_Breeze_Alexandra (Obelisk).
97.223:20The Edge, Invercargill.
90.823:26The Rock, Invercargill.
91.023:28Radio One 91.0FM, Dunedin.
92.623:35RNZ Concert, Dunedin (Mt Cargill).
Only 4 from Gold Coast on the 30th.
90.905:384SEA, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine) (4909, Sea90.9_)
94.505:404PNN, ABC News, Gympie (Black Mountain)
95.305:502ABCFM, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
90.706:052PNN, ABC News, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
A HUGE Aussie opening.
88.500:274ABCFM, Gold Coast (Tambourine Mtn)
89.300:294CRB, Gold Coast (Tamborine Mtn)
89.700:332PNN, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
94.500:342945__2EC___East Coast Radio, Mumbulla Mtn (Bega)
93.300:354933SBSRadio4SBSFM, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
95.900:37Sky Sports R, Gunnedah (Mt Kaputar)
97.300:39471BKIIS973_4BFM, Brisbane, (Mt Coot)
90.900:404909Sea90.9_4SEA, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine)
97.700:42297CSBSRadio2SBSFM, Sydney (Gore Hill)
92.500:44492592.5_MMM4GLD, Gold Coast, (Mt Tamborine)
93.700:4529CEKoorie_FM2LND, Sydney (CBD 50kw or Redfern 2kw)
94.500:462945FBiRadio2FBI, Sydney (Gore Hill)
95.300:48295Bsmoothfm2PTV, Sydney (Gore Hill)
96.100:502JJJ, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
96.300:522CCC, Gosford, (Central Coast)
96.900:552969Nova_9692SYD, Sydney (Gore Hill)
96.900:562ABCRN, Richmond/ Tweed (Nardi Mtn)
95.301:042ABCFM, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
99.301:052ABCFM, Bega/ Cooma
100.501:062PNN, Batemans Bay/ Moruya (Wandera Mtn)
100.901:072ABCRN, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
101.901:082ABCFM, Batemans Bay/ Moruya (Wandera Mtn)
102.501:082025Power-FM2EEE, Bega (Mumbulla Mtn)
103.501:092BA, “ABC S/east NSW”, Batemans Bay/ Moruya
103.901:102025Power-FM2EEE, Eden
88.901:1224232RE_88.92RE, “Super R Network”, Taree.
90.901:132PNN, ABC News, Knights Hill, Illawarra
94.701:142PNN, ABC News, Manning River, (Middle Brother NP)
97.301:162ILA, ABC Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
98.101:192981_i98FM__2WIN, Wollongong, (Knights Hill)
98.901:202JJJ, Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
101.301:212013Hit101.32CFM, Gosford (Mt Penang)
101.501:222JJJ, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
101.701:2336ECWSFM10172UUS, Sydney (Artarmon)
102.301:2354C4CLASSIC_2ABCFM, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
103.201:242CBA, “Hope1032”, Sydney (Artarmon)
104.101:2520412DayFM__2DAY, Sydney (Artarmon)
104.901:272049TRIPLE_M_2MMM, Sydney (2 TX’s)
91.101:301CMS, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
102.101:302JJJ, Newcastle (Mt Sugarloaf)
91.301:31291CC91.3_FM2MAC, Campbeltown, (Mt Hercules)
92.701:312ZOO, “Zoo FM”, Dubbo City (Sappa Bulga Mtn)
92.101:314BRZ, “Breeze”, Beaudesert
93.901:314RUM, “Hitz939”, Bundaberg
102.501:3240064BRZ, Tenterfield (Mt Mackenzie)
90.501:322ABCRN, Tenterfield (Mt Mackenzie)
90.501:3220982HD_FM__2HD, “Super R Network”, Lake Macquarie
97.501:3423152HD_97.52HD, “Super Radio Network, Port Stephens.
96.101:353712CADA96.12ONE, Katoomba, (Wentworth Hills)
107.301:364ABCFM, (Bunya Mtns)
94.101:362941_Todays_2CCM, Gosford (Dynamic PS)
91.101:404RGD, “Hit FM” Warwick (Southern Downs)
105.301:402053NEWFM___Newcastle (Mt Sugarloaf)
103.701:42103B2NURFM__2NUR, Newcastle (Mt Sugarloaf)
102.901:442029Triple_M2KKO, Triple M, Newcastle (Mt Sugarloaf)
102.301:45202DHit102.32ROX, Port Macquarie, (Mt Cairncross)
101.901:462NWR, ABC Northwest NSW, Armidale
93.501:462PM, “FM 93.5, Radio 531”, “Super R Network”, Port Macquarie.
95.501:462MRR, ABC Coffs & Mid North Coast, Manning River
97.101:462ABCRN, Manning River, (Middle Brother NP)
96.301:462JJJ, Manning River, (Middle Brother NP)
92.301:472MRR, ABC Mid North Coast, Grafton/ Kempsey
93.301:47FFFFTriple_B2BBB, “Triple B”,
93.701:474994REBEL9374RBL, Rebel FM, 4 TX Listed (Tenterfield likely)
101.501:48002BGLFM____2GL, Great Lakes FM, Cabbage Tree Mountain
101.501:48Sky Sports R (Tent), Grafton or Kempsey
100.701:50200ATriple_M2PQQ, Port Macquarie (Mt Cairncross)
94.501:504PNN, ABC News, Gympie (Black Mountain)
99.901:512JJJ, Upper Namoi, (Mt Kaputar)
89.701:522TEN, Tenterfield (Mt Mackenzie)
99.501:532ABCRN, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
95.301:532ABCRN, Cooma Town
98.701:542ABCFM, Manning River, (Middle Brother NP)
89.501:5524612GF_89.52GF, Grafton.
91.301:592MAX, Narrabri
91.502:012JJJ, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
92.102:022ARM, “FM 92.1” Armidale, (Community Radio Tower)
92.702:032KY, Sky Sports R, Port Macquarie/ Mt Cairncross
93.502:032TLC, Yamba/ Maclean
92.902:04234092.9_TAM2TTT, Tamworth
88.902:0535AO2YOU, Tamworth
95.702:054PNN, Gold Coast
107.702:052DF5triple_j4JJJ, Brisbane
107.302:064073Juice_FM4CAB, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine)
106.102:072ABC FM, “Classic”, Newcastle (Mt Sugarloaf)
91.902:086AE9919seafm4SEE, Nambour (Bald Knob)
104.902:08419DSu4SFM, “Sunshine FM”, Nambour
104.302:09Sky Sports Radio/ TAB, Armidale
96.102:121361ZINC96.14NNN, Gympie (Mt Wolvi)
102.702:142PNN, ABC News, Armidale
93.502:142PNN, ABC News, Inverell
101.902:154019Hit101.94CEE, Maryborough/ Fraser Coast
101.102:174ABCRR, Brisbane
99.302:184JJJ, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
98.502:222OOO, ”2Triple0” North Sydney (Artarmon)
98.502:222PNN, ABC News, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
97.902:242ABCFM, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
97.702:254PNN, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
97.702:254JJJ, Gold Coast, (Mt Tamborine)
96.902:272ABCRN, Richmond/ Tweed (Nightcap)
93.702:294ABCFM, Gympie (Black Mountain)
92.902:312NCR, River FM, Lismore (South Gundurimba)
92.302:36Kix Country, Hervey Bay, (Booral)
94.102:44“94.1FM”, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine)
101.702:464ABCFM, Southern Downs (Passchendaele State Forest)
102.902:4840291029-HOT4HTB, “Hot Tomato”, Gold Coast (Tamborine Mtn)
103.702:504MBS, Brisbane
104.102:524JJJ, Darling Downs
95.102:552GEM, Gem FM, Inverell
98.103:054EB, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
88.303:082ABCFM, Southwest Slopes (Mt Ulandra)
89.903;102RVR, ABC Riverina, Southwest Slopes/ Riverina
93.503:16293CEAGLE_FM2SNO, Goulburn, (Mt Grey)
87.604:43Faith FM, Canberra
88.004:45Raw FM, 2 TX in NSW
92.704:457718927mixfm4SSS, Nambour (Bald Knob)
92.904:4754C4Classic_2ABCFM, Sydney (Gore Hill)
106.904:49F106No4BNE “Nova FM”, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
104.504:514045TRIPLE_M4MMM, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
103.704:533ABCFM, Murray Valley, (Likely)
103.504:54 4035Triple_M4MBB, Maryborough
102.504:554006_Breeze_4BRZ, Tenterfield (Mt Mackenzie)
102.104:56402ATRIPLE_Z4ZZZ, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
101.504:584OUR, “Classic Hits”, Caboolture (Pedwell Road)
105.705:0174D3METRO___4MET, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine)
105.305:0343FFB105____4BBB, “Hit 105”, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
104.905:042PNN, ABC News, Muswellbrook
104.305:082LM, Kyogle
104.105:082M|W, Currumbin/ Broadbeach (QLD)
97.905:1542A4911HotFM4MCY, Noosa/ Tewantin
106.705:1849944RBL, Childers (Wide Bay) (Woowoonga NP)
104.705:212ROC, Canberra, (Black Mtn)
103.305:234JJJ, Southern Downs
(Passchendaele State Forest)
102.705:2453EC102.7_FM4DDB, Toowoomba (Darling Heights)
100.705:254007Hit100.74RGD, Toowoomba (Darling Heights)
100.605:264BRZ, (Tambourine Mtn)
94.905:28423FRiver9494MIX, Ipswich (Lark Hill)
98.505:304ABCFM, Wide Bay, (Woowoonga NP)
98.905:324989 Triple_A4AAA, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
106.105:3454C4FM4ABCFM, Brisbane (Mt Coot)
106.505:454ABCRN, Southern Downs (Passchendaele State Forest)
105.505:502SBSFM, Canberra (Black Mtn)
88.105:522RDJ, Burwood (West Sydney). ID: SBN Youth Radio
89.105:552ABCRN, Southwest Slopes, (Mt Ulandra)
89.105:574891Hit89.1_4KRY, Kingaroy
89.506:014JJJ, Nambour
89.706:044897RadioTAB4TAB, Beaudesert (Birnam)
90.106:054ABCRN, Gold Coast (Lower Beechmont)
90.706:072PNN, ABC News, Grafton/Kempsey (Mt Moombil Rd)
90.706:072JJJ, Southwest Slopes/ Riverina
91.506:082PNN, ABC News, Southwest Slopes/ East Riverina.
91.706:094ABCRR, Gold Coast (Lower Beechmont)
91.906:1007771WAY1WAY, Canberra, (Wamboin)
92.106:11292E2MFM____2MFM, Muslim Comm. R, Sydney. (2 TX’s)
92.706:131ART, Canberra, (Vincentia)
95.106:23263C2BS_FM__2BS, “Super Network”, Bathurst
96.706:252ABCRN, Bathurst City
96.706:262ABCFM, Upper Namoi (Kaputar)
99.106:302UUS, Richmond (Hawkesbury Heights)
99.106:302NWR, “ABC NSW”, Upper Namoi, (Kaputar)
99.306:35262D__ROCK__2BXS, Bathurst.
99.406:384RBL, Gold Coast (Mt Tamborine)
99.706:402304Rhema9972RFM, Newcastle (Sugarloaf)
94.306:45Sky Sport, Goulburn, (Nightcap NP)
107.506:53Sky Sports, Glen Innes.
104.707:022460FM_1047_2CLR, Grafton. (Woodford North)
104.507:052045STAR10452GOS, Gosford (Mt Penang)
104.307:082ABCRN Central Tablelands (Canobolas Mtn)
103.907:102GF, “Super Network”, Maclean (Woodford North)
100.907:352480ZZZ_FM__2ZZZ, Lismore (Nightcap)
89.708:11Sky Sports, Lithgow City (Sheedys Gully)
92.908:254352929Voice4GOD, Toowoomba (Darling Heights)
97.708:532977SNOW_FM_2SKI, Cooma
Later on 31st, fair sigs from TAS
90.921:107JJJ, Northeast Tasmania
91.721:127NT, Northeast Tasmania
92.521:147PNN, “ABC News”, North East Tasmania
92.921:152D5Ftriple_j7JJJ, Hobart, (Mt Wellington)
93.321:167ABCFM, North East Tasmania
93.721:177BOD, Star FM, St Helens
93.921:1854C4ABC_CFM_7ABCFM, Hobart (Mt Wellington)
94.121:197ABCRN, North East Tasmania
95.721:207957__7SD___7SD, Scottsdale (Mt Horror)
98.921:217ABCRN, Weldborough (Likely)
99.721:227997_Chilli_7RGS, Scottsdale, (Mt Horror)
100.921:237009Hit100.97TTT, Hobart (Mt Wellington)
101.721:2470177HO_FM_7HHO, Hobart (Mt Wellington)
104.321:277043Vision__Hobart, (Mt Wellington)
97.321:297NT, Weldborough
102.721:357NT. (2TX Listed: St Mary’s Likely)
106.521:387HFC, Hobart (Mt Wellington)
107.321:457073Triple_M7XXX, Hobart, (Mt Wellington)
103.522:017RGS, Chilli FM, St Mary’s (South Sister Lookout)
96.122:067THE, Hobart
96.122:067ABCRN, St Helens
A few hours later it’s Sydney, then south NSW, ending with a few logs from VIC.
95.303:45295Bsmoothfm2PTV, Sydney (Gore Hill)
96.903:472969Nova_9692SYD, Sydney (Gore Hill)
97.703:52297CSBSRadio2SBSFM, Sydney (Gore Hill)
90.903:552PNN, ABC News, Knights Hill, Illawarra
92.304:112UUU, Shoalhaven Heads
93.504:12293CEAGLE_FM2SNO, Goulburn, (Mt Grey)
95.704:132ABCFM, Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
97.304:142ILA, ABC Illawarra, (Knights Hill)
98.104:152981_i98FM__2WIN, Wollongong, (Knights Hill)
101.504:162D5Ftriple_j2JJJ, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
102.304:172ABCFM, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
103.904:182PB, ABC News, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
91.104:201CMS, Canberra, (Telstra Tower)
92.904:222ABCFM, Sydney (Gore Hill)
94.304:23Sky Sport, Goulburn, (Nightcap NP)
96.104:252963XLFM96.12XL, Cooma
104.104:2720412DayFM__2DAY, Sydney (Artarmon)
101.704:2936ECWSFM10172UUS, Sydney (Artarmon)
93.704:362BAR, Edge FM, Bega
93.304:372SNR, Gosford (Tent)
102.504:382025Power FM2EEE, Bega (Mumbulla Mtn)
101.904:392ABCFM, Batemans Bay/ Moruya (Wandera Mtn)
100.904:422ABCRN, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
100.104:432JJJ, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
99.304:462ABCFM, Bega/ Cooma (Brown Mtn)
103.904:492025Power FM2EEE, Eden
100.504:522PNN, Batemans Bay
97.704:552977SNOW_FM_2SKI, Cooma
96.705;033JJJ, Latrobe Valley
95.105:053PNN, ABC News, Latrobe Valley, (Mt Tassie)
And finally for me on 1st Feb, this season ended with a short opening to NCL.
88.022:52Raw FM (Tent), 2 Listed NSW
88.022:59FE09La_1ere_// 89.0 & 89.5
Note: # is used when a PS name is incomplete.
(Thanks Dave, I’m pleased that you did end up with some worthwhile results. Sorry to hear about the ‘surprises’ you found when you got home).
Dave also has some news: He writes that Coast has replaced The Hits at Doubtless Bay 105.9. Programming is the same as Kaitaia and the RDS is the same, Pi 9420 & PS “_Coast__
Although we were scant on openings this season what ones that did occur certainly brought results thanks folks. Until next time take care!
email hello@radiodx.com subject “SW Bandwatch”
Welcome to March 2023!
The year is romping away from us, totally out of control. As for the weather, drought conditions here in Mosgiel, and cyclones up North. Hope everyone is safe and undamaged.
Bryan Clark reports that his antennas were largely demolished by Cyclone Gabrielle, so he’s had to take a break from serious DX until things are sorted. Highlights are hearing Antarctica again and receiving an email response from Indy Radio, Spain 6931 confirming that he is their most distant listener and that they are transmitting with just 15 watts into a homemade dipole. Bryan expects a proper QSL in due course. His reception of LRA36 was a big surprise, last heard in September 2021 They are replacing their 1kw transmitter and may get to 10kw eventually, so maybe Antarctica will be an easy log one day!
Thanks to my support crew whose names appear below the tables of loggings, because, without them, there would be no column. New contributors are always welcome to join this elite team – please tell us what you’ve been listening to. No matter what it is, these days hearing anything is an achievement worth celebrating.
Remember to show loggings as tentative (tent) if you don’t get a clear ID, or if there’s doubt about the logging, and provide as much detail as you can, including date and language, while keeping your notes concise.
NZ-based remote SDR’s used for your loggings are indicated by this symbol beside the frequency:
• # = Mangawhai, Northland SDR2 (NE direction)
• c = Hinahina, Catlins SDR3 (Easterly direction)
If there’s no symbol, you were using your own radio or SDR equipment, and your own aerial. Also please note:
• “a” by the frequency indicates the station was slightly off its allocated frequency.
• “v” by the frequency indicates varying frequency during the broadcast
• “h” by the frequency indicates a harmonic of the true frequency.
• “U” by the frequency indicates using USB mode is recommended
Many common languages are abbreviated –AA=Arabic, CC=Chinese, EE=English, FF=French, GG=German, JJ=Japanese, PP=Portuguese, RR=Russian, SS=Spanish. Others are usually spelled out in full.
6010a 08:16 BRAZIL R Inconfidencia fair in PP w/pop songs, ID on 6009.94m // 15190.093m very weak, tks to Manuel Mendez tip 17/02/2023. Not hrd 18/2. BCM
603018:22ETHIOPIA R Oromiya fair in Oroma 26/01/2023 BC
605507:55JAPAN, R Nikkei 1 fair in JJ, 28/01/2023 KAB
609018:35ETHIOPIA Amhara State Radio good in Anhara until 18.59 10/02/2023 BC
611507:58JAPAN R Nikkei 2 fair in JJ 28/01/2023 KAB
6115 18:17 CONGO R Congo weak and fading but finally at audio level in FF, CWSDR TWR Sth Africa as news magazine format. Closed 18:54 on 07/02/2023 BCM
618008:02BRAZIL R Nacional Amazonia fair in PP w/music
28/01/2023 KAB
9310U05:10 RUSSIA Up-tempo sung version of Russian National Anthem about 3:15 minutes long, repeating at vgd strength, thanks to Chris Mackerell tip. WOR report suggests originates from a Russian beacon.
11/02/2023. BCM
940019:30BULGARIA The Overcomer with Bro Stair in EE religion close 19:39 29/01/2023 BC
942519:54NTH KOREA VOK (tent) fair in (presumed) KK with music 26/01/2023 KAB
945519:58SAIPAN RFA fair in CC 26/01/2023 KAB
954519:52ENGLAND BBC WS fair in Hausa 12/02/2023 BC
979019:52FRANCE RFI good in FF 22/01/2023 BC
9819.1U08:13BRAZIL R 9 de Julho (tent) poor in PP better on USB
28/01/2023 KAB
985008:09TAIWAN, SOH (tent) poor, v weak audio, in CC with no jamming from CNR1 28/01/2023 KAB
1161019:43JAPAN, NHK World good in JJ with orchestra playing "Greensleeves” - unusual!!!, 16/02/2023 KAB
1166019:47ASCENSION IS, BBC WS poor & noisy in Hausa
16/02/2023 KAB
1182019:27ROMANIA RRI good in Romanian 29/01/2023 BC
1188520:03VIETNAM VOV, excellent, GG, news 16/02/2023 KAB
1200520:07ENGLAND R Farda poor/noisy in Farsi, music
16/02/2023, KAB
1203020:10SPAIN, REE, excellent in SS 16/02/2023 KAB
1204020:14JAPAN, NHK World excellent in JJ 16/02/2023 KAB
1204020:49 JAPAN NHK World good in JJ 29/01/2023 BC
1205019:32USA WEWN EWTN Catholic Radio, SS 04/02/2023 BC
1207519:40BOTSWANA VOA good in FF 04/02/2023 BC
1209520:20ASCENSION IS, BBC WS poor in EE 16/02/2023 KAB
1518505:11INDIA AIR Bengaluru fair in Pashto 26/01/2023 BC
1528505:29SAUDI ARABIA R Saudi International good in Swahili
26/01/2023 BC
1535007:52TURKEY VOT good in Turkish 01/02/2023 BC
15476U19:01 ANTARCTICA LRA36 R Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel weak w/SS anncts, mx, confirmed via CE4KTM's KiwiSDR in Chile 01/02/2023. BCM
1572022:33NEW ZEALAND RNZI fair in EE w/cyclone news
13/02/2023 KAB
1577004:46USA R Liberty via WRMI good in RR 09/02/2023 BC
21580 08:04 FRANCE RFI excellent in FF w/African & FF pops, promo in FF for 'Premiere Edition' 07/02/2023 // 17850 & 13695 exc, 15300 vgd. BCM
BCBrian CarrChristchurch
using a PLZ-QRM eliminator, Airspy HF+, EWE antenna
BCMBryan ClarkMangawhai
using WinRadio G33DDC Excalibur Pro & AOR7030+, EWE directional antennas to North, Central & South America
KABKen BairdWainuiomata
Using a PL880, quarter wave multiwire(I-BRA-4), 10m wire, 4m vertical
331001:05BOLIVIA, Mosoj Chaski, poor 05/02/2023 MM
477501:03PERU, R Tarma poor in SS 05/02/2023 MM
488505:16BRAZIl, R Clube do Pará fair in PP 05/02/2023 MM
498505:12BRAZIL R Brasil Central poor in PP 05/02/2023 MM
490516:29TIBET, PSB Xizang in EE “Holy Tibet” 04/02/2023 MM
494005:10VENEZUELA or COLOMBIA, Unknown poor in SS w/songs and religious talk 05/02/2023 MM
496519:14ZAMBIA Voice of Hope Africa in EE 04/02/2023 MM
589506:50NORWAY Northern Star, Bergen, poor in EE, ID
12/02/2023 MM
5939.305:50BRAZIL Voz Missionaria fair in PP, religious songs and talks 05/02/2023 MM
597017:38DENMARK Radio 208, Hvidovre, fair w/rock songs, ID as “Radio 208” 04/02/2023 MM
599519:01MALI, R Mali good in FF, ID and program “Au Chant du Coq” 05/02/2023 MM
603018:03ETHIOPIA, R Oromiya poor in vernacular talks
04/02/2023 MM
605004:46ECUADOR, HCJB fair in SS, music 05/02/2023 MM
611505:27CONGO R Congo, poor in vernacular talks
05/02/2023 MM
611507:25JAPAN, R Nikkei 2 poor in JJ 05/02/2023 MM
617006:45BRAZIL R Saturno poor in PP 05/02/2023 MM
618007:59BRAZIL R Nacional da Amazonia fair in PP, “Brasil Rural” 04/02/2023 MM
618504:55MEXICO R Educación fair in SS 05/02/2023 MM
711004:55ETHIOPIA R Ethiopia fair in vernacular talk
05/02/2023 MM
7249.906:20NIGERIA Voice of Nigeria fair in vernacular talk
05/02/2023 MM
726006:55VANUATU R Vanuatu poor in EE & Bislama
12/02/2023 MM
9550.120:50BRAZIL R Boa Vontade poor in PP religious talks & music 04/02/2023 MM
9810.106:54BRAZIL R 9 de Julho poor in PP religious talks & songs 05/02/2023 MM
1172018:35FINLAND, SWR poor in Finnish w/songs & talks, ID 04/02/2023 MM
1175021:03BRAZIL Voz Missionaria fair in PP religious talk
04/02/2023 MM
1178021:00BRAZIL R Nacional da Amazoniafair in PP, Brazilian songs 04/02/2023 MM
1181521:02BRAZIL R Brasil Central fair in PP Brazilian songs
04/02/2023 MM also 20:00 11895
1208509:40MONGOLIA Voice of Mongolia poor in local language
05/02/2023 MM
1519019:33BRAZIL R Inconfidencia poor in PP w/live soccer commentary 04/02/2023 MM
15476U20:00ANTARCTICA, LRA 36 fair in SS ID as “Transmitiendo LRA 36” 04/02/2023 MM
2580009:10DENMARK WMR Marslet good w/songs in EE
05/02/2023 MM
MMManuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain
Tecsun S-8800, cable antenna, 8 meters
5085 01:52USA WTWW vgd in EE “Scriptures for America Worldwide” program, contact information.
19/02/2023 RDA
5960 23:19TURKEY VOT excellent in EE 02/02/2023 RDA
6050 01:06ECUADOR HCJB good in Quechua 03/02/2023 RDA
6070 00:41CANADA CFRX good in EE, “News Talk 10-10” IDs, traffic & weather reports, mentions of iHeart Radio
04/02/2023 RDA
6125 04:11TURKEY VOT listened from just before s/on 04:00 but nothing until transmission carrier popped on at 4:11 in EE, several station IDs at 04:22 in different languages 17/02/2023 RDA
6155 05:58AUSTRIA R Austria Int, at s/on in GG, multi-language IDs over Waltz music, closed 06;33 11/02/2023 RDA
7255 06:34NIGERIA VoN (tent) poor in unid language
18/02/2023 RDA
11750 00:36BRAZIL Voz Missionária poor in PP, several IDs
18/02/2023 RDA
11750 00:48CHINA CNR fair in CC over Voz Missionaria but slowly faded away 09/02/2023 RDA
11830 17:51VATICAN BBC WS relay fair in Oromo, EE language lesson, off 18:29 02/02/2023 RDA
13750 00:07THAILAND R Thailand fair w/EE news ID “Radio Thailand FM 88” 19/02/2023 RDA
RDARick D’Angelo, Wyomissing, PA 19610, U.S.A.
Ten-Tec RX-340, Drake R-8B, Eton E1, Eton E5, Alpha Delta DX Sloper, RF Systems Mini-Windom, Datong FL3, JPS ANC-4
with Lance Johnston, Christchurch
email hello@radiodx.com subject “Ladders”
Greetings from Christchurch as we head into 2023. Another quiet period for the Ladder column. I have been busy over the holiday period but unfortunately not with DX.
I look forward to seeing what you may have collected in June. Keep listening, keep smiling and good DX, Lance.
email hello@radiodx.com subject “Remote Listening”
There have been some interesting loggings this past month some of which have been real distance DX and some not quite so distant.
I was fortunate enough to be able to tune around on the Barry Davies Memorial Receiver (BDMR) located in Clashmore, Sutherland, Scotland when there was free access to it for a few days.
Stations such as VOCM 590 and CJYQ 930 both in St John’s Newfoundland and CBGY 750 Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland could still be heard after 1100 UTC, that is 11 am in Northern Scotland. Imagaine trying to hear anything other than a New Zealand station on mediumwave at 11 am here in New Zealand.
The not so distant DX has been the reception of low power emergency/advisory/ information stations which generally operate on frequencies in the higher end of the AM band such as 1580-1610-1640 and 1650 kHz. These low power stations generally use a power of 10 watts.
You’ll often come across these stations by checking these frequencies whenever you are tuned to any SDR located in the USA. Because of their low power they don’t have a large coverage area and will generally be situated in an area close to the receiver site.
Some recent ones heard have been NOAA Weather Radio Station
WPQJ971 in Boca Raton, Florida on 1650 kHz, Turnpike Highway Advisory Radio System, Deerfield, Florida on 1650 kHz, Loveland Information Radio WPPZ664, Loveland City, Colorado on 1610 kHz, See trail items in Bandwatch for more details.
Another highlight was the best ever reception of LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel on 15476 kHz USB.
The mailbag is somewhat empty this month but your Ed has managed to receive the following QSLs: A second QSL from Radio Carpathia 9670, this time a snail mail hard copy QSL to go with the previously received eQSL, Atlantic 2000 9670 and Radio Nordsee InternationalGoldrausch 9670.
All three QSLs for transmissions via Channel 292, Rohrbach-Waal, Germany.
Reports have gone out to: RNEI via WRMI 5010, Laser Hot Hits 6105, LRA36 15476 USB, KNR 650, VOCM 590, CBGY 750, WODT 1280, WFME 1560.
QSL from Radio Eldorado when it was operated as a Dutch pirate station.
It is now on 1467 KHz as a legal station. See bandwatch item.
QSL from Radio Nordsee International -Goldrausch on 9670 KHz.
1 = Twente SDR located at Enschede, Netherlands using a mini-whip antenna (PAR0DT design): 2 = Barry Davies Memorial Receiver located at Clashmore, Scotland using an unterminated beverage antenna bearing 342 degrees: 3 = Kiwi SDR located at Bjargtangar, Westfjords, Iceland using a 22 metre vertical mast antenna: 4 = W1NEJ’s Kiwi SDR located at Boca Raton, Florida, USA using a Welbrook ALA1530N active loop antenna: 5 = PA0EBC’s Kiwi SDR located at Groningen, Netherlands using a PA0NHC shielded active loop antenna: 6 = KF4RAL’s Kiwi SDR located at Richmond, Virginia, USA using a random length longwire antenna: 7 = N0EMP’s Kiwi SDR located in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA using a loop antenna on ground: 8 = NM7A’s Kiwi SDR located at Deer Habor, Washington, USA using a 200m unterminated beverage antenna @ 70 degrees: 9 = Kiwi SDR located at WestonSuper-Mare, England using a Top band dipole, Wellbrook loop & 28 MHz 5/8 th via a triplexer & 16 port multicoupler: 10 = PY2GN’s Kiwi SDR located at Pardinho, São Paulo, Brazil using a G5RV antenna.
590234140722CANADA: VOCM St John’s Newfoundland good with VOCM weather, Happy Valentine’s Day messages, cancellations due to storm 0731 VOCM news brought to you be Leonard’s Furniture 14/02 DL
650314310608GREENLAND: Kalaalit Nunaata Radioa (KNR) Qeqertarsuag (Godhavn) good in Greenlandic with songs in Greenlandic and English such as Ina Lange w/”Erligivakkot” and Julie w/”Make It Right” 08/02 DL
750233331037CANADA: CBGY Bonavista Bay, Newfoundland good in English (but with slight noise with CBC Radio One programming. Still audible at 1105 UTC 14/02 DL
1280410570850USA: WODT New Orleans, LA fair in English with Black Information Network (BON) programming. Some fading 14/02 DL
14671101122NETHERLANDS: Radio Twente Gold, Hengelo good in Dutch w/mix of pops and old oldies such as Bunny Berigan w/”Mahogany Hall Stomp”, station ids and jingles “Radio Twente Gold” 14/-2 DL
14675381113NETHERLANDS: Radio Eldorado, Walterswald good In Dutch oldies and id as “Dit is Radio Eldorado” 03/02 DL. Have previously verified Radio Eldorado when he was a Dutch pirate station (see his pirate QSL above.
148083331043USA: KMBS Vancouver, Washington fair in English with Many ads and promo for the Rev Al Sharpton Show 0300 full id then into the Rick Smiley Show 23/02 DL
156065220755USA: WFME Family Radio, West Orange NJ fair in English with gospel songs, full id at 0800 UTC then reading from Romans01/02 DL
161070610USA: WPPZ664 Loveland AM 1610, Loveland, Colorado fair-good in English with local Loveland advisory information such as library hours among many other things 3/02 DL
164040817USA: WPRF555 Turnpike Highway Advisory Radio, Deerfield, Florida. Fair in English with highway and Parking information 14/02 DL
165040757USA: WPQJ971 NOAA Weather Radio Station, BocaRaton, Florida. Good with extensive weather reportingRepeated over and over.
14.02 DL
5010611890102USA: Radio Northern Europe (RNEI) via WRMI, Okeechobee, Florida. Fair in English with programme of Scandinavian songs 12/02 DL
610590755ENGLAND: Laser Hot Hits, unknown location. Very Good in English with pops 0800 UTC promo for FSNnx, jingle “Laser Hot Hits” followed by Peter Baker theshaker maker and more pops 19/2 DL
630011104NETHERLANDS: Radio Johnny Tobacco (Dutch Pirate station) unknown location. Very good in Dutch and English with mix of pops and Schlager songs and ids. Played Vera Lynn “We’ll Meet Again” before s/off at1133 UTC. Johnny Tobacco is the same operator who also broadcasts as Radio Abu Dhabi usually also on 6300 kHz. 19/02 DL
154761039052316ARGENTINE ANTARCTICA: LRA36 Radio
usbNacional “Arcangel San Gabriel, Base de Ejercito Esperanza good in Spanish with frequent ids for LRA36 and RAE and Argentine songs. Frequency actually measured as 15475.97 kHz. Best ever heard 25/02 DL
NB: Reception distances are not given when the exact location of the transmitter is unknown.
DL = Dene Lynneberg, Pukerua Bay
QSL received from Atlantic 2000
International for reception on 9670 kHz
eQSL received from Radio Carpathia for reception on 9670 kHz.
Just to finish off, I’ll show you one of my better QSLs received from KMTH 920 kHz 250 watts on Midway Island.
Reception of this station was made during the 1970’s when I worked at the Quartz Hill Monitoring and Receiving Station at Makara, west of Karori, Wellington.
Well that wraps it up for another month. I look forward to your contributions next month. Meanwhile good dx on all those online receivers wherever they may be located.
with Arthur DeMaine, Ashburton
44171833NEW ZEALAND Bluff Fishermen’s Radio USB with weather reports for coastal lower South Island, fair, 18/2 ABD
66761725INDIA Mumbai volmet Male with met reports, weak, 29/1, ABD
87130702NEW ZEALAND Passage Guardian Radio ZMH292 speaking with a vessel off the coast of Chile, ZMH292 gave weather forecasts for area 6 and 7, good copy, I could just copy the vessel, 20/2, ABD
87431705THAILAND Bangkok volmet male with met reports, good, 27/1, ABD
89030908JAPAN Tokyo working an aircraft giving frequencies, secondary 4666, fair, 15/2, ABD
89031835PHILIPPINES Manila calling 228 after selcal tones, called several times. fair 16/2, ABD
437.8000001VKJ? Via International Space Station with voice
Followed by CW, poor to fair, 26/1, JS
ABDArthur De Maine – Ashburton: Receivers RSPdx, AirSpy HF+
Antenna MLA30+
JSJim Stewart – Auckland: Receivers Kenwood R-5000, Sangean
ATS-909 Uniden UBCT8 & UDC72XLT, Antennas Wellbrook
ALA1530 active magnetic loop, Diamond D130J discone.
email hello@radiodx.com subject “Utilities” radiodx.com
Not much happening here in the way of Dxing though I managed to get two West Coast whitebait net poles that screw together which means I can extent my active antenna another metre to 4.5 metres from 3.2 metres. Just a little top heavy so will have to watch the wind.
We are certainly glad we live in the South Island. Though the weather has been changeable here with a temperature of 33c the other day and this morning (25th) we awoke to 3C and a good coating of snow on Mt Hutt.
At this time we are thinking of all our members in the areas effected by floods and hope you all have not been too badly effected at your place.
Back of a QSL card for WxFax transmission on 4426 KHz May 2021.