Five Year Strategic Plan 2021-2025

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Five year STR ATEGIC PLAN 2021 – 2025



Introduction from the warden When we started the process of planning for the next strategic plan a year or so ago, we could not possibly have foreseen what 2020 would bring. Everything seemed to change: we had to adjust priorities, adapt to a new environment and meet the challenges that a global pandemic brought upon us. As with all organisations, the experience has been a formative one; we have been forced to develop new skills quickly, we have surprised ourselves as to what is possible in a digital age and we have been compelled to re-examine both motives and methods. It has been difficult – it goes without saying that it is not what we wanted – but it has been rewarding too; we have recognised afresh the value and strength of community and the creativity, talent and dedication of boys and staff alike. As we navigated the early months of remote learning and gradually our heads began to come above water again, so we returned to the strategic plan. Three things were striking. Firstly, the themes that we had developed as those that should underpin our thinking and planning for the next five years were not only relevant in the context of the new paradigm of a coronavirus world . . . they were all the more pertinent and all the more important. We had identified the importance of technology, recognising that Radley had to engage more effectively in preparing boys for a digital environment. We had committed ourselves to a more sustained and strategic focus on the importance of partnerships within a Radley education: sharing opportunities, broadening horizons and engaging socially and culturally. We wanted to reaffirm the importance of character within our educational philosophy; to nurture and develop resilient young men with a sense of compassion and service. We aimed to keep at the forefront of our approach a desire to see Radleians engage with the real issues of the day through effective, clear, critical thinking and a modern flexible curriculum, for them to be aware of the world around them and the challenges it faces. And, at the core of our strategy, we want to continue to expand the opportunities available for boys of all backgrounds to access a Radley education through our funded places scheme. All these are at the heart of what follows and, we believe, provide just the right structure in which to forge ahead in a post-pandemic world.



The second thing that struck me was that we have come a long way since 2015, when the last strategic plan was agreed. I look out of my office window and see L Social finished and the Chapel extension near completion. The College roll will rise to the planned 750 by September 2021, the largest in its history. The expansion has allowed us to broaden our approach in terms of intake without moving away from the traditional list. There is a greater diversity of background among the boys and we are proud of the fact that we now have just over 10% international boys from 27 different countries. We are more popular than ever with the Open Entry topping over 350 applications this year up from a little over 100 five years ago. We have built a new astro, a new strength and conditioning facility and a fully refitted and extended



science centre, including a brand new lecture theatre and observatory. We have opened a new Countryside Centre and expanded our staff housing provision. We have adjusted our curriculum, moving to a more flexible model in the Sixth Form with the addition of the new and innovative curriculum extension programme. Above all, we have been fortunate enough – through long-term financial planning, the ongoing work of The Foundation and the proceeds of land sales beginning to come to fruition – to begin to fulfil our vision of widening access to a Radley education to the point where 20% of fee income will be in the form of funded fee remission. In 2014-15 that figure was 3.6%. In 2020-21 it has already reached 8.3% and we have plans to increase year on year through the lifetime of this strategic plan.

“ We build on firm foundations. We carry on work already begun. And we prioritise those things we care about in a challenging and changing world.”

The third thing is what has sustained me most over the last year and is, I believe, the fundamental thing that should and will sustain us over the next five years and beyond. In the midst of change – at Radley and in the world at large – some things stay the same. The importance of a caring community. The values that underpin it. A dedicated and talented staff. Our commitment to a holistic education. The belief that what matters most is the sort of young man that emerges at age eighteen. The sense of privilege in the task of producing kind, compassionate, confident, thoughtful, responsible citizens. Whatever they do and wherever they do it. We embrace change and we welcome it; we do so confident of the base on which we build. I deliberately include ‘A Radley Education’ in

this booklet. It is what underpins the ambitious priorities for the next five years. Strategic Plans are but words on a paper. I hope, however, that as you take time to read them, a sense of vibrancy and vision is obvious. We look forward to being held to account as we seek to work within this framework; we will report annually to the community on our progress. We build on firm foundations. We carry on work already begun. And we prioritise those things we care about in a challenging and changing world.

“ The belief that what matters most is the sort of young man that emerges at age eighteen.”

John Moule, Warden



A R adley Educa is built on... • Values: A Christian ethos underpins what we are and do, emphasising humility, kindness, responsibility and duty. Chapel is at the heart of the school with the College community meeting daily together for worship and reflection.

• Aspiration: We unashamedly pursue excellence in all things. Boys are encouraged to better themselves, to be ambitious, to achieve their best: in and beyond the classroom, in mind, body and spirit.

• Independence: We are one community but we celebrate and encourage individuality. Each boy is treated as an individual and develops as one. Diversity of interest, personality, background, and beliefs matter.

• Community: We are a close-knit boarding community: everyone is expected to care for everyone else. We place great store by the strength of relationships: between boys and between boys and all staff. The welfare of all is our highest priority.

• Learning: We encourage intellectual curiosity and provide countless opportunities to explore, develop and discuss ideas. We want boys to love learning.

• Leadership: Boys should develop as leaders. Some will lead with natural authority, others more quietly. We expect all to have the confidence to be themselves, to stand up for what is right and to set an example to others.



ation • Partnership: We are not a school in isolation. We work together with parents in all we do. We seek partnerships at home and abroad to share good practice, broaden horizons and develop a balanced and global perspective for all boys. • Challenge: Boys must develop resilience and character: they must be stretched intellectually and physically, taking on new things, being exposed to risk and learning to fail as well as succeed, with grace and fortitude.

• Culture: Aesthetic appreciation is a fundamental part of a rounded education. Boys interact with art, literature, music and drama as part of their daily lives, learning to understand and engage with each. • Innovation: The school is committed to delivering education in the most effective way, harnessing the benefits of the latest innovations and research. We seek to lead the way in how and what we teach.

A Radley education is for life. We measure success not just by outcomes at the age of eighteen but, more importantly, by what Radleians go on to do and to be.

• Experience: Breadth of experience is crucial. Within and beyond the College, boys are able to involve themselves in a huge array of sports and activities; whilst each will find their niche and specialism, all will equally benefit from breadth. • Enjoyment: Above all things, education is to be enjoyed: not an indulgent and unambitious enjoyment but rather a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction that we have stretched ourselves and achieved success together.



R adley 2021-25 Through the lifetime of the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, we are committed to Radley remaining a single-sex full boarding school, with a strong Christian foundation reflected in the centrality of Chapel to our community. We remain wedded to the principle that education is about much more than measurable results – though they are important – and will continue to promote an all-round education in which intellectual stretch, sport, culture, conversation and fun are at the heart of what we are. Radley is about helping to shape the young men that the world needs: purposeful, tolerant, compassionate and kind.

Core aims Community Spirit We will, at all times, seek to instil a spirit of service and duty, where the desire to help others becomes a fundamental principle of every Radleian. We will model at all times the importance of kindness, collegiality, humility and gratitude, acknowledging the breadth and depth of contribution that all staff and boys make to Radley. We will model the importance of strong relationships, shared experience and mutual support.

Spiritual and Mental Health Pastoral care is central to all we do. We will, underpinned by our Christian ethos, strive to develop moral courage, confidence, and resilience in boys, qualities that are essential strengths in preparing them for the challenges they face in and beyond school. We will nurture boys through these crucial five years, teaching, modelling and encouraging them to develop their personalities and characters and preparing them to navigate the ethical landscape – covering the moral, emotional, environmental and technological – of the modern world.


Radley 2021-2025

EXCELLENCE We will continue to promote the value of aspiration and success at all levels and in all areas. We will be known as a school that promotes excellence academically, encouraging boys to explore ideas, develop intellectual passion and pursue learning for its own sake. We will seek the highest standards in sport, music, drama and art. We will continue to pursue excellence within the context of an ‘all-round’ education, confident in the belief that such an approach does not dilute but rather enhances the educational experience.

Preparation for the world beyond Radley We will enhance provision of careers awareness, advice and opportunity through a more effective use of the Radley for Life and Radley Connect networks. We will expose boys more to the world of work, such that they have the requisite skills to navigate life beyond Radley successfully. We will encourage them to think carefully about the next steps beyond Radley and help them not only to succeed in securing their chosen route but to be prepared well for it.

Radley 2021-2025


Creativity We will continue to insist on the centrality of creativity in a Radley education, promoting both involvement in and exposure to Art, Drama, Design Engineering, Music and Technology. We will emphasise the importance of a creative mind-set in a 21st Century world and ensure that boys have an appreciation of the aesthetic and a willingness to think and collaborate in an imaginative way.

We want Rad critical think creative, resilie

Awareness We will expect Radleians to care for and about their world. Radleians will be exposed to and interact with other experiences and cultures: locally, nationally and internationally. We will ensure through our partnerships, exchanges and speaker programme that Radleians become knowledgeable, imaginative, sensitive and engaged citizens. We will encourage them to develop a habit of commitment and service.


Radley 2021-2025

Critical Thinking We will continue to concentrate on developing, through and beyond the curriculum, an intellectually stimulating environment where boys are inspired to think critically for themselves, to develop their own opinions and to shape them through debate and reflection. We will expose them to different views and outlooks in order to develop and refine their perspectives and ideas. We will ensure they have a depth of knowledge and understanding to underpin their thinking.

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Resilience We will continue to insist that Radleians are exposed to physical and emotional challenge. We will expect them to learn the benefits of commitment, training, and stretching themselves outside their ‘comfort zones’. We will teach them the value of adaptability, the importance of teamwork, and the nature of leadership. We will encourage them to learn from setbacks, and to appreciate the benefits of victory and defeat.

Radley 2021-2025


We have four core pillars that provide a framework within which to think and plan strategically






Ensuring that the intake of boys reflects our values and aspirations, including the provision of opportunities for those that are talented and deserving from all backgrounds.

Ensuring that the school provides, and is known for providing, world-class teaching within world-class facilities in all aspects of its curriculum and wide education.

Taking seriously our place in the local community and recognising the value of effective collaboration and communication in all we do.

Giving all our boys the understanding, skills and awareness to contribute positively to a changing world.

Radley 2021-2025

How will we achieve this? Staffing: We will continue to invest in high quality staffing in all areas of College life. We will look to appoint from a wider variety of backgrounds in order to create a balance of outlook, experience and expertise. We will, in addition, continue to complement provision and enhance the breadth and diversity of the Common Room through an expansion of our Graduate Assistant programme. Curriculum change: We will continue to monitor the effectiveness of GCSEs and A Levels and seek to maximise value-added performance. We will invest in curriculum innovation, developing our curriculum extension programme and online learning opportunities. We will review our curriculum – both examined and non-examined – to ensure it meets the needs of the boys, emphasising the essential balance between knowledge and skills. We will ensure that the wider curriculum of the College is mapped effectively to establish the development of resilience and creativity. Technology: We will implement a new technology plan for the college, centred on the following themes: core infrastructure, digital competence and safety (of all boys and staff), online learning, innovation in teaching, and embracing the challenge of AI. We will develop a programme to educate and support the boys – and their parents – in effective self-regulation of the use of technology, encouraging evaluation, discernment and good judgement. Partnerships and Outreach: We will strengthen our links with external organisations, with an emphasis on sustained projects delivering measurable impact, with a particular focus on the local community. We will seek to ensure that our expertise in areas such as academic excellence and character education is well used and that we are ourselves open to new influences and ideas. We aim to develop specific programmes through Music, the Countryside Centre, the ‘Steps’ programmes, local sustainability projects and with our local and national partner schools and organisations. The goal of the programme will be both to develop skills, experience and awareness in our boys and serve the groups and communities we partner with.

Breadth of intake: We will continue to operate the ‘down at birth’ List system as the means by which approximately 60% of our entry secure their places at the school, tested and interviewed at 11+ to maintain the selective – but not ruthlessly selective – profile. We will continue to take great pride in the academic ‘added value’ of a Radley Education. The more competitive Open Entry and Scholarship processes (the other 40% or so) will continue to introduce greater diversity – ethnically and socio-economically – in our pupil body. Funded Places: The College is committed to significant year-on-year growth in funded places to ensure more boys of talent from all backgrounds can come to Radley. With the expansion of the College, the ongoing work of the Foundation, and the benefit of land sale receipts, we are able to increase financial support provision in accordance with our vision of moving over time to fee remission being the equivalent of 20% gross fee income. Communication: Through the website, effective partnership with parents, a greater emphasis on the role of the form master and extended use of social media, we will communicate more effectively and regularly with current parents and the whole Radley community. We will ensure consistent messaging through a more integrated and interactive communications approach alongside The Radleian Society. We will seek to ensure that Radley is a quietly powerful voice of influence in the local and national educational debate. Financial Planning: We are committed to maintaining Radley as a premier school offering a world class education. Investment strategy, judicious planning of budgeting and fees, and the fund-raising work of the Foundation will all be central levers in delivering the College strategy. Estates planning: Following the completion of L Social and the Chapel extension, we will continue to review and implement our ten-year development plan, to include the enhancement of music facilities, work on the security and integrity of the whole site, and the extension of catering facilities through the Shop. We will take our environmental obligations seriously as we plan, with a commitment to ongoing development of projects within the College that enhance our sustainability and to involving boys in that process.

We will continue to argue a positive case for what we do and be guided by the imperative to pursue excellence in all aspects of a Radley education. Whilst we will monitor and respond accordingly to the challenges the sector may face, we will also be committed to a proactive pursuit of new initiatives for their own sake.

Radley 2021-2025


The Fourth ‘P’

In the last strategic plan, we had three central elements around which to build our framework of thinking. People (who we educate); Place (how and where we educate) and Purpose (why we educate). As we approach the next five years, we want to add a fourth: Partnership. As the plan states, we take seriously our place in the local community and recognise the value of effective collaboration and communication in all we do. It is at the heart of our planning.

that they have as much to learn as they have to give – improve more rapidly themselves. It brings direct benefits to boys; through our partnerships we want them to become more self-aware, questioning and outward facing and, in the future, prepared and willing to make a positive contribution to wider society. As an educational charity, it is important that Radley is seen by our boys, staff, parents, ORs and the local community to be making a genuine contribution and commitment.

In one sense it is not new. We have always prided ourselves on a strong relationship with our parents and believe that an education can only be effective if the triangular set of relationships between parent, boy and school is strong in every direction. We have been closely involved in working with our partner school, Desborough, for the last ten years. We have partners at home and abroad: a thriving community action partnership programme locally, and a strong relationship with a school in Gehandu, Tanzania as well as exchange programmes in Paris, Barcelona and Ichinomiya, Japan. Boys have a remarkable track record in charity work; they have raised over £600,000 in the last five years for local, national and international causes.

We are excited about what is possible. Activity will come under one of seven headings – academic; sport; music; community; countryside centre; strategic partnerships and research – and we are committed to the measurement of real impact in each. We are looking to build sustained partnerships that are built on strong relationships, realistic goals, and mutual benefit. As with other aspects of the strategic plan, we will report regularly on progress. We will develop a social literacy programme for all boys as part of the core expectations of a Radley education.

In another sense it is an exciting new direction. We want our thinking to become more strategic, and for a number of reasons. Schools which share good ideas – in the belief


The Fourth ‘P’

People, Place, Partnership and Purpose. Four words to frame our Strategic Plan for 2021-25. Building on what Radley has always stood for. Building on the achievements of the last five years. Responding to the times we live in. Taking seriously our responsibilities. Preparing boys to be the young men that make a difference, whatever they do and wherever they go.

“We are looking to build sustained partnerships that are built on strong relationships, realistic goals, and mutual benefit.”

Partnership The Fourth ‘P’


Radley College Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 2HR

Telephone 01235 543 000

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