Programme 2022/23

We ask three things of you over the coming weeks:
Engage with those you are working alongside. Ask questions, be proactive, and listen. We hope that you will gain a larger personal meaning and will want to promote your work to others.
We are delighted that you have chosen to be part of the Community Partnership Programme.
Radley College’s role in the local community is longstanding, providing support and opportunity to children and adults at schools and local organisations. All collaborations have a mutual benefit, and over the years Radleians have developed skills through working alongside other people. Many have cited their community work as some of the most rewarding experiences during their years at Radley. The aim of this booklet is to present the different community partnership activities that we will support this year. Some of the partners are long standing, while others are new to the programme. The period of lockdown has presented a challenge to all our partners and the opportunity to work with them again and establish new relationships allows us to reconnect with our local community.
Commit to the project you are supporting. People are relying upon your support and we ask that you give your best.
Joanna De Ritter Head of Community Partnerships
Reflect upon your involvement. Consider your impact, how you might offer further support and what skills are you developing. The don in charge of your project will help guide your thinking, but do take some personal responsibility. Above all thank you from us and all those whose lives you will impact.
John Sparks Director of Partnerships

Wednesday 14th September Community workshops with visiting partners Wednesday 21st September Wednesday 28th September Wednesday 5th October Wednesday 12th October Half Term Wednesday 2nd November Wednesday 9th November Wednesday 16th November Wednesday 23rd November Wednesday 30th November Wednesday 7th December Lent Term Wednesday202211
Wednesday 7th September Planning and introduction to service
Timetable Michealmas Term 2022
th January Wednesday 18th January Wednesday 25th January Wednesday 1st February Wednesday 8th February Half Term Wednesday 22nd February Wednesday 1stMarch Wednesday 8th March
Mr Sparks Blackbird Leys 16 1:30 3:30 pm
Overview Peagasus and Orchard Meadow Primary Schools are located next to each other of the Blackbird Leys Estate, Oxford. It is amongst the 10% most deprived in terms of Education, Skills and Training. The two primary schools have different ‘blueprints’ but they have very similar key drivers and priorities for school improvement to ensure strong outcomes. A key area for the schools is around developing the children’s social capital and cultural capital. The school’s intent is to ensure pupils leave their primary schools understanding their role as active citizens, being able to contribute to the future of their local community, country and internationally.
Radley Support
The aim is to build a strong two way partnership between the Blackbird Leys Primaries and Radley College. This partnership will focus on building personal, social and cultural capital for both of the schools’ pupils. Radley College students will be involved in supporting activities which are both creative (photography, poetry, filming etc) and develop a sense of citizenship (debating, journalism, blogging etc). In addition, our students will work to develop opportunities for pupils to visit Radley College to further widen horizons and develop skills. Further information

Radley RadleiansSupporthave supported the village in a large number of way from gardening, litter picking, monitoring speed camera data and meeting with local residents. These activities will continue in a way that will best support the village. Boys will develop skills of working in a team, developing conversations with local residents and parish councillors and have a positive impact on community life.
Further information
Overview Radley is a parish of about 3000 inhabitants located by the River Thames on the north east edge of Abingdon about five miles south of Oxford. It is within the Hormer Ward served by the Vale of the White Horse District Council and Oxfordshire County Council. Radley is a place of great diversity of landscape and neighbourhood. There are areas of dense woodland in the north contrasting with open flood plain and gravel pits in the south. The old farmhouses and thatched cottages of Lower Radley contrast with the predominantly post war housing of the main village. The name Radley comes from two Old English words, read and leah. Leah means a clearing in a wood; read could mean either red or more likely reedy.
Dr Choroba Radley Village 12 1:30 3:30 pm

Overview Headway Oxfordshire helps to improve people’s lives post brain injury and ensure that families and carers are better able to cope within their caring role. Established in 1982, Headway Oxfordshire has over 30 years’ history of supporting those affected by acquired brain injury. They understand just how complex living with the condition can be and often how wide ranging the effects are. They provide individual initial assessments to tailor the support offered to meet each patients needs and aspirations. Their Activity and Rehabilitation Centre in Kennington offers a range of activities such as Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Arts and Music Therapy and more to enhance socialisation and promote rehabilitation back into everyday community life. Kennington 4 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support Radley students will support Headway Oxford by first learning about the importance of their work, and working with other members of the Headway team help to create a garden space for those who use the centre. In addition, working alongside the events manager, Radley students will look to plan a fundraising event to help raise awareness of the centre while providing funds to support the ongoing work. Further information
 Oxford 4 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support
Overview With a history spanning over 70 years, Oxfordshire Youth is the leading youth organisation for the youth sector in Oxfordshire. Young people need access to safe spaces and trusting relationships, where they can be themselves, make friends, develop new skills and make positive changes to their lives and their communities. Throughout history, youth organisations have provided vital opportunities for young people to express themselves freely, build confidence, strengthen their talents, develop new skills and raise aspirations. Oxfordshire Youth’s vision is for all young people to be empowered, feel respected and know that they are valued. We achieve this with, and through our local network of youth sector organisations, brought together through our merger with Oxfordshire Children’s Voluntary Youth Service (OCVYS), together reaching over 26,000 young people.
Oxfordshire Youth believe that informal education, youth work & non formal learning is essential to improving young people’s quality of life. Radley students will work each week at the company’s offices in Headington in planning community events and redesigning a new student centre. There is also the opportunity to be part of the Youth Committee VOICE, a network of young people from our member organisations, which informs and guides their work. Further

Radley Support
Further developing our collaboration with TOA, a group of Radley students will visit the school each Wednesday to work with students with particular learning barriers. Providing a time to hear students read, develop functional literacy, and offer support in other subjects. Each Radley volunteer will work with two students from TOA for six weeks. Support will be provided by TOA to help develop the skills necessary to deliver impactful support. Further information
Overview Over the past year we have built a relationship with both primary and secondary schools within the Blackbird Leys area of south east Oxford. The Oxford Academy (TOA) is the largest secondary in the region with over 1000 students from Yr 7 to Yr 13. The school is truly comprehensive offering an education to children of all abilities, both those who a highly able to those with particular SEND. We partner with TOA on a rowing programme held at Radley and are currently developing a primary school sports academy at between the two schools that supports both swimming and rowing accessibility.
Leys 8 1:30 3:30 pm

Radley Support Radley College students will support the class teacher in each of the three classes Thames (Yrs 6&5); Isis (Yrs 4&3) and Cherwell (Yrs 2&1). Every week the class teacher will communicate with each Radley student to highlight where support will be required maths, reading, classroom support etc. ensuring that the support is focus and impactful on the children within each class. Further information
Radley Village 6 1:30 3:30 pm
Overview Radley Primary School is across the road from Radley College. A relationship between our two schools has been long standing. At the primary school each child is valued and their individuality and achievements celebrated. All children regardless of differences in race, gender and faith are respected, and encouraged to become responsible global citizens. Children are encouraged to develop positive reflective attitudes that lead to high personal and academic standards. The school creates an atmosphere of openness, trust and respect which is encouraged between the children, their parents and the wider school community to foster good relationships and to the benefit of the children’s education. The school aims to create a stimulating, learning environment that nurtures curiosity, resilience, enthusiasm, awareness and industry.

Radley College 12 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support
Radley College students will support the development of new maths content for the EasyA maths platform. They will have the opportunity to visit schools to gain ideas on the type of content that is most beneficial, and develop skills as mentors to support Primary School KS1 and KS2 maths teaching.
Further information
Radley College has been working with EasyA for the past two years. It is a start up company run by two alumni from St Paul’s School, London. It has been a platform we have used to support partnership work at Broadway Academy using sixth form A level maths students at Radley as mentors to GCSE students. As we look to widen support into primary schools, there is an opportunity to build content, work with school teachers, and provide online support to younger children.

Radley Support
Miss Naylor Abingdon 10 1:30 3:30 pm
With lockdown restrictions being slowly relaxed, the opportunity to visit some of the homes will be possible again this year. Each week, where restrictions allow, boys will visit a different home to perform a prepared music concert. In cases where a visit is not possible, live performances and recordings will take place at Radley. This is a great opportunity for boys to meet with other people and raise awareness of care support across the county. At the same time, you will provide joy and entertainment to a wide number of people.
Music Concerts
Overview For over 10 years Radley College boys and staff have provided music concerts to local care homes within Abingdon and the surrounding area. Musicians from Radley have visited residents in their homes to perform a wide range of music. During the recent lockdown, boys and members of the College community recorded concerts which were distributed to 55 homes via Vimeo. The boys and staff have worked with the charity Moving Music to reach out to people with dementia and their carers many of them attended the weekly concerts. Last year two Saturday coffee concerts were also given for local care homes specialising in Alzheimer care.
 curricular/countryside centre
Countryside Centre
Radley Support
Those volunteering in this activity will be part of the developing programmes of collaboration with our local partners. It will involve the creation of necessary infrastructure and resources, development of activities, and leadership through delivering the programme with our partners. It is an exciting opportunity to be part of shaping this important part of our partnerships programme.
The Countryside Centre is a fabulous resource at Radley College both for our beagles and as a developing small scale working farm. It also provides a hub for the College’s develop sustainability project, with a focus on rewilding, sustaible energy generation, and land use management. It is a place where Radley boys can explore these issues, but increasingly a place where our local partners can work in collaboration.
Mr Herbert Radley College 4 1:30 3:30 pm
Further information

The Young Sports Leaders Programme looks to develop Radley boys into sports coaches who can specialise in a particular sport while provided multi sport activities to children of all ages. The programme works in collaboration with Active Oxfordshire and the Oxford Hub to understand the need for organise sport within our local communities and how to help fund raise to support the activities taking place. In addition, boys will work in two primary schools, Orchard Meadow and Pegasus School, developing their own coaching skills while helping to create a varied sport enrichment programme for children in KS1 and KS2.
Radley Support
Mr Bennett Blackbird Leys 16 1:30 3:30 pm
Young Sports Leaders
Each week YSL leaders will visit two primary schools, Orchard Meadow and Pegasus, both located on the Blackbird Leys estate. Working alongside trained PE staff, boys will develop skills of coaching and management. Boys will provide a role model to young children, developing excitement, expertise and character development through games and activities. The programme will lead into a sixth form YSL in which boys will focus on a sports specialism, support the Oxford games and help coach boys at Radley.

TBC Abingdon TBC 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support
Radley College students will support by providing maths support to Yr 5&6 children who are working at greater depth. This group of children have mastered the learning expected for their age and stage, and are therefore able to delve into the work in more detail. These ‘maths masterclasses’ will be planned for and build upon key aspects of the Key Stage 2 curriculum, helping children to reach the highest levels of achievement in their Standard Attainment Tests. Further information
Overview Rush Common Primary School prides itself on pupils feeling happy and safe in the school at all times Pupils love going to school which is reflected in parents overwhelming support for the school. It is an ambitious for its pupils, setting high standards for the quality of education provided The school nurtures each individual, looking to grow their talents and interests as they progress through the school, so they can truly ‘Dream, Aspire and Succeed’.

Mr Jewell Abingdon 3 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support Radley College students will work alongside the staff at The Kingfisher school to provide support and extension activities in both the classroom and in extra curricular activities. It is a hugely rewarding placement offering our students the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the needs of the children while developing news skills of to support and manage the activities taking place. Further information
Overview Kingfisher School is a place where everyone is valued to develop independence through an enriching curriculum which is worthwhile The school caters for young people who have severe, complex or profound needs, including autism aged 2 19. The school is organised into clusters that are designed to meet the particular needs of the children offering them learning programmes building on their individual strengths and celebrating their achievements. There is excellent partnership with the health and social care professionals who work alongside us in Kingfisher.

Radley Support
Mr Robinson Radley Village 4 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley College students will support the church through working in an around the church tending to the gardens and other maintenance jobs. It is a hugely rewarding volunteering role which ensures the church is accessible to the local community and remains a beautiful location within the village. Boys will develop skills of teamwork and developing conversation with church staff and local residents. Further information
Overview St James the Great church in Radley is part of the RSK benefice, a group of welcoming, inclusive churches committed to sharing God's love, flourishing as God's people, and extending God's hospitality into our community. The RSK consists of three Church of England churches serving the parishes of Radley, Sunningwell, and Kennington. It is the belief of the RSK that the church is a place of encounter where, with one another, we are transformed through being with God.

Overview St Mary & St Nicholas in Littlemore, Oxford, is a church with a heart for the community. Its vision is to be an inclusive, seven day church that embodies the love of God in the community. They share the vision with the founder of the church, John Henry Newman, who loved the people of Littlemore and provided them with the church and the school. Radley Support The group works in the churchyard of Littlemore Parish Church. The area acts as a haven of calm in an area with some deprivation, with the group looking to sweep the leaves in autumn, as well as deal with the wilder parts of the site. Recently, the vicar's husband has been trying to create a nature reserve, with beehives and suitable flowers to encourage wildlife. The activity would therefore appeal to boys interested in conservation work and the natural world, as well as those with a love of the outdoors and of physical labour. Further information
Dr Roques Littlemore 4 1:30 3:30 pm

Radley Support Radley College students have supported the Emmanuel school for a number of years. Afternoon’s are divided between playing chess with the children and working with grounds staff on outdoor projects. It is an excellent opportunity for Radley boys to engage with children and adults in fun activities that make a real Furtherdifference.information Littlemore 3 1:30 3:30 pm
Overview Emmanuel was started by five families who had a vision for learning rooted in the Christian faith. Their venture of faith led to the school starting in 1988, moving to Littlemore in 1996. Emmanuel is a school rooted in faith, hope and love, as our school song describes, and a school built by love, as our video explains. At its heart, Emmanuel is a school which knows that life’s best adventures are driven by creative curiosity. In the context of a supportive community rooted in faith, hope and love, the school encourages every child to find their unique gifts and develop them to the full. In the centre of the school stands a special boat whose story embodies this vision.

Radley College students will support Bill Homewood and his family by completing weekly jobs on the farm. Some of these will be working in the fields while others will be within and around the farm buildings and shop. Boys will learn how to work as part of a team, develop skills associated with farming and farm management, develop conversations with staff and customers, while continuing to maintain the important connection that Radley College has with its surrounding farm. Further information
Abingdon TBC 1:30 3:30 pm
Overview For nearly eighty years the Homewood family has been working the Peachcroft Farm on the fields surrounding the College. They farm arable crops, rear award winning turkey and geese, and support a number of shops in the farmyard. During the day, small flocks of free range turkeys and geese enjoy the freedom to roam in grassy paddocks and fields around the farm, and at night they are bedded down on their own fresh straw. It is a very much a community farm with residents from Radley, Kennington and Abingdon frequently visiting the farm site. In addition, small allotment plots are available for retired residents to grow flows and crops for their own use and donation to local care homes.
Radley Support

Radley Support Radley College students will support the class teachers across the school. Every week the class teacher will communicate where support will be required maths, reading, classroom support etc. ensuring that the support is focus and impactful on the children within each class. Further information
Overview St Swithun’s is a Church of England primary school, with a strong Christian ethos, which is summed up in three words Nurture, Grow, Flourish. At St Swithun’s children have a wide range of opportunities which help them to develop a lifelong love of learning. They have the highest aspirations for every one of their children, with each learner supported to achieve their unique potential. The school works in partnership with parents to nurture children and their learning, relationships and personal development. Together, they enable children to develop into the best ‘me’ they can be. Kennington 8 1:30 3:30 pm

Radley Support
Overview Kennington Pre School is situated in the Old School Buildings in the grounds of St Swithun’s Primary School. It is a long established pre school offering a secure and happy environment where each child is encouraged to learn through play in a child centred and stimulating environment. The dedicated staff have a variety of experience and qualifications and the majority are all parents themselves. There are a maximum of 32 children per session between the ages of 2 years to 5 years old. Kennington TBC 1:30 3:30 pm Pre-School
Radley College students will support the class teachers across the school. Every week the class teacher will communicate where support will be required maths, reading, classroom support etc. ensuring that the support is focused and impactful on the children within each class. Further information

TheOverviewBritish Heart Foundation fund over £100 million of research each year into all heart and circulatory diseases and the things that cause them. Heart diseases. Stroke. Vascular dementia. Diabetes. Volunteering is key to helping the charity raise over £130 million each year. Whether learning new skills, keeping busy or to simply meet new people, the British Heart Foundation have a range of roles available and measures in place to keep you safe. Volunteers are vital to help fund life saving research. Abingdon 2 1:30 3:30 pm
Radley Support Radley student will engage in a regular programme of supporting the British Heart Foundation charity shop in Abingdon. Each boy will be involved in working behind the scenes sorting and labelling donations, working the till and gaining an understanding of how the work of the shop supports the charity’s goals. Further information

Overview Thomas John Barnardo was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1845. As a young man he moved to London to train as a doctor. When he arrived, he was shocked to find children living in terrible conditions, with no access to education. His first step, in 1867, was to set up a ‘ragged school’ where children could get a free basic education. One evening a boy at the mission, Jim Jarvis, took Barnardo around the East End, showing him children sleeping on roofs and in gutters. What he saw affected him so deeply he decided to abandon his medical training and devote himself to helping children living in poverty. Today, Barnardo’s continues to support and protect children and young people facing a wide range of issues, from drug misuse to disability, from sexual abuse to domestic violence. Like their founder they believe that with the right help, children can change their lives and achieve their potential regardless of their circumstances, gender, race, disability or behaviour.
Further information
Radley Support Radley student will engage in a regular programme of supporting the Barnado’s charity shop on the Peachcroft Estate in Abingdon. Each boy will be involved in working behind the scenes sorting and labelling donations, working the till and gaining an understanding of how the work of the shop supports the charity’s goals.
Abingdon 2 1:30 3:30 pm