The R adley Foundation and Development report 2021 Introductions 2-3
Foundation Conversations
Giving to Radley
Sixth Form Funded Places
Development Director’s Report
Partnerships 15
Campaign - Chapel
Legacy Giving
Campaign - Silk Fund
Bursar's Report
Funds Update
Armed Forces Fund Impact
Thanking our supporters How you can support
18-21 22
Foreword from the Chairman of Trustees Many column inches have been devoted to the plight Covid-19 has forced upon charities, and you do not need me to regurgitate the salient points here. I would, however, like to extend the Trustees' thanks to Elisabeth Anderson and her team for the boundless energy and enthusiasm they have shown during these dark months. The Foundation could not be in safer hands. The success of the Foundation has been built through the generosity of many. It is not simply about the major donations, for which we are so grateful. It is about more than that. Elisabeth recently informed us that, over its life, the Foundation has raised over £700,000 from individual donations of £100 or less. This is enough to fund 17 years’ worth of education. The engagement of so many individuals with the Foundation has many benefits. One worthy of mention, which is by no means lost on me as Chairman, is the likelihood of someone supporting Radley again once they have made their first gift! Earlier this year I participated in a Zoom chat with Kacper Rutka and the Warden. Kacper was the beneficiary of a Foundation Funded Place at Radley. It was my first direct engagement with someone in receipt of a Foundation 2
bursary. The conversation left me in no doubt whatsoever as to the positive impact the Foundation can have on peoples’ lives. Kacper is a fabulous ambassador for the Funded Places scheme – please do watch the video if you haven’t had the chance (you will find the link on page 13). On the development front the Chapel extension is clearly the highlight. It has been fascinating to watch the progress from afar. Chapel has always played such a vital role within College and the fabulous works will cement the future, allowing Chapel to remain at the heart of Radley. Finally, on behalf of the Foundation Trustees, thank you to all of the donors. Radley aspires to be inclusive and without you this goal would be no more than a pipe dream.
Will Maydon (1968, B) Chairman of the Trustees, Radley Foundation
Adapting and advancing
It would be very easy to assume that the ‘Covid year’ had meant that the work of the Foundation took a back step as we were unable to meet in person and had the considerable task on our hands of ensuring educational continuity during lockdowns and beyond. Far from it. I am delighted to say that the Foundation was as busy as ever. For four main reasons, I think. One was the dynamism of the team under new leadership as Elisabeth Anderson joined as Director. She and the team adapted quickly to the challenges of virtual events and, like so many, we have learned different ways of working, often things that we will continue post-Covid. Connecting with donors past and present in new ways has been a joy. Secondly, we are in the middle of a campaign. We are acutely conscious that it has not been an easy time financially for many and that is all the more reason to be excited that so many still chose to donate to the ongoing Silk Fund and Chapel campaign. Particularly pleasing of late has been the number of first-time donors; hence the full list in this report. Those donations reflect the breadth and depth of loyalty to the College; we are very grateful. Thirdly, as we prepare – we hope – for life beyond Covid, we appreciate even more the importance of connections, place and people. The work of the Foundation, together with the Radleian Society, exists to build and develop those connections and it has been important to keep them alive and thriving. Now we look forward to reconnecting in person, at Radley, nationally and internationally. We look forward to seeing you again.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I am excited that the work of the Foundation remains at the heart of wider College strategic planning, ideas that existed before Covid but matter now more than before. Working in partnership to ensure opportunities are shared and experience broadened. Expanding our funded places scheme to allow more to access an education they cannot afford. Far from being a year to sit back, it has been a year to press on. The work of the Foundation is more important than ever. Thank you, therefore, for all you have done and are doing to help. Your support makes all the difference.
John Moule Warden
Giving to r adley Thanks to the generosity of the Radley community, we are delighted to have received £1.23 million in 2019/20, and £1.37 million in 2020/21. Every penny of this is used to improve the school for boys today and for future generations of Radleians.
Donors in 2019/20 & 2020/21
Staff 7%
Funding allocation for 2019/20 & 2020/21
Trusts & organisations 1%
Old Radleians 56%
Friends 11%
Other 6% Funded Places 41%
Trusteesʼ Discretion 20%
Parents 25%
Campus 33%
Funded places ensures talented boys who could not afford a Radley education can do so. Campus gifts go to improve the facilities and initiatives on offer for Radleians. Trustees’ Discretion is allocated according to the school’s greatest needs, as decided by the Foundation Trustees.
Number of donors to the Radley Foundation
We are immensely grateful to have had support from a greater number of donors than in previous years, with 372 donating in 2019/20 and 515 donating in 2020/21. Our sincere thanks go to everyone who has given to the Radley Foundation over the years and continues to support us now.
Regular donor
(regularly supported)
First time donor 42%
7% Loyal donor
(regularly supported for over 5 years)
371 313
(first gift in a while)
41% 183
Thank you especially to the 328 donors who made their first gift to Radley over these past two years: 113 in 2019/20, 199 in 2020/21.
2016/2017 4
A full list of donors in 2019/20 and 2020/21 can be found on pages 18-22.
Development Director’s report When speaking with the Senior Prefects recently, I described the work of the Foundation as ‘throwing a single stone into a pool of water.’ The power of one single action creates ripples that reach far beyond anything we can imagine, and even the smallest pebble will generate momentum in the water. Numbers, statistics and benchmarks are vital when reporting impact, but behind each number is one boy’s story – his dreams, his aspirations, his future. At the heart of what we strive for in the Foundation is to ensure that all boys who would thrive at Radley can benefit from a Radley education. Not simply the chance to achieve academic success, but the potential to gain the confidence for higher ambitions and the chance to transform. Our work is simply to remove the obstacles that prevent some boys from achieving this due to financial circumstances. After seven years of dedicated focus on Funded Places, we are now reaching exceptional boys who had never heard of Radley or imagined that a school such as ours would want them to join our community.
Through the generosity of donors, we are increasing our capacity to fully fund these boys, some who are already reaching positions of leadership within the College. They are also becoming ambassadors to help us reach even deeper within their communities through the Partnerships programme. I suspect that we have all felt the impact of isolation during the last 18 months, so it seems timely that as we enter our 175th anniversary this month, we are creating many ways for you to reconnect with Radley and with each other over the coming year. We will be hosting reunions, concerts, special fixtures and events and I encourage you all to consider purchasing ‘Untold Stories’ Radley’s anniversary book with wonderful stories and characters who are part of the fabric of our rich history. As we enter the final stages of the Silk Fund and Chapel campaign in this Michaelmas Term, I would like to thank the donors who have already contributed to these inspiring funds, and to encourage those who have not yet donated to consider making a gift now. Many thanks too go to the Trustees of the Radley Foundation and of the Radleian Society (Hong Kong) for their tremendous support. Finally, I would like to thank the Development Team for their hard work, resilience and innovation over the last year, and we all look forward to welcoming you back to Radley soon. Elisabeth Anderson Development Director
The Development Office team 5
chapel After months of effort put in by the Estates Bursary and contractors, the first phase of the Chapel extension and refurbishment is complete. Starting in 2019, the building has undergone a dramatic transformation, whilst ensuring the beauty of the original structure is preserved. Since then and throughout Covid, limited services have been held either in smaller groups, in marquees or outside. Boys and Dons alike are excited to hold the first whole school service in the completed building come September. The second phase, which sees the installation of the new organ (designed and constructed by Nicholson’s & Co of Malvern) will take place in October – however the organ will not be ready to play until March 2022 once the pipework has settled.
PERMANENT RECOGNITION All who donate any amount to the campaign – whether to the Chapel or Silk Fund – will be recognised on a permanent donor board outside Chapel in Covered Passage. This is to reflect the community spirit of supporting Radley which has been essential to this project. Some have chosen to recognise family names or remembered loved ones in memoriam. If you would like to speak to us regarding making a donation then please contact Henry Cosh on: 01235 548547 or via email hrc.cosh@radley.org.uk
THANK YOU Since the campaign launch in January 2020… • 279 donors to the Chapel project so far • 21 families recognised on a pew or stained glass • £928,000 received in gifts and pledges Carved detail of a Chapel pew. 66
‘Through wind, rain and snow, pandemic closures, large scale demolition and with a taskforce of specialist craftsmen and bespoke materials, the build has reached its conclusion and Chapel is ready to take back its place at the centre of school life.’ David Anderson, Estates Bursar
Thanks to the craftsmanship and generosity of Simon Frater (1975, F) the new Chapel will hold a beautiful silver paten. Simon has created a modern and elegant design, consisting of three hand forged nails, a stylised spear and the crown of thorns at the base.
A BOY’S PERSPECTIVE “For me, Chapel is a key cornerstone of life at Radley, and over the last two years I have found it strange not to have had a normal service. Being in G Social I have been able to see the building work progress, and it has been very exciting to see the Chapel get closer and closer to completion. Chapel has always been a lovely place to go after every day to be able to reflect and for the whole school to be together. I hope that this Radley tradition continues to uplift the spirit of the College and I know the new extension will help do this.” Fraser W (2017, G)
A unique look In May, Radley broadcast a preview of the Chapel as it neared completion, with tours and talks from the Warden, Estates Bursar, Chaplain and others.
Arrival of the new pews at Mansion on their way through to be placed in the completed Chapel.
To watch the Chapel Virtual Preview, please scan the QR code using your mobile phone camera or visit www.bit.ly/ RadleyChapelFund
the silk fund Founded by Warden Dennis Silk upon his retirement in 1991, the Silk Fund continues to be at the heart of the school’s Funded Places Programme. The fund provides school fee remission for talented boys who would otherwise be unable to come to Radley. The fund can currently provide awards for up to 7 Radleians at any one time. Following Dennis’s death in May 2019, a significant number of the community have rallied in support of the fund, growing the impact of Dennis’s already significant legacy on the school. All who donate to the campaign – whether to Chapel or the Silk Fund – will be recognised on the permanent donor board in Covered Passage.
THANK YOU Since the campaign launch in January 2020… • 277 donors to the Silk Fund • 81 first time givers to the Silk Fund • £439,000 received in gift and pledges
ADAM’S STORY: Fulfilling potential It is undoubtedly true that Radley offers an incredible education; I feel that it would be superfluous to talk to ORs and Silk Fund benefactors about this. Instead, I want to highlight how the Silk Fund has been a huge part of my life and emphasise the profound impact it can have. I joined Radley in 2011, slightly bewildered and apprehensive yet with a plan to make the most of the opportunity handed to me. Immediately prior to joining Radley, I was somewhat struggling with my academics, and didn’t perform well in my entrance exams. As a result, I started Radley in mostly bottom sets but found that I was in a supportive learning environment I had not encountered before. I was surrounded by dons who were committed to inspire me to find a passion for their subject 8
and were dedicated to realising my full potential. Throughout my five years, I was both challenged and stretched every day and I found that I was rewarded with hard work by slowly climbing up through the sets. This culminated in four straight A*s at A level; something only in my dreams 5 years earlier. An example of the dedication of the dons came early in my Radley career, when I was keen to study ancient Greek. Usually this opportunity was only open to students who previously studied Greek before Radley or were in Set 1 for Latin. Due to my background, I fell into neither of these brackets but still asked a don if it was possible. Instead of sticking to tradition, the don spent a year helping me to catch up with Set 1, with 1-1 lunch time sessions. By removing any barriers to my education, I was given the opportunity to thrive. Outside of the classroom, I used every spare moment to engage in a wide selection of sports and societies; this included cricket, football, golf, debating and CCF, with the drama and music department forming a large part of my Radley experience. As a Silk Award holder, I wanted to take every opportunity I could to attempt to reach my full potential, a sentiment shared by many other Silk Award holders too.
OLLY'S STORY: A lasting impact I still remember as a twelve or thirteen year old, going to Radley for the assessment day and being interviewed by both Dennis Silk and, the then Warden, Richard Morgan. My main memories of those interviews were a long discussion with Dennis Silk about the England Test team’s troubles in the aftermath of yet another heavy loss in an Ashes series; and then a subsequent discussion with Richard Morgan about expanding my horizons beyond sport in general. On arriving at Radley in autumn 1994, I was immediately struck by the amazing facilities that Radley had – sporting facilities as well as art, music, drama – Radley seemed to offer the opportunity for boys to thrive in whatever discipline they specialised in. Having been back to Radley many times over the last 20 years or so, I know that the facilities continue to improve on an annual basis. From an academic side of things, the quality of teaching was obviously very high and we were consistently challenged and encouraged to obtain the best results possible. My overriding memories from school though are of playing various sports and of the friendships I made whilst at Radley. I enjoyed three years in the cricket XI, which fortuitously coincided with a purple patch of Radley cricket under James Wesson and Andy Wagner.
I continued to play a lot of cricket after leaving Radley, mainly for the Rangers but also for the IZ – another club that had very strong links with Dennis Silk. I am now married with two young boys and I hope that they might follow in my footsteps by going to Radley as well.
On leaving Radley, I joined many fellow Radleians in attending Bristol University, where I read Classics; before moving to London to start a career in investment management. I am always struck by how often there is a Radley connection with both colleagues and clients (as Radleians or parents of Radleians).
I shall always be indebted to the Silk Award for making it possible for me to attend Radley. Having met Dennis Silk on a number of occasions and being aware of all that he achieved, it is an honour to be linked to him through this award.
I think the most invaluable aspect of Radley is that I was given the opportunity to pursue any career that I wanted to. My A Level results secured a place to read Chemistry at Durham. I graduated with a First and the Chemistry Award, then started my career in London as a trainee actuary within weeks of sitting my Chemistry Finals. Without the Silk Fund, this is not something I would have been able to do. This came from support within Radley as well as the incredible Radley network which never stops supporting ORs. Finally, all I have left to say is a thank you to all of those that have, and will, donate to the Silk Fund. I look back on my five years at Radley with the greatest fondness and it has definitely shaped and changed my life. Please know that those benefiting from the award truly appreciate the generosity and make the most out of this incredible opportunity provided.
Olly West (1994, G) Silk Award recipient
YOUR STORIES During October 2021 – the month of what would have been Dennis’s 90th birthday – we plan to share across the community memories of Dennis, his time as Warden and the impact he has made on so many lives. We invite you to answer this question: What did Dennis Silk mean to you? To get involved or find out more, please scan the QR code below or visit www.bit.ly/Silk-Memories
Adam Hargreaves (2011, H) Silk Award recipient
Funds Update Richard Morgan Award Founded by an OR in 2010 in honour of Richard Morgan (C Social Tutor 1969-1978; Warden 1991-2000), this award fully funds a boy’s entire Radley education, plus two preceding years at a prep school. Richard Morgan awards have already been given to two boys at Radley. Richard Morgan sadly died on 26th May 2021. We continue to accept donations to this vital fund in Richard’s memory and honour. A memorial service will take place at Radley on Wednesday 10th November 2021 - for details please contact the Development Office on radsoc@radley.org.uk.
The Hugo Rutland Memorial Fund Our special thanks go to the team of Radleians Bert Dreyer, Will Moss and Tom Pritchard (all 2016, G) who cycled the 215 miles from Chepstow to Holyhead over 5 days in August 2020 raising a fantastic £2,586 in support of the fund. The Hugo Rutland Memorial Fund exists to support Radley families who face sudden tragedy and financial difficulty, such as the death of a parent, and the fund stands at almost £900,000. The fund was founded in memory of Old Radleian and Radley parent Hugo Rutland (1974, B), who tragically died in 2005 and the fund has already supported a number of families in need.
Greater China Scholarship The Greater China Scholarship is a means-tested award for exceptionally talented boys from Mainland China and Hong Kong. The award covers up to 100% of fees, travel expenses, UK guardian fees and other vital extras. We are delighted to have had two Greater China Scholars at Radley and have just welcomed the third at the start of this term. This endowed fund was founded in 2016 thanks to the generosity of one Old Radleian. With the hugely generous support of the wider community, the fund stands at over £392,000. 10
Batten Fund Following the death of James Batten (Don 1954-1969; C Social Tutor 1964-1969) in 2021, a new initiative was founded to re-ignite the study of law at Radley, with the support of James’s children Charlie and Amanda. This will fund the appointment of a visiting graduate teaching assistant in law, who will lead boys through different aspects of legal study and support boys in holding debates and moots. The fund will also create a speaker programme, which can then be offered to students at partner schools. Thanks to the kindness of 19 Old Radleians and friends, we have raised just over £12,000. We look forward to implementing the programme in the new academic year.
Alan Rae Smith Old Radleian and Radley parent Alan Rae Smith (1973, H) tragically died in October 2020. In his memory, Alan’s friends and loved ones came together to establish the Alan Rae Smith Memorial Bursary. The community has together raised almost £135,000 in Alan’s memory to fund a talented boy who would otherwise be unable to come to Radley. A permanent memorial to Alan has been erected in the refurbished Chapel.
Hammond Appeal For the retirements of Harry (Don 1994 – 2020; G Social Tutor 1999 – 2010; Senior Master 2015-2020) and Vanessa Hammond (Registrar 2011-2020), the community came together to support the Funded Places programme in honour of their enormous contribution to Radley over 26 years. Thanks to the generosity of 16 Old Radleians and parents, we are delighted to have raised over £15,000 to support funded places in Harry and Vanessa’s name. From all in the community, we wish you many happy years in Norfolk!
More funds The Hamish Aird Foundation Award is for immediate use and supports means-tested bursaries for boys entering the Shell year. The fund is currently supporting three boys and £260,000 remains available in the fund. The Anthony Hudson Scholarship, to support ‘Renaissance Men’ as Huddy would have regarded them, is supporting one boy and £250,000 remains available. The Peter and Kewpie Stewart Fund raised £15,000 and continues to support Radley music.
The James Wesson Bursary Fund supports boys with a real passion for cricket, and the first boy has just completed his five years at Radley. £130,000 remains available. The Malcolm Robinson Memorial Fund supports two boys in 6.1 to attend William & Mary College in the USA each summer to study Early American History. The fund stands at £244,000, and we plan to be able to award up to three awards each year going forward. The Trustees’ Discretion funds the current needs of the College and has been used for immediate use mean-tested bursaries as well as boosting the endowment. 11
The Armed Forces Fund was set up in 2010 following the loss in Afghanistan of two Old Radleians, Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe MBE and Lieutenant Dougie Dalzell MC and following other ORs being wounded – notably Captain Harry Parker who was severely injured by an IED while serving in Helmand Province. This important fund provides financial support for the education of sons or daughters of Service men and women of all ranks killed or wounded while serving their country.
Seymour and Angela looking around Radley in the 2014 AFF Silver Ball film.
Through the wonderful generosity of donors, the fund stands at over £2.8m. This is currently enabling four children to benefit from an Armed Forces Fund Award, three girls at St Mary’s Calne and one boy at Radley. However, since its launch in 2010, the Fund has provided a total of seven means-tested bursary awards through Radley, Downe House and St Mary’s Calne. Three of these children have now finished their school career and moved on to the next stage of their lives.
One of these young people is Seymour Shaw. Seymour received a full AFF Award from a donor who requested it be made in memory of “Anthony and Liz Hudson”. He joined Radley as a Shell in 2016 after the tragic death of his father, Lieutenant Colonel Robert Shaw, who served in the first Gulf War, Kosovo and Iraq. Since then, Seymour has thrived at Radley, becoming an Academic Prefect in 2020, his final year. Seymour and his family kindly took part in a film for our Armed Forces Fund Silver Ball in 2014 (pictured left)– Seymour was just 11 years old at the time. Having completed his 6.2 year in July, Seymour and his mother, Angela, reflect on the last five years and the extraordinary impact this Funded Place has had on their lives.
foundation conversations During lockdown, the Warden and Foundation Office invited different members of the community to meet on Zoom to chat about Radley, the Foundation, Funded Places and its impact on their lives. From there, Foundation Conversations was created: a short series for people to meet, chat and better understand each other – all within the context of a passion for supporting Radley. Through candid conversations, we heard about their first impressions upon arriving at Radley, how a funded place transformed a young man’s life and what motivated these donors to give.
"It felt very daunting, but as soon as we came here it was like a shroud of kindness."
Scan the QR code below with your mobile phone camera to watch this moving and heart-warming conversation between Angela and Seymour Shaw, Development Director Elisabeth Anderson and Warden John Moule. Watch the videos by scanning the QR code below using your mobile phone camera or visit www.bit.ly/FoundationConversations
Alternatively go to www.bit.ly/RadleyAFF
Sixth Form Funded Places ALFRED'S TRANSFORMATIVE TWO YEARS Alfred Mawdsley joined Radley’s Sixth Form in September 2017 from a state school in Aylesbury having gained a means-tested bursary award. After a transformative two years at Radley, he is now taking a five-year Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws at the University of Sydney. Alfred's highlights at Radley: • Gained outstanding A levels of A*, A*, A • Academic Prefect and Vice-Captain of Bigside Rugby. • Member of the 3rd VIII that won a silver medal at the National Schools’ Regatta. • Awarded a Malcolm Robinson Memorial Fund Scholarship in 6.1 to attend a course in American History at William & Mary College, USA.
Alfred's parents reflect... 'Having watched Alfred, I have seen what an enormous difference the extensive opportunities and support from Radley have made to his life. It is said, the more you put in, the more you get out. Alfred went to Radley as a talented and promising young man. He took as many opportunities as he could to experience new adventures and to participate in new challenges and he flourished. He left Radley two years later more confident, more mature and more fulfilled, with three outstanding A levels, a whole host of academic and sporting ties and some great friends. Many thanks.' Theresa Mawdsley 'Alfred’s experiences at Radley – rugby in Treviso and Tignes, American History at William & Mary and the once in a lifetime Government & Politics trip to Washington, Philadelphia and New York – helped him to look beyond the normal boundaries that might otherwise have seemed possible. It has encouraged his sense of adventure, a belief that anything is possible, a confidence to have a go and an understanding that hard work pays off. I would never have expected one of my sons to go to university in Sydney, but it’s happened, and Radley and its benefactors have played a crucial part in that. The wonderful impact your donors’ generosity has had on Alfred – without the financial support we received Alfred simply would not have been able to come to Radley and wouldn’t have these brilliant memories.' Colin Mawdsley
"Ever since I have been at Radley, I have been struck by the impact boys new into the Sixth Form have had. They make Radley a more interesting and better place." John Moule, Warden
fundr aising
partnerships impact The year 2020/21 has been like no other, with much of our usual work within local communities, alongside access to our facilities, restricted by lockdown measures. However, the creativity and endeavour of our boys, staff and partners has enabled new opportunities and different ways to collaborate on a wide range of activities.
"Our son has been quite captivated by the experience of the STEPS programme. At the end of every session, he has a simmering enthusiasm to recount his lessons with us, and for that alone, the nurturing of academic interest, we are very grateful to you and the programme.” Parent of STEPS pupil
“Since the introduction of the online maths support at Broadway, the students involved have shown a more independent attitude towards their learning." Headteacher, Broadway Academy It has not always been easy. This year, perhaps more than ever, we have learnt from the flexibility and resilience of our partners. While the college site has been a quieter place, through online collaboration we have reached far beyond our gates - welcoming many more to a virtual Radley. There is a genuine sense of pride in the excellent work completed by so many during these challenging months. At the same time, we can do better to bring further opportunity to our boys, staff and communities. What is not in doubt is that we are stronger by working together. Our impact can be measured for those we work with and what it brings to our own students and staff. In measuring impact, we consider increasing access and opportunity, alongside the progress made by those involved. • 130 boys have been involved in weekly local community action projects • Recorded online music concerts for 55 local care homes • Over £140,000 has been raised for charities and organisations. We have engaged with over 30 primary schools and 10 secondary schools. The Radley STEPS programme, an academic enrichment programme for children in local primary schools, encouraged 7 children to apply for an academic scholarship award, of which 5 children were successful. • 10 years of the choristership programme, currently with 16 children from maintained schools • Over 2,500 views of online virtual music assemblies from 15 local schools • 60 maths students delivered more than 300 individual support sessions at partner schools John Sparks Director of Partnerships
Legacies – five key questions Legacies are often the most significant gift a person can make, and less than half (41%) of UK adults have written a will. Remembering a charity such as the Radley Foundation in your will can have a profound impact for generations. Legacies play a major part in developing many aspects of the school, and we are hugely grateful to 69 individuals whose bequests are already making a difference, plus the 92 individuals who have currently included Radley in their will. Here we explain five key points to consider when giving to Radley in your will.
WHY? Legacy gifts have played, and continue to play, an important role in the history of Radley. They have created bursaries, scholarships and have contributed to the environment in which the boys live and work. They allow a family name to become a part of Radley for generations.
WHAT? There are different types of gift you can leave in your will, including: • a percentage of your estate – this is a residuary bequest • a specific cash sum – known as a pecuniary bequest • personal possessions – a specific bequest All of these can also be left to provide for a loved one until their death, with the condition that it is then passed on to Radley. This is called a reversionary bequest.
WHO? We would of course expect a gift to Radley to be given after you have provided for your loved ones. If you leave 10% or more of your net taxable estate to registered charities such as the Radley Foundation, you can reduce your Inheritance Tax Bill from 40% to 36% - meaning you make more of a charitable impact without affecting the inheritance given to your heirs.
WHEN? You can include Radley any time you update your will using a codicil or when writing your will for the first time. It may be at a significant life moment – but you can do it whenever you like by speaking to your solicitor. If you are happy to do so, please let us know once you have remembered Radley in this way so that we can keep you updated with our plans and progress during your lifetime and extend our gratitude!
HOW? Speak to your solicitor about writing or updating your will to include a gift to Radley. Many solicitors offer free will writing or updates during ‘Free Wills Month’ for those aged over 55. The next is taking place in October 2021. To find out more, search online for ‘Free Wills Month’ or visit www.freewillsmonth.org.uk.
Patterns of Time In a school we think about time. The school timetable, the school term, the school year. A school generation - five years for Radley. And in thinking in this way, and the perpetuity of it all, we also get a feeling of history, of permanence, and a sense of slow and subtle change as the past morphs into the present and the future. Radley is about to celebrate 175 years since its founding. There is much to celebrate and reflect upon. But, for a Radleian, and something for us to be mindful of, the most important time is the five years they are at Radley. We want this to be the best possible five years for any Radleian at any time. But 175 years also gives us a sense of journey - where we have come from, where we are now, and the opportunity to chart a course on the journey into the next 175 years. Chunks of time are important - the five years while a Radley boy is here, and what may change in that time is a helpful planning cycle. In fact, we also look forward with a rolling ten-year financial projection to help chart our planned capital expenditure and monitor progress against it. We also look beyond ten years – for example, the College holds a modicum of debt (two bond issues, that took advantage of ultra-low long term interest rates) that helped fund development including of L Social and Chapel with repayment dates in 2052 and 2056. Planning for the repayment of this debt will help to prevent future generations being burdened.
At the same time, we must never lose the here and now, and how our actions can impact the current and each immediately succeeding generation of Radleians. Of how applying endowment income towards Funded Places, can contribute to better outcomes for Radley boys - not just award holders, but all Radleians. And of how our local community sees us in the responsible management of our land and our assets for the enrichment of all. So, to return to a theme, we act in the here and now. But we are ever conscious of what preceded us and the importance of balancing ongoing judicious management of our assets for every Radley generation while also steering the College towards growing and developing our wonderful inheritance into a legacy fit for future generations. What’s the longest chunk of time we should apply this to? Well, let’s start by thinking about the next 175 years, and the difference we can make if we get it right. Andrew Ashton Bursar
When we think about land, we even think much further ahead. The College has recently sold a parcel of land acquired in 1955 and is to sell one more acquired in the 1930s and 1940s. Between them these sales represent a minority portion of our land holdings and will help build our endowment fund. That we can do this is down to the wisdom of previous generations, and buying new land, as we do from time to time, always remains an option. Our surroundings are our context, and we must manage that carefully, and look at it through a lens that can see how things may unfold in generations ahead, including to maintain our idyllic rural setting and to stay true to Sewell’s original vision.
thanking our supporters The Trustees of the Radley Foundation, the Directors of the Radleian Society (Hong Kong), the members of Council, the Warden and all those in the Foundation team would like to offer their sincere thanks to the 787 donors who have contributed £2.44 million to our fundraising efforts during the past two years – 1 August 2019 until 31 July 2021. In the list of names below, donors’ names appear within the following groups: Old Radleians (listed by year of matriculation at the College); Parents (current and former); Honorary Members, members of the Common Room and Staff (current and former); and Friends of Radley College. Some donors’ names will appear more than once where they are constituents of more than one group. We have been careful to omit the names of the 66 donors who have indicated their wish to remain anonymous. We have deliberately avoided giving any indication of the amount of individual gifts to the Foundation, we are reminded that it is the accumulation of gifts of all sizes that enables us to fund specific projects and initiatives and we are grateful for every donation that we receive. Please advise us of any changes by contacting Elisabeth Anderson, Development Director: 01235 543151 or ehma.anderson@radley.org.uk Radley College is grateful for the generosity of all individuals who have contributed to the College throughout the generations since 1847, when the first donation was received from a well-wisher. The Radley Foundation was established in 2000 and the Radleian Society (Hong Kong) was established in 2016. Thank you to each of the donors, we are incredibly grateful for your continued interest in and generosity to support Radley.
The list of names is available in the printed edition of this report, please contact the Radley Foundation to request a copy
how you can support Everything you have read about in this publication was only made possible thanks to the generosity of members of the Radley community like yourself. Gifts of any amount really do make a difference. Regular gifts provide a reliable source of income and allow us to plan ahead. These can be made by standing order or direct debit on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis. One-off gifts can be designated to a particular project that interests you such as music or rowing. Special projects, such as the current Silk Fund and Chapel campaign, will have a specific focus for a limited time.
contact us To discuss any aspect of giving, please email the team at foundation@radley.org.uk or call us on: 01235 548547. Or visit www.bit.ly/RadleyFoundation A gift form is available on the reverse of the address sheet of this report.
Immediate use or endowment gifts for Funded Places both make a tremendous difference. We want to make an impact now but also have a sustainable income in the future.
Please consider supporting us by using one of the options below:
CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD Visit www.bit.ly/GiveToRadley or scan the QR code below using your mobile phone camera
BANK TRANSFER Account name: The Radley Foundation Account number: 63427176 Sort code: 60-01-01 BIC: NWBK GB 2L IBAN: GB81 NWBK 6001 0163 4271 76
SHARES Please contact us on the details above
Make payable to the Radley Foundation and post to: The Radley Foundation Radley College Abingdon OX14 2HR
Text ‘RADLEYFIVE’, ‘RADLEYTEN’ or ‘RADLEYTWENTY’ to 70085 to donate £5, £10 or £20
REGULAR GIFT Please contact us (details above) to set up a monthly, quarterly or annual gift by standing order
(Texts cost your selected donation amount plus one standard rate message. UK only)
NON-UK GIFTS If you are based in Hong Kong, USA, Canada, or Europe please contact us (details above) to make a tax efficient gift
Radley College Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 2HR - Telephone 01235 548547
www.radley.org.uk - foundation@radley.org.uk Reg Charity number: 272671