Issue 34, February 2017
timeless values in a changing world The Admissions Department received an email recently, following an offer of a sixth form place to a boy for 2017. It included the following quotation: I cannot tell you how excited I am. I will do my best to meet all of the expectations. I am willing to work all day and all night to get from this two year journey as much as I possibly can. I am going to wear the school uniform with pride and I hope I will contribute to the school. It struck me as I read it that it was as good a summary of what we hope to achieve when we offer a scholarship and bursary as any amount of strategic documentation or vision event planning could achieve. A talented boy is excited about coming; he knows that the College expects him to rise to the challenge and contribute to the life of the school. There is a sense of purpose and ambition, as he recognises the opportunities that will come from the experience. There is an understanding of the special loyalty that the place engenders and the importance of it. And there is a healthy dose of humility, a value that we cherish. We hope that he will look back on the two years as transformational . . . we hope too that we will look back on his time with us and see how much he brought to others as he benefited from a Radley education. But what is the Radley that so inspired the boy – and many others – to apply and, from just two visits, had such an impact? I suspect that it was the warm and friendly nature of the welcome, the enthusiasm and dedication shown by the Dons that he met, the evident pride in the school that all display, staff and boys alike. It will have been the outstanding facilities, yes, but it will have been much more than that: it is what happens daily in Chapel as much as the building; it is the cultural buzz in the Coffee Shop as
much as the impressive modern structure; it is the obvious community feel in the Socials as much as the quality of the provision; it is the breadth and depth of activities on offer rather than the occasional headline. And he might well have picked up on the thing that always astonishes me about the place: the loyalty that it generates, and the overwhelming sense that the College turns out decent young men who achieve what they should but with a quiet, understated modesty. In launching an extensive expansion of scholarships and bursaries, and in opening up to a few more international students, we want to allow boys of talent from all backgrounds to be able to come to Radley. If a boy who we think will make a fine Radleian and bring real value to the school is sitting in my study being interviewed, I would hope that, as far as possible, it would not be money that got in the way of him coming. And, whilst we would love to think that the decision would bring great benefit to that boy, the priority is the school as a whole: a community enriched, not altered. As an international boy applies to Radley, they do so anxious to make the most of what is the very best traditional boarding education, so we must not change that: again, we must simply enrich it, ensuring that the Radley of now does what it always has done: prepares boys thoroughly to be the very best citizens in the world of their day. Herein lies the challenge. It would be easy to talk about continuity and change and for it to come across as a feeble attempt to ‘spin’ both sides. We reassure the traditionalist that the Radley they know and love will survive; we woo the more radically minded with a sense of dynamism and purpose about a new approach. But for me it is much more fundamental. I passionately believe in the importance of
both: indeed, it is the very essence of the project we have embarked on for the next few years. Standing still is never an option, especially in a world that is changing: politically, socially, ideologically, culturally. But neither is revolution: we must be cautious about the pace, extent and hidden consequences of change. Someone involved in the process of selecting me as Warden told me that a member of Council had described me as a ‘radical traditionalist’ . . . I took that as a compliment. Passionately defending what it is that we love about Radley, we look for ways to ensure that it remains a great school for generations to come. As we look back on our Vision event held in London in October – and we are hugely grateful to all those who attended and for the overwhelmingly positive reaction of all we have talked to – we now think about how to deliver the ambitions that we articulated. It will take time; it should. It needs to be done carefully; it will be. There needs to be ongoing conversation with the whole Radley community as we think about People, Place and Purpose: who we educate, how we educate and why we educate. As that new Radleian arrives in 6.1 in 2017, I hope that his dreams are fulfilled over the two years he is with us. As his successors arrive at Radley in 2027, I hope they have exactly the same experience both before and after they arrive. And as the Radleian of – let’s say 1967 – comes to look at the College over the coming years, I hope he has two reactions: he recognises the school he remembers so fondly and is warmly reassured by the fact . . . and he sees a dynamic, innovative, vibrant education being offered in the context of the 21st century. Timeless values in a changing world. John Moule Warden
The Warden speaking at the Vision event in London in October
Sean Henry – page 10
Charlie Mackesy – page 12
Hamish Mackie – page 14
Charlie Langton – page 16
Sport – pages 19-20
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET our vision for r adley What appears in these next three pages is taken from the document that summarises what was said by the Warden and others on October 17th. If you would like your own copy of that document please contact the Foundation Office at or on 01235 548543.
building on the past and present...
looking to the future
Radley has always inspired boys to become outstanding young men.
We have identified three strategic pillars around which our efforts will be focused in the future:
We believe that every Radleian should have the qualities and character to create a profound and lasting impact on those around them and on the world in which they live.
Radley understands that it is the values that underpin its education, the strength of character that it develops in each boy, and the way in which it helps them embrace new challenges, that determine the quality of the young men it produces. It is not enough to pursue success; it is the way in which success, however it is defined, is sought and exercised that defines greatness.
We want the College to be a place of real diversity, seeking out and attracting boys who possess the qualities to make the most of themselves and help transform the lives of those around them.
Radley has always believed that it is boys who find personal happiness, who understand themselves and others and who quietly but assuredly do the right thing for the right reasons, that will make the most of life. These inner qualities – of strength and humility; leadership and collaboration; adaptability and resolve – are not just the preserve of future captains of industry, world leaders, the famous or the uniquely gifted. These qualities should apply as much to the commonplace as to the extraordinary.
We make no apology for wishing to attract the most talented boys to Radley. This is not just about individual talent – it is about the transformation that such talent can bring to others, in College and beyond. It is not about specific talent: we are interested in all boys who will bring something special to the College.
Radleians must develop these qualities and take them forward into a changing world. Global opportunities are bigger and bolder than anything previous generations could have imagined: bringing diverse ideas and people together; breaking down geographic, political, social, economic and cultural boundaries. Even between the start of a boy’s time at Radley and when he leaves, the world will look and be a very different place.
Facilitated through a substantial fund for bursaries, we want to be able to attract boys from any background: those who can afford full fees, partial fees or no fees at all.
Our ambitious programme is designed to attract and enable the brightest and best to study here and play an active part in all aspects of Radley life.
This is not just about providing life chances to those with talent and strong character who otherwise would not come to Radley, although that in itself is reason enough. It is about creating an environment where boys inspire boys, where excellence creates excellence.
In such a world, we want Radleians to become the great global citizens that the world needs.
Radleians are always defined by their inner strength and generous spirit. During their time with us, we seek to cultivate in Radleians the characteristics and qualities needed to succeed in life as globally competent and confident citizens. We will nurture in boys the ability to Understand, to Communicate, to Collaborate, to Adapt, to Serve and to Lead.
“radley instilled in rupe many disciplines: an acute awareness of others, compassion, humility as well as independence, leadership and a belief in himself. in his later life as a military man he turned to these qualities again and again and, ultimately, his strong, quiet sense of faith, which now gives me some peace. that is what rupe and i thank radley for.”
“our objective is to make a radley education available to all, for the benefit of all.” mike hodgson chairman of council
sally thorneloe
Lt Col Rupert Thorneloe, MBE (at Radley 1983-1987) died in Helmand Province, Afghanistan, 1st July 2009. 2
We want to increase significantly the scale of opportunity we are able to provide the boys: Delivering a world-class education in world-class facilities.
We want to instil in Radleians the values, moral courage and inner strength to connect effectively within the modern world – not merely to succeed, but to make things better for those around them.
We will continue to invest fully in resources and facilities that enable us to meet the needs of a modern world. We want to create an environment where boys can thrive, both intellectually and personally – a place to prepare boys for all the challenges and opportunities they will encounter in life.
Our aim is to help boys find their purpose in life – to engender a greater understanding of themselves and the world around them. At the heart of College and of College life, Chapel will continue to remind us of a world beyond the material, providing a daily opportunity to meet together as a community and reflect on what matters most. And as we reflect, we must also look beyond our gates.
Our teaching is excellent and we are rightly proud of an outstanding Common Room and the pastoral care we offer. But there are new ideas, more subjects and developing technologies, which we must embrace. We will stimulate intellectual passion and genuine interest. Education is about more than imparting knowledge – it is about inspiration, provoking thought, training mind and body, and drawing out the best inner qualities.
By teaching the boys communication and linguistic skills, cultural sensitivity, emotional intelligence and the skills of argument, they will have the strength of informed opinion needed to operate in a global economy. Education at Radley must fully assume its role in helping people to shape a more peaceful and tolerant society in the context of economic, cultural and political turmoil.
We will expand our use of in-residence provocateurs, with artists, poets and lecturers acting as vital disruptors of thought and action, challenging boys to think beyond the safe and conventional, stepping outside their comfort zones. We will develop more academic engagement with the world outside the College: cooperation with Oxford and other universities; interaction with other schools. We will encourage innovation and the use of technology in and beyond the classroom.
Personal Understanding: Radleians should understand themselves and what they can contribute. We must equip all our boys with the values, skills, understanding and global awareness to contribute positively to a changing world. People who quietly but assuredly do the right thing – on every occasion, in every place, and in the most challenging circumstances. People who embody the unique qualities of a Radley education. People who will become the global citizens of the future.
Classrooms and departments must be innovative and inspiring. Socials must be comfortable and conducive to the very best pastoral care. Sportsmen of all abilities must have the space and equipment to develop and thrive. Musicians, artists and thespians must have the environment to explore and express their creativity.
Global Understanding: Radleians should be able to reach out to the world. We must cultivate boys’ worldly knowledge, understanding and skills for critical thinking and leadership. By promoting a broader and deeper understanding of life, people and cultures, we will create greater global connections and opportunities for the boys to experience the world – to be worldly in the truest sense.
“we wish to surround the boys with an atmosphere breathing greatness and goodness.”
“we must be good sons, brothers, husbands, servants, masters.”
robert singleton first warden
william sewell founder of the college
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET achieving our ambitions
Yet our ambition goes far beyond this. We want to enable 20% of the College (up to 150 boys) to get the financial help they need. These boys – and the talents, passions and perspectives that they bring – will come from diverse backgrounds: •
We are inspired by Sewell’s founding vision for Radley that “every tenth boy should receive his education free” – supporting boys from much lessadvantaged backgrounds.
We also want to help deserving boys from families who once might have afforded a private education but no longer can – boys from what is frequently called the ‘squeezed middle’ of society.
Crucially, the bursaries we provide will not only transform the lives of the boys who receive them. Indirectly, their presence, character and talents will change the lives of everyone they meet and engage with, both in College and beyond.
the funding we need
The Radley Community – boys, staff, parents, old Radleians, friends of the College – must work together to realise our vision. Vital to this is the mission of the Radley Foundation.
With life-changing bursaries at the heart of that mission, we need to generate substantial new funds to invest in our three strategic pillars: People, Place and Purpose.
The Radley Foundation exists to galvanise engagement and support from across the global Radley community. Since its creation in 2000, and through the extraordinary generosity of its donors, the Foundation has played a vital role in supporting the College and creating life-changing educational opportunities. Now it seeks to enable Radley to make the transformational change required to realise our vision.
The challenge is significant: we look to invest an additional £3 million a year. This must come from a variety of sources – but fundraising will play a central part. Our immediate goal is to raise a minimum of £10 million in charitable donations over the next five years.
We want to increase significantly the scale of opportunity we are able to provide for boys to benefit from a Radley education. With the growing generosity and recent support of donors to the Radley Foundation, in 2015–2016 50 boys received the bursarial help that enabled them to come to and remain at Radley.
Through immediate spending and the accumulation of a long-term endowment, we can ensure that our investment will be an enduring feature of Radley for generations to come.
Inspiring Generations – Art at Radley Past & Present Left: Established Old Radleian artists Sean Henry, Hamish Mackie, Pete Hawkins, Charlie Langton, and Harry Parker exhibited alongside works from all the 2016/2017 Radley Shells at the D Contemporary Gallery in London. The Private View, photographed through the window of the Gallery, was in support of The Radley Foundation and The Armed Forces Fund. Below: some of the art on display
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET From the Foundation Director: £1.3m raised, 50 boys assisted ... and an important retirement The Armed Forces Fund: Set up in 2011 following the loss of two Old Radleians, Lt Col Rupert Thorneloe MBE and Lt Dougie Dalzell MC, the AFF (in partnership with Downe House and St Mary’s, Calne) helps fund the education of sons and daughters of servicemen and servicewomen of all ranks killed or wounded while serving their country.
The last year – my first full year at Radley – has flown by, faster than I could have imagined. The event in London in October at which the Warden articulated our Vision for the College was an important point of focus (with considerable time spent in its planning) and we were thrilled that so many members of the Radley community were able to join us. For those who weren’t able to, we would urge you to watch the film of the evening and the short films that were shown during it at
The Hugo Rutland Memorial Fund: Created in 2005 after the tragic death of Hugo Rutland (OR, 1974, B) in a drowning accident while on holiday with his family. The fund provides financial support for current Radley parents finding themselves in unexpected financial difficulties.
Lusimus provides a perfect opportunity to reflect on the quite extraordinary generosity of Old Radleians, Parents and other friends of the College who between them contributed over £1.3 million in the last year towards our Foundation’s fundraising efforts. Through your individual and collective support, we have been able to increase the number of boys who benefit from much-needed financial assistance to 50. These are boys who, as the Warden articulates, not only benefit from a life-changing experience themselves, but whose presence at Radley and contribution to the life of the place impacts positively on every one of us at the College.
There are so many ways in which you can help us, and we would be thrilled to hear from you. If you would like to do so, or would simply like to find out more about the valuable work of the Foundation, please do get in touch with me – either at or on 01235 543151. There is one final, significant piece of news I wanted to pass on to you: he is much too modest to use the pages of this publication, which he has edited wonderfully since 2006, to tell you – but Jock Mullard will be retiring after the publication of this year’s Old Radleian magazine in October. It will be a jolt to the very close-knit Foundation and Radleian Society team, but I know already how much all of us will miss his hard work, his knowledge and insight into Radley over the last 50 years or so, his good humour and his utter dedication to the College. We will be hatching a plan to celebrate Jock’s contribution to Radley over the weeks and months to come and will be sure to let you know!
For the Foundation office 2017 will be no less busy. In the Spring, we will be publishing our first Radley Foundation Report for nearly ten years: it will highlight the work and goals of the Foundation, the enormously positive impact that recent donations have had, our future goals and purposes, and it will give us the opportunity to thank all those who have so generously given us their support. Later in the year, we plan to launch a community-wide appeal, asking for your partnership and support for the Foundation – for whichever specific purpose and at whatever level you may be able to provide it.
To close – and on behalf of the Trustees and everyone involved with the Radley Foundation – I want to thank again all of you who have started or continued to give us your partnership and support this year. At whatever level you have been able to help, we are deeply indebted to you. Thank you. Colin Dudgeon
There will be two new initiatives honouring and recognising the remarkable contribution made by two icons of the Radley firmament – Anthony Hudson (‘Huddy’ to so many of those who knew him) and Hamish Aird (who, after fifty years at Radley, retired in July – but is still very much with us!). More details on both of these will follow in due course. These will build upon the funds that the Foundation already seeks support for: The Silk Fund: Established in 1991 to honour Dennis Silk’s outstanding contribution to Radley, The Silk Fund is a capital fund used to provide bursary support to talented allrounders from families who would otherwise be unable to afford the fees. The Richard Morgan Award: An ‘immediate use’ bursary fund set-up to provide means-tested bursaries for talented boys to come to Radley. Named ‘The Richard Morgan Award’ by an OR donor who wanted to pay tribute to Richard Morgan’s achievements at Radley. The James Wesson Bursary Fund: Established last year, in memory of the muchloved former Tutor of A Social and Master in Charge of Cricket, the JWBF creates opportunities for deserving boys to come to Radley, especially those with a talent and passion for cricket.
Colin Dudgeon, Foundation Director
Jock Mullard, Editor
The Go-Between for the Armed Forces Fund
On Tuesday 27th September a special performance of the ‘The Go-Between’, starring Michael Crawford, took place at the Apollo Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, in aid of the Armed Forces Fund. The producers agreed, very kindly, to donate a percentage of the ticket price to the Armed Forces Fund. Above: Michael Crawford with some of the servicemen who attended the performance. We are extremely grateful to St Mary’s, Calne, who initiated this occasion. In partnership with St Mary’s and Downe House, the Armed Forces Fund provides life-changing opportunities for the children of servicemen and servicewoman who have been killed or injured whilst on active duty, to benefit from an education at one of our schools. 5
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards – Tom Stables (2007)
Tom’s picture from the Meru National Park in Kenya was highly commended in the 2016 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards. To see more of his wildlife images go to:
Charles Stevens & Will Hsu (2010) cycled 10,000 km from Beijing to Tehran
The route Charles Stevens and Will Hsu completed their epic Silk Road ride in aid of A Child Unheard, which works to improve the
Will and Charles with the Volunteer of the Year Award from Cycling UK lives of children in Africa through education, sports and arts. See:
Charles & Will started the 10,000km ride in May, which took them from Beijing to Tehran. The pair experienced 6
temperatures ranging from 45°C to -10°C and climbed from sea level to 4,600 metres during their 114 day ride.
Their adventure ended in September and raised more than £30,000 for A Child Unheard.
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Major John Thorneloe unveils a tribute to his son Rupert
Lieutenant Colonel Rupert Thorneloe (Radley 1983 to 1987 in E Social) died in Helmand Province, Afghanistan on 1st July 2009
Above: Major John Thorneloe unveils the board in honour of his son, Rupert, at the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum in Woodstock in November.
Left: Lieutenant Colonel Guy Stone of the Welsh Guards, who served with Rupert Thorneloe, speaks about Rupert.
Right: The board, part of the ‘Modern Conflict’ display in the museum.
The Radleian Society together with Cothill supported the production of the board. 7
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET David Pountney (1961) – The Nose at the Royal Opera House
Henry McPherson (2008) Commission from Scottish Opera
The Nose, Shostakovich’s first opera, based on short story by Gogol with a new translation by David Pountney, was performed at the Royal Opera House in October and November 2016.
Henry McPherson at Loch Lomond
Nigel Odling (1971) – The Clipper Race
Henry has secured a commission from Scottish Opera to write a short opera for Scottish Opera’s youth company, Connect, to celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2018. The competition to commission three new short operas was
open to those aged 26 and under who are Scottish or based in Scotland. Henry is writing both music and libretto, as he did in his opera sketch Uhte, the BBC collaboration which was screened in Glasgow in May.
Sir Nicholas Jackson (1948) The Rose and the Ring Nimbus in March.
In October Nigel Odling gave a very exciting talk about his experiences along the first three legs of the 2015 Clipper
Round the World Race: London to Rio, Rio to Cape Town and Cape Town to Albany in Australia.
Despite the hardship and many setbacks, the crew of amateur sailors rose to the challenges and made their trip into the experience of a lifetime.
Jamie Laing (2002)
The CD of Sir Nicholas Jackson’s new opera, The Rose and the Ring, will be released by
Opera Today: The result is an opera whose action and music are fresh, piquant, splendidly absorbing and charmingly wrongfooting; and, which retains the oxymoronic blend of innocence and sophistication which characterises Thackeray’s original...
Radley Art in 1977
Jamie Laing, entrepreneur (Candy Kittens gourmet sweets) and star of Made in Chelsea, interviewed Pamela Anderson and other celebrities in In Bed with Jamie, a Boxing Day special on E4. 8
In December Modern Art Oxford showed a series of films about art teaching in four Oxfordshire schools. One of the featured schools was Radley with Charlie Mussett who ran
the Art Department with huge distinction between 1964 and 1987. The documentary was made by Darcy Lange, a New Zealander, in 1977.
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Stephen Clarke, Precentor 2002-2016 Stephen Clarke left Radley at Christmas after 14 years as Precentor at Radley. Under his leadership, and with the support of an outstanding team, music at Radley has flourished. Music in Chapel, in the Silk Hall and on stage has been of the highest standard.
A Voice from Heaven Robert King (1974)
Stephen’s Leaver’s Recital in the Silk Hall in December (below, left) brought together all the elements of Radley music and involved performances by ORs including Hannah FraserMackenzie (née Nye, below). We wish Stephen every success as he leaves to follow interests in the wider world of music. There will be a full appreciation in the next Radleian. Choir of The King’s Consort conducted by Robert King Label: Vivat ASIN: B01JLW13NU Recorded in the Lutyens church of St Jude’s, Hampstead, this album of unaccompanied British choral works shows the 28-strong Choir of the King’s Consort, especially known for baroque performance, in a rich, lushly romantic light. Texts in more
than one version (as with “Bring us, O Lord God” and “Drop, Drop, Slow Tears”), are set by 11 composers from the past 120 years, from Stanford and Parry to James MacMillan and John Tavener. Herbert Howells’ dark “Take Him, Earth, for Cherishing” (1964), written after the death of John F Kennedy, and William H Harris’ magniloquent setting for double choir of Spenser’s “Faire is the Heaven” stand out. The Guardian
James Eadie, QC (1975)
At the hearing in the Supreme Court in December to determine if the Government could trigger Article 50 without a vote by MPs, James Eadie was counsel for the Government.
New Year’s Honours 2017 CBE Oliver Morley (1984, left)
OBE Hugo Walkinshaw (1983, right)
Chief Executive, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. For services to Public Sector Digital Services.
Former President of British Chamber of Commerce, Singapore. For services to British business in Singapore and to UK exports.
If there are other honours which we have failed to spot, please let us know.
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Sean Henry (1978) – Sculptures and drawings at the Osborne Samuel Gallery in November
Time Being – an exhibtion of new sculptures and drawings by Sean Henry opened at the Osborne Samuel Gallery London in November. Gallery director Peter Osborne: So much has been happening with Sean Henry since our last show at the gallery in 2012. In the last year alone, he has had solo shows in New York, Brussels and Bad Homburg, Germany, and Sean’s work has continued to evolve, both in scale and complexity. His working methods are the same, his subject matter
perhaps more challenging and diverse. His sculptures continue to surprise and in settings such as Glyndebourne Opera or the lofty heights of Salisbury Cathedral they take on a new dimension, form a new dialogue with the viewer. The North Yorkshire Moors are still to come. This engagement with the world is at the heart of Sean’s work. His figures are never static, always on edge of some significant change, either spiritual or physical, they draw you in emotionally, ask questions, expect you to share in their fortunes and misfortunes.
Seated Figure, 2016
The Way It Will Be, 2014 10
Stefan Rousseau PA Archive/PA Images
T.B.T.F., 2013
Artist Sean Henry unveils his painted bronze sculpture of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the world wide web, at the National Portrait Gallery in 2015
The Dinner Table, 2015
Sketch for T.B.T.F., 2013 11
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Charlie Mackesy (1976) – Exhibition at Sladmore Contemporary – November 2016
Angel & Girl in a Cardigan
The Loo Door
Hamish Aird and Charlie Mackesy 1
1. Girl Reading 2. All I can take 3. Angel & boy on a cafĂŠ chair 4. I am loved 5
5. Girl with cardigan on Bibles
Far right: The Prodigal Son on a prison door Below: Collective Joy
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Hamish Mackie – Exhibition at the Mall Galleries – October 2016
Hamish Mackie (1987) held an exhibition of his wildlife sculptures in the Mall Galleries in October. Since his last solo exhibition in 2013, Hamish has unveiled his Goodman’s Field Horses, a monumental public commission for the Berkley Group. This dynamic set of six life-and-a-quarter bronze horses established Hamish as the most original and exciting wildlife sculptor of his generation. The life and a quarter size Andalusian horse was on display on The Mall. Life in Bronze included over 40 new works born out of Hamish’s extensive wildlife research in Australia, Asia and Africa and his continued study of the United Kingdom’s wild and domestic animals. His works capture the essence of each animal, making them breathe.
Left: Hamish with his wife, Laura Right, top: An Andalusian horse on display on The Mall 14
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET REX/Shutterstock
Charlie Langton (1996) – Sculpture with Etienne Millner for Newmarket
At Newmarket in November the Queen unveiled a statue of herself with a mare and foal at foot. The sculpture is a gift from the town to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday, in celebration of the Queen’s lifelong dedication to the thoroughbred horse and her special relationship with the area. The sculpture is the joint work of Charlie Langton and Etienne Millner.
Charlie Langton, Etienne Millner and Andy Drummond (The Mayor of Newmarket) with the Queen
Some finishing touches before the ceremony
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Hong Kong Drinks – October 2016
The Radley Hong Kong Drinks reception was well attended by over 100 guests, including a number of prospective parents.
The Warden, John Moule, with the Liu family, Andrew, Kennedy & Connie (who helped organise the party)
Choir Reunion – November
Choir Reunion Rehearsal
Tea in Stone Hall in the Mansion
Above and below: Evensong in Chapel The second Choir Reunion was held on Saturday 19th November, this time to celebrate Stephen Clarke’s time as Precentor and his 14 year contribution to music at Radley.
The Radley Choir, both past and present, came together to perform a full choral evensong. It was a thoroughly enjoyable occasion finished off perfectly with dinner in Hall and speeches from the Warden and Stephen.
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Calendar of Events 2017
Exeter University Supper – November
Radleian Society & Foundation Provisional Programme Property Dinner 21 February, Boodle’s University Supper March Radley for Life Event April/May, London Reunion September, Radley Shell Parents Drinks September, Radley Old Radleian Dinner 5 October, Lord’s Details will be published on the website when events are confirmed and invitations will be sent out by mail or email. See: If you have questions about Radleian Society and Foundation Events please contact: Cassandra Russell: Tel: 01235 548574 Email:
About 40 young ORs studying at Exeter University joined current Dons Richard Greed, Dan Pullen and Simon Dalrymple, for pizza and beer in November. It was an exceptional evening and everyone really enjoyed seeing each other. Richard Greed spoke about the Radleian Society and the LinkedIn group, Radley For Life – Hugo Besley (2010) benefited from a contact on Radley For Life when he set up his business, TeenPrez.
Young OR Christmas Drinks – December
The Oriental Club – special scheme for young ORs The Oriental Club, a private members club in London, have introduced their new OC7 scheme which we are now able to offer to Radley alumni. Under this scheme alumni would pay a one-off subscription of £350 which would cover Membership between the ages of 18 and 25 with no entrance fee. The Oriental Club (OC) is ideally located, close to Bond Street and within easy reach of the City and Canary Wharf. This is a great place to meet with friends or business colleagues as it has numerous facilities including meeting rooms, an IT suite, spacious drawing rooms, a Members’ Bar, a Billiards Room and an elegant Dining Room. The OC also has a vibrant social calendar and organises a programme of events ranging from the Annual Dinner with guest speakers, to tasting dinners and cultural and sporting events. There is a Younger Members Society which is in turn a Member of the Inter-Club Group which organises an exciting programme of events for under 35s at a wide range of London Clubs. Members are also granted access to Reciprocal Clubs around the world and are welcomed wherever they are. If you are interested please email: Caroline Monaghan Radleian Society Manager Tel: 01235 543171 Email:
Above: Nick Gill (2005), Will Eden (2005), Richard Greed, Charlie Wallis (2005) and Tom Greville-Williams (2005) at Eaton Square Bar in London.
Coming soon – the new Radleian Society Network We will be launching our new online Radleian Society network this year – a community for Old Radleians and Radley parents to connect, share ideas, promote their businesses, mentor others and much more. More information coming soon… Caroline Monaghan Radleian Society Manager Tel: 01235 543171 Email: 18
Rowing - Donald Legget
Tom West (second from left in the headband) and Will Stuart (third from right) made their first team debuts for Wasps in the Anglo Welsh match against Sale Sharks in November.
Cambridge University have opened a new boathouse on the Great Ouse at Ely. One of the bays has been named in honour of Donald Legget (1956) who is now in his 50th year of coaching the Cambridge Boat Race squad.
Dinner photographs by Seb Aldous
Rugby Dinner – January 2017 Over 100 ORs, parents, coaches and boys attended a dinner in Hall in honour of Richard Greed who has retired as Master in Charge of Rugby after 23 years. There were speeches by James Cunningham (Captain of Rugby 2016), Niall Murphy and Richard Greed (the longest speech in Radley history) followed, for many, by recovery in the JCR.
Charlie Saunders and Ed Loftus played for the Cambridge LXs (the 2nd XV) against the Oxford Greyhounds in December. Ed Loftus scored for the LXs but eventually the greater strength of the Oxford Greyhounds overcame the young Cambridge team. 19
Lusimus . THE RADLEY BROADSHEET Dan Mullan/Getty Images
Nick Gubbins (2007), in whites front right holding a stump, celebrates with the Middlesex team after beating Yorkshire to win the 2016 County Championship. Nick’s scores of 125 and 93 played a significant part in the victory.
Sculling – Sean Morris (1957) BigBlade Photography
Contact Details Radley College, Abingdon, OX14 2HR Web:
Colin Dudgeon, Foundation Director Tel: 01235 543151 Email: Lucy Johnsson, Administrator & PA to Foundation Director Tel: 01235 548543 Email: Kim Charlton, Data Wrangler Tel: 01235 543172 Email: Caroline Monaghan, Radleian Society Manager Tel: 01235 543171 Email: Cassandra Russell, Events Coordinator Tel: 01235 548574 Email:
Sean Morris won Masters H (70-75) in the Silver Skiff Trophy in Turin in November, his sixth win in this event. He was almost a minute ahead of the next competitor in his category.
In the Scullers Head, also in November, Sean (above) won the Masters H title. With the age-related time handicap applied, Sean had the fastest time of all 400 senior men scullers. 20
Jock Mullard, Editor, Lusimus & Old Radleian Tel: 01235 543103 Email: The Radley Foundation – Registered Charity No. 272671 The Radleian Society – Registered Charity No. 309243