Public Benefit Document

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Public Benefit Report 2020/21

Foreword Radley has always inspired its boys and staff to believe that our core values should never change: the timeless Christian qualities of humanity, compassion and understanding of others. We also believe in service, a recognition that with privilege comes a sense of responsibility to support and bring opportunity to others within our local, national and international communities.

The year 2020/21 has been like no other, with much of our usual work within local communities, alongside access to our facilities, restricted by lockdown measures. However, the creativity and endeavour of our boys, staff and partners has enabled new opportunities and different ways to collaborate on a wide range of activities. It has not always been easy. This year, perhaps more than ever, we have learnt from the flexibility and resilience of our partners. While the College site has been a quieter place, through online collaboration we have reached far beyond our gates while at the same time welcoming many more to a virtual Radley.

There is a genuine sense of pride in the completion of this benefits document. In recording what has taken place, it celebrates so much excellent work by so many during challenging times. At the same time the document highlights where we can do better to bring further opportunity to our boys, staff and communities. What is not in doubt is that we are stronger by working together.

John Sparks Director of Partnerships


CONTENTS A Year in Numbers

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Educational Partners

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 

Primary schools Secondary Schools

Community Partners   

Page 22

Local community action and service Fundraising and volunteering International community partners

Use of College facilities

Page 32

Scholarship and Bursaries

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A Year in Numbers 18 members of Radley College staff are governors at a local schools

65+ A level maths students delivered over 300 online maths support sessions

We have worked with over 30 primary schools and 10 secondary schools

Recorded music concerts have been distributed to 55 local care homes

Online music assemblies have reached 1000+ primary school children and have been viewed 2500 times

1500+ students have downloaded one of 103 Hispanic lectures.

Radley College community have raised over £130,000 for charities

Radley College committed £2,930,935 to fees and additional costs

Over three years 3000+ children have benefited from mandarin teaching through Radley College’s collaboration with Swire

25% of staff have been involved in fundraising*

Over 35% of staff have been involved in partnership work with secondary schools and 28% in primary schools*

Almost 65% of staff have given a talk or lecture to groups outside of Radley College* *data taken from staff survey May 2021 – response from 90 people (70 teaching, 20 operational)


Long Furlong

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Lowbrook Academy Oldfield Primary School Orchard Meadow Pegasus

Radley Primary School Rush Common

St Andrew's Headington St Birinus, Dorchester St Blaise CE Primary School St Edmund's RC Primary St John Fisher St Michael's Primary, Oxford St Swithun’s

• • • •

Thomas Reade

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Sunningwell Primary Sutton Courtenay's Primary Thameside

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Tynedale Community School

Unicorn School, Abingdon Waltham St Lawrence Primary School Wolvercote Primary

Swire Mandarin



Website support

Critical Thinking

Forest School

Music Assemblies

State Primary Schools All Saints CE Junior School Anna Edwards Primary South Cerney Appleton Primary School Caldecott Primary School Carswell Primary School Chesterton Primary Coombe C of E Primary School Dunmore Primary School Emmanuel Christian School Europa Primary Horbridge and Cholesbury School

Radley STEPS


• • •





Horris Hill



Summer Fields

EasyA Inspire Creative Maths Lecture Writing State Secondary Schools Broadway Academy

Swire Mandarin



Website support

Critical Thinking

Forest School

Music Assemblies

Radley STEPS

Independent Prep Schools

Abingdon Swire French Governance Edge: Mandarin Grammar Coaching

Barthlomew School

Cheney School

Desborough College


John Mason School

Larkmead School Newlands Girls Schools Newman Catholic College The Oxford Academy

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Wheatley Park School

Independent Senior Schools Abingdon School Oxford High School Shiplake College

St Helens & St Katharine's British School of Milan

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Primary Schools Our links with local primary schools have been maintained during the challenge of restricted access through lockdown. We have looked to provide support that does not involve actually going into a school, moving many activities online, including the launch of hugely popular primary schools music assemblies. Our work has reached more than 30 primary schools, with over 1,000 children benefitting from the online content that has been produced by boys and staff. There are 4 members of the Radley College community who are governors at local primary schools and a further 7 members of staff who are governors at local prep schools.



Radley STEPS For the second year we have been able to run the Radley STEPS Academic Enrichment programme in partnership with twelve primary schools in the Abingdon and Oxford area. Headteachers of many local primary schools have recommended pupils who are operating at greater depth in their core subjects and who would benefit from extension classes that build on their school learning to provide academic ‘stretch’. This years’ STEPS class contains 24 pupils (12 boys and 12 girls) will visit Radley on fourteen Saturdays during the course of this academic year. Over 20 members of the Radley College teaching staff are involved in delivering sessions in many different disciplines and our A level students work alongside in support.

       

Biology Department: Observing Animals Science Department: Building insulators and pin-hole cameras, English Department: Creative Writing & Poetry Seminars Drama Department: Performance Classics Department: Ancient World Music Department: Body percussion Modern Languages Department: Mandarin Maths Department: Mathematical magic

The children are also made members of the College Library which is stocked with books from a reading list which they are encouraged to read during the year. From the 2020 STEPS Cohort last year, 7 children applied for a secondary school academic scholarship or award, of which 5 children were successful.

‘Our son has been quite captivated by the experience of the STEPS programme. At the end of every session, he has a simmering enthusiasm to recount his lessons with us, and for that alone, the nurturing of academic interest, we are very grateful to you and the programme.’

‘We just wanted to express our sincere thanks for the opportunities STEPS has given our daughter. When the sessions were happening, we definitely saw huge growth in her self-belief and confidence in her abilities.’ Parents of pupils who are part of Radley STEPS


We were delighted that we were able to continue support local primary schools over the past year. An art project was introduced to the Foundation Stage Unit at Radley Primary School. Using the children’s drawings of a favourite illustrator, Radley College art students created a series of murals of characters using machinery and tools from the College Design department workshop. The murals will be displayed on buildings at Radley Primary school. The aim of the project is to promote the joy of books and for the children to have pride in their artistic endeavours. At Carswell Primary School, Abingdon a group of Radley boys taught Yr5 students a selfconceived course of philosophy and critical thinking throughout the Lent Term. This was completed through weekly zoom sessions. While at the Emmanuel Christian School, Littlemore a group of Radley students helped create resources of video films for the school website. Towards the end of the year, as schools reopened, Radley Art Department led by a group of A level students launched a Community Art Project, bringing together primary school children, teachers and parents from across Abingdon to decorate small model houses to be displayed at the Sewell Centre, Radley and across other locations in Abingdon.

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Choristerships Radley College has 24 choristers aged 6 to 13, who sing with the Chapel Choir and Chamber Choir. Boys attending any local school are encouraged to apply; currently there are 16 choristers from maintained schools. There is a specialised preparation programme for boys in Year 2 before they audition for the choir, ensuring that auditions are open to boys from all backgrounds and levels of experience. Those successful in gaining a place as a chorister receive:    

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individual and group singing tuition instrumental tuition (with a teacher of their choice) on two instruments theory tuition (up to and beyond Grade 5 theory) experience of singing in the Chapel Choir and Chamber Choir for services and concerts at Radley Colleges, services in Cathedrals and College Chapels, recording opportunities and performances alongside professional ensembles subsidised places on music tours pocket money and a savings account (accrued per service)

During the last year, choristers have continued meeting online for individual singing lessons, video tutorials, twice-weekly group rehearsals, virtual concerts and online recording projects. Parents of choristers can use College facilities (including subsidised gym membership) and attend services. Every year there are successful applications from the choristers who gain a place at Radley in Yr9 as music award holders, or all-round award holders, often on significant bursaries. Others have continued in their existing schools but maintain links with Radley, coming back to sing for special events or take part in masterclasses. 11 | P a g e

Primary School Music The Music Department continues to develop its links within the local community, both through local schools and other organisations. There has been a particular focus this year on supporting continued music-making for the local community despite the restrictions that have prevented many normal activities happening in school or out of school settings. A series of Virtual Music Assemblies for local primary schools have been recorded by members of the Radley Music Department and pupils from local Secondary Schools including Radley College, Didcot Girls School and Europa School. In addition, we were supported by local music organisations the Abingdon Music Centre and the Abingdon and District Schools Music Association. Each assembly included:    

Performances by professional musicians and secondary school pupils Practical activities (singing and body percussion) Musical challenges Provision of supporting materials including wider listening links

The assemblies have been viewed over 2500 times, by over 16 local primary schools. Assemblies have been used to support music teaching for children learning from home and in school classes for key worker and vulnerable children. We were delighted that the Gloucestershire Music Hub and the London Mozart Players education department were able to use the assemblies within their schools. The resources continue to be used by schools as part of their classroom music lessons.

‘Thank you for yesterday's music assembly. It was fun to have the warm-up and be active. How I wish we could have all the children at school to do similar activities with them and sing again!’ Headteacher, Sunningwell Primary School

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Wider Music Collaboration Radley College Music Department organised a free online teacher professional development session led by Charles MacDougall (Voices Foundation) exploring:   

Supporting a return to singing Warm up activities Resources and songs

This was attended by 30 teachers from local schools, and was followed up by individual conversations with teachers from primary schools across the Abingdon area. Radley hosted and organised a series of 12 free online music theatre workshops with leading directors from the West End. This involved over 70 young performers (aged 11 to 18) from schools across the Abingdon area, these will be followed up next year with live workshops for these pupils. In addition, Radley College organised a virtual remix, orginal songs and covers competition virtual competition, judged by a professional producer, with entries from secondary schools across Abingdon and Didcot. In the Summer Term 2021, Radley College in partnership with local schools, has organised a ‘Summer of Singing’ offering:     

video resources, music and supporting classroom activities teacher CPD virtual rehearsals and in-person workshops recording sessions in partner primary schools advocacy and supporting documents to help primary schools restart singing safely

These resources have been prepared and recorded by our music partnership co-ordinator, with support from pupils and the video unit. The aim of the project is to encourage all schools to bring singing back into their daily routine, working towards a virtual performance at the end of the term.

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Secondary Schools

Our partnership work with secondary schools has further developed over the past year, with much of our collaboration moving online. The increasing opportunity to involve more of our students and staff has enabled sustained activities through which mutual benefit has been derived. We retain partnership work with schools from different regions within the UK, with an increasing collaboration with schools from the local area.

Desborough College The movement of lessons online has allowed for our partnership work to further develop in recent months. The use of Microsoft Teams to teach lessons, has allowed teachers from both schools to drop-in to one another's classes to further develop online teaching strategies. In partnership between the English departments at both schools, we have continued the creative writing programme for Yr11 pupils. Sessions have been planned throughout the period of lockdown involving 16 Yr9 students from the two schools. A combined anthology is planned for release at the end of the Summer Term. A further development to emerge from lockdown has been a series of online lectures for Yr9 pupils at both schools. These have targeted the more able gifted and talented pupils at Desborough and the young academic scholars at Radley. Over 60 pupils from both schools have been involved in the lectures with presentations given by 16 teachers from the two schools. Students have used online breakout rooms to further discuss each lecture. Topics have included:     

philosophy poetry of Philip Larkin racism in football the Civil Rights movement social media in Latin American politics

Desborough continues to be part of the Mandarin teaching project supported by Swire. They now have Mandarin running through to Yr10 with their first GCSE cohort to go through their exams next year. Three primary schools in the Maidenhead area which feed into Desborough that are also supported by the programme are now officially self-sustaining and no longer require the Swire’s financial support. Another primary school in the Maidenhead area has now joined the scheme off the back of this success and will be supported by these schools and the Centre as Mandarin continues to germinate organically. 14 | P a g e

Broadway Academy In a further development of our collaboration work with secondary schools, we are developing a partnership with Broadway Academy, a comprehensive maintained school in Perry Barr Birmingham. Our first collaboration was through an online maths mentoring programme supporting Yr11 students. In addition, Yr12 Radley pupils have been part of character and leadership training with the Broadway School student council. As we work together to build the framework of partnership, Yr12 students from both schools have collaborated through online discussion, with school visits planned for the end of the Summer Term. Schools visits have already taken place by staff, gaining a better understanding of the school environment and ethos. We are delighted to be able to provide a member from Radley College to serve as a governor to Broadway. We see the strong benefits to students, teachers and staff working together, raising aspirations and developing a better understanding of difference.

‘It is great having the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds and actually discovering what you have in common, to work together.’ Yr 10 Student, Broadway Academy

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Mandarin Teaching Project – collaboration with Swire Chinese Language Centre Oxford Primary and secondary school Mandarin teaching remains Radley’s pioneering project alongside Oxford High School, with the programme fully funded by the Swire Chinese Language Foundation (SCLF). Now in its third functional year, its purpose is to facilitate the establishment of Mandarin teaching at state schools across the region. There are currently 17 participating secondary and primary schools in Oxford, Abingdon and Maidenhead, including Desborough College. A recent development is a new full-time Mandarin teacher, recruited by Wheatley Park School through the Centre's funding, who will share their teacher with Cheney School from September 2021. Furthermore, a member of the Oxford Centre team will be seconded to The Oxford Academy for one academic year and shared with Bartholomew School in Witney to enable both schools an opportunity to trial Mandarin with a view to recruiting their own teachers starting in academic year 2022/23. To date, over 3000 students have benefitted from the opportunity of studying Mandarin, with this number envisaged to rise to over 5000 by 2026.

‘Our daughter is enjoying Mandarin very much and she loves it so much she has decided to take it at GCSE even if it means she will have extra work as she will still need to choose another languages subject. She was particularly proud to tell us that she was mentioned in an online tutorial that her work was an example of the best practice.’ Parent of pupil on SWIRE Mandarin course

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OX14 Learning Partnership An exciting development this year has seen the emergence of an Abingdon independent state school learning partnership. The OX14 Learning Partnership is a collaboration of six schools, three independent and three state schools.      

Radley College Abingdon School St Helen’s & St Katherine’s John Mason’s School Fitzharrys School Larkmead School

The aim is to create shared activities that challenge, inspire and support, each centred around three core elements:   

provide opportunities for aspiration and challenge through widening horizons support mental health and wellbeing of student, staff and parents use co-curricular activities to develop character, promote cultural engagement and support civic pride

The partnership will be launched formally in September 2021 with activities currently being planned across the six schools. This year we have already seen the benefits of working together through the development of an online student academic coaching programme, peer support leadership workshops and the sharing of online lectures, wellbeing seminars and university preparation. Radley College sports coaches created an online sports discussion platform, Coaches’ Corner, which explored a range of sporting topics through a series of interviews with sportsmen and women. More than 60 people from across the partnership schools and wider community attended each talk. These will be developed further next year to raise aspiration and support secondary curriculum teaching.

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Online academic coaching One of the main activities of the OX14 learning partnership to date has been the Abingdon Edge Academic Coaching Programme. This has involved over 50 Yr12 students from across the schools to be trained as academic coaches, who in turn have supported 35 Yr9 pupils. The presentation of eight weekly training sessions were delivered online in partnership with Oxfordshire Youth and Desborough College, with an additional six weeks of individual support for younger pupils delivered in the same way. The impact of sustained collaboration and well targeted partnership is reflected in the feedback of the Yr12 pupils involved of whom:   

72% reported a significant increase in their confidence working in a team 77% reported significant increase in their communication skills 65% reported a significant increase in their self-confidence

‘It has been a fulfilling experience that has not only allowed you to help coach younger students but has also taught you things about yourself.’ ‘I have learned from collaborating with others from different schools.’ ‘It has been great to collaborate with other schools on such interesting and current subjects. The process has been enhanced by different perspectives people offer.’ Yr 12 Abingdon Edge Students

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Online French grammar support A further development from the Abingdon Edge project was the creation of an online French Grammar support programme led by six A level students from Radley College and Larkmead School. The course, titled La Fain de Loup, focused on Yr11 who had missed elements of teaching during the period of lockdown. The series of 10 presentations reached over 30 students with improved performance noted by both teachers and parents. In recent weeks the project has been used in support of Yr9 pupils at Larkmead, with the Radley College students visiting Larkmead to teach in a a Yr9 lessons. The project is an excellent example of how collaboration can create leadership opportunities for students and projects that can be sustained.

‘I was honestly blown away with the enthusiasm and participation of my Yr8 pupils. The 6th formers were thrilled with them, and they were a credit to our school and themselves.’ ‘A parent emailed to say that they have rearranged swimming lessons that were clashing with FDL so that their daughter can attend because they had heard such positive things from other students.' Head of MFL, Larkmead School

Online Maths Mentoring In others areas Radley College students have been able to support pupils during the period of school closure. Working in conjunction with St Paul’s School, 50 Radley A level mathematicians have been trained as online maths mentors to support Yr11 pupils during lockdown. Since December 2020 the mentors have supported 52 Yr11 students at two schools; Broadway Academy in Perry Barr, Birmingham and Newman Catholic College in Harlesden, London. In total over 350 online one-to-one tutorials have taken place. The concept is simple. A student snaps a photograph of their maths problem, posts it on the EasyA app where a Radleian is waiting during a predetermined homework hour. The mentee asks questions and the mentor guides, providing feedback through visual cues and text conversation. The impact of the work has been significant with teachers at both schools citing the improvement in the work of the students involved. The impacts on the mentors has been of equal benefit with improvements in communication and confidence mentioned by many involved. Perhaps most encouraging is the enrolment of over 40 current Radley College Yr11 students to sustain the work next academic year.

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‘Since the introduction of EasyA Maths at Broadway, the students involved have shown a more independent attitude towards their learning. The mock exam results show that those students who used the platform the most have made significant progress over the last few months.’ Headteacher, Broadway Academy ‘It is an amazing partnership to be part of because you can actually see the difference that we are making, both within the sessions, and from the feedback which we receive afterwards.’ Yr 12 Maths Mentor, Radley College ‘I am delighted at the opportunity, and would like to further improve on the engagement already witnessed.’ Head of Maths, Newman Catholic College, Brent

Hispanic Lectures In support of Modern Foreign Languages, the Radley College Spanish department organised a series of webinars on a variety of literature topics covering the entire Spanish A-Level specification. In total 103 Spanish webinars were delivered by experts at top universities from around the world. These webinars were offered to students and teachers from the maintained sector. The webinars were all recorded and are posted online for teachers and students to view.      

over 1500 students have taken part 239 schools directly benefited students and teachers from 11 different countries were involved 41 teachers from state schools in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru participated the speakers involved were from 67 different universities recordings of the webinars have been downloaded over 8,000 times

‘Thanks to you, there is a new library of invaluable recordings, a wealth of knowledge and new dialogues around our passion for literature and cinema.’ Lecturer in Spanish, Boston University

‘I know my students appreciate the sessions, each session has been informative and thought provoking. I know these webinars will help them to develop their analytical and critical skills and support them in producing high quality responses to essay and speaking questions.’ MFL Curriculum Leaders, George Stephenson High School, Newcastle Upon Tyne

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Online South American school partnership Building upon the international links created in other areas, for the first year Radley College has joined with San Francisco School, Costa Rica. The purpose is to develop language skills and cultural understanding between the pupils at the two schools. In total 36 Radley pupils and 28 San Francisco students have been involved. Students have paired with a peer at the opposite school for weekly speaking sessions to improve their spoken Spanish and understanding of culture.

SpringForward SpringForward is working with independent schools to offer educational outreach opportunities to children in need and in care. Staff at Radley have helped to provide resources, teaching and coaching across a range of subjects. Staff have been involved in a pilot scheme to provide mentoring/advice to students who are considering an application to university. There will be five sessions have taken place between January and May.

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Community Partners Every boy at Radley is given the opportunity to engage in work within their local community. This may be through volunteering, charity fund raising or support in local schools and organisations. This year more opportunities to work online have been developed whereby boys and staff have supported academic coaching, lectures, primary and secondary curriculum, and companionship for the elderly.

Partners Abingdon and District Schools Music Association Abingdon music centre Active Oxfordshire Edclub Movement Gloucestershire Music Hub Headway Trust London Mozart Players education department Magdalen Road Studios Maggie's Oxford Cancer Centre Moving Music OX14 Learning Partnership Oxford Art Society Oxfordshire Music Service Peachcroft Farm Radley Parish Council Ridgeway Education Trust SOFEA - Didcot Distribution Centre The Abingdon Music Centre Zuleika Gallery 22 | P a g e

Through our community action and service programme we have been able to impact in a wide range of local projects with many reciprocal benefits. Lockdown restrictions has moved many of our regular activities outside or online, while other new collaborations have emerged through opportunities that have presented themselves.

Local community action and service Boys and staff have supported many local community action projects in Radley, Abingdon and the surrounding areas. Through our Community Action and Service Programme, 130 boys Yr11 boys and staff have contributed over 1,900 hours of service to the local communities working in collaboration with members of the local Parish Council, residential homes, local charities and organisations. In addition, during lockdown while at home, 43 boys completed 288 hours of volunteering as part of the community action challenge.

Number of boys

Number of staff

Village litter clearance



Community music concerts



Gardening Radley church



Gardening Littlemore church



Fundraising Oxfordshire Youth



Sensory garden Headway Trust



Peachcroft farm allotments



Peachcroft farm labouring



Village speed camera analysis



Arboretum planting



Forest school creation



South Oxfordshire Food & Educational Academy



Clearance of village pond






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In our immediate local community activities across the year have included:  a litter clearance along 5 miles of the Thames tow path  clearing and replanting around the village pond  gardening and maintenance work around the churchyard of St James the Great, Radley and St Mary and St Nicholas Church, Littlemore, the efforts of the boys have been acknowledged by the Radley Parish Council and Radley Parochial Church Council  the creation of a sensory garden developed with Headway Trust  development of fundraising ideas with Oxford Youth  analysis of speed data within Radley village for the Parish Council

Other local activities have supported environment projects including:   

the management of a community vegetable garden at Peachcroft Farm, providing senior members of the community a space to plant vegetables and flowers agricultural labour at Peachcroft farm; dismantling a strawberry field, cleaning industrial animal feeders, and assembling packaging for produce shipment the planting of an arboretum consisting of 100 new trees, providing a nature reserve for local primary children to learn about different ecological systems, and local flora and fauna creation of a forest school resource which will eventually be used by primary schoolers

‘The pond area has become more aesthetically pleasing for the school children and residents and it's such an asset having a working party from the College to help with its upkeep.’ Radley Parish Council

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Where our students have been unable to get to a particular location due to lockdown restrictions, we have explored online opportunities. Through this approach, Radley College students have continued to support the Didcot food bank distribution centre (SOFEA), helping to organise the distribution of supermarket donated food to food banks in the region. Apart from giving this social enterprise much needed manpower, this partnership has provided Radleians with an insight into the issue of dealing with UK food poverty.

Community music For over ten years Radley College boys and staff have provided music concerts to local care homes within Abingdon and the surrounding area. With the introduction of lockdown restrictions visiting these homes in person was not possible, instead our continued support of the elderly within the community has happened through the recording of music for our regular partners. Radley College musicians recorded four concerts which were distributed to 55 homes via Vimeo. Two of these were 'Christmas specials' which were used for Christmas parties. Our musicians also provided a live concert for two local nursing homes in December. During the Lent term, two 'zoom' concerts were given each week to which residents at local nursing homes, hospitals, sheltered accommodation were invited. The boys and staff also worked with the charity Moving Music to reach out to people with dementia and their carers - many of them attended the weekly concerts. Two Saturday coffee concerts were also given for local homes specialising in Alzheimer care.

‘Just a word to say thank you. It is always a real pleasure to tune into professional-style entertainment, from the boys and mentors! It is a good feeling to be in touch with the boys again, Thanks for being there.’ Care home resident

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In recognising the benefit of music during lockdown and beyond, Radley College has continued to work with local musical organisations to support our communities as communal music activities become possible again. A range of support and future planning has taken place including: 

 

 

pupils have continued to play the organ for services at Radley Parish Church and recorded a Virtual Choral Evensong which was used by 3 churches in the local area (recordings have been used by churches as far afield as America). Radley College has also provided advice and equipment to help plan for inperson events. working alongside the Oxfordshire Music Service, the Abingdon Music Centre and local schools to promote instrumental lessons, particularly the free lessons available for pupil premium; this includes discussions with schools, support with the application process, the planning of inspiration assemblies and planning opportunities for ensemble playing to encourage pupils to continue with lessons (both within schools and by bringing pupils together from across schools) working alongside Ridgeway Education Trust and the Oxfordshire Music Service on the development of a primary music curriculum, responding to the DfE’s new Model Music Curriculum co-ordinating a meeting of secondary schools from Abingdon and Didcot to develop a Young Music Leaders Programme for September 2021 organising a two-year recital series with an associated series of free professional workshops and masterclasses, to be advertised through the Oxfordshire Music Service and local partners, aiming to reach over 2000 young people provided perspex screens for recordings by local musical organisations and ensembles, and to enable pupils at Fitzharries School to perform safely Abingdon Music Centre will use Silk Hall for their community orchestra rehearsals

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Active Oxfordshire and the Oxford Hub It has been a difficult time for many children and their families this year to gain access to sporting activities during lockdown. In recognition of this and wanting support local organisations, over the past year Radley College has begun to develop close links with Active Oxfordshire and the Oxford Hub. A group of Yr12 Young Sports Leaders have worked in support the Oxford Hub Ready, Set, Go campaign, with the ambition to ensure every child in Oxford can learn to swim and ride a bike while supporting families to be active together. The main focus has been in the communities of Blackbird Leys, Cowley, Cowley Marsh and Northfield Brook. Fundraising by the Radley College community has raised close to £3000. In addition, Radley College students organised a bike donation, culminating in over 75 bicycles being donated by boys, staff and parents. Through our partnership with Active Oxfordshire we have recently been able to make our swimming pool available to pupils at the Oxford Academy, further increasing opportunities for children to learn to swim.

‘There is a real raising of the profile of the swimming and cycling ‘issue’ at the moment. We are now in direct contact with the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Public Health to try and find solutions and Radley’s contribution has been mentioned in dispatches as a creative way of working together to address the challenges.’ Strategic VYP Relationship Manager, Active Oxfordshire ‘[Oxford Hub] said that they were going to get everyone a bike and they didn't let us down. It helped massively knowing that my kids had a slice of normality during all this. We grabbed it with both hands.’ Blackbird Leys Resident

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Fundraising and volunteering for Charities The Radley College community are very proud to announce that this year nearly £134,000 has been raised for a wide range of local and national charities. Funds have been raised through both individual challenges and the collective efforts of sports teams, clubs and Socials. Money has been raised for several charities and organisations who have supported key workers during the pandemic; the NHS, laptops for schools and Young Minds. Radley College nurses have given their time to administer Covid vaccinations on behalf of Long Furlong Medical Centre, while boys and staff have made scrubs and protective gear at home and in the DT department.

Charity Charlie Waller Memorial Trust Thames Valley Air Ambulance Footsteps Foundation Young Minds Maggie's Oxford Luke's Fund/Ronald McDonald House Footsteps Foundation Gehandu Secondary School, Tanzania Eastbourne Down's Syndrome Support group Hugo Rutland Memorial Fund Shelter Irish Retriever Rescue Respite nursing for Oxfordshire’s Sick Youngsters Sea Life Trust (Beluga Whale Sanctuary) Oxfordshire Mind Royal British Legion NHS England Alzheimer's Society October club (Wantage) Cricket Builds Hope/Gahanga Cricket Stadium Ruth Strauss Foundation Active Oxfordshire Ready Set Go The Bright Ideas

Amount raised 34,000 32,184 25,866 15,785 8,370 4,000 2,695 2,475 2,260 2,200 1,174 551 500 461 440 412 313 155 55 TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC

On behalf of all the children at Footsteps, we want to thank the entire Radley community for all the incredible fundraising they are doing to support our charity. The funds raised will help to ensure we can provide bespoke, intensive physiotherapy for disabled children in 2021, despite the difficult economic environment. Foundation Manager, Footsteps

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Pupils and adults from the Radley College community have volunteered in many other areas:         

cooking for Food for Heroes working in food packing factories delivering food to foodbanks gardening for others helping the homeless on the streets in London helping the elderly and vulnerable volunteering in charity shops community food donations to local foodbanks collecting 3,000 football kits delivered to Kit4Kenya

The annual Yr11 Charity & Service Day, the fourth of its kind, took place during July 2020 and was based at the boys’ homes due to the school campus being closed due to Covid restrictions. This year it embraced a whole new global dimension, involving 135 Yr11 boys, who volunteered in their communities in support of local charities and organisations while completing a range of activities for a whole day. The creativity of the boys was fabulous, activities included:         

delivering food to care homes climbing the equivalent of Mount Everest (on their stairs) food donations in Thailand church cleaning beach cleaning in Hong Kong and Cornwall shopping for vulnerable local residents re-roofing litter picking cooking and gardening in the local communities

A second volunteering day will take place towards the end of this academic year to clear litter along the banks of the river Thames. This project will work in collaboration with the Radley Village Community, The Parish Council and the Radley Primary School.

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Sewell Centre The Sewell Centre Gallery promoted local artists and made high quality art freely accessible to all through a regular programme of curated exhibitions: visitor numbers are rising at what is regarded by many artists as the best exhibiting space in Oxfordshire. ‘Exhibition s are curated with passion, love and genuine desire to make high quality art accessible to the widest audience as well as supporting the visual arts on a local and national level’ Prof. Martin Kemp, Emeritus Professor of History of Art, Oxford University

In normal years, 6 professional shows a year, accessible to local schools and general public free of charge, due to lockdowns restrictions this year there have been three exhibitions:

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'LOOKING, DRAWING, PAINTING, DRAWING, LOOKING' by Jeff Clarke NovemberDecember 2020 (with limited visiting access to the public) 'Beyond the Curtain of Reality’ works by sculptor Johannes von Stumm and portraits by Lucy Stopford' which was open to public and local schools by appointment and was part of Oxfordshire Art Weeks May 2021. 'Subversive Pots' works by potter Claudia Clare accompanied by A level student work.

In addition to the work at the Sewell Centre our gallery curator has been able to support:  

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an exhibition of sculpture and drawing by Oxford artist Alan Franklin at the Woodall Gallery at St Birinus School Didcot which was established in 2019. co-curated, judged and produced a press release for Art from the Heart 2021 with Zuleika Gallery which raised over £10,000, 25% of which supported Maggie's Oxford Cancer Centre and artists working in the UK. a selection panel for the Oxford Art Society Open Exhibition March 2021. as a volunteer Exhibitions Co Co-ordinator for the OAS. as a Trustee, the Magdalen Road Studios, Oxford; a charity committed to providing affordable studio space for 21 artists with a remit for community engagement in surrounding East Oxford including local schools, art colleges and community groups.

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International community partnership Edclub online mentoring Our ability to work online has continued to enable a group of Yr11 boys to mentor pupils in Huruma, a slum area of Nairobi. It is our sixth year running the project, facilitated by the Edclub Movement founded by Marlborough College, supporting subjects such as Maths, English and Science. This innovative project is inspired by Prof. Sugata Mitra’s award winning ‘TED talk’ which highlighted the power of computers in transforming educational achievement in the developing world. For 45 minutes a week, Radley College boys prompt a group of children to explore educational issues via carefully chosen questions and advice. At both ends of the dedicated computer link, the participants benefit hugely from the engagement, and through working together the children were able to increase their knowledge about the world, broadening their prospects for the future. It is also great fun!

Gehandu Secondary School This year we have have not been able to make our planned trip to Gehandu Secondary School. our Partner School in Tanzania since 2011. Despite this, the Radley community supported a Pledgit scheme raising £2475 to support the repair of a water pump. In addition, ongoing online teaching sessions have continued between pupils to improve Gehandu pupils English speaking.

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Use of college facilities It remains a great pleasure for Radley College to offer the use of its facilities to a range of organisations. Over the past year lockdown restrictions have reduced these opportunities, however, with the easing of restrictions we are delighted to see many organisations return to Radley College. We remain committed to exploring opportunities to enable those from outside of Radley to benefit from our grounds and buildings. Next year we would hope to report on many new initiatives that are being developed alongside the return of many long established partnerships.

Astro Pitches

Athletics Swimming Track Pool

Abingdon primary school gala Abingdon Youth

Sports Hall

Rowing Tank

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Hinksey Sculling School

Kennington Dolphins Swimming Club

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Mixed Martial Arts

Oxford Dive Centre Oxford United in the community

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Oxfordshire Badminton Club

Radley Primary School Radley Youth


Friends of Wooton Swimming Club

Kennington Youth

Boat House

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Unicorn School

White Horse Harriers Athletics' Club

Witney Atletics Club

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Bursaries & Scholarships Through bursaries and scholarships, Radley College has committed £2,930,935 this year in help with fees and additional costs. The large majority of this funding, £2,671,621, is applied towards means-tested bursaries. This amount is stated prior to a 15% fee discount offered to all Radley parents for Summer Term 2021 in view of much of the Lent Term 2021 being delivered online through virtual Radley. Scholarship awards vary in value between 0% of fees (i.e. honorary), 5% of fees and 10% of fees. All awards may be supplemented by a means tested bursary in case of need. The aim of this is that any boys who win a Scholarship or Exhibition should be able to attend Radley College.

107 boys (14.5%) receive some form of means tested assistance, equating to 9.5% of gross fee income. 22 boys are in receipt of a 100% bursary.

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