We are delighted that you have chosen to be part of the Community Partnership Programme
Radley College’s role in the local community is longstanding, providing help to local organisations and promoting greater inclusion, while offering support to widen opportunities and raise aspirations in schools
Each partnership activity has a meaningful purpose and the benefits are shared. You will gain as much as you give.
Over the years many Radleians have stated that their partnership activity has been one of the most rewarding experiences during their time at Radley Their involvement has raised awareness of local matters and how they can support. It has also helped develop a sense of advocacy, allowing boys to speak up on behalf of those they work alongside with some becoming agents of change themselves through volunteering or setting up their own activity
It is easy to take for granted what we have, but I think from this experience I’ve gained an awareness of the challenges which are only a few miles away down the road – they are small steps – but they will make an impact.
We ask three things of you over the coming weeks:
People are relying upon your support and we ask that you prioritise your activity and give your best.
Ask questions, be proactive, and listen. You will gain a greater connection.
Consider your impact How might you offer further support and consider the skills are you developing
Thank you from us and all those whose lives you will impact
The Partnerships TeamIf there is ever any thought or doubt that what you guys are doing is worth it, I can only strengthen the idea that it is working, 100%!
The aim of this booklet is to give an overview of the reasons for partnering in the way we do, and the people we partner with; some are well established, while others are new to the programme. The skills you might develop are also highlighted, which will add to your own character and experience
Each Community Partnership Programme activity aims to serve the local area. They have been developed by working with our partners to ensure that the activity is meaningful and your time spent has greatest impact
Through each partnership activity we aim to widen inclusion, provide greater opportunity, and raise aspiration – for those we work alongside and for you.
The partnership activities are planned around four key areas:
Primary School Partnerships
Secondary School Partnerships
Community Partnerships
Charity & Social-Enterprise Partnerships
Take time to read the following pages to gain a better understanding of each as you consider which you would most like to be involved.
The importance of our community partnership programme is that we serve within our local community Being close reduces the travel time allowing you to spend more time involved in partnership work.
Primary School Partnerships
Secondary School Partnerships
Community Partnerships
Charity & Social Enterprise Partnerships
The greatest impact you can make is committing to partnership work for a sustained period.
We have planned with our partners that you will be with them each Wednesday afternoon for twenty weeks during the Michaelmas and Lent term
Primary School Partnerships
Art Leaders
Classroom Champions
Enrichment Ambassadors
Maths Mentors
Radley Readers
Radley Zoo
Young Sport Leaders
Young Countryside Leaders
Secondary School Partnerships
Foreign Language Speakers
Maths Mentors
Community Partnerships
Littlemore Church
Music Concerts
Radley Church
Radley Parish Council
Charity & Social Enterprise Partnerships
Barnardo’s Charity
British Heart Foundation Charity
Oxfordshire Youth
Proof Social
For your boys to have the opportunity to lead in an environment that they would probably not have experienced before and to advocate for our children – it’s huge!
By supporting teachers you can increase the opportunities and raise aspiration for children in primary schools.
Art Leaders – supporting the development and delivery of primary school art curriculum
Classroom Champions – supporting a range of classroom based activities
Enrichment Ambassadors – supporting curricular activities which encourage personal development
Maths Mentors – supporting maths tuition towards standard attainment tests
Radley Readers – supporting guided reading by listening and questioning the text
Radley Zoo –supporting the science curriculum through the lives of animals
Young Countryside Leaders – developing Forest school and outdoor activities
Young Sport Leaders – supporting physical activity and sports based programmes
You will each have different skills suited to supporting a particular programme In most cases you are equipped to help across all areas and in some schools you will be involved in a range of different activities.
Each of you will be trained by teachers within your school as to how you can best provide support. In addition, the following skills will be developed through partnership activity:
learning how to judge the emotion of others and responding accordingly
developing skills of effective speaking with adults and younger children
understanding how to work alongside others to gain the greatest impact being prepared to tackle a problem from a different perspective having the opportunity to plan and deliver classroom sessions
Carswell Primary
Dry Sandford Primary
Dunmore Primary
Kingfisher School
Orchard Meadow Primary
Pegasus Primary
Radley Primary
Rose Hill Primary
St John Fisher Primary
St Swithun's Primary
Sunningwell Primary
Thameside Primary
Thomas Reade Primary
Wootton St. Peter’s Primary
Partnership work in secondary schools can be hugely rewarding for those who prefer to work with pupils closer to their own age. Focus is given to supporting GCSE work in maths and languages.
The boys have been brilliant and have definitely had an impact on our students.
Partnership work in secondary schools can be hugely rewarding for those who prefer to work with pupils closer to you in age. Focus is given to supporting GCSE work in languages and maths.
Foreign Language Speakers – supporting oral practice towards GCSE in Spanish and French
Maths Mentors – supporting maths tuition towards GCSE and Maths Olympiad
These partnership activities are suited to those who have taken GSCE maths or Spanish and French early. In many case the activities are best suited to boys in 6.1.
Fitzharry’s School – Foreign Language Speakers; Maths Mentors
Each of you will be trained by teachers within your school as to how you can best provide support. In addition, the following skills will be developed through partnership activity:
leading a tutorial session will require you to plan appropriate activities
learning how to judge the emotion of others and responding appropriately developing skills of effective speaking with adults and younger children understanding how to work alongside others to gain the greatest impact being prepared to tackle a problem from a different perspective having the opportunity to plan and deliver 1-to-1 tutoring sessions
We have a long standing tradition of working within our local community. Over the past couple of years this has grown in importance as we work with organisations to address particular needs.
I suspect that your boys too will get that sense of fulfilment when they see someone starting to join in with their music.
Littlemore Church – the church of St Mary’s and St Nicholas is located in Littlemore an area of Oxford which has high levels of deprivation The work of Radleians to maintain the churchyard has a profound impact on the church’s aim to be fully inclusive and be a welcome point to all those within the community
Music Concerts – a long-standing programme of activities whereby groups of Radley musicians visit care and residential home in Abingdon and Oxford to deliver weekly concerts We have learnt a great deal of the positive benefits the music concerts have for the well being of the residents, especially those suffering with dementia.
Radley Church – the church of St James the Great serves the Radley community It is at the heart of village worship as well as providing a space for the primary school children and other weekly youth activities. We can support by volunteering to help maintain the the church – both inside and outside
helping it remain a welcoming place for all
Radley Parish Council – recently we have developed a closer partnership with our Parish Council to help support the maintenance of our village environment Working with the village lengthsman
who has oversight of the village green spaces – Radley pupils support larger maintenance projects. The impact of the work maintains and enhances the place in which our community live
You will be working each week with a don and other members of the local community. An important skill gained will simply be the knowledge that you are making a difference for the communities in which you are working.
developing skills of effective speaking with adults and members of the wider community
understanding how to work alongside others to gain the greatest impact
having the opportunity to plan and lead on a particular aspect
recognising the areas where you can make a difference
understanding how different parts of the community work together and the value of your role
We work with a variety of organisations within our local community. The development of new skills, improved communication, working together as a team, and knowledge that you are making a difference, are all cited as important aspects of the work.
Many Radleians with an interest in social enterprise, charitable volunteering and youth work have benefitted from working more closely with our charity and social enterprise partners.
We salute you for being such remarkable examples of young people standing up for the creation of a more equitable world
Barnardo’s Charity Shop – the importance of the funds raised by charity shops cannot be over-stated, they are the lifeblood of many charities Volunteers are crucial and you will work alongside a shop manager and a team of volunteers serving customers, preparing items for sale and supporting the store’s eBay market place You will develop a deep understanding of the workings of the shop
British Heart Foundation Charity Shop – the location of the BHF shop in the heart of Abingdon will provide the opportunity for you to gain an insight into the importance of the store within our local community You will be fully trained as a shop volunteer, understanding the importance of your role and the skills necessary to work as part of a close-knit team – all essential to future employment
Oxfordshire Youth – our partnership with Oxfordshire Youth has developed into a hugely beneficial collaboration, creating an impact on you and to the organisation itself. Working with key youth workers, you will be part of designing and planning events at Radley and across Oxfordshire You will become a key advocate of their work through a deeper understanding of how the charity operates
Proof Social Bakery – this new partnership is aimed at sixth form pupils. Proof Social is part of the Tap Social group, a local Oxford-based business with a social mission to employ prisoners and prison leavers You will work at their bakery in Kennington, supporting them alongside the employed prisoners It will give you an insight into social enterprise work and how it can raise inclusion
Each of you will be trained and guided by members of the organisation you are working alongside You will gain a valuable insight into how these organisation work and the roles of different employees. In addition, the following skills will be developed through partnership activity:
developing skills of effective speaking with adults and members of the wider community
understanding how to work alongside others to gain the greatest impact
having the opportunity to plan and lead on a particular aspect
recognising the importance and impact of giving your time to help others
understanding how different parts of the community work together and the value of your role
an appreciation of how unrestricted funds broaden the work of a charity
These activities vary from working for the organisation –especially in local charity shops – to being more central to the development and planning of activities for the organisation.