‘Euthyphro’: Gvaradze
Holiness and the Socratic Method - Giorgi
Plato’s Euthyphro, set in 399 BC, is one of four Socratic works which take place around the time of Socrates’ trial and death (the others being Apology, Crito and Phaedo). More importantly, it is one of the five socalled ‘virtue dialogues’, as it explores what the Ancient Greek world considered one of the highest virtues – holiness, or piety. As such, it is one of the best displays of the ‘Socratic method’, which seeks to educate through relentless and minute questioning in a conversation. Not only do the ideas presented remain a strong challenge to anyone who believes that morality comes purely from God’s will, but, perhaps, the way in which Socrates forces his arrogant conversation partner to endlessly shift and get lost in his own argument can teach us a valuable lesson for our age. The dialogue begins as the eponymous Euthyphro, an Athenian prophet, starts a discussion with Socrates in the Agora. As the latter reveals that he has received notice of persecution against him from a certain Meletus, the former says that, as it happens, he is launching a persecution himself. For his father, having punished a murderous slave by binding and throwing him into a ditch (to await further action), has caused the slave’s death of exposure and thirst, leading Euthyphro, with much protest from his relatives, to take legal action against his own father. While it may seem like a curious coincidence that two people who are both due to appear in the courts just happen to have stumbled into a conversation with each other, the likelihood of such an event was actually quite high in Athens. Having just emerged from the tyrannical rule of the ‘Thirty’ and with its democracy reestablished, the city once again became very litigious in the early 4th Century BC. Jurors were paid daily and
selected annually from a pool of 6,000 adult men. In a flowering democracy, not only was this a way to exercise a right, but also a very entertaining time for spectators, as the best speakers in the law courts often appealed to the crowd with their quick wit and improvisation. In any case, Euthyphro justifies the decision to go after his kin with the affirmation that what he is doing is ‘holy’. To Socrates’ seemingly straightforward question of what exactly ‘holiness’ means, accompanied by the philosopher’s typical snide flattery, Euthyphro brings up an example, like many of Socrates’ examinees. This is not a satisfactory answer; an example is not the universal definition required. One is indeed offered by the prophet. He defines holiness in terms of what is approved by the gods. But, as our knowledge of Greek mythology can tell us, the gods’ countless squabbles have ensured that it is rather difficult to pick out one thing on which they all agree. Accordingly, Socrates points out that what one god may consider a good action, another may consider an evil one. Though this leads us into the statement that what is divinely approved is, at the same time, divinely disapproved, the philosopher concedes for the sake of argument. So, the definition that both decide to run with becomes “what all the gods disapprove of is unholy, what all approve of is holy, and what some approve of and others disapprove of is neither or both.” Had Euthyphro been in a discussion with someone else, it is very likely the pair would have left it at that. But that is not the Socrates we know and love. It is here that we come to arguably the most famous parts of the dialogue, begun by the question “is the holy approved by the gods because it is holy, or is it holy because it’s