6.1 Personal Development Programme 2024/5

6.1 Personal Development Programme 2024/5
It is a pleasure to welcome you to the 6.1 Personal Development Programme.
Beyond the classroom you can further develop life-long character virtues that influence how you are valued by others, while at the same time boosting your resume
Through learning a new skill, contributing to your local community, and examining ideas through thoughtful questioning, you can become more discerning, ethical in your decision making, and demonstrate elevated levels of self-motivation and determination.
The 6 1 Activity Programme aims to develop these virtues by allowing you to opt for three distinct types of activity:
Skill: Performance Virtue
Developing a new skill can foster personal growth, intellectual stimulation, adaptability, and personal fulfilment We offer a range of new activities that help develop these important performance virtues
Service: Civic Virtue
Developing a deeper sense of purpose and connection to your community can be developed through service. Our partnership programmes provide a range of placements that develop these important civic virtues. These same virtues are also developed through the CCF.
Self: Intellectual Virtue
Developing yourself to think and question and to grow through new experiences, allows you to confidently adapt We offer a range of different societies that develop these important intellectual virtues
We do not learn for school, but for life. CICERO
Developing your character helps you grasp what is ethically important in situations and how to act for the right reasons, so that you become more autonomous and reflective
Your character is not fixed, and the virtues can be developed through a range of experiences. Character is the foundation for improved attainment, increased employability, but most importantly, flourishing societies
Ultimately you should aim to develop good sense, or practical wisdom; the capacity to choose intelligently between alternatives.
Source: Jubilee Centre
Character traits necessary for discernment, right action and the pursuit of knowledge, truth and understanding
Character traits that enable us to act well in situations that require an ethical response
Character traits that are necessary for engaged responsible citizenship, contributing to the common good
Character traits that have an instrumental value in enabling the intellectual, moral and civic virtues
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: autonomy; critical thinking; curiosity; judgement; reasoning; reflection; resourcefulness. compassion; courage; gratitude; honesty; humility; integrity; justice; respect citizenship; civility; community awareness; neighbourliness; service; volunteering. confidence; determination; motivation; perseverance; resilience; leadership; teamwork
Practical Wisdom is the integrative virtue, developed through experience and critical reflection, which enables us to perceive, know, desire and act with good sense This includes discerning, deliberative action in situations where virtues collide
Many employers know that character and personality traits can be just as important – if not more so – than their professional credentials
Employees with strong character traits like curiosity, reasoning, and good judgement can help create a stimulating work environment. In the same way, those who are community aware, showing perseverance and leadership are better equipped to give a voice to others and come up with creative solutions to benefit wider society
A core value of the 6.1 Activity Programme is a desire to develop a deeper sense of service. We therefore ask that at least one term is a given to service of some sort through a partnership activity or as a NCO in the CCF.
There are some things which simply embody the transformative impact which a Radley education is all about – learning more about yourself, learning how to be a role model and supporting others
In most cases the activity will last for one term, although some will last for longer. Where this is the case the length of the activity is given next to the activity.
Maths Mentor (Secondary)
Foreign Language Support (Secondary)
Maths Mentor (Primary)
Radley Reader (Primary)
Young Sport Leader (Primary)
Phonics Flyer (Primary)
Classroom Enrichment (Primary)
Animal Curisoities (Primary)
Rocks and Minerals (Primary)
Greek Stories
Social Enterprise
PROOF Social (Social Enterprise)
TAP Social (Social Enterprise)
Abingdon Court Care Home
Remaining as an NCO within either the Army, Navy, or RAF Sections
Two Terms (Michaelmas & Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas & Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas & Lent)
One Term
Three Terms
One Term
One Term
Two Terms (Michaelmas & Lent)
One Term (Summer)
One Term
Three Terms
One Term
Two Terms (Michaelmas & Lent)
Three Terms
Art (Life Drawing)
Backstage Construction
Cooking with Confidence
Medics (Pre-U Training)
Greenpower Motor Challenge
Journalism (Radley Chronicle)
Improvisational Comedy
Music Technology
Conversational French
Conversational German
Conversational Italian
Conversational Spanish
Africa Society
American Football
Creative Writing
Dr Who
Social Deduction and Game Design Theory
Two Terms (Michaelmas and Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas and Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas and Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas and Lent)
Two Terms (Michaelmas and Lent)
The greatest impact you can make is committing to partnership work for a sustained period.
We have planned with our partners that you will be with them each Wednesday afternoon for twenty weeks during the Michaelmas and Lent term