Strategic Update February 2022
From the Warden Last year, we issued a new strategic plan to cover 2021-25. Please do read it if you have not done so already. It acts as a guide and as a framework for all we do in the next five years, always building on the values and attitudes that underpin a Radley education. Radley is, of course, an extremely busy place with a huge amount going on in all areas of college life in and beyond the classroom. The website and our social media feeds are always a good way to catch up with what is going on and please do look at the latest digital and interactive edition of The Radleian; you will find a whole range of articles about the academic and co-curricular achievements of the boys. The purpose of this document is slightly different. Taking the strategic plan, it is important to highlight progress in the last twelve months and to outline current priorities and plans: to give a sense of direction in terms of the ‘big picture’. We will do this annually throughout the five years of the plan. As ever, the most fundamental element of our provision is pastoral care. In the last twelve months, we have reviewed our PSHE and RSE curriculum in the light of societal challenges and are confident that what we do provides the right balance between the formal and informal, allowing boys to engage and reflect as well as be informed. The pilot ISI inspection on such elements in Summer 2021 was encouraging and reinforced that confidence; our work with Downe House (see the Partnerships section below) will be an important part of our progress in this area. John Moule Warden
Funded Places
Widening access to a Radley education for boys who would otherwise be unable to come remains a central strategic goal of the College. We remain committed to the ongoing growth of our endowment to build resilience for the future as well as expanding current provision year-on-year.
Progress The 2022-23 figure for funded places is projected to be 10.5% (2014-15: 3.6%), with recipients benefiting from support ranging between 5% to 100%. The endowment is projected to rise to £85m by the end of this academic year, with all generated income being used to support the programme.
Plans We will continue to increase provision in line with the twenty-year target (set in 2016) to reach 20% of fee income being in the form of fee remission. The College now aims to achieve that ahead of schedule.
The new Strategic Plan incorporated Partnership (with People, Place and Purpose) as a fourth pillar of the overall approach. We are looking to ensure a more systematic focus to what we do, emphasising lasting relationships of mutual benefit across a range of areas.
Progress It has been an extraordinary year of growth in this area under the leadership of the Director of Partnerships, John Sparks. We look forward to reporting in our annual Public Benefit analysis in the Summer Term but highlights include the launch of the OX14 partnership with five other secondary schools in Abingdon; a closer partnership with Downe House School focusing on relationships of respect and opportunities for personal development, and work with Broadway Academy (Perry Barr, Birmingham) to develop areas of mutual interest and extensive local work in music and sport.
Plans Over the next year, we aim to extend our partnership with Broadway, embed the OX14 partnership, measure and develop the work with Downe House School and continue the excellent initiatives already begun in other areas. In addition, we will be launching a new partnership initiative focussed around the Countryside Centre. We will look to assess impact through annual reporting and ongoing work with Oxford Brookes as they evaluate what we do.
David Anderson, Estates Bursar, leads on sustainability and chairs the College Sustainability Group, which includes boys, both operational and academic staff and two members of Council.
Progress We have achieved a 40% reduction in our carbon footprint in the last ten years through a combination of the installation of renewable energy sources, more efficient plant rooms, better systems management, additional insulation, window upgrades, implementing zero to landfill and LED lighting. This gives us good foundations on which to effect real change. Plans We are in the process of defining a target date to reach net zero based on the data we have collected to date (leveraging opportunities on our land and aspiring to avoid relying on carbon offsets). We will also outline an approach on how we engage and influence our community (parents, staff and boys) and our suppliers (transport, food, construction etc) to pursue sustainable goals. Our aim is to achieve genuine sustainable policy through innovation and investment, to report transparently and regularly, and to educate and engage the Radley community. On the latter point I am delighted by the response from the boys involved who, rightly, bring their own perspective and want to be part of the solution. We will publish a strategy in June following sign-off by Council.
Curriculum We continue to expand our curriculum extension programme (CEP) offering in the sixth form, looking to introduce Psychology, Entrepreneurship, and other MFL options. We have attracted significant funding to help us launch a major schoolwide initiative on entrepreneurialism. New links with Institute of Ideas (IOI) and associated Battle of Ideas (BOI) are helping us encourage free speech and real discussion across the College. We are looking at ways to promote individual academic inquiry and ringfence more time for it. Staffing We continue to develop our internal Graduate Assistant Teacher programme, which introduces highly qualified candidates to a career in teaching and supplies a pipeline of excellent people; three of the current group have been appointed to permanent positions in September 2022 (as were two last year). We are reviewing our whole recruitment approach to ensure that it is attracting the best candidates for the roles we have.
Technology The rollout of iPads is now effectively embedded with our goal being to strike a balance between digital and traditional methods. The new Shell IT Curriculum is in its second year, and we are introducing a qualification (IC3 Spark) which we expect all pupils to pass. We have significantly expanded opportunities in coding and robotics beyond the classroom. We are reviewing our Database provision with any changes to be implemented by September 2023.
Admissions Our funded places programme allows us to provide support in order to ensure a breadth and diversity of entry in socio-economic terms. We are delighted that we now have boys at the College from 38 countries. Demand for Radley places remains high at all entry points.
Financial Planning The core financial strategy of the College is to provide the financial resilience to allow Radley to provide a world class education in terms of staffing, facilities and opportunities. Central to that is the growth of our endowment to support the expansion of our funded places programme: this is achieved through effective fundraising, judicious reinvestment of surplus, and the proceeds from land sales, the second (of two) of which is due to complete by Summer 2022.
Estates Planning We have completed the extension of the Chapel and the installation of the new organ. These are to be formally dedicated in March 2022. The current building project in the centre of the site is the extension and refurbishment of ‘Shop’ which will provide a catering hub for up to 100 covers in addition to the traditional service. We are currently planning a partnership hub in the Old Barn on Kennington Road, to include a cookery centre for the boys to use. Beyond that, a major project to extend and refurbish the Music School is projected to start in Summer 2023.
Communication We are in the process of a full communications review and have been pleased with the feedback received by all elements of the community. We have identified four clear themes to work on in the coming year: maximising the use of digital calendars; developing a series of seminars to help parents on tricky issues; reviewing our current database to see whether a replacement is necessary and ensuring the role of the form master is better understood and utilised.
Co-Curricular We are delighted by the way in which the co-curricular side of College thrived despite Covid and by the momentum we have. For example, there is greater breadth and quality in individual and ensemble music, a wider provision of workshops and opportunities for talented actors, and sporting results are strong, with junior years in particular showing strength and depth. Areas of focus include managing an increased school size (in terms of space, timetabling and sourcing appropriate numbers of fixtures); the development of leadership opportunities for boys through partnership work with local schools; and the expansion of the work of the Countryside Centre.
Things to look out for... Sustainability Strategy
June 2022 Partnerships Report
October 2022
Strategic Update Year 2
February 2023
Radley Foundation Impact Report