Virtual Radley 2
Core Principles
Theme for Virtual Radley 2: 'Making the most of a CRISIS'
Pastoral Care
Form Mastering
Parents’ Meetings
M. Communication
Dear all, Thank you for your patience as we have planned for the start of term. The following outlines the structure of Virtual Radley 2 and, I hope, conveys the energy and ambition that we will have as we embark on another period of remote education. I am grateful to all staff, you as parents and each of the boys; I know that together we will replicate the success of the Summer and, I trust, build on them.
A. Core Principles 1. 2.
We are again committed to provide the very best service possible and to recognise the importance of the pastoral and co-curricular as well as the academic. We recognise that we will not get everything right and will again value feedback as the term progresses. We are making some changes and these will be reviewed over the coming weeks. We will seek to communicate transparently and personally throughout. We want to build on the experience of Virtual Radley 1 and, rather than only being frustrated by the need to return to remote education, to view it as an educational opportunity as well as it being a hindrance. As you will see, we have developed a theme around that and would very much value your support in seeking to ensure that boys make the most of the opportunities that will be offered them.
B. Structure 1. We have decided to adopt a different timetable approach for this period. This is partly in response to some parental feedback but is primarily to reflect the time of year. 2. Linked here is the new structure: the following are the essential features: a. There will be seven taught periods a day Monday to Friday. b. There will be no formal Saturday lessons with these lessons reallocated to the week. c. Central Hour will continue each day, giving time for Academic Support, Music, Drama and Language Oral practice as well as providing a healthy break in the middle of the day. d. There will be two formal sport sessions a week, with additional programmes and internal and external competitions scheduled at weekends. e. Each Social will provide their own Cocoa arrangements and there will continue to be voluntary activities outside the formal activity slots. f. There will be two formal Form Periods each week with an expectation that Form Masters will also arrange a third touch point each week for the group either together or individually. 3. The above seems to be a sensible approach at this time of year. It was not an easy decision to adjust in this way and the arrangements will be reviewed. We appreciate that afternoon lessons are less convenient for many international students; as previously, lessons will be recorded and we have a pattern that has sought to balance timings to reflect this challenge.
C. Theme for Virtual Radley 2: 'Making the most of a CRISIS' We want to make the most of the opportunity of Virtual Radley 2 and have developed a structured approach that we hope will both stimulate and challenge boys during the weeks ahead. With shorter daylight hours, there will be less formal sports time (though we encourage regular exercise and will support and incentivise that) and we are using that time to promote and encourage the following themes: C
Careers Exploration
Independent Research
Skills Acquisition
Issues of the Day
Service to the Community
The above priorities will be reflected in the activity slots and Form Masters, supported by Tutors, will encourage and direct the boys. For Shells, Removes and Vths, the Heads of Year will also play a key role in overseeing things. Please do support them all in that: if at the end of this virtual period, each boy has developed better understanding and opinions in terms of current affairs; read and recommended a book; acquired a skill; served and helped people in some way; explored various career options and conducted some valuable independent research in a topic of interest, it will have been a good thing. That is our ambition and will ensure that we are ‘making the most of a 'crisis' . . . the boys will tell you that I love a good acronym. Mr Rathbone is overseeing this element and there is a separate document from him giving more detail.
D. Pastoral Care It is of course the primary responsibility of the Tutor and PHM (with the help of the Form Master) to oversee the pastoral welfare of each boy. We are keen to ensure that no boy either falls behind or struggles unnecessarily and we would ask that you are in touch with us quickly with any concerns you have. The Tutors and PHMs will be supported in this by the central pastoral team, led by the Sub-Warden as well as the school counselling service and Chaplaincy, and we intend to put in place some additional 1:1 mentoring for those that need particular help.
E. Lessons These were very successful in Virtual Radley 1 and I am sure they will be the same this time round. Please be aware of the following, which include some slight changes: a. We are encouraging dons to be a little more varied in their approach and to be aware of the challenges of screen time. b. We are asking boys as a default position to begin lessons with cameras switched on. It will then be for the individual don to control that according to the activity. Boys do not have to wear uniform but must be presentable in terms of dress - no pyjamas . . . - and be seated at a desk or the equivalent to work.
F. Exams I do appreciate the anxiety and uncertainty for exam year-groups and their parents. Steve Rathbone wrote to parents in the light of the announcements by Gavin Williamson. We will go ahead with the planned mocks but are rebranding them as interim assessment tests to emphasise the fact that their primary purpose is to help the boys ascertain where they are at and what needs to be worked on over the coming weeks and months. We are committed to giving the boys what positive opportunities we can to prove themselves over the process working within the framework and timescale that will be issued by Ofqual and the boards in due course. The mindset of each and every boy should be: work hard to make all possible improvement over that time, and trust us to do our best by them within the guidance. I also want to stress the positive opportunities that may well arise - depending on deadlines for the submission of exam data - in the Summer Term for wider co-curricular and transitional academic opportunities to be offered to both year groups. With more time to plan, we are confident that we will able to offer a very exciting programme.
G. Form Mastering There will be two formal Form slots on a Monday and Friday. We will also expect Form Masters to have a third touch point at an appropriate point in the week and, given the greater 1:1 element in the Sixth Form, the approach may be more flexible. Form Masters - supported by Heads of Year for Shells, Removes and Vths - have been asked to take responsibility for the following core tasks: a. Day-to-day pastoral and academic oversight. b. Ensuring regular interaction between boys and their peers. c. Guidance, support and monitoring of progress for each boy on 'Making the most of a CRISIS' programme.
H. Co-Curricular Music (including individual lessons), Drama and Sport activities will continue, as will CCF and Community Service and a variety of other voluntary groups. We are also asking that every boy be able to demonstrate that they have engaged in some service to their family or community as part of their schedule.
I. Chapel We will stream two chapel services a week on a Tuesday and Thursday at 1715. Both services will include a musical piece performed by one of the boys and a short talk: I will speak on Thursday and Tuesday will alternate between the Chaplains and a boy talking about some aspect of charity or service. As in Virtual Radley 1, there will also be links on the website to online Sunday Services at local and national churches.
J. Return Clearly we all hope that there will be a return to Radley as soon as possible and we are committed to working towards that as quickly as practicable once guidelines allow. We will be in touch with international parents over quarantine needs at that point but would hope to be able to support it as we have up to this point. We will not be considering any changes to future term dates (including Leave Away) until things become clearer. In light of the timetable restructure, there will be no Hilary Exeat Weekend.
K. International We are conscious of the particular challenge of the time zone variance for international pupils. They were outstanding in their commitment last time and I am sure will be so again . . . we will work to be as flexible and innovative in our approach to support them all.
L. Parents’ Meetings These will continue online and we will be in touch with details as appropriate.
M. Communication Tutors, Form Masters and PHMs will be the first point of contact but do not hesitate to be in touch with me or other senior colleagues if you have questions. I will be in regular contact with a fortnightly video update and as things develop, we will be in touch on any particular matters such as exams. With the timing slightly dependent on the length of the lockdown, we will ask you to fill in a feedback questionnaire before Leave Away.
I am encouraged, as ever, by the enthusiasm and dedication of colleagues as they have worked hard in this final week of their break to get ready for what I am sure will be a successful Virtual Radley 2. Thank you in advance for your support for all that we are doing and I know the boys will respond with the same energy and commitment as they did in the Summer.
Warden 8.1.21