Federation of Kurenti Associations
Federation of Kurenti Associations is the umbrella organisation of associations striving for the preservation of Kurenti’s tradition and rituals, of the movable heritage; nevertheless, the preservation procedure requires some cautiousness.
Publisher: Texts by:
Federation of Kurenti Association Ptuj, Ul. Heroja Lacka 3, 2250 Ptuj
authors, SRC Bistra Ptuj Photographs: Rado Škrjanec, Črtomir Goznik, associations’ archives Design and print: Vejica, Rado Škrjanec, s.p. Number of issues: 1000 examples Februar 2017
To become Kurent or Korant does not simply imply to put on a head mask, but to fulfil a noble mission. It can be performed solely by someone who has light heart and is full of positive energy, who ignores the meaning of selfishness and is, on the contrary, ready to reach out to other people and make them happy. It is necessary to believe and trust in Kurent’s tradition and the mystic power of its ritual which warrants new, happy and fruitful life. It is important to transmit this noble mission to younger generations, to teach them valour and humanity, goodness and the importance of ethnographic intangible cultural heritage which leaves eternal marks on space and time, to cherish intergenerational relations which constantly whisper and spread the story of mystical and spiritual mission of Kurent-Korant. Let Kurent-Korant remain a harbinger and initiator of new life which bursts in spring, as well as a patron of unrestricted joy and happiness. Happiness is spotless and clear and touches all those who believe in the magic of the time span between Candlemass and Ash Wednesday. Vlado Hvalec President of the Federation of Kurenti Associations
Federation of Kurenti Associations consists of 20 associations boasting more than 900 members, that is the majority of those who preserve Kurenti's tradition. The Federation is the result of efforts employed by associations to preserve the tradition and related customs. For years, different associations and groups of Kurenti had expressed their wish to be organised under an umbrella organisation, for they firmly believed that common goals could be achieved only through an efficient organisational structure. Thus, the Federation was established in 2014. Kurenti's tradition is a living thing subjected to changes, and therefore, it demands an utmost precautious approach. In our modern technological society, any novelty or change occurring in the ethnographic heritage has to be well thought about. Associations, as bearers of this tradition, are well aware of it. Thus, the establishment of the Federation of Kurenti Associations resulted from two key elements: the urge for a common and critical decision-taking procedure related to the introduction of new elements into the traditional performance, and the desire to go back to the genuine customs. The above-
mentioned objectives can only be reached through joint consent of associations working closely together, which allows better dissemination of information and wider impact on the social environment. An important step, although far from being the only one, is the inscription of Kurenti's ritual on the UNESCO’s representative list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, the Federation and some other organisations have been striving for. In 2016, Kurenti's ritual was proclaimed intangible heritage of national importance, the condition to be fulfilled in order to demand the inscription by UNESCO. At the same time, the Federation plays an active role in the raise of awareness of those who organise various events and festivals by explaining about the ethnographic heritage; with this, the Federation tries to limit some modern and inappropriate performances of Kurenti's ritual, although the ritual is a living thing which changes to a certain extent. Finally, the Federation represents the interests of all its members.
In the north-eastern part of Slovenia, one of the most mysterious and most beautiful rituals has been preserved known under the name of Kurentovanje. It represents the greatest Slovenian and central European carnival festival. The ethnographic part of the carnival is specifically marked by the figure of Kurent or Korant, as it is called by the villagers around Ptuj, and is limited to the Lower Podravje region comprising 19 communities. The micro-region where door-to-door rounds of Kurenti is performed, is limited to the town of Ptuj, the community of Ormož and some smaller communities on the Ptuj and Drava fields (Markovci, Dornava, Gorišnica, Videm, Hajdina, Kidričevo), Haloze (Podlehnik, Žetale, Majšperk), and Slovenske Gorice (Juršinci, Destrnik, Sveti Andraž). The bearers of the tradition (families, groups, associations) are the most numerous in Markovci, Zabovci, Spuhlja, Bukovci, Borovci, Stojnci, Lancova vas, Pobrežje, Draženci, Janežovci, Vareja, Prvenci, Grajena, Mestni Vrh. Kurenti’s rituals as well as Kurenti themselves represent the most popular ethnographic Shrovetide figure which, every year from Candlemass to Ash Wednesday, perform their door-to-door rounds in towns and villages. Whether Kurent is of pagan, Slavic, maybe even Greek or any other origin is still not known. The first known bearers and performers of the heritage were from the rural origin; since the 19th century, due to the general move of people towards urban areas, the bearers have been coming also from towns. According to ancient tradition, grand-fathers would transmit their knowledge to their sons and grand-sons, for only men were able to gather enough strength and efforts to wear the heavy Kurent’s attire and combat evil. In the past, men would
make their own attires at home using anything that was available on the farm. Nowadays, Kurenti’s attires are fashioned by local master craftsmen. A special role is held by women and girls who are responsible for decoration (paper flowers and ribbons, woollen socks, painting of leather face masks, embroidering handkerchiefs). Children are actively included in all activities concerning the performance and preservation of the door-to-door rounds of Kurenti. Kurent is a collective masked figure and, normally, individuals gather to form ethnographic groups, others found associations. An association or a group normally consists of 15 to 20 members. The leader of a group is generally the oldest member who is also responsible for organising and leading the rounds through villages and towns. A group of Kurenti is not complete without a devil symbolising potential evil chased by the Kurenti.
In order to perform the ritual, the attire called kurentija is required. It consists of a sheep’s skin coat, a head mask, five cow bells and a wooden club. The head mask comes in two variations: the feathered and the horned one. The former one has a leather facial part surrounded by sheep skin, turkey or geese feathers and multi-coloured paper ribbons and flowers attached to the leather horns. On the other hand, the leather facial part of the horned mask is encircled by sheep’s skin while on the top there are genuine cow’s horns. But Kurenti also appear in a group of ploughmen where they hold a plough. A group comes running into a farm’s courtyard, makes several rounds during which the group members wildly jump around the farmer. Their loud bell-ringing and club brandishing chase away everything that is bad and bring joy and happiness. The farmers offer food and drinks, while women offer their handkerchiefs. The ancient habit of breaking a clay pot at the first arrival of Kurenti, which means happiness and thanks Kurenti, has been preserved in some of the villages. Besides performing in their local environments, Kurenti participate in many ethnographic, carnival and high-profile events.
Mission of Kurenti
More and more people are aware that the description designing the Kurenti rituals as being reminiscent of primeval pagan times is incomplete and misleading. For this very tradition is the source of wisdom known and respected by our ancestors, and which can largely contribute to a better quality of life not only of ourselves but of all living beings. The power of this tradition is hardly perceptible from the classical scientific point of view, for many changes
experienced by certain individuals or groups are wrapped in a veil of mysticism. However, recent discoveries of higher levels of consciousness and their impact on positive changes are slowly uncovering that beliefs and habits of our ancestors, which have been preserved up to today, are not merely of a pagan origin. Troubles of the past, especially related to the shortage of food, have been replaced by modern ones. During the carnival time, Kurenti have been chasing away evil and calling happiness into our region for a long while. The power of this extraordinary tradition is shown in the ritual itself, the ritual which brings happiness to people. The grandeur of the ritual lies in the fact that the true suffering is endured by the one who is brining happiness much more than by those who strive for it. The local environment is extremely sensitive to this mission with which numerous social structures identify themselves. The bearer of happiness, Kurent, features in various graphic presentations of companies, public institutions and civil organisations. The main figure at ethnographic and carnival processions, known under the name of Kurentovanje, and without which neither of the two events would have any sense at all, is again Kurent. In the local environment, Kurent is much more than just one of the carnival masked figures. The message of door-to-door rounds of Kurenti helps create and strengthens at the same time a sustainable identity of Ptuj and its surroundings. To be a part of these rounds is nowadays a deed of honour performed by many people from all social strata and who identify themselves with it. Inhabitants of Ptuj, boasting a reputation of the oldest town in Slovenia, and those from neighbouring villages consider the Shrovetide customs as a part of their common identity, a bond with something mystical and evasion from the earthly world.
UNESCO – World Cultural Heritage Enriched by Rounds of Kurenti The Slovenes, as a rather small nation, will never be able to obtain a global recognition through economic branches, such as banking, industrial multinationals, army industry, stock exchanges, and others. However, our originality and ingenuity reflect in our cultural heritage. Through our entire history, we, the Slovenes, have been building our national identity and our homeland on our own genuine cultural creativity. Despite being surrounded by big nations, we have developed and preserved countless cultural artefacts which are unique in many different fields. Among them, the exceptional ethnographic carnival heritage which, according to the UNESCO’s convention, belongs to the category of intangible cultural heritage. This type of heritage is typically transmitted from one generation to another thus ensuring the continuous bond with older generations and fostering the respect for the cultural creativity of our ancestors. All the efforts to inscribe the rounds of Kurenti on the UNESCO’s list of intangible cultural heritage are not only meant to preserve the heritage. The inscription would also mean to raise awareness about the importance and meaning of Kurenti’s ritual on the
local, national and international levels. The inscription will help to preserve and revive the primary mission of Kurenti and their rounds. In our modern world full of competition, individualism, egoism, irrational destruction of the environment, Kurenti, with their message, are ambassadors of social and cultural changes which take us back to primeval times when human beings lived in harmony with nature, plants, animals and other living beings; when people knew they were inseparable part of the universe and never thought of themselves as being superior masters entitled to exploit everything and everybody for their personal short-term benefits only. The tradition of Kurenti is full of wisdom known to our ancestors who respected it; today, it can help us to a better life not only for us but for every living being. The inscription on the UNESCO’s list together with the increased awareness about the importance of our heritage will help to an even greater global recognition and to a richer general, common world history. At the same time, the inscription will safeguard the heritage against excessive influence of commercialisation. It will also impede a decontextualization of the intangible cultural heritage, its performance and apparition outside its genuine place and time. Thus will be impeded inadequate arrangements and misuse of intangible cultural heritage
by individuals, tourist guides, researchers and other “outsiders”. The inscription on the representative list opens up numerous communication channels which enable a common dialogue on personal, local, regional, national and international levels. This communication will enhance constant raise of awareness of individuals and groups about the importance of the heritage. The inscription will increase the recognisability and foster intercultural dialogue on national and international levels, and strengthen social networks of similar elements present in the European and worldwide cultural heritage. Being on the representative list will undoubtedly lead to a grown interest to deal with this type of heritage at scientific and professional meetings, and to exchange and participate in various ethnographic and carnival events on all continents of the world. Active participation at the mentioned events will lead to a direct dialogue and exchange of experience and good practice among individuals and groups and communities. Štefan Čelan, PhD assistant professor
Address: Grajena 57, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Milan Klemenc Tel.: 041 680 811 E-mail: milan.klemenc@gmail.com
Address: Žgečeva ulica 8, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Sonja Korošec Tel.: 041 444 809 E- mail: kurenti.ptuj1@gmail.com
Address: Murkova ulica 4, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Štefan Čelan Tel.: 041 678 772 E- mail: stefan.celan@gmail.com Web page: www.kurenti.si
Address: Mestni Vrh 24, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Dušan Poštrak Tel.: 031 302 751 E- mail: dusan.postrak@triera.net
Address: Rogozniška cesta 4, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Aleksander Mlinarič Tel.: 031 230 642 E- mail: drustvo.kurenti94@gmail.com
Address: Zgornja Hajdina 11c, 2288 Hajdina Group leader: Dejan Šlamberger Tel.: 041 749 744 E- mail: prevozi.dejan@gmail.com
Address: Jenkova 6, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Vlado Hvalec Tel.: 031 692 910 E- mail: korantovduh@gmail.com
Address: Cankarjeva ulica 4, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Bojan Zemljarič Tel.: 041 552 329 Group leader: Bojan Lesjak Tel.: 031 350 212 E- mail: info@ed-kurent.si
Address: Zechnerjeva ulica 16f, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Iztok Kovačec Tel.: 041 626 366 E- mail: iztok.kovacec@gmail.com
Address: Maistrova ulica 26a, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Dušan Pšajd Tel.: 041 371 077 E- mail: veseli.korant@gmail.com
Address: Lancova vas 44a, 2284 Videm pri Ptuju Group leader: Danilo Turk Tel.: 041 419 757 E- mail: koranti.lancova@gmail.com Web page: www.koranti-lancova.si
Address: Slovenskogoriška cesta 18, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Uroš Cajnko Tel.: 041 485 524 E- mail: koranti.kdrogoznica@gmail.com Web page www.kdrogoznica.si/
KULTURNO-FOLKLORNO DRUŠTVO PODLEHNIK, KORANTI Address: Podlehnik 9, 2286 Podlehnik Group leader: Franc Arnuš Tel.: 041 604 257 E- mail: kfd.podlehnik@gmail.com
DRUŠTVO KORANTI DESTRNIK Address: Destrnik 9, 2253 Destrnik Group leader: Miro Kokol Tel.: 041 694 141 E- mail: kokol.miro@gmail.com
DRUŠTVO KORANTI PODLEHNIK Address: Podlehnik 9, 2286 Podlehnik Group leader: Bogdan Šimenko Tel.: 041 485 807 E- mail: sanja.simenko@gmail.com
KULTURNO DRUŠTVO DRAŽENCI, SEKCIJA TeDe KORANT KLUB Address: Draženci 74b, 2288 Hajdina Group leader: Drago Lesjak Tel.: 040 634 882 E- mail: tedekorant@gmail.com
Address: Vareja 12, 2284 Videm pri Ptuju Group leader: Darko Cafuta Tel.: 041 767 934 E- mail: kted.demoni@gmail.com
Address: Prvenci 10b, 2281 Markovci Group leader: Janez Golc Tel.: 041 469 506 E- mail: janez.golc@gmail.com
PTUJ SKI KURENT KLUB Address: Osojnikova cesta 9, 2250 Ptuj Group leader: Jože Gašperšič Tel.: 041 704 712 E- mail: joze.gasper@hotmail.com
TURISTIČNO DRUŠTVO KORANTI IZ POBREŽJA Address: Pobrežje 54, 2284 Videm pri Ptuju Group leader: Damjan Vidovič Tel.: 041 641 659 E- mail: tdkorantipobrezje@gmail.com
MISTIK – Kurenti’s Vintage Wine In 2016 started a fruitful cooperation between Ptuj Wine Cellar and the Federation of Kurenti Associations. A patronising relationship soon developed into a partnership sealed by wine which was produced in the wine cellar in Ptuj, while the grapes for it were picked at the Lovreci’s farmstead in Jiršovci. Wine connoisseurs wrote about the wine: “MISTIK is a divine wine produced from Blue Pinot, and has wonderful brass hues. The wine, with its mystic odours, creates the freshness of a spring, and with its fine aroma leads us among flowers and to an orchard full of pip and stone fruits. It is gentle, harmonious, refined and agreeable to drink.” This wine is the first from the series of future wines for which grapes will be manually picked every year at another farmstead, and the quantity will be limited.
Federation of Kurenti Associations Ul. heroja Lacka 3, 2250 Ptuj zveza.kurentov@gmail.com, www.zveza-kurentov