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Name Course Task
Adam CPM Identification of project requirements and construction method, identification of the supply-chain and sub-contractors, traffic management and site layout, master programme, daily programme
Ayham CPM Project risk assessment, supply chain plan, RAMS, project close out statement
Bethany BS Passivhaus principles, heating, ventilation and airtightness systems research, snag list
Gareth QS Trust and collaboration in construction and client social commitments research, management of client expectations and cost certainty
Lucas ADT 3D digital model, sections, legislative net-zero framework research, materail study, sections, 1:5 detail, certification
Luke QS Review of the project scope and cost estimate and cost limit, sub-contractor selection and management strategy, contractual projection advice
Madonna Arch Passivhaus principles and precedent research, wall and roof diagram, environmental strategy diagram, 1:20 section detail, 1:10 detail, 1:5 detail, green building material study
Mariyah QS Risk register, proposed contractual framework
Raeven Arch Site analysis, precedent research, concept diagram, building design, plans, elevations, sections, axonometric projections, physical massing model, 1:20 section detail, 1:5 detail, group minute and note taking, presentation