| LONG |
| 长 |
This monograph does not have a beginning nor an end.¶
Considering what are the things that I have always
这本书没有开始也没有结尾。¶ 如果这世界上有什么是能让我一直相信的,那便只有永动的时间和热力学定律。地球上的生存空间有限,一切的
believed in, I can only think of the unstoppable time and the principles of thermodynamics. The Earth offers us a limit
The sky is black and earth is yellow; space and time expand without limit. Sun high or low, moon full or parsed; stars spread across the vast sky. Cold then heat arrives and leaves; Autumn is for harvest, Winter is for storing. Extra days round out the years; tune is scaled with sun and spheres.
-- Thousand Character Classic
事物便必须在这有限的空间里重叠发生,在循环地修改中不断前行。我们所能做的,便是享受在时间里产生的变化。¶ 我的设计思维过程受到结构工程的刚性
ted span of living space. All events that have occurred in this finite space repeat, overlay, develop, and evolve in
性和中国书法的流动性的影响。我考虑的是架构的结构框架。我考虑的是两体之间在时间上的二分法。 我也考虑到个体如何居住在结构网格中。 我考虑事件的
recursion. We can enjoy transformation through time by understanding and designing architecture. Architecture offers phy
ysical and social infrastructure, discovers with its users new possibilities with time, and creates tangling relation-
家的自然运动和情感能量激发,形成独特的个性。 建筑具有固定的结构和机械系统,也可以注册动议,时间转换和包含着生物的能量。¶
长的建筑 不一定要
ships among us. Everything can eventually connected by architecture. ¶
My design and thinking processes are influenced
d by the rigidity of structural engineering and the fluidity of Chinese calligraphy. I consider the structural frame-
书法一般,创造的不仅是空间而是绵延相连的关系。 ¶ 我想要的便是在不同的情景下,创造这样的长的建筑。 ¶
| 看山 | 一直以来我都很 喜欢观赏高山
work of the architecture. I consider the dichotomy between two bodies in time. I consider how bodies inhabit in the str
ructural grid. I consider the progression and connection of events. And I consider the form of architecture that create
的真面目,时时刻刻显漏出高山不同的部位,造成不同的景观。我可以花无数个小 时观赏着高山和云雾之间天衣无缝的关系和变化,尝试着探索和看出高山雄
entanglement and relationships. Starting with a gridded framework which implies stability, a set of strokes and the app
蜂的真面目。在这个过程当中,时间像流水一样漂过,可是我能意识到时间和高山云雾之间的奥妙和亲密关系。 ¶ 观察着高山雄蜂,我从中得到了很多关于建
pointed position of the stroke in relation with the whole character, Chinese calligraphy is vitalized by natural move-
{{ The plan of the hotel is inspired by the spread of ink on chinese rice paper. The layers of ink are translated as di
{{ 酒店的平面图如同墨水在宣纸上留下的层层印记一样。 因为水和墨的比例不同,印记有不一样的材质。在建筑里,材料有不同的透明度和厚度。在酒店的设
ifferent materials: glass for the inner light tube, concrete for the mechanical systems, and wood for the furnitures. }}
ment and emotional energy of the writer, resulting in forms of unique individuality. Architecture, with its fixed stru
uctural and mechanical system, can also register natural motions, transformation in time, and energy of living things. ¶
云朵移动的速度。 ¶ 我的建筑里的木头框架就像是灵静不动的山。无数重复的木框可以被视为尺用来打造这个建筑的一个基本系统。这个框 让我可以相对之下
Long architecture is not necessarily long in its form, but it sustains long term goals.¶
Long architecture embodies u
understanding of relativity of time and motion.¶
Long architecture discovers with its inhabitants new possibilities
立一个长久的感情。这也会让人们开始欣赏那些跟着时间一起产生的美妙变化。 ¶
| 顺序 |
时间是抽象的。框架是实体的。 可能性是根据时间而产生的。
with time.¶ Long architecture resembles spatial calligraphy, creates not only spaces but intertwining sequences and rel
¶ 在中国书法里,每一笔一画都会把纸上的框架给分隔开来。每一笔都有一定的顺序,而框架的空间和格式都是以前一笔打造出来的。在每一个动作里,框架
lationships of intimate events.¶
I would like to create this kind of long architecture under different circumstances.¶
架会跟随着字体改变。字体和框架都根据每一笔一画一起进化着。一开始要先有框架 ,然后字体再占用框架所分配出来的空间。字体在现有的框架里分隔出更
{{Each Chinese character is composed with different parts. The parts are basic structural system represents events or na
{{ 每一个中文字都是由不同的偏旁部首组成。偏旁部首由生活中的事件或者是自然现象启发,每一个偏旁部首表现了不同的含义,帮助理解字的组成和含义。建
atural phenomenon. The design of the building reflects this thinking where programs are poetically composed together.}}
| Watching the Mountains | I have always enjoyed watching the mountains. Without a beginning and an end, the long
mountain range stands still, surrounded by floating mass of clouds that changes its form with time. The geometry of
骤的先后。如果要追中到底,寻找问题的源头,这可是个无尽头的旅程。所以,我们理解适当的先后顺序是比较重要的。 ¶ 在中国的传统里,命运和缘分都扮
{{The Chinese character can be decomposed into parts and overlaid, resulting in different meaning, connection, and relat
{{ 每一个字可以被分解成不同的部分然后重新组合在一起,字和字之间可以形成新的含义,连接,和关系。在设计收纳时间胶囊的仓库的时候,每层平面如同在
tionships. In the design for the storage, at each level, the permanent storage collection contrasts with open zones. }}
the mountain determines how water vapor condense into clouds. In return, clouds come and go, shielding the mountain fro
om revealing its true figure at each moment. I can spend hours and hours watching the shape of the mountain altered by
联是可以看出来的。每个事情都有各自的意义,可以决定未来的某种可能性。我们的未来都是因为之前的某种行为而产生的。 ¶ | 共生 | 各种电视剧让我
{{The architecture is a form of spatial calligraphy. The elevations of the storage building are inspired by the composit
{{ 建筑是如同在空间的书法一般。在设计时间胶囊储存空间的时候,每一个立面都是一个汉字左右结构或者包围结构的汉字,例如: 什,亿,甘。不同的里面表
tion of four different Chinese characters, providing response to sunlight and different linkages to other buildings. }}
clouds, trying to understand the actual configuration of the mountain. During this process, I always forget about how f
fast time flies by, but I can remember the time as a product of entanglement between mountains and clouds. ¶
The mount
ain range gives me with a hint about architecture. Each mountain has a unique shape determined by its geological histor
ry. Although clouds are constantly changing, there is a certain way they collide with the surface of the mountain. The
在这样的状态下,我能开始看到一个广泛的范围和时间上的紧密关系。而各个不同个体的共同点开始在同一个时间段显现了出来。 ¶ 我们自然的被固定的秩序
mountain provides a framework for the movement of the clouds. The valleys of the mountain trap clouds. The tall ridges
direct clouds. The hips bend clouds. The motionlessness of the mountain enables measurement of the cloud motion.
了对时间的观念后,我们才能完完全全的把身体径入到一个环境里。 ¶
| 空书 |
The timber structural grid in my architecture functions similarly to the stationary mountains. The repeating timber
grid functions as a ruler and establishes a basic system of infrastructure. The grid helps me to analyze motions and
定是惰性的。其形式和功能可以通过其注册的转换来改变。框架本身可能是一个转变的概念,但是在不同的时间和空间衡量之下产生的。 ¶ 中国书法的诗意美
activities occur in the building relatively. Correlation can be revealed by comparison. The affinity of building’s user
rs to the warm feeling of wooden materials will help them to develop a long term relationship with the environment they
inhabit in, and start to appreciate the beautiful changes induced by time. ¶
| Sequence | Time is abstract. The grid
is physical. Possibilities is unfolded with time. ¶
In Chinese calligraphy, each stroke divides the gridded space on
空间和机械服务。 ¶ 建筑是一种空间化的书法。它能表达着时间,速度,和顺序。理解一个建筑不只是关于建筑的空间,而是创建一种息息相关的关系和感
the paper at the time it is written down to the grid. Each stroke is determined by both the sequence of the stroke, and
情。如果顺序是重要的话,我会自问怎么根据时间的推移把物体和事件连接在一起。建筑所产生和运量的真正链接关系到底是什么呢? ¶
| 跳水 |
d how the grid space is rearranged by the previous strokes. Every moment, the grid is changing with the body of the
character. Every moment, the character and the grid are evolving together. The grid is to exist first, then the body of
都一致,大多数的时候还是会有偏差因为他们始终是两个不同的个体,没有两个人是完全一样的。 ¶ 我被两体的矛盾给吸引了。 一体的存在感可以被另一方强
f the text is to inhabit the space create by the grid. Body then creates a subdivision of the grid, and subdivided grid
强化。两体也能同时做一样的动作。两体能同时计算好时间,分隔一段时间然后同时进行一些复杂动作。一体是主,另一体是客。 一体是要侵略,另一体要防
is for the next body to inhabit in. Here, I know the predetermined sequence of how things should happen. But often we a
守。一体要领先,另一体要辅助。一体要穿越,另一体要灌输。一体要包围,另一体要输入。 ¶ 单体不只是独立的一体可以做到,两体的结合也能达到一种单
are dealing a chicken and egg question that it is difficult to tell which came first. The task of tracing the origin of
things can be endless, and thus it is more important to understand the appropriate sequence. ¶
个体能带来刺激和强烈的视觉效果。 ¶
| 爱情酒店 |
In the Chinese traditio
on, destiny plays an important role. There are events that will necessarily happen to a person in the future that may
礼拜一个月的地方。 互动。当他们成为一对夫妇,他们会拥有更多的共用空间进行日常活动。酒店房间没有家具和楼梯。每个空间的使用方式都是由用户利用每
be beyond one’s control. The cause and effect relationship cannot always be discerned. Yet the synchronicity between th
hings can be preconceived. Each event is meaningful in time, determining certain possibility at the next moment. Future
is fermented in the past. ¶
| Coexistance | Television shows have changed the way I think about time. Multiple program
ms can happen at the same time, referred and chosen in a single time table. A event can be staged to a certain space
时间胶囊。 ¶ | 时间胶囊 | 电子版的自我在过去几年中日益占主导地位。如果数据云可以记录我做过的事和我是谁,实体物质就逐渐变得不那么重要了。
and time frame. Past events can be experienced once again. Future events can be foreseen and projected. If we measure t
time not in standard units(second, minute, hour) but by the relative movement of bodies in a space, time can be manipu-
过的不同国家的钱等等。每年更新。这最终将成为我曾孙子打开的时间胶囊。 ¶ 我的储存地点是时间胶囊的储存空间。时间胶囊可以由任何人存放在这里,并
lated, shortened, and elongated. By cutting, dilating, and framing, an event can be experienced in multiple dimensions.
. I can then start to see a wide range of scales linked by time. The dependency between objects that exist at the same
time starts to unfold. ¶
The nature imposed on us a certain order and hierarchy. Compared to the long history of time,
到强力电缆上进行存储。加载存储墙将在与网格空间框架进行观察时显示随机节奏。结构可以连续添加到建筑物,因此它是一个随时变化的施工现场。 ¶
| 整
, we can only live in such a small portion of it. But by examine temporality and simultaneity, we can start to slow
整容中心 | 使用医疗设备的新技术和发展使得人们的意识得到增强和放大。即使一个人可以在网路上生活第二次,青春是不能重获的。无神论者如何寻求
down and bend time. And by decelerating the perception of time, we can allow body to be immersed in an environment. ¶
| Spatial Calligraphy | The
freedom has its laws. In Chinese calligraphy and architecture, there is a framework deve-
除过去的一部分,以便将来重生。在火炉厅中,锅炉的热量聚集在一起,进行手术以改造该人。接受整形手术的客户休息在天堂厅,接受治疗过程。 然后,客
lop from identifying pattern and implies some sort of rules stability of itself. The framework serves as measurement to
户将下降到地球大厅,医生将检查手术结果,以及被转换的人第一次看到自己的新身体。在木厅,家人和朋友聚集在一起庆祝新人的重生。 该建筑物连接到爱
ool so changes can be understood, and differences can be compared. Yet in architecture, although the framework suggests
爱情酒店和健身中心,客户可以在那里寻找约会服务或其他改变身体的方法。 手术和恢复过程可以长达一个小时到几个月,具体取决于转化的水平和程度。通
some sort of stability, the frame is not necessarily inert. Its form and function can be altered by the transformation
it registered. The framework itself may be a shifting concept, but at a different scale of time and space. ¶
服务。 ¶
| 健身 | 该建筑是一个健身中心,具有休闲瑜伽和同步潜水的节目,但也可以适应各种其他活动。瑜伽是一个专注于内部和外部环境之间的紧张关
poetic beauty of Chinese calligraphy relies on a systematic thinking, considering what has happened before and what wil
ll occur next. The brush is to reproduce the movement of natural phenomenon, such as moving clouds and decaying tree
trunks. And every stroke must be well shaped and formed in combination with other strokes. No strokes can be omitted or
市民所看好。由于潜水时间短,往往忽视了运动的美丽。建筑物的结构既用于流通,也帮助公众了解运动的空间效应。 ¶
| 古董市场 | 我的零售地点是古
r added. Chinese calligraphy also places emphasis on the slight differences within each character and with the passage
古玩跳蚤市场。 一个时间胶囊被打开后,有些是要被保存的,而有些是要被遗弃的。这个地方提供了一个交换市场,让人们用打开时间胶囊的物品和古董商,
level where there is no unnecessary part or program? The buildings can rely on each other for providing a variety of us
| 生活场所 | 一切都最终相互连接。该建筑物与一条隧道相连,作为天桥,并延伸展到跳蚤市场的商店。这个隧道也将这个站点连接到其他街区和城市
seful spaces and for mechanical services. ¶
Architecture is a form of spatial calligraphy. It expresses the time,
speed, and sequence. Understand architecture is not only about the space, but to create entanglement and relationships.
. If the sequence is important, I would like to ask myself, how to connect objects and events across time? What is the
actual linkage articulated by architecture? ¶
| Synchronized Diving |
I have always enjoyed watching synchronized d
为一个走道和一个用于古董的运输机械带。 ¶ 虽然这个区是完全占有的,但仍然保留一些开放空间,以备将来的发展。如果需要更大的密度,将来可以在现有
diving. The two divers with similar body height and weight are trained together to perform the same series of movement.
At certain moments, the unity of the two becomes one body. The two bodies and the two minds are in sync, yet nuances al
| 长 |
这本书没有开始也没有结尾。¶ 如果这世界上有什么是能让我一直相信的,那便只有永动的时间和热
lways occur because they are fundamentally separate entities as no two person are the same. ¶
I am fascinated by the
热力学定律。地球上的生存空间有限,一切的 事物便必须在这有限的空间里重叠发生,在循环地修改中不断前行。我们所能做的,便是享受在时间里产生的
dichotomy between two bodies in time: The presence of one body is enriched by its neighbors. The two bodies can act sim
事物便必须在这有限的空间里重叠发生,在循环地修改中不断前行。我们所能做的,便是享受在时间里产生的变化。¶ 我的设计思维过程受到结构工程的刚性
multaneously. The two bodies can act at a distanced time. The first body is the host. The second body is the guest.
性和中国书法的流动性的影响。我考虑的是架构的结构框架。我考虑的是两体之间在时间上的二分法。 我也考虑到个体如何居住在结构网格中。 我考虑事件的
The first body is to invade. The second body is to defend. The first body is to lean. The second body is to support. Th
he first body is to pass through. The second body is to channel. The first body is to surround. The second body is to
家的自然运动和情感能量激发,形成独特的个性。 建筑具有固定的结构和机械系统,也可以注册动议,时间转换和包含着生物的能量。¶
长的建筑 不一定要
inhabit. ¶
Singularity can be achieved not by having one body but by unification of the two. How to define the boundar
ry and what is in the grey zone? What has caused the differences? How to maximize the advantages of the contrasting
的书法一般,创造的不仅是空间而是绵延相连的关系。 ¶ 我想要的便是在不同的情景下,创造这样的长的建筑。 ¶
| 看山 |
一直以来我都很 喜欢观赏高山
entity? Having the two existing at the same time is exciting and animating. ¶
| Place for Hotel | This love hotel is fo
or a single person who is looking for a date. This love hotel is for a travelling couple who is looking for place to
的真面目,时时刻刻显漏出高山不同的部位,造成不同的景观。我可以花无数个小 时观赏着高山和云雾之间天衣无缝的关系和变化,尝试着探索和看出高山雄
stay for a week to a month. ¶
Each hotel module have two hotel rooms that can be connected and divided upon wishes. Fo
蜂的真面目。在这个过程当中,时间像流水一样漂过,可是我能意识到时间和高山云雾之间的奥妙和亲密关系。 ¶ 观察着高山雄蜂,我从中得到了很多关于建
or the single person who is looking for a date, the person may interact with the immediate neighbor. When they become
a couple, they can have more shared areas for daily activities. The hotel rooms do not have furnitures and stairs. The
use of each space is to be improvised by the users at their imagination. And to circulate inside the rooms, the couple
云朵移动的速度。 ¶ 我的建筑里的木头框架就像是灵静不动的山。无数重复的木框可以被视为尺用来打造这个建筑的一个基本系统。这个框 让我可以相对之下
needs to help each other to climb up and down. ¶
There are two ways to enter the building, from the two entrances that
t land on the ground floor, or from the other buildings on the site. The two tunnels for entrance provide public event
立一个长久的感情。这也会让人们开始欣赏那些跟着时间一起产生的美妙变化。 ¶
| 顺序 |
时间是抽象的。框架是实体的。 可能性是根据时间而产生的。
spaces and force interaction among people so that strangers can meet each other. The tunnels continues though the build
¶ 在中国书法里,每一笔一画都会把纸上的框架给分隔开来。每一笔都有一定的顺序,而框架的空间和格式都是以前一笔打造出来的。在每一个动作里,框架
ding and circulate through the common areas such as kitchen and garden for different activities based on interests. The
架会跟随着字体改变。字体和框架都根据每一笔一画一起进化着。一开始要先有框架 ,然后字体再占用框架所分配出来的空间。字体在现有的框架里分隔出更
building also connect to other buildings on the site. The single person who is not satisfied with the appearance can se
eek for plastic surgery consultation. The couples can learn suspension yoga or synchronized diving, and store a time
骤的先后。如果要追中到底,寻找问题的源头,这可是个无尽头的旅程。所以,我们理解适当的先后顺序是比较重要的。 ¶ 在中国的传统里,命运和缘分都扮
capsule together. ¶
| Place for Storage | My digital self becomes increasingly dominating over the past few years. If
the digital cloud can keep a record of what I do and who I am, the physical objects gradually become less important.
联是可以看出来的。每个事情都有各自的意义,可以决定未来的某种可能性。我们的未来都是因为之前的某种行为而产生的。 ¶
| 共生 | 各种电视剧让我
What is to be kept if I die? I started to collect a box of objects that mean a lot to me, including postcards from my b
bestfriends, birthday gifts, a ring from my grandfather who passed away, and money of different countries I traveled to
etc. It gets updated each year. This will eventually become a time capsule to be opened by my great grandchildren. ¶
My place for storage is a storage for time capsules. Time capsule can be deposited here by any person and to be reopen-
在这样的状态下,我能开始看到一个广泛的范围和时间上的紧密关系。而各个不同个体的共同点开始在同一个时间段显现了出来。 ¶ 我们自然的被固定的秩序
ed at any time. There are two types of storages. One is the solid concrete storage units that protect time capsules of
large sizes and of important values. These collections are generally stored for a longer time and thus more permanent.
了对时间的观念后,我们才能完完全全的把身体径入到一个环境里。 ¶
| 空书 |
The other type is the timber structure for open public deposit where any person can make a deposit. The two storing sys
stem can be build upon each other. The universal framing system allows various time capsules of different size and wei-
定是惰性的。其形式和功能可以通过其注册的转换来改变。框架本身可能是一个转变的概念,但是在不同的时间和空间衡量之下产生的。 ¶ 中国书法的诗意美
ght to be stored by tying them to the tension cables. Overtime the storing walls will display a random rhythm when view
wing against the gridded space frame. Structures can be addon to the building continuously, thus it is a construction
site changing at all time. ¶
| Place for Cult | New technologies and developments with medical devices allow a person’s
sense to be augmented and amplified. Even if a person can live a second life online, youth cannot be ragained. How
空间和机械服务。 ¶ 建筑是一种空间化的书法。它能表达着时间,速度,和顺序。理解一个建筑不只是关于建筑的空间,而是创建一种息息相关的关系和感
can an atheist search for hope and salvation? ¶
My place of cult is thus a cosmetic clinic offers a process of rebirth
情。如果顺序是重要的话,我会自问怎么根据时间的推移把物体和事件连接在一起。建筑所产生和运量的真正链接关系到底是什么呢? ¶
| 跳水 |
h for those who are unsatisfied with their appearance. The services of the clinic begin at the Hall of Water where a
customer can
seek consultation. A customer is to erase part of the past in order to have rebirth in the future. At the
都一致,大多数的时候还是会有偏差因为他们始终是两个不同的个体,没有两个人是完全一样的。 ¶ 我被两体的矛盾给吸引了。 一体的存在感可以被另一方强
e Hall of Fire, where heat gathers from the boilers, surgeries are performed to transform the person. A customer who
强化。两体也能同时做一样的动作。两体能同时计算好时间,分隔一段时间然后同时进行一些复杂动作。一体是主,另一体是客。 一体是要侵略,另一体要防
received a plastic surgery is rest at the Hall of Sky for healing process. Then the customer is to descend to the Hall
守。一体要领先,另一体要辅助。一体要穿越,另一体要灌输。一体要包围,另一体要输入。 ¶ 单体不只是独立的一体可以做到,两体的结合也能达到一种单
of Earth where doctors will examine the results of surgery and where the transformed person will see himself/herself
for the first time. At the Hall of Wood, family and friends gather to celebrate the rebirth of the new person. ¶
个体能带来刺激和强烈的视觉效果。 ¶
| 爱情酒店 |
The b
building is connected to the love hotel and the fitness center where a customer can look for dating services or other
拜一个月的地方。 互动。当他们成为一对夫妇,他们会拥有更多的共用空间进行日常活动。酒店房间没有家具和楼梯。每个空间的使用方式都是由用户利用
methods for transforming the body. The surgery and recovery process can range from an hour to a couple of months, depen
nding on the level of transformation.Through this transformation of the body, a person can be reborn, having a new life
and new opportunities. A person can change the personal image at anytime and youth can be maintained. A fanatic will ke
eep coming back to this temple to seek new services. ¶
时间胶囊。 ¶
| Place for Fitness | The building is a fitness center featur-
| 时间胶囊 | 电子版的自我在过去几年中日益占主导地位。如果数据云可以记录我做过的事和我是谁,实体物质就逐渐变得不那么重要了。
ing the program of suspension yoga and the sports of synchronized diving, but can also accommodate various other events
s. Yoga is a spatial event that focuses on the tension between the inner body and outside environment, whereas synchro-
过的不同国家的钱等等。每年更新。这最终将成为我曾孙子打开的时间胶囊。 ¶ 我的储存地点是时间胶囊的储存空间。时间胶囊可以由任何人存放在这里,并
nized diving is a timed event involving public speculation on the divers. In traditional yoga studio, the presence of o
other people may cause discomfort. In this building, by framing the view to certain duration of the diver’s performance
and by allowing bodies to interact with other bodies and the building structure, the presence of other people may rathe
到强力电缆上进行存储。加载存储墙将在与网格空间框架进行观察时显示随机节奏。结构可以连续添加到建筑物,因此它是一个随时变化的施工现场。 ¶
| 整
er be positive. On the other hand, the synchronized divers are not only viewed by the yogis but by the general public.
整容中心 | 使用医疗设备的新技术和发展使得人们的意识得到增强和放大。即使一个人可以在网路上生活第二次,青春是不能重获的。无神论者如何寻求
Because the diving time is short, often the beauty of the sports is overlooked. The structure of the building serves bo
oth for the circulation and for helping the public to understand the spatial effects of the sport.
除过去的一部分,以便将来重生。在火炉厅中,锅炉的热量聚集在一起,进行手术以改造该人。接受整形手术的客户休息在天堂厅,接受治疗过程。 然后,客
| Place for Retail | My place for retail is an antique flea market. After a time capsule is opened, some is to be kept
户将下降到地球大厅,医生将检查手术结果,以及被转换的人第一次看到自己的新身体。在木厅,家人和朋友聚集在一起庆祝新人的重生。 该建筑物连接到爱
t and some is unwanted. This place offers an exchange market to the antiques from the opened time capsules, individu-
爱情酒店和健身中心,客户可以在那里寻找约会服务或其他改变身体的方法。 手术和恢复过程可以长达一个小时到几个月,具体取决于转化的水平和程度。通
al dealers, and auctions.The building accommodates sequences of different events such as collecting and storing, loadin
ng and selling. At each time, multiple possible events can happen in one space. With both the space frame and the vol-
服务。 ¶
| 健身 | 该建筑是一个健身中心,具有休闲瑜伽和同步潜水的节目,但也可以适应各种其他活动。瑜伽是一个专注于内部和外部环境之间的紧张关
ume of the continuous spaces, a person can go through the market at various routes to explore different types of goods.
. The space frame serves as both the support structure of the body of indoor spaces and offers platforms for outdoor
flea markets. ¶
| Living in Place | Everything eventually connects to each other. The building on the site is linked wit
市民所看好。由于潜水时间短,往往忽视了运动的美丽。建筑物的结构既用于流通,也帮助公众了解运动的空间效应。 ¶
| 古董市场 | 我的零售地点是古
th a tunnel which serves as a skywalk and extension to the shops for the flea market. This tunnel also connect this
古玩跳蚤市场。 一个时间胶囊被打开后,有些是要被保存的,而有些是要被遗弃的。这个地方提供了一个交换市场,让人们用打开时间胶囊的物品和古董商,
site to other blocks and the rest of the city. Rain, snow, flood, and storm, a person can freely wander around without
interruption of outside weather. Yet the outside can always be seen and experienced with the architecture which ampli-
fy change in time and seasons. The buildings also have internal links depending on the programs. The hotel and the stor
| 生活场所 | 一切都最终相互连接。该建筑物与一条隧道相连,作为天桥,并延伸展到跳蚤市场的商店。这个隧道也将这个站点连接到其他街区和城市
rage shares an entrance. The fitness and the retail also shares entrances. The cult is linked to the fitness on the
floor for patient recovery and gym so a plastic surgery patient can use the facility in the fitness building for exerci
ise. The retail building provide a outdoor roof and a viewing platform for the divers of the fitness building. The re-
tail is linked to the storage with a underground tunnel which serves as a walkway and a transportation mechanical belt
为一个走道和一个用于古董的运输机械带。 ¶ 虽然这个区是完全占有的,但仍然保留一些开放空间,以备将来的发展。如果需要更大的密度,将来可以在现有
for antiques. ¶
Although the site is fully occupied, some open spaces are still preserved for future developments.
Programs can be plugged in the future when greater density is needed. A person can live on the site for a long time to
人建立关系,这个区就逐渐转型变得有形体了。 | 长 | 这本书没有开始也没有结尾。¶ 如果这世界上有什么是能让我一直相信的,那便只有永动的时间和热
explore new programs and meet new people. When time becomes a friend, a relationship with the site and other people
热力学定律。地球上的生存空间有限,一切的 事物便必须在这有限的空间里重叠发生,在循环地修改中不断前行。我们所能做的,便是享受在时间里产生的变化
living on the site can be developed, and the transformation of the site becomes tangible.
| LONG | This monograph does
事物便必须在这有限的空间里重叠发生,在循环地修改中不断前行。我们所能做的,便是享受在时间里产生的变化。¶ 我的设计思维过程受到结构工程的刚性
s not have a beginning nor an end.¶
Considering what are the things that I have always believed in, I can only think of
性和中国书法的流动性的影响。我考虑的是架构的结构框架。我考虑的是两体之间在时间上的二分法。 我也考虑到个体如何居住在结构网格中。 我考虑事件的
believed in, I can only think of the unstoppable time and the principles of thermodynamics. The Earth offers us a limit
ted span of living space. All events that have occurred in this finite space repeat, overlay, develop, and evolve in
家的自然运动和情感能量激发,形成独特的个性。 建筑具有固定的结构和机械系统,也可以注册动议,时间转换和包含着生物的能量。¶
长的建筑 不一定要
recursion. We can enjoy transformation through time by understanding and designing architecture. Architecture offers phy
ysical and social infrastructure, discovers with its users new possibilities with time, and creates tangling relation-
的书法一般,创造的不仅是空间而是绵延相连的关系。 ¶ 我想要的便是在不同的情景下,创造这样的长的建筑。 ¶
| 看山 |
一直以来我都很 喜欢观赏高山
ships among us. Everything can eventually connected by architecture. ¶
My design and thinking processes are influenced
d by the rigidity of structural engineering and the fluidity of Chinese calligraphy. I consider the structural frame-
的真面目,时时刻刻显漏出高山不同的部位,造成不同的景观。我可以花无数个小 时观赏着高山和云雾之间天衣无缝的关系和变化,尝试着探索和看出高山雄
work of the architecture. I consider the dichotomy between two bodies in time. I consider how bodies inhabit in the str
蜂的真面目。在这个过程当中,时间像流水一样漂过,可是我能意识到时间和高山云雾之间的奥妙和亲密关系。 ¶ 观察着高山雄蜂,我从中得到了很多关于建
ructural grid. I consider the progression and connection of events. And I consider the form of architecture that create
entanglement and relationships. Starting with a gridded framework which implies stability, a set of strokes and the app
pointed position of the stroke in relation with the whole character, Chinese calligraphy is vitalized by natural move-
云朵移动的速度。 ¶ 我的建筑里的木头框架就像是灵静不动的山。无数重复的木框可以被视为尺用来打造这个建筑的一个基本系统。这个框 让我可以相对之下
ment and emotional energy of the writer, resulting in forms of unique individuality. Architecture, with its fixed struc
ctural and mechanical system, can also register natura motions, transformation in time, and energy of living things.
立一个长久的感情。这也会让人们开始欣赏那些跟着时间一起产生的美妙变化。 ¶
| 顺序 |
时间是抽象的。框架是实体的。 可能性是根据时间而产生的。
Long architecture is not necessarily long in its form, but it sustains long term goals. Long architecture embodies u
¶ 在中国书法里,每一笔一画都会把纸上的框架给分隔开来。每一笔都有一定的顺序,而框架的空间和格式都是以前一笔打造出来的。在每一个动作里,框架
understanding of relativity of time and motion. Long architecture discovers with its inhabitants new possibilities with
架会跟随着字体改变。字体和框架都根据每一笔一画一起进化着。一开始要先有框架 ,然后字体再占用框架所分配出来的空间。字体在现有的框架里分隔出更
time. ¶ Long architecture resembles spatial calligraphy, creates not only spaces but intertwining sequences and relatio
onships with events and people. ¶
I would like to create this kind of long architecture under different circumstances.
骤的先后。如果要追中到底,寻找问题的源头,这可是个无尽头的旅程。所以,我们理解适当的先后顺序是比较重要的。 ¶ 在中国的传统里,命运和缘分都扮
| Watching the Mountains | I have always enjoyed watching the mountains. Without a beginning and an end, the long
mountain range stands still, surrounded by floating mass of clouds that changes its form with time. The geometry of
联是可以看出来的。每个事情都有各自的意义,可以决定未来的某种可能性。我们的未来都是因为之前的某种行为而产生的。 ¶
| 共生 | 各种电视剧让我
the mountain determines how water vapor condense into clouds. In return, clouds come and go, shielding the mountain fro
om revealing its true figure at each moment. I can spend hours and hours watching the shape of the mountain altered by
clouds, trying to understand the actual configuration of the mountain. During this process, I always forget about how f
fast time flies by, but I can remember the time as a product of entanglement between mountains and clouds. ¶
The mount
在这样的状态下,我能开始看到一个广泛的范围和时间上的紧密关系。而各个不同个体的共同点开始在同一个时间段显现了出来。 ¶ 我们自然的被固定的秩序
ain range gives me with a hint about architecture. Each mountain has a unique shape determined by its geological histor
ry. Although clouds are constantly changing, there is a certain way they collide with the surface of the mountain. The
了对时间的观念后,我们才能完完全全的把身体径入到一个环境里。 ¶
| 空书 |
mountain provides a framework for the movement of the clouds. The valleys of the mountain trap clouds. The tall ridges
direct clouds. The hips bend clouds. The motionlessness of the mountain enables measurement of the cloud motion.
定是惰性的。其形式和功能可以通过其注册的转换来改变。框架本身可能是一个转变的概念,但是在不同的时间和空间衡量之下产生的。 ¶ 中国书法的诗意美
The timber structural grid in my architecture functions similarly to the stationary mountains. The repeating timber
grid functions as a ruler and establishes a basic system of infrastructure. The grid helps me to analyze motions and
activities occur in the building relatively. Correlation can be revealed by comparison. The affinity of building’s user
rs to the warm feeling of wooden materials will help them to develop a long term relationship with the environment they
空间和机械服务。 ¶ 建筑是一种空间化的书法。它能表达着时间,速度,和顺序。理解一个建筑不只是关于建筑的空间,而是创建一种息息相关的关系和感
inhabit in, and start to appreciate the beautiful changes induced by time. ¶
| Sequence | Time is abstract. The grid i
情。如果顺序是重要的话,我会自问怎么根据时间的推移把物体和事件连接在一起。建筑所产生和运量的真正链接关系到底是什么呢? ¶
| 跳水 |
is physical. Possibilities is unfolded with time. ¶
In Chinese calligraphy, each stroke divides the gridded space on
the paper at the time it is written down to the grid. Each stroke is determined by both the sequence of the stroke, and
都一致,大多数的时候还是会有偏差因为他们始终是两个不同的个体,没有两个人是完全一样的。 ¶ 我被两体的矛盾给吸引了。 一体的存在感可以被另一方强
d how the grid space is rearranged by the previous strokes. Every moment, the grid is changing with the body of the
强化。两体也能同时做一样的动作。两体能同时计算好时间,分隔一段时间然后同时进行一些复杂动作。一体是主,另一体是客。 一体是要侵略,另一体要防
character. Every moment, the character and the grid are evolving together. The grid is to exist first, then the body of
守。一体要领先,另一体要辅助。一体要穿越,另一体要灌输。一体要包围,另一体要输入。 ¶ 单体不只是独立的一体可以做到,两体的结合也能达到一种单
f the text is to inhabit the space create by the grid. Body then creates a subdivision of the grid, and subdivided grid
is for the next body to inhabit in. Here, I know the predetermined sequence of how things should happen. But often we a
个体能带来刺激和强烈的视觉效果。 ¶
| 爱情酒店 |
are dealing a chicken and egg question that it is difficult to tell which came first. The task of tracing the origin of
拜一个月的地方。 互动。当他们成为一对夫妇,他们会拥有更多的共用空间进行日常活动。酒店房间没有家具和楼梯。每个空间的使用方式都是由用户利用
things can be endless, and thus it is more important to understand the appropriate sequence. ¶
In the Chinese traditio
on, destiny plays an important role. There are events that will necessarily happen to a person in the future that may
be beyond one’s control. The cause and effect relationship cannot always be discerned. Yet the synchronicity between th
hings can be preconceived. Each event is meaningful in time, determining certain possibility at the next moment. Future
时间胶囊。 ¶
| 时间胶囊 | 电子版的自我在过去几年中日益占主导地位。如果数据云可以记录我做过的事和我是谁,实体物质就逐渐变得不那么重要了。
is fermented in the past. ¶
| Coexistance | Television
shows have changed the way I think about time. Multiple progra
ams can happen at the same time, referred and chosen in a single time table. A event can be staged to a certain space
过的不同国家的钱等等。每年更新。这最终将成为我曾孙子打开的时间胶囊。 ¶ 我的储存地点是时间胶囊的储存空间。时间胶囊可以由任何人存放在这里,并
and time frame. Past events can be experienced once again. Future events can be foreseen and projected. If we measure t
time not in standard units(second, minute, hour) but by the relative movement of bodies in a space, time can be manipu-
lated, shortened, and elongated. By cutting, dilating, and framing, an event can be experienced in multiple dimensions.
到强力电缆上进行存储。加载存储墙将在与网格空间框架进行观察时显示随机节奏。结构可以连续添加到建筑物,因此它是一个随时变化的施工现场。 ¶
| 整
. I can then start to see a wide range of scales linked by time. The dependency between objects that exist at the same
整容中心 | 使用医疗设备的新技术和发展使得人们的意识得到增强和放大。即使一个人可以在网路上生活第二次,青春是不能重获的。无神论者如何寻求