Health magazine (1)

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Health Magazine Learn how to manage peer pressure Learn the risk of using Tobacco.

Battle eating disorders

You will not have a problem if you don't drink, but you will have more problems if you drink. Toto Delgado.

Which are the organs affected by illegal drugs?

Be confident, embrace your body Discover your BMI “The human body is the best work of art.” ― Jess C. Scott

Credits Producer: Ana Ceci Herrera Editor: Ana Paula Casta単eda Design: Ana Lucia Madero Investigator: Rafael Godard Image Design: Ashley Rivera Organizer: Elvia Mary Sanchez

Content Tobacco………………………………….. pg. 4 Body image and Self-esteem……….…. pg. 6 Eating Disorders……………………….... pg. 9 Managing your weight…………………. pg.11 Peer pressure……………………………. pg.14 Drugs and Alcohol……………………….. pg.15

Tobacco 18% of high school students smoke cigarettes.

More tha n 16 million p eople have at l e as disease b t one ecause of smokin g.

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9 out of 10 smokers start at the age of 18.

9 out of 10 lung cancer s ar e caused b y smoking .

Real Story

Thirty-one-year-old Brandon started smoking in his midteens, and by 18, he was diagnosed with Buerger’s disease, a disorder linked to tobacco use that causes blood vessels in the hands and feet to become blocked and can result in infection or gangrene. Nine years later, after losing both his legs and several fingertips to this terrible disease, he quit smoking for good. Smoke-free for 4 years now, Brandon hasn’t had any more amputations, but he still must manage the consequences of being a double amputee.

Body Image and Self-Esteem

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e g a m I ● Body Image is the way you see yourself. A diet is what a person eats whether it's healthy or not. ● The perfect body is the one that you feel comfortable with. ● Sometimes the media affects your Body Image because the magazines make that people look as "perfect"

m e e t s E f l e S

Your idea of your body image affects your self esteem and relationships, if you feel secure about yourself, then your self esteem will go up and you will have more confidence about yourself.

Eating disorders Do you know someone who has an eating disorder? How can you help? ● Talk to the person, or to a trusted adult. ● Tell them about how important it is to get help, and the consequences of not eating healthy. ● Let them express their feelings. ● Include that to lose weight they can consult a nutriologist.

Eating Disorders â—? Anorexia Nervosa It includes self starvation and extreme weight loss.

â—? Bulimia Nervosa Person who has it, eats a large amount of food and then tries to get rid of it.

Binge A person has difficulty controlling how much she or he eats, but does not purge.

Managing your weight Goals for healthy eating 1. Set realistic weight loss goals, such as a 1- to 2-pound weight loss per week. 2. Eat fewer calories by cutting down on portions. ... 3. Do not skip meals. 4. Keep snacks that are low in added sugar and fat on hand.

For a balanced diet, you need the right types and amounts of foods and rinks. This keeps your body healthy.

Managing your weight What is BMI? How much do you need to weight? (Your weight in pounds) / (your height in inches X your height in inches) X 703

t h g i e w f o n io Equat Eating healthy + a lot of exercise = lose weight Eating healthy + no exercise = gain weight Eating healthy + exercise = maintain weight

Ways to avoid PeerPressure in Alcohol 1.Pick the right friends The easiest way to avoid peer pressure to drink is to pick friends who support you. 2.Don't make it a big deal If someone offers you Alcohol in a party, just politely say "no." 3. Plan Alternatives If you don't want to be with people who drink alcohol, have a fun night with your friends! Go to the movies or go bowling.

4.Have Fun If you are having a blast shaking it on the dance floor, people are going to assume you already are having the time of your life and don’t need any drinks to enhance your night

Lost Everything

I have a son that's 11 years old he means the world to me. My wife had a problem with experimenting on different drugs when my son was only about 6 months old. Her family had addiction from experimenting with meth and other drugs so I tried it and it wasn't really my thing.

My thing was pills, so we got a place together me her and my son and it was going OK for awhile. But in 2011 I had caught cancer and it took a toll on my body, so my wife decides she going to leave me cause she can't handle my condition anymore and takes my son with her.

I was so in denial with my addiction that I didn't know what to do. After taking chemo for 9 months I finally went back to work and was already addicted to Oxycontin and other pills. I lost my self-respect and control. Now I've been living a nightmare, lost my truck, my family, my son barely talks to me anymore. My job and my life is ruined because of it.

Drugs and alcohol What parts of the body are affected when you consume alcohol?

Brain:When alcohol reaches the brain it immediately affects the brain's ability to control behavior and body functions Heart: If you consume drugs like cocaine you can have complications in the heart like chest pain syndromes, heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, aortic dissection, and fatal and nonfatal arrhythmias. Kidneys: Alcohol can cause changes in the function of the kidneys and make them less able to filter your blood. Liver: Reduced vitamin and mineral storage; overworked liver swells preventing bile production and filtering operation , poor appetite Lungs:Alcohol in its gaseous state, can be inhaled into the lungs and from there will go rapidly into the bloodstream. Tobacco can also damage the lungs and cause lung cancer. Nervous:Alcohol and drugs irritate, sedate and aggraate nervous system. Affects memory, ability to think, coordination. Alcohol kills brain cells that are not regenerated. Pancreas:- Irritation causes swelling which may block flow of enzymes into stomach resulting in digestive difficulties and diabetes. Respiratory: Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which can affect the centers in the brain that regulate respiration. Consequently, breathing may slow and not keep up with demand, Stomach:Irritates stomach – increasing risk of ulcers, gastric distress

Quote Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem.

Kurt Cobain

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