INVALSI Preparazione alla Prova Nazionale di INGLESE per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado PROVE DISPONIBILI ANCHE IN VERSIONE DIGITALE
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INVALSI Preparazione alla Prova Nazionale di INGLESE per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado PROVE DISPONIBILI ANCHE IN VERSIONE DIGITALE
READY FOR INVALSI La prova scritta INVALSI di lingua inglese ha lo scopo di misurare su tutto il territorio nazionale il livello di competenza di lingua inglese conseguito dagli studenti al termine del primo ciclo d’istruzione. L’Istituto Nazionale per la valutazione del Sistema educativo d’Istruzione e formazione (INVALSI) intende valutare sia la competenza di lettura, intesa come capacità di comprendere e interpretare un testo scritto, sia le conoscenze linguistiche a livello lessicale e grammaticale, l’acquisizione delle quali è prevista nelle Indicazioni curriculari della Scuola Secondaria di Primo Grado. Questo fascicolo ha lo scopo di aiutare gli studenti nella preparazione della prova INVALSI, facendo prendere loro dimestichezza con la tipologia della prova ed affrontarla quindi con sicurezza. Il fascicolo è suddiviso in tre sezioni. La prima parte - Reading Comprehension - presenta una serie graduata di 19 brani, autentici e non, di varia tipologia: - 9 letture con attività di True/False/Doesn’t say; - 10 letture con quesiti a scelta multipla. Ciascuna lettura pone dieci quesiti, strutturati in modo da valutare le competenze della capacità di lettura: la comprensione globale, l’individuazione di informazioni specifiche, l’intenzione comunicativa, lo scopo del testo, il genere a cui appartiene, l’individuazione del significato di lessico ed espressioni dal contesto. La seconda parte - Listening - presenta una serie di ascolti calibrati sul modello Listening Cambridge Key (KET), 5 tipi di prove differenti, con ascolti online su www. La terza sezione - Focus on Language and Grammar - propone 14 schede di riflessione linguistica con quesiti a scelta multipla inerenti la conoscenza e l’uso della lingua inglese nei vari aspetti grammaticali, funzionali e lessicali. I quesiti a scelta multipla prevedono 4 opzioni delle quali una sola è quella giusta e che dovrà essere contrassegnata con una crocetta sulla lettera corrispondente: 1 Completa la frase. I ... play volleyball. A am B can C do D can to
Nella pagina seguente vengono indicati alcuni suggerimenti utili per acquisire le strategie operative necessarie ad affrontare le tipologie della prova.
Presentazione STRATEGIE PER AFFRONTARE UN TEST A SCELTA MULTIPLA Il test di lettura a scelta multipla consente di verificare conoscenze, comprensione e capacità di analisi. Per ogni domanda vengono fornite quattro risposte, tutte plausibili, ma solo una esatta. Reading Comprehension • Leggi tutto il testo rapidamente prima di rispondere alle domande per farti un’idea generale del contenuto. • Non preoccuparti delle parole che non conosci: puoi intuirne il significato dal resto della frase, ovvero dal contesto. Formula un’ipotesi sul significato e verifica se è coerente con il contenuto del messaggio. • Leggi ogni singola domanda assicurandoti di aver ben capito cosa chiede. È necessario riconoscere/conoscere perfettamente il significato delle Wh-question words: what, where, when, who, why, which, how, how often, how much, how many, how long, etc. • Leggi ogni singola opzione attentamente prima di scegliere la risposta: alcune domande possono avere quattro opzioni verosimili, è importante perciò leggerle tutte e quattro per scegliere la migliore risposta corretta. • Rileggi il testo e cerca il paragrafo che contiene l’informazione utile alla scelta della risposta. • Cerca nel testo spunti e suggerimenti che ti possono aiutare nella scelta: parole chiave, forme verbali, avverbi, negazioni. • Se trovi difficile qualche quesito, usa la strategia dell’esclusione: considera ogni opzione una domanda vero/falso, elimina quelle che ritieni assolutamente sbagliate, in questo modo le probabilità di sbagliare risposta si riducono e puoi pensare alla risposta migliore. • Dopo aver scelto la risposta, verifica nuovamente le opzioni rimaste con le informazioni nel testo per sincerarti che possano essere definitivamente scartate. Focus on Language and Grammar • Leggi attentamente la consegna e il contenuto della domanda. • Ricorda che ciascun quesito si concentra su un solo aspetto grammaticale fra i tanti che hai studiato, per esempio: - uso dei tempi verbali - uso degli ausiliari - uso delle Wh-question words - parti del discorso (nome, verbo, aggettivo, articolo, avverbio, pronome, preposizioni, congiunzioni) - pronomi soggetto, pronomi complemento, pronomi possessivi, pronomi relativi - comparativi degli aggettivi (regolari-irregolari) - posizione degli avverbi - concordanze (tempo del verbo/espressioni di tempo) - forma passiva - discorso diretto/indiretto. • Verifica nelle opzioni proposte quali errori di grammatica sono presenti in modo da escludere le proposte errate. • Una volta fatta la scelta, riverificala chiedendoti: perché è giusta?
Indice Reading Comprehension Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10 Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 Test 15 Test 16 Test 17 Test 18 Test 19
Don’t panic! Hairdryer safety instructions Antarctica fact file Stockholm: A European green capital A holiday diary Great Barrier Reef in danger The festival capital of the world An Aesop’s fable retold My hero Foreigners and the Italian language The Story of Dr Dolittle: Chapter 1 - Puddleby Bikes are back! Vitamin D-Quick Facts Curriculum Vitae: Marc Rouge The Shard of Glass: A vertical city Keep in touch Long distance running and marathons Money matters Roald Dahl: On becoming a writer
page 5 page 6 page 7 page 8 page 9 page 10 page 11 page 12 page 13 page 14 page 16 page 18 page 20 page 22 page 24 page 26 page 28 page 30 page 32
page 34
Focus on Language and Grammar Glossary
page 42 page 56
Reading Comprehension
Don’t panic! 1
For most students, taking exams can cause anxiety and getting ready for them can be very stressful. You may be afraid you are not good enough or haven’t worked hard enough to pass them; you may feel the pressure of expectations from your family or your teachers. Don’t panic! Proper studying techniques, planning ahead and smart time management skills are the key to minimizing that stress and helping you do your best.
Getting organised is the most important thing. You can’t begin studying just a few weeks before the exam, you have to spread your studying over longer periods and make a timetable which includes every subject, allowing extra time for the difficult ones. Don’t make a schedule that requires you to study six hours every day. Work out a plan to study about 10 two hours per day and remember to take short breaks as soon as you notice you’re losing concentration. It’s also important to select a comfortable place for studying, with the proper atmosphere where you can concentrate without being disturbed. Your plan should be flexible enough to include time for fun, relaxation and a healthy diet as well. Avoid fatty food, tea or fizzy 15 drinks; food rich in vitamins and proteins, such as vegetables and fresh fruit, are a must because these nutrients help your brain stay sharp. And don’t forget that mind and body perform at their best if you get adequate rest, so sleep at least eight hours a night. On the day of the exam relax and do your best because your best is all that you can do! We are all different, achieve at different levels, and have different 20 qualities and skills. Exam success depends on you. Be positive and don’t panic! expectations aspettative ahead in anticipo
spread distribuire allowing concedendo
requires richiede sharp attento, sveglio
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 Exams are always stressful. 2 Family expectations can add to exam stress. 3 Your study plan should be prepared well in advance. 4 You have to study six hours a day. 5 You mustn’t revise on Sundays. 6 It’s a good idea to study continuously for 3 hours. 7 Physical activity is a good way to control exam stress. 8 You shouldn’t eat crisps. 9 A good night’s sleep is always very important. 10 If you follow this advice, you’ll probably do well.
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Hairdryer safety instructions 1
READ BEFORE USING • Always unplug a hairdryer when it is not being used. Even when it is switched off, the electricity has not been cut off.
• Do not use a hairdryer near or over water contained in baths, washbasins, sinks, etc. • Do not place a hairdryer where it can fall into water.
• Never use a hairdryer while having a bath or a shower. 10
air inlet
air outlet
• Don’t reach for a hairdryer if it falls into water or other liquid; unplug it immediately, and then remove it. • Don’t use a hairdryer outdoors.
• Never operate a hairdryer if it has a damaged cord or plug, if it is not working properly or if it has been dropped or damaged. Return it to a service centre for 15 examination and repair.
• If a hairdryer falls into water, do not use it again. Take it to an e-waste recycling centre. • Check the condition of the cord regularly. Do not wind the cord around the hairdryer. • Don’t block the air inlet or outlet. Periodically check that the openings are free of fluff, hair or other matter. A hairdryer with blocked air openings may catch fire. cut off tagliare
unplug staccare la spina
wind avvolgere
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 It is dangerous to leave a hairdryer plugged in. 2 The best place to keep a hairdryer is in a cupboard. 3 You can use a hairdryer while bathing. 4 Pull out the plug if a hairdryer falls into water. 5 Hairdryers can be used anywhere. 6 Children should not use hairdryers. 7 Service centres can fix broken cords. 8 If a hairdryer falls into water, it can be repaired. 9 Keep the cord away from heated surfaces. 10 A fire can start if the air inlet is blocked.
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
Reading Comprehension
Antarctica fact file 1
Name: The name Antarctica comes from the Greek word Antarktikos, meaning south of Arktos, the constellation known as Ursa Major, or the Great Bear, in the Northern Hemisphere. Since the ancient Greeks believed that the Earth was a sphere, it was logical that a landmass in the South balanced the world of the North.
Location: Antarctica is the southern-most continent on Earth surrounded by the Southern Ocean. The continent covers nearly 9% of the Earth’s surface, and it is 25% bigger than Europe and double the size of Australia, making it the fifth largest continent after Asia, Africa, North and South America.
Land: 98% of the surface (14 million square kilometres) is covered with a vast ice sheet 10 over 1.6 kilometres thick which represents the biggest resource of fresh water in the world. The remaining 2% is arid rock with mountains that range up to nearly 5,000 metres. Natural resources: The main resources are coal, iron ore, oil and natural gas but none of them are extracted as the Antarctic Treaty (1959) preserves these resources and the ecosystem for strictly scientific purposes. 15
Climate: It is the windiest, driest and coldest continent with severe low temperatures (up to -89°C) and very low precipitation. Seasons are the opposite of the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere. The sun sets in March and rises in October.
Population: Because of the extreme weather conditions, there are no permanent inhabitants. The only people who live there are the staff from different countries who work at the scientific 20 research stations. Fauna: Antarctica has a few tiny land animals but a great number of marine animals, such as Emperor penguins, whales and seals. balanced bilanciava ice sheet lastra di ghiaccio
thick spessa range up elevano
sets tramonta rises sorge
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 The name ‘Antarctica’ derives from the word ‘ant’. 2 Antarctica is at the North Pole. 3 Antarctica is half fertile land and half ice. 4 Antarctica is smaller than Australia. 5 It is the largest fresh water reserve on Earth. 6 Antarctica is not a flat country. 7 Gold is present in Antarctica. 8 There are 24 hours of light each day for six months. 9 The population is higher in January than in August. 10 The Emperor penguins are the tallest penguins.
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Stockholm: A European green capital 1
At a time when many of the world’s great cities are facing chronic environmental problems, we need inspirational examples showing what cities can do to deal with them. Most of the environmental challenges facing our society happen in urban areas: and it is these areas that have the potential and the resources to bring together the commitment and generate the innovation needed to solve them.
We have to think beyond traditional problems. Caring for the urban environment doesn’t just mean cutting CO2 emissions. It also means thinking about the air we breathe, the water we drink and the noise that affects us. It means integrated long-term plans for the cities of tomorrow and the people who will live and work there. The European Green 10 Capital Award promotes ideas such as sustainable mobility, modern waste management, sustainable land use, eco-innovation and other green technologies which drive towards sustainable development and more resource-efficient life. Stockholm met the challenge, winning the inaugural award in 2010. Years of successful environmental work have turned Stockholm into one of the world’s 15 cleanest cities. More than 90% of the population lives within 300 metres of a green area, and the pure lake water, which makes up over 10% of Stockholm’s surface area, is wellsuited for the supply of drinking water. Just south of the city centre, the Hammarby Sjöstad residential area, which is still developing and is to be completed in 2015, is a perfect example of a sustainable city run on renewable sources: 100% of its household waste is 20 converted into heating and electricity. challenges sfide commitment impegno
sustainable rinnovabile drive towards conducono a
supply fornitura heating riscaldamento
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 The 21st century is facing environmental challenges. 2 Urban areas are growing. 3 CO2 emissions cause environmental problems. 4 The European Green Capital Award is a global initiative. 5 The first European Green Capital Award was given in 2010. 6 90% of Stockholm’s surface area is water. 7 Water in Stockholm is polluted. 8 Waste is damaging the environment in Stockholm. 9 Hammarby will be energy self-sufficient by 2015. 10 Sustainable cities are based on renewable resources.
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
Reading Comprehension
A holiday diary Tuesday 13th August. What a day! We left home at 7.30 this morning to drive the 20 kms to the airport. After 10 kms, Dad realised that he had left the tickets on the kitchen table. Total panic! We returned home, Dad ran into the house, grabbed the tickets and then drove like the wind back to 5 the airport. Luckily our flight was delayed by half an hour so we had a little time to relax before checking in. The flight was uneventful although Ted was very excited because it was his first time on a plane. The flight attendant served us snacks and some orange juice and before I knew it, we were landing in Barcelona. 10 It was hot and sunny when we finally got out of the airport. We found a taxi to take us to our hotel. I said ‘Gracias’, my first word in Spanish, to the driver when he put our bags in the boot. He replied,‘De nada’, which Dad told me means, ‘You’re welcome’. The hotel is fab, there’s an enormous TV and a docking station for my mp3 player in our room. After unpacking, we all went down to the pool. Ted and I played in the water while 15 Mum and Dad relaxed and sunbathed. We met two German boys, Klaus and Werner, who are about our ages and speak English. They’re really nice! Klaus taught me a few German words but it’s very difficult! I think he has a crush on me! In the evening Mum and Dad took us to ‘La Locanda’, a restaurant in the hotel. It was an amazing place. They serve food from all over the world, from fish and chips to curry, 20 hamburgers and lasagne. Mum insisted that we eat Spanish food because we are in Spain so I had a delicious rice and fish dish called paella. Yummy! Ted didn’t like his spicy sausage called chorizo but he’s never been very adventurous with food. Well, that’s all for now! ¡Hasta mañana! That’s Spanish for ‘See you tomorrow!’. 1
grabbed afferrò uneventful senza intoppi
landing atterrando sunbathed prendevano il sole
a crush on me una cotta per me
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 They took the bus to the airport. 2 Dad forgot the airline tickets. 3 The flight was on time. 4 It was the family’s first holiday abroad. 5 The plane didn’t take off from Barcelona. 6 The taxi driver can speak English. 7 They can listen to music in their room. 8 Klaus and Werner are older than Ted. 9 Ted likes trying different food. 10 The writer of the diary is a boy.
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
Reading Comprehension
Great Barrier Reef in danger 1
A new study, by the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS), shows that The Great Barrier Reef, the world’s largest living organism covering an area of about 345,000 square kilometres off the coast of north-east Australia, has lost more than half its coral in the past three decades. Coral loss has been running at about 0.53% annually since 1985, with most of the damage occurring in the southern regions while the relatively pristine northern region is quite stable.
Scientists from the Institute report that intense tropical cyclones and periodic population explosions of crown-of-thorns starfish are mostly to blame for the devastating loss of coral at this World Heritage Site. Coral bleaching, resulting from ocean warming, has a minor 10 role in coral loss. Jamie Oliver, an AIMS scientist, says reducing the population of crownof-thorns starfish that feed on the coral is the best way to prevent further destruction to the reef. ‘We believe that if we take action on one of the things we can directly control, the crownof-thorns starfish, it may leave the reef in a position where it can better withstand some of 15 these climatic impacts, such as cyclones and coral bleaching,’ said Oliver. The study also shows that monitoring global climate change and water temperatures around the reef is essential for its future. Without intervention, the amount of coral could halve again by 2022. pristine incontaminato crown-of-thorns starfish stella marina corona di spine to blame for essere responsabile di
bleaching sbiancamento withstand resistere halve dimezzare
Indica se le affermazioni sono vere (True), false (False) o non menzionate (Doesn’t say). 1 The Reef has been in danger for about thirty years. 2 Cyclones have a risky impact on the reef. 3 All species of marine life damage the coral reef. 4 Ocean warming is the main cause of coral loss. 5 Crown-of-thorns starfish cause the reef’s whitening. 6 Crown-of-thorns starfish eat coral. 7 Crown-of-thorns starfish are poisonous. 8 Cooler water temperatures may resolve coral loss. 9 Damage to the coral reef can be prevented. 10 There will be no more coral left in 2022.
Invalsi | Reading Comprehension
True True True True True True True True True True
False False False False False False False False False False
Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say Doesn’t say
G R r e IS upp BN o IN ad Ed VA y 97 i f 8- tor LS or 88 ial I -4 e R 72 a -2 ffa 92 el 6- lo 6
Questo volume, sprovvisto del talloncino a fronte (o opportunamente punzonato o altrimenti contrassegnato), è da considerarsi copia di SAGGIO-CAMPIONE GRATUITO, fuori commercio (vendita e altri atti di disposizione vietati: art. 17, c. 2 L. 633/1941). Esente da I.V.A. (D.P.R. 26-10-1972, n° 633, art. 2 lett. d). Esente da bolla di accompagnamento (D.P.R. 6-10-1978, n° 627, art.4. n° 6).
Preparazione alla Prova Nazionale di INGLESE per la Scuola Secondaria di Primo grado
Ready for INVALSI è un valido aiuto per gli studenti nella preparazione alla Prova Nazionale di Inglese. Il testo è suddiviso in quattro sezioni: ◆ Suggerimenti e strategie per affrontare un test a scelta multipla. ◆R eading Comprehension 9 letture graduate con attività di True/False/Doesn't say. 10 letture graduate con quesiti a scelta multipla. ◆ Listening Ascolti calibrati su prove della certificazione Cambridge Key (KET), disponibili su ◆ Focus on Language and Grammar 14 prove di riflessione linguistica, con quesiti a scelta multipla, inerenti la conoscenza e l'uso della lingua inglese nei vari aspetti grammaticali, funzionali e lessicali. Tutte le prove sono disponibili anche in versione digitale computer based su Per il docente è disponibile il fascicolo delle soluzioni e il CD audio.
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