SummeRISe - Issue 101

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89 Thursday, Thursday 11 February 21 May 2016 2015 Issue 101 GENERAL GENERAL





GENERAL Primary School Sports Day




EVENTS February

Thursday, 11 February

Art Exhibition—Nursery

Thursday, 11 February— Friday, 12 February

Camping - Year 4 - 6

Sunday, 14 February— Monday, 15 February

Sports Week (FS and Year 1)

Monday, 15 February

RIS Open day, 9:00-10:30am

Wednesday, 17 February

Year 1 Mathematics Fun Day

Thursday, 18 February

International Day

Sunday, 21 February

Basket Ball @ DIA U12, U14, U16

Thursday, 25 February

PD half day noon dismissal—CIS Training

Thursday, 25 February—Saturday, 27 February

Year 7—10 Camping Trip

Sunday, 28 February—Monday, 29 February

Book Week—Nursery

Sunday, 28 February—Monday, 29 February

Year 4 Art and Islamic Field Trip

March Tuesday, 1 March—Thursday, 3 March

Book Week—Nursery

Wednesday, 2 March

Advisory Council Meeting

Wednesday, 2 March

Secondary School Art Trip

Thursday, 3 March

Book Character Dress up—Nursery

Monday, 7 March

Year 1 Mothers Day

Tuesday, 8 March—Thursday, 10 March

Emirates Literature Festival

Saturday, 12 March

PARIS—Family fun day

Sunday, 13 March—Thursday, 17 March

IT Week

Monday, 14 March

RIS Open Day, 9.00-10.30am

Wednesday, 16 March

Nursery Field Trip

Wednesday, 16 March—Thursday, 17 March


Sunday, 20 March—Thursday, 24 March

Book Week

Tuesday, 22 March— Wednesday, 23 March

Year 1 Spring Concert

Thursday, 24 March

PD Half day—noon dismissal

Thursday, 24 March

Primary School Debate—JS @ CAS

Tuesday, 22 March—Saturday, 26 March

Football Trip

Sunday, 27 March—Thursday,31 March

Spring Break

Message from the Principal SOCIAL MEDIA The internet provides a range of social media tools that allow users to interact with one another; from rediscovering friends on social networking sites such as Facebook to keeping up with other people’s lives on Twitter and maintaining pages on Internet encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia. While recognising the benefits of this medium for new opportunities of communication, our school policy sets out the principles that students, staff and the wider school community are expected to follow when using social media. It is crucial that all stakeholders in Raffles International School, including students, parents, staff and the public at large have confidence in the school. The principles set out in our policy are designed to ensure that the use of social media is responsibly undertaken and that confidentiality of students and staff and the reputation of the school are safeguarded. All members of the school community must be conscious at all times of the need to keep their personal and professional lives separate. Our policy and that of the Parent School Contract covers personal use of social media as well as the use of social media for official school purposes, including sites hosted and maintained on behalf of the school. This policy applies to personal web space such as social networking sites (for example Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat), blogs, microblogs such as Twitter, chatrooms, forums, podcasts, open access online encyclopaedias such as Wikipedia, social bookmarking sites such as and content sharing sites such as flickr and YouTube. The internet is a fast moving technology and it is impossible to cover all circumstances or emerging media – the principles set out in o u r policy must be followed irrespective of the medium. Principles – Be Responsible and Respectful  Users should be conscious at all times of the need to keep their personal and professional/school lives separate. They should not put themselves in a position where there could be a conflict between the school and their personal interests;  Users should not engage in activities involving social media which might bring Raffles International School into disrepute;  Users should not represent their personal views as those of Raffles International School on any social medium;  Users should not discuss personal information about other students, Raffles International School and the wider community they interact with on any social media;  Users should not use social media and the internet in any way to attack, insult, abuse or defame students, their family members, colleagues, other professionals, other organisations or Raffles International School . In sum, social media and social networking sites do play an important role in the lives of many youngsters (and adults). I certainly recognise that sites bring risks but equally there are many benefits to be reaped - that is why with the relaunch of our Facebook page and over the next few months, a new school website, it is vitally important that all stakeholders are aware of our policy and are mindful of the ‘Principles’ outlined above. Michael William Clack Principal






RIS Sports Days 2016 Students have been competing for their House, earning points through taking part in different games such as run the gauntlet, tug of war, athletics and football games. A total of five Sports Days took place from Sunday, 31st January 2016 last week with huge success. The winners of each Year group will be announced in assembly this week. The PE Department would like to thank numerous people for helping run a very exciting and successful week. The facilities staff for all their assistance in helping set up on the event each day. Secondly, PARIS were very kind to provide the children with freshly cut oranges each day to all Year groups. Finally, the PE Department would like to thank all staff that helped with each activity provided for the pupils at RIS. Photographs of each Sports Day will be displayed around the school this week.






Dear Parents, Grandparents and Extended Family, A great number of our little ones get sick at this time of the year. Moreover, the weather has been very predictable and we have had many rainy and cold days this year. Although in some ways, getting sick as a child is simply part of being a child, but as parents, you can do a few things to protect your little child from the endless array of germs and viruses he/she is exposed to every day. These are some healthy habits that will give your child's immune system a shake up - wake up. 1. Love your fruits and veggies: There are wonder fruits and veggies with immunity-boosting vitamin C, such as like carrots, broccoli, green beans, oranges and berries. Innovate and ‘disguise’, but aim to get your child to eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day. (A serving is about two tablespoons for toddlers, 1 and a cup for older children).

2. Beauty and Healthy sleep time: How much sleep do kids need? Toddlers require 12 to 13 hours, and preschoolers need about 10 hours. Less sleep can make you more prone to illness by affecting the immune system that attacks germs. Bed time routines and adequate sleep are an absolute essential for growing children.






3. Exercise: To get your children into a lifelong fitness habit, be their role model and exercise with them rather than just urge them to go outside and play. Introduce your little one to swimming, cycling, roller skating and if nothing else play catch in the park and run around. 4. Wash away the germs: Make sure your child washes his/her hands regularly -- and with soap. paying particular attention to their hygiene before and after each meal and after playing outside, handling pets, blowing their nose, using the bathroom, and arriving home from nursery. When you are out, carry disposable wipes with you for quick cleanups. In the nursery, washing hands is part of the eating and toileting routine, but often parents tell us that children do not follow the same at home. To get children enthusiastic about the hand-washing habit at home, let them pick out their own brightly colored hand towels and soap in fun containers, colours and fragrances. A great tip I once read that if your child does get sick, change her toothbrush right away. Even though a child can not catch the same cold or flu virus twice, the virus can get transmitted from one toothbrush to toothbrush, infecting other family members. In case of a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, however, your child can in fact get infected again with the same germs. So please change the toothbrush.

6. Danger of using antibiotics at every step: Most childhood illnesses are caused by viruses and not bacteria and antibiotics treat only bacterial infections. Also, often use of antibiotics can make the bacteria ‘resistant’ and they will flourish by not responding to standard treatment. Ask your child’s doctor if the antibiotic is necessary when it is prescribed to your child. Wishing our little ones lots of smiles and good health. Garima Kapoor Nursery Coordinator



A child can fully develop by means of experience in his environment .

Circle Time—Show and Tell

Planting as a group




Creative Exploration—Maya is painting

The first essential development for a child’s development is concentration

Working with Braod Stairs






FOUNDATION STAGE/YEAR 1 NEWS Dear Parents, Discipline in a Montessori Classroom. If discipline comes from within, then what is the job of the teacher? Inner discipline is something, which evolves. It is not something that is automatically present within the child and it cannot be taught. The role of the teacher, then, is to be a model and a guide while supporting the child as he develops to the point where he is able to choose to accept and to follow the rules of the classroom community. This level of obedience is the point where true inner discipline has been reached. One knows this level of discipline has been reached when children are able to make appropriate behavioural choices even when we are not present. An important consideration is that children have the same range and depth of emotions as adults, but they don not have the maturity or experience to put these feelings in perspective. The goal of Grace and Courtesy lessons and conflict resolution techniques is to validate these feelings and give children the tools to successfully tackle them. Children learn what to do when someone is unkind or unfair and how to discuss conflicts when they occur. Teachers and children act as mediators, coaching children in conflict through a process of expressing their feelings and finding a way to fix their mistakes. In one such incident, a five-year-old acted as the peacemaker for two children engaged in an escalating disagreement. She linked the hands of the angry children and rubbed their backs as she encouraged their negotiations. In time, with modelling and consistency, children become proficient at handling social difficulties. In fact, parents have reported incidents in which children have encouraged peaceful negotiations between mum and dad, as well as settling problems with siblings and neighbourhood friends. Montessori, however, is only one component in the child’s life. A child’s home environment and parents love are the most critical factors in his development. Unfortunately, our children are not born with an owner’s manual. Parents generally rely on the wisdom of grandparents, doctors and educators, as well as their own instincts to determine the right parenting style for their family. Parents should be able to find a family friendly environment that is ready to offer support. When schools and families develop a partnership there is greater opportunity for consistency and continuity. Please speak to your Homeroom teacher if you feel you need support with discipline strategies at home, alternatively; you can arrange to meet with the School Counsellor, Ms. Jeneen. Use of Social Media Social media networks have become vital channels for our parent’s daily interactions. Users rely on these platforms to keep in touch with their child’s school life, gather information and share what is important to them. Although we support the use of ‘Whats app’ groups in our school, by the parents; we would like to think it is being used as a form of delivering messages to our parents as another form of communication channel. Parents are seen as a large support community at Raffles International School; and using this form of communication to deliver messages relating to information about events, news and updates are appreciated.






All other comments relating to individual children should be addressed with the Homeroom Teachers. We urge the correct use of this social media and would like to bring to your attention a paragraph from the Parent - School Contract:‘The school will not tolerate any form of defamation or intentional harm practiced throught social media forums” All other policies can be found on our website. Susie Mcshane FS and Year 1 Coordinator “Respect all the reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages and try to understand them.” Maria Montessori

The children have been working diligently within the prepared environment, learning through their experiences, all the while growing in independence, maturing cognitively and demonstrating a deeper understanding of the daily routine, which promotes, among other things; care of self and the environment. An exciting event in January was the Science Week; the children explored and enjoyed hands on different science experiments like the Tornado, Volcano, Magnetism, Sink and float, Static Electricity to name a few which were combined with both fun and learning at the same time. The children in FS have started their homework; this goes home in book form. The homework is optional and will promote respect for books, care of work self-discipline and time management. The idea of homework for the children in FS is not solely to promote academics, but to get the children into a habit of home learning. Please spend 10 minutes a day with your child helping them with their homework books. It is important you read to your child every day and practise the sight words that will also go home. FS- Montessori Team






Year 1 News Year 1 students had a fabulous first two weeks of February. Children are displaying an eagerness to work with the material presented to them and are being challenged in all areas of development. The students had fun with many curricular and co-curricular activities. Students made a quick start to the term and progressed towards learning many new concepts. We have had many different activities throughout the month, including Science Week, when the children enjoyed taking part in different experiments. It has been an amazing experience and immense pleasure watching the children develop into mature, independent individuals. Each class selected a topic and learnt how to investigate by following a scientific process in doing experiments throughout the week. Children were very excited to share their class projects with their parents at the end of the Science Week. We believe that the early years are a great place to foster their interest in science and the questions of life. Our Science Week was a great success with hands-on learning for our young scientists. Children are becoming comfortable with the concepts of addition with and without concrete Montessori materials. We have also been learning skip counting, symmetry, the concept of half, using fractions. In language, all the children are developing their reading writing and listening skills at their own pace through our various hands on materials. They have been busy being creative, either working together to write stories or individually writing about their experiences. In art, we learnt about Picasso, Georgia O’Keefe, Kandinsky and Arcimboldo. Through art and design, students get engaged, inspired and challenged, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. Year 1 had loads of fun in our field trip to Adventure HQ. Field trips not only give a fantastic experience but give the children educational experiences away from their regular school environment. As we begin our new term, we look forward to working towards achieving goals and plans set for each student. We cannot conclude without saying a big thank you to all our wonderful parents for their continued co-operation and support. Year 1 team






PRIMARY SCHOOL Dear Students and Parents, “Exercise is to the body what reading is to the mind” – Richard Steele As we continually drive for developed literacy among our students and promote the importance of reading through the Raffles community we also recognise the importance exercise has on the quality of the mind and body. As well as the enjoyment sport brings, a healthy body adds so many benefits to our mood, interactions, focus and academic achievements. We provide multiple opportunities for our students to engage in physical activity and this was highlighted last week during the sports days. It was wonderful to see the students working collaboratively to achieve in the sporting challenges and I would like to share a story of a lesson well learned during the events. One student approached me to ask for advice, he had cheated during one of the games and now his friend was no longer speaking to him. This student was upset about this and knew he had not made the correct choice during the game. He decided he would self-impose a sanction on himself in the next game to afford his friend the advantage that he had unfairly taken previously. It was just one example of the many life lessons playing sport teaches our students and it is for these reasons we promote the holistic education of our students.

Matthew Barrett Deputy Head of Primary

Year 2 News We have been so busy with our learning in Year 2. We had a fantastic day at the sports day and it was so much fun seeing all the parents and teachers participate. We are working really hard at developing our reading skills in English and choosing challenging books for our enjoyment. We are now reading many types of fiction and non-fiction texts. We have done some amazing written work on our explanatory texts and can explain just about anything now. Everyone made massive improvements in our tricky words test, so a huge well done. In Mathematics, we have been learning all about fact families. We learned about the relationship between addition and subtraction. We completed fact families with two and three digit numbers and we even figured out the missing number when the teacher left one out. In our science lessons, we moved onto a new topic about rocks. We learned the three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. We really enjoyed examining all the different samples of rocks and figuring out which type of rock they were. We brought in our own rocks and examined them also, some rocks were difficult to tell but we enjoyed acting like geologists trying to figure it out. We had fun comparing the different rocks and thinking about what each rock could be used for. We were surprised by how much we need rocks in our daily lives. Excellent work, Year 2. Year 2 Team Year 3 News There has been a real sense of excitement around school and this shines through the faces of all our students. It gives me great pleasure to share the success of our Sports Day. Students enjoyed teaming up with fellow housemates and showed good sportsmanship and amazing team spirit throughout the day as they moved from one activity to another. They were all exhausted after our Sports Day and earned lots of points for their Houses. We thoroughly enjoyed watching the parents showcase their sprinting skills. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support their children. A special thanks to the PE Department.

Students continue to seek information through observation, exploration, and participating in science investigations to learn about friction and water resistance. They have demonstrated good measurement skills whilst working with measurement of mass and capacity. Writing postcards to their friends was a super hit and instilled a spark of friendship. Some of the wonderful Social Studies projects on Famous People around the World can be viewed on our display boards. Class photographs are always a special time and I am sure you are looking forward to those adorable pictures. Year 3 Team

Year 4 News Year 4 students have had an eventful week. We took part in a successful Sports Day on Tuesday, 2nd February where students had a chance to show case teamwork, and school spirit. Students enjoyed the variety of sports activities throughout the day. We had the pleasure of welcoming our parents to partake in the fun as well. We would like to give a special thank you to PARIS, for arranging a nutritious end to the day with some refreshing orange slices. In science, we are now working on different experiments with electricity and are gaining knowledge on electrical circuits, their components, insulators and conductors and will be carrying out some research on some famous inventors. In Social Studies, we are continuing with our unit on the Romans timeline, houses and the army. We will connect it to our English skills by writing instructions on how to make Roman bread. We will also apply this to our fiction writing and imagine what it would be like to ‘create’ the perfect Roman soldier. We are focusing on overall development of reading and comprehension skills. In Mathematics, we are starting our topic on ‘Time’. It is going to be loads of fun using clocks and stop watches to do a variety of activities on calculating time. We will use our vocabulary skills to complete our word problems. Overall, we are having a wonderful start to the second term. Year 4 Team Year 5 News Year 5 have had a really interesting few weeks. In English, we have been studying fables, myths and legends. Reading, comparing features of each and before writing our own versions has been so much fun. Students let their imaginations run wild during this topic and have been researching more examples in their spare time. We have learned many important morals and lessons from this topic. In Mathematics, we have been learning all about decimals and in particular how to use this knowledge in real world situations. Real world word problems and learning about money in decimal form from all over the world has helped make this topic relevant to our students. Science has brought many opportunities for hands on activities as we continue our Light and Shadows topics. Exploring the school and classrooms for reflective objects has taught us why some materials reflect light and others do not. In Social Studies, we have continued studying Natural Disasters. Volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis have been among the stimulating areas we have enquired about so far. Learning why they happen and famous examples from this region and around the world. Why not ask your child to ‘teach’ you about one of the subject areas mentioned above. Stay tuned for information on an exciting opportunity to represent RIS in the upcoming DESC Junior Mathematics Cup. More details will be released very soon, so make sure your mathematics skills and knowledge are razor shape to ensure you are chosen. This is exclusively open to Year 5 students only. Year 5 Team

Year 6 News The last few weeks have been busy for Year 6. We had Sports Day last week and students enjoyed all the events that were put on by the PE Department. They enjoyed activities like athletics, football, and run the gauntlet, just to name a few. All the students worked well together and showed great sportsmanship. This week students wrote their mock Cambridge tests which will help us assess their progress across all the core subjects. We will be reviewing all the material that the students have learned in Year 6 thus far, as well as the information from the previous years. Review booklets will be sent home as part of the homework and it is vital that students start revising the material on a daily basis. Pupils should be bringing their English, science and mathematics workbooks and textbooks home to help them revise. The Cambridge Tests will take place 18-20th April. In science, we are continuing with our topic on forces and motion, and will focus on friction. In mathematics, we will continue our unit on Fractions and in English we will be looking at story writing, comprehension and grammar and punctuation. Lastly, in Social Studies we will be looking at mountains and how they are formed. The school is focusing on reading this year and we have introduced a few initiatives that will get students more excited about reading. We are starting a new online reading programme called “Read theory� which will track the students reading. We have our parent volunteers reading with the students and we are continuing to use the reading log. Please motivate your child to read on a daily basis and record their books.

Year 6 Team






SECONDARY SCHOOL Message from the Deputy Head—Secondary School Last week all Secondary students were involved in one of my favourite days of the year: Sports Day. Organised by the PE Staff, students were given opportunities to exhibit their talents in Basketball, Football, Athletics, Handball and other sports. It was pleasing to see everyone engaged and demonstrating sportsmanship across the day, although I am pretty sure everyone had a winning mentality deep down. I was also delighted to hear that the teacher’s team were triumphant in their game against the students at the end of the day – something we are all very proud of…… In the classroom, all Secondary students are heavily involved in the Young Apprentice project that will culminate in Family Fun Day on Saturday, 12th March. As a teacher of the Young Apprentice this term, I am able to monitor closely the innovation and creativity our students show each lesson. It is interesting to observe how students work as a team and try to implement business ideas/strategies within their projects, as well as use mathematics to ensure they have the correct formula to generate profit on the day. Clearly, cross curricular learning like this has benefits on all that are involved and helps students draw connections between different areas of the curriculum. Year 9 students are focused on the upcoming Cambridge Checkpoint Mock examinations they will take in February/March. These examinations are focused specifically on the curriculum content they learn in English, mathematics and science over three years (Year 7, 8 and 9). Year 9 students will also be given their Year 10 IGCSE options forms over the coming weeks in preparation for the 2016-17 academic year. As we continue to raise standards across the curriculum, I would like to remind all students about the importance of preparing for lessons correctly. Please check at home that your child attends all mathematics lessons prepared with the equipment below:       

Ruler, ideally clear and 30cm Pencils, eraser and sharpener Blue or black pens Protractor, ideally clear with black lines going to the angles. No hole Compass – buy one where you tighten a pencil. Leads can be problematic Scientific calculator, ideally Casio FX-85GT Plus Glue stick, scissors and pencil crayons (The majority of the items above will be included in a simple geometry set)

Events On Wednesday, 27th January three Secondary students participated in the IVEI X-Factor competition at Dubai International Academy. Polina (Year 9), Inka (Year 9) and Liana (Year 7) all took to the stage with their individual acts. Polina sang a song in French, Liana performed a song in English and Inka demonstrated her gymnastic talents. All three students were a credit to RIS and will perform their acts once again in assembly on Sunday, 14th February.





On Thursday, 18th February all students will participate in International Day. Secondary students will have a set programme for the day, focusing on a range of tasks that revolve around Interculturalism and internationalism. Students are encouraged to wear the national dress of their home countries and share relevant information with their classes. A detailed programme of events will be distributed later this week. Students who choose not to wear national dress must come in school uniform. Raffles International School will re-launch its official Facebook page the week beginning Sunday, 14th February. On a daily basis, members of the Senior Leadership and Management Team will post a “Photograph of the Day” along with a quote or reference to the picture. At RIS, we strongly acknowledge the importance of creativity, communication and use of technology to further enhance the learning experience of all stakeholders. Consequently, the Facebook page will be closely monitored and reviewed to ensure maximum benefits to all that are involved. It is of high importance that we respect student/parental confidentiality when posting items on social media websites and we would like to draw your attention to the School Policy. Parents/students will only be able to “like” photographs/comments and will not have access to respond by posting text or other images. The link to the page is As always, if you would like to communicate with me regarding anything related to the Secondary School at RIS, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail, give me a call or stop by the office. Ian Plant Deputy Head of Secondary Year 7 News Once again it has been a busy week at RIS filled with exciting events fuelled by the spirit of friendly competition and collaboration. One of the new initiatives, to encourage the development of our core values, are weekly debates, held during assembly time. Oliwier Stansiak from 7A had this to say: We were debating about whether violent video games should be banned or not. As my team and I were debating for the motion, we argued that they should be permanently banned for both adults and





children because many accidents happen as a result of what people see in such video games. We debated against 7C who said that video games can be educational. It was a very good debate with the two sides making very valid points. I enjoyed taking part in the debate because I got to develop speaking skills, which helped develop my confidence. Well done to Adam Alfardan from 7A for winning best public speaker of the debate award. Sports Day was huge success this term and Rami Hamzeh had this to say about it: Sports Day is a day where the four House colours: Red, Green, Yellow and Blue, all join for a competition filled with joy and excitement. We did things from simple races to football matches. There were six rotations. One of the rotations was the relay races where we were supposed to race under weird circumstances. Another was long jump with Tayeon scoring the highest score. Year 7 Team Year 8 News This has been a very busy week for Year 8, with debates, Young Apprentice and Sports day all happening. The Year 8‘s have begun designing their projects for Young Apprentice, to create a game/ event for family fun day in March. Each Form class has been very enthusiastic, with groups coming up with ideas for games that they will create. They have been raising sponsorship money to fund their ideas, money they will try and get back on the day by charging people to play their games. Any profits that the teams make will go to a good cause and the winning team will get prizes. The competition will be fierce and each team is jealously guarding their own design. I am sure family Fun Day will see a lot of money being raised. Wednesday saw the annual Sports Day, with teams competing in their Houses – Red (Emirates), Blue (Atlantis), Yellow (Burj) and Green (Palm). Students competed in a range of sports of athletics, from jumping over hurdles, to playing capture the flag and handball. All teams competed fantastically well, and there was good sportsmanship all round. Year 8 Team Year 9 and Year 10 News Another two busy weeks have gone with the Sports Day being the highlight. A big “well done” to the Year 9 and 10 students who were called to support the magnificent PE Department to run this event for the Primary School. What is more, the Years 9 and 10 have taken their class photos this week. The samples of the photos will be sent to the parents soon for orders. I would like to focus on the use of lockers by the students. Secondary students have the benefit of having lockers and the appropriate and effective use of lockers by them is encouraged. The lockers provide secure storage for things not needed until later in the day, which is a huge boost for students involved in sports, music or other after school activities. When students have lockers, the strain of the weight of books and other materials are taken off their backs and shoulders because they would not have to carry all their items around the school campus. Students are responsible for the locker which is assigned to them and it is not to be used by any other person. The lockers are to be kept clean and food should be removed on a daily basis. Permission to use the locker may be terminated when a student does not comply with the conditions of use. Year 9 and Year 10 Team

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